Member Reviews

It was slow in places, I did enjoy the overall theme of the book though and the characters were very likeable and I loved the humour throughout the book. I will defintely be seeing what else the author has written as I would love to see if they are all romatic comedy books which are lighthearted.

Really enjoyable read. Good characters and a Good story. Well worth a read. Think others will enjoy.

One of Italy’s most acclaimed romance author attempts to win the international market. I’m not sure if this book was just badly translated or if these stories are specifically commissioned for the international audiences regardless of the author’s true inspiration, but I could not find the same spark I usually find in her Italian books.

Set in Milan, we are introduced to Lavinia, who feels she needs to make up to her family for the fact her older sister left home after a row. Lavinia iis studying economics, though this was not her choice. Their last project will be a collaboration with computer engineering department of a rival college. Lavinia feels this is a bad idea as she is very much a loner, and when the student assigned to her, Sebastiano, is even more hostile.
These two are complete opposites in interests and character, but Lavina decides to change his mind about her - I have no idea why - so she chooses the worst strategy ever. She stalks him! I'm afraid I switched off at this point as the premise did not appeal, especially as Lavinia seems very immature so this novel would probably suit a YA reader.
The author is not a native English speaker, which came across in some of her sentence structure and vocabulary which sometimes jarred, so that might have contributed to the 'young' impression.

An ok story but a little predictable. n easy going read with likeable characters.

Lavinia Ferrari doesn’t really know what she wants to do with her life and finds it easier to just do everything her parents tell her even though she’s approaching 24. She’s in the final year of her economics degree and just wants finish well even though its scary thinking about what’s next. That means trying to get her weird nerdy project partner, Seb, to work with her even though he just doesn’t want to know. She needs the credits so won’t give up despite his attempts to brush her off. Lav suddenly finds she’s not so friendly and can stand up for herself, which starts translating into the rest of her life. It took a little while to get into the author’s style of writing, perhaps as she is Italian, but I really warmed to the growing relationship between Lav and Seb and was cheering them on to the end. Definitely going to read Anna’s previous books.

I like this book well enough. I enjoyed the characters and the setting. Averally it was a pretty average read for me.

One thing I found was how sweet this story was. You know Lavinia and Seb are going to get together, it's the nature of the book, but how they get there is one of the best parts. Seb is irritating enough that you almost hate him, but at the same time, you can't help falling in love with him right along with Lavinia. There were some moments when all I wanted to do was reach into the novel and shove the two of them together. It's an adorable story, and I love how well the characters developed over the course of the novel.

This story is a simple and predictable love story. I really liked it.
I could tell right away that something would happen with Lavinia and Seb. Her aversion to him was too strong at the beginning, leaving her open to changing her mind about him.
What I didn’t like was how my feelings about Lav and Seb changed through the book. First, Seb was frustrating because he was so hard to get through to. But when Lav starts to pretty much harass him, I thought she looked pretty foolish. As they say, “you’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar,” and I think Lav should have given him some space rather than nosing into Seb’s life.
I was also confused at the beginning because the story is set in Italy, but the characters use a lot of British language and jargon. The only indication that it is set in Milan was the name of the streets and schools. I think more Italian influences should have been added in the dialogue to reinforce the setting.
I recommend this cute romantic comedy if you want some light reading this winter.

You are never stuck for a good read with an Anna Premoli novel and her latest title, Stuck With You is her best book yet!
Economics student Lavinia Ferrari is in her fifth year of studies at Bocconi University. Lavinia would do absolutely anything to get good grades, so when she is introduced to a new project to gain some extra credits she is intrigued. However, she soon realises that there is a catch: this project will require her to team up with students from the Computer Engineering course – and Lavinia is adamant that she wants absolutely nothing to do with them. But Lavinia soon realises that she has no other choice. Thinking that she has got no other option open to her, Lavinia decides to go along with things and is dismayed even further when she is paired with Seb Marconi, who is not exactly interested in the project.
Poor Lavinia has to look on in envy as all her friends and fellow students begin to make progress with their partners while she seems permanently stuck in a state of apathy and frustration. Seb makes it perfectly clear from the off that he would rather be a million miles away than working with Lavinia on a project he cannot even muster a sliver of enthusiasm for – and to make things even worse, he has also made it abundantly clear that he has no interest whatsoever in Lavinia!
Lavinia cannot stand by and let Seb get in the way of her academic success. She needs to come up with a plan to convince him to take this project seriously. However, little does she realise that her plan to get Seb on side will yield some very interesting results…
Stuck With You is a great read fans of chick lit are going to love. Fun, feisty and seriously hilarious, Stuck With You is a breezy and pacy page-turner fans of Sophie Kinsella and Lindsey Kelk are going to absolutely adore. With laugh out loud humour, fantastic dialogue, touching romance and a fast-paced narrative, Stuck With You is a wonderful read that should not be missed!

This book was such an easy read! The characters were great, I loved their interaction and the word play between them really made the book for me. It is funny in the right places and flowed really well. It kept me engaged and I read it in a few hours. Four stars from me - a good story with developed characters - I really enjoyed it!

Really enjoyable read - set within a university so bought back some good memories too.
It is the story of 2 students, Lavinia and Seb at different universities in Milan. A case of opposites attract?

I have to start by making you scroll back up to look at that gorgeous cover. I knew from the second I saw both the cover and the blurb that I was going to enjoy this.
Lavinia Ferrari is a yes woman. She’s out to please, to keep the peace, in particular in relation to her parents, two ambitious individuals who are taking the fact that her sister has decided not to take it any more out on her. I have to say I loved her family, who were about as pushy as pushy could be, but in a definite ‘not taking no for an answer’ way. As a result Lavina, our protagonist, is thrown into Economics, which she navigates with her two friends, Giada and Alessandra.
I suppose this is the part I should really talk about Lavinia. It took me some time to warm to her, as I found her to be a tad ‘me’ inclined, and constantly reminding us just how much she was always out to please others. I find when you’re constantly told how great a character is, how selfless etc, you start to find yourself edging in another direction. I also found her to be a tad over dramatic on many things, but that could most definitely be me. Saying that I found she grew on me as the book went on, possibly thanks to the amazing Seb, the partner she’s paired with for a project that is regularly sold as being more of a social experiment than a business endevour.
Being married to a computer scientist, and, to be honest being a bit of a nerd myself, I enjoyed their interactions, given that Seb has issues with everyday social norms, and I loved his quotes and tee-short slogans (I’d worked a fair few of them out too!). I adored his family when we met them and smiled and nodded along on many occasions at their excitement at Lavinia’s appearance. For me the second half of the book was where it came into its own and I suddenly warmed to and really enjoyed Lavinia, as warm (or icy in some cases!), witty banter was exchanged between the two (in particular their text messaging was excellent!)
The romance in the book, the heat, was perfection and I read the whole thing in one night which says it all really! It’s not a fast paced book, and is dialogue heavy, but then that’s generally what I go for. All in all a very enjoyable read. Thanks so much to Aria for this book in return for an honest review.
Rating: 4/5

Recommend this to younger readers (it might be a good YA crossover for mature teens).

I’m sorry to say, I struggled with this book and trying to enjoy it.

This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. The story flowed very well and was very enjoyable. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised with 'Stuck With You' by Anna Premoli! Some of the reviews I had read before I began reading the book myself weren't the greatest. However, I ensured I kept my mind open whilst forming my own opinion on the book.
Set in Italy with students, 'Stuck With You' follows the story of an Italian economics student who has to step over into the dark side and pair up with a computer engineering student on a new project. It sounds pretty simple really doesn't it? Unfortunately for Lavinia, the first day of her pairing didn't exactly go to plan. Let's just say that the guy she was paired up with refused to use his manners, meaning that Lavinia saw read. Not the greatest way to kick things off is it?
Now, seeing as Lavinia is the type of person who prefers to be liked, she wasn't going to stand for Seb's ignorance and rudeness - even if it did bug her to the point of getting in his face!
The romance part of the storyline, I have to say, was pretty predictable. It was lovely to see two people come together in a very unlikely way, don't get me wrong, but I could see it a mile off. It probably doesn't help that I'm not the most romantic person on the planet, but y'know.
Aside from that, the storyline kept me entertained whilst also being a well needed break from other heavier novels I have read previously. 'Stuck With You' wasn't too overpowering which meant that I found it quite an easy read....and no not in a bad way. Okay, no, it didn't blow me away, but I didn't dislike it either. It was pleasant, nicely written and a refreshing change.
Thanks Aria.

Lavinia's sister left home after an argument with their parents and her dad wants to choose "something worthwhile" to study at university, and she finds herself studying economics. One thing she didn't expect was being paired up with Seb Marconi. She has no interest in economics whatsoever, and prefers Apple products. She is a people pleaser and likes to be positive. From the beginning, Seb, who's an IT programmer and sci fi addict, seems very annoying. I like Lavinia's friend, Giada, though.
This is the first Anna Premoli book I have read, and thought it was an engaging story and well written despite the fact that it's not in Anna's native language. Very nturally written and a good read. I understand first hand what it's like to write in another language as I'm fluent in Spanish, and it's often not easy to get contexts across, but this story is a great read.
Thanks to Anna Premoli and her publisher for a copy of the book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Lavinia is a quiet unassuming student who likes to be nice to everyone but boy, she hasn’t encountered anyone like Sebastiano Marconi before. He is the yin to her yang – and not necessarily in a good way. She has selfies all over fb, he doesn’t use it. She likes popular music, he’s very scathing about it. She likes to get along with people, he has absolutely no inclination to be civil. She lives in her world and he lives in his until, in a collaboration between their universities, they are paired up for a project.
Anna Premoli writes very engagingly. Her characters are wonderfully flawed and even the more minor ones well drawn and very funny! The relationship – or lack of it – between Vinny and Seb is not only entertaining but so very believable, and their families made me laugh! I did feel that it dragged a bit in the middle; there was a lot of repetition with the ‘her trying hard and his being obstructive’ but on reflection I think that perhaps it was essential to the story.
Stuck With You is an enjoyable, light-hearted read and one which will leave you with a happy feeling. If you fancy a nice easy read then this is one for you.
My thanks to publishers Aria and NetGalley for sending me an arc in exchange for my honest, original and unbiased review.

I really loved this book, it was a fun, lighthearted romance between a girl determined to have everyone like her and a boy who would rather be himself no matter what anyone else thinks.
I really loved the nerdy references in this, my fiance is a web developer so Seb reminded me a lot of him at times. Lav slightly annoyed me, she could be very shallow and selfish, while also having no backbone in most aspects of her life. I really liked the dynamic between the two of them though, as although I feel like Seb was supposed to start of as an unlikable character, I really had a lot of respect for him, and I liked that Lav wasn't a pushover when it came to her interactions with him. I really enjoyed the ending and I'll probably pick up more from this author when I need something fun and lighthearted.
The only criticism I have is that the writing was very formal, the characters felt a lot older than they were and there were some words that I wouldn't expect to be used as they were. English is not the author's first language though, so I'm not as annoyed about that as I normally would be.