Member Reviews

Please note that this book is not for me - I have read the book, However I had to DNF and because i do not like to give negative reviews I will not review this book fully - there is no specific reason for not liking this book. I found it a struggle to read and did not enjoy trying to force myself to read this book.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for the opportunity to read this book

Thank you to Avon for my copy of this book via Netgalley. Parts 1 and 2 were so gripping that I was very excited to read part 3.
In this part, Daisy is finally starting to unravel her past and what really happened to her mother. The bar is finally up and running and definitely a place I would go and visit both in the day and the night. I am a massive hot chocolate fan and a gin convert so Daisy might just find me moving in! Daisy is starting to settle in Ottercombe bay despite her insistence that she is living after 12 months I think she's fallen for the place.
This was a lovely short read that I managed to sneak into an afternoon. This is perfect for a little escapism. Bella writes such engaging short stories that leave you wanting more. I can't wait to read part 4!

The 3rd installment in this series. The bar is now up and running which isn't without its problems. Bug is still up to his tricks. And friendships are being strained. A light enjoyable read. Looking forward to the final part.

I loved this book and eagerly awaited the next segment of the story.
A surprise inheritance, lovely cast of characters, gorgeous location and a pug named Bugsy Malone make this a brilliant read. I was engrossed from part 1 and really loved the whole book.
Highly recommended - perfect holiday read or sunday afternoon on the sofa.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

I am really enjoying reading this series of Ottercombe Bay. It's a lot of fun, the characters are very well developed and we get attached to them. There is a lot happening in this series and in this particular book as well. I never get bored and always want to know what will happen next. It's a real page turner! Can't wait to read the part 4 of the series!

Gin, French hunks and Christmas are all featured in Ottercombe Bay Part 3 - Raising the Bar!
Daisy’s Bar is finally open and she’s slowly establishing herself as one of the residents in Ottercombe Bay. The third part moves the story on nicely with a touch of romance, gin tasting and some questionable strippers!! The characters lives are weaved together more with the introduction of a couple of new ones and of course Bug the mischievous dog. You find yourself falling in love with the characters and wondering where the final part of the book will take you.
Thank you to NetGalley, Avon Books UK and the author for the chance to review.

I am really enjoying this series and the story is getting better and better with each part(you can check out my previous blog posts for my reviews of part one and two).
This is a great addition to the series and I am loving seeing the relationships in this book grow and develop - I am completely routing for Max and Daisy and hoping she will realise she loves the Bay and make a really good go of the gin bar and hot chocolate shack so I get my happy every after story for her!
I have said it before but the more I read about Ottercombe Bay, the more and more I wish I could visit! Five stars from me for this one - very much looking forward to the fourth and final part!

I really enjoy Bella Osborne’s books. This is the third one I've read and they keep getting better with each one I read. Daisy Wickens has returned to Ottercombe Bay, the picturesque Devon town where her mother died when she was a girl. She must stay there for a year to inherit a railway station her Uncle leaves her as her inheritance. Staying with her Aunt proves to be a good way to catch up on family news and she actually comes to like her Aunt's little black dog Bug. Plans to open her gin bar are coming together charmingly. When an old boyfriend returns and tries to rekindle a romance Daisy just isn't interested but is he really on the up and up? Some books make the characters overly polite but this author is fun and keeps it real like saying who wants a third cheap poinsettia for Christmas. Delightfully charming and fun read. Looking forward to reading the fourth and last book in this series next.
Pub Date 05 Apr 2018
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Avon Books UK through NetGalley. Thank you. All opinions expressed are my own.

Ottercombe Bay part three by Bella Osborne continues in its fun and light hearted style. With wonderful descriptions, I could 'see' the transformation of the old railway station into a new venture.
I am loving the exploits of Bugsy. He is highly amusing and works his way into both Daisy's and the readers hearts.
Old friendships are tested to the limits by some jumping to conclusions. Old flames return but should you light the fire again?
On to the final part for me now.
I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.

The story continues. Great to see characters and relationships develop. Looking forward to the conclusion.

I received an Advanced Reader Copy from NetGalley for my unbiased opinion of the book. Book three picks up with Daisy still debating if it is worth staying in Ottercombe Bay for the entire year. Her motorbike dies and getting ideas on what to do with the old train station. Then there's Uncle Reg's pug who Daisy has a love/hate (mostly hate) relationship with. She starts addressing the mystery around her mother's death and will she ever find the truth. A great book in this series, cannot wait to read #4!!!

The story continues - because it is written as four short parts, I struggled to feel the continuity a little.

Brilliant book. Read the first two and I couldn't wait to read the third one and it didn't disappoint.

I really enjoy reading about Daisy and her adventures to get her gin bar/hot chocolate cabin business up and running. As usual, Bug, the demon dog causes her some problems. Daisy gets stuck in a cave during high tide when she goes after the little dog, Bug also decides to chew on a nasty fish he found on the beach which ends up on Daisy and also when Daisy tries to give the little monster a bath are a few of the dog vs Daisy moments. Daisy doesn't think her bar will ever get up and running with the bat problem she has in the building. Max, Jason and Tamsyn are there to help her out. Max's dad seems to cause more problems. To make matters worse, Daisy's ex-boyfriend Guillaume shows up out of the blue. He has trouble written all over him.
The Ottercombe Bay series were a fun read and wouldn't mind reading more about Daisy. I ended up reading Part 4 before Part 3. I definitely recommend the book and the whole Ottercombe Bay series.
Thanks to NetGalley, Avon Books UK and the author, Bella Osborne, for a free electronic ARC of this novel.

Solid chick lit…doesn’t take itself too seriously! You’ll laugh, cry, and say “Oh! No!” Definitely a fun weekend read :c)

Review: This is a great chic lit book with a hint at romance.
Daisy arrives in Ottercombe under sad circumstances, in part one of Ottercombe Bay which is set in a lovely setting in Devon. Daisy has to stay in Ottercombe Bay to get her hands on her inheritance, for 12 months, surrounded in ghosts from her past.
A great cast of characters and a great plot. I found after reading part one that I was a little disappointed however I still wanted to read more. I was so glad I did as it gets better.
I have seen that this book is coming out as one whole piece of work in a book so I will defiantly be re-reading it.
A lovely read.

The slapstick silliness continues in part 3. Daisy can’t seem to do a single thing without some incident. She takes the dog for a walk and ends up getting stuck in a cave with the tide coming in, she takes him for another walk and ends up covered in rotting fish and seaweed. She gives the dog a bath and the bathroom ends up like a foam mountain. She sits on a brand new cream sofa with a glass of red wine, and guess what happens? Daisy also jumps to the wrong conclusions all of the time, which is also quite annoying. It’s all just a bit silly and Daisy is being made to look like a bit of a fool. Still no mention of the roof repairer and the silly spats between Daisy and Max continue.
Thanks to Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Kann eine Serie noch besser werden? Auf jeden Fall! Schade, dass die Bücher so kurz sind, denn durch den lebhaften und lockeren Schreibstil ist man sofort mitten im Geschehen und das Buch ist viel zu schnell ausgelesen. Man fiebert wieder mit den wunderbaren Charakteren mit und die Freude auf den nächsten Band steigt...

I have been a fan of Bella’s books for quite a while now so you can imagine my excitement, when I was invited to take part in the blog tour for Part Three (‘Raising The Bar’) of the Ottercombe Bay series. This series is being released as a four part serial with the fourth part ‘Shaken & Stirred’ due for release on 10th May 2018. All 4 parts of the serial will be published as one book ‘Coming Home To Ottercombe Bay’ on 28th June 2018. I read and enjoyed the first two parts of the serial and I just knew that I was going to enjoy this one. I was not to be disappointed as I absolutely loved it but more about that in a bit.
I loved the character of Daisy Wickens. Daisy is one tough cookie but then she has had to be. Daisy is hard working, stubborn and not easily dissuaded from doing something once she sets her mind on it, she is fierce and because she has been so hurt in the past, she has built up her defences and a wall around her heart. It’ll take someone really special to break down that wall. I have to say that the third part of the serial sees Daisy seem more settled and feeling more at home in Ottercombe Bay. The first two parts of the serial saw Daisy not wanting to go to, dreading having to return to and resenting having to go to Ottercombe Bay. ‘Raising The Bar’ sees Daisy ever closer to opening her dream venture of a gin bar. Just when things are tootling along at a gentle pace and her dream starts to creep that bit closer to being reality something happens which threatens to derail her plans. Will Daisy succeed in realising the dream of her new venture? Will anybody manage to break down Daisy’s defences? Well for the answers to that you are just going to have to read the third part of the story for yourselves.
‘Raising The Bar’ is my favourite part of the serial so far. Bella’s writing style is such that you can’t fail to be drawn in from the first word on the first page and the characters seem so realistic that they seem to come alive and you really do begin to care for them, well for most of them at any rate. ‘Raising The Bar’ has the perfect mix of everything you would wish for in a book- there’s humour, drama, romance and the occasional tug on the heartstrings. I was literally hooked on the third part of the serial from the moment I glimpsed the cover. I just knew that I had to clear the decks and read it as a matter of urgency. Even though it was a fair length of time between finishing the second part of the serial and beginning the third part, I could still remember who was who and what was what. I didn’t have to refresh my memory by rereading certain bits of the second part of the serial. I was so wrapped up in the story that I seemed to speed through ‘Raising The Bar’ and before I knew what was happening I had finished this part of the serial. The only problem now is the fact that we have to wait a little while now for the fourth part of the serial ‘Shaken & Stirred’, which is released on 10th May 2018.
In short, I absolutely loved reading ‘Raising The Bar’ and I can’t wait to read ‘Shaken & Stirred’. I would have no hesitation in recommending this author and her books to other readers. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is 5* out of 5*.

Three and a half stars.
Part 3 of 4.
The last episode ended on a cliffhanger as Daisy was in danger of being swept out to sea when she got trapped on the rocks.
My notes for this episode are as follows: daring rescue, drunken strippers, dead fish, grand opening, an argument, Xmas, a big misunderstanding, love triangles, and a cliffhanger!
In this episode Daisy opens her new gin palace/ chocolate cabin but her new-found friendship with Max soon founders when she finds out he has been deceiving her. Then an old flame returns.
Reading these extracts one after the other is fine, although the cliffhangers are a little too obvious. I'm not sure I would want to buy them as they were released, especially since there is no synopsis of what happened previously. But now I've read two I'm enjoying the story more.
On to the fourth and final episode.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.