Member Reviews

Great book, love this author and how they can keep my attention to the end! The plot is well developed, characters are believable and they obviously paid attention to detail to make the story worth your time to read.

Fantastic book. Kept me reading and wishing this was real life!
I do love a Romantic girlie book I can immerse myself in and this one did just the trick

I know Lucy is only 24 but I still enjoyed this light tale of a woman who is doing her best to remake her life. She's. good character as is Callum- and so are the people in the book club. A fun read.

I absolutely adored this book and all of the characters that made the story so special. If you need an uplifting and heartwarming story then this book is for you!

I started reading this book because I wanted a quick lightweight happy read, but it turns out I couldn't put it down for long. It was good all the way through, and also quite moving, containing some very real insights about life. I fab recommend you all read it good

A captivating novel, easy read and great characters. I would recommend to anyone who is looking for the perfect easy beach read.

Really loved this book - as a member of a book club myself I particularly enjoyed it. It was super cute with good characters and a strong storyline. Would love to read some more by Emma Davies.

3.5 for this charming, if a little predictable, romantic slice of life. Multiple storylines combine, revealing each character’s struggles and how their lives intersect. A light, pleasant read.

Today I am pleased to be part of the Bookouture Blog Blitz to celebrate the publication of Emma Davies' new release, Lucy's Book Club for the Lost and Found.
I really enjoyed this book, it is one of the those books that once picked up, can not be put down until it is finished! It is one of those books that take the reader through a rollercoaster of emotions while in the middle of a great read.
Lucy, the main character, is in temporarily in charge of a library, while also suffering confusion about her teaching career and unsure what to do. Her life is in turmoil but she, as I am sure many of us do, finds the solution within a good book.
There is a great cast of characters, and we meet them all through the library's book club. Each member has their own life, and their problems are also dealt with within the book. As I previously said, this book is a roller coaster of emotions and I really enjoyed reading about the reading club's members lives, they represent communities all over the country and I am sure everyone can relate to a number of the cast within this book.
I definitely would recommend this book to all, get settled one weekend with a drink, comfy chair, some chocolate and some tissues - you will not be disappointed.
Thank you to the publishers for inviting me to take part in the blog blitz. I did receive a copy of the book in return for an honest review on my blog.

I’m so very, very disappointed in this book. I have been looking forward to reading it for ages because I adore books about books—bookshops, bookworms, book clubs, etc. The premise of this book sounds so heart-warming and lovely; I was so excited to finally read it. However, I have chosen to stop reading this book at Chapter Three because there have been two small scenes that don’t sit well with me. The first one was in the introduction to the main character, Lucy. She was sitting in a café about to eat a custard slice which is a weekly treat to herself and she never misses. However in this instance, before she eats the case she notices that an overweight woman is looking longingly at the cake so it puts her off eating it. Because, you know, if there’s a fat person anywhere near you when you’re eating, of course they are after your food. I thought it was a really odd thing to bring up but I soon forgot about it. But then a couple of chapters later two of the book club members are out for a walk together and one of them notes that the other had ‘a friendly smile and the most beautiful clear skin’, but the only thing wrong with her is that she was chubby, ‘that’s all’. THAT’S ALL?? Seriously? I was done at that point. I don’t understand what the author is getting at with this, but I’m pretty sure I don’t like it.
I do have to add that yes, I’m overweight myself. But that being said, I’m not overly sensitive to it nor do I get tend to get uptight about people commenting on the weight of myself or others. I think the term “fat-shaming” is full of crap and it makes me cringe every time I hear it. But…I think the reason it affected me in this particular instance is just the author’s portrayal that there is something wrong with overweight people and that they’re somehow not worthy of time or friendship because of it. And the fact she’s adding it into a story where it doesn’t really matter is just kinda weird. It’s subtle and I think that’s what I found to be the most offensive as it’s clearly just the author’s own prejudice. Sorry, Emma. It’s a lovely premise for a story but not for me.

Any book that seems to be about books, book clubs, libraries or the way that others are brought together by books always seems to be a good choice to read. If like me you enjoy all these things then this is a book for you.
Lucy, temporary manager of the local library but secretly an aspiring writer thrives on the new book club that she started and the people she has grown fond of as they all arrive for different reasons at her group.
Callum, is escaping from home where he is bullied and cajoled by older brothers and lazy parents. He wants the simple things in life.
Single mum Hattie, needs some adult conversation and has her own demons she needs to work out before becoming her sister's bridesmaid.
Widowed Oscar, is lonely and misses his wife terribly but also knows that a secret they both kept for their entire married life is about to be the cause of some heartache.
Lia is caring for her mother who has dementia and is slowly retreating into her past. A past where she danced and it seems that Lia has a passion for dancing as well.
As the book progress so do the relationships and friendships between the characters, some interesting secondary characters are introduced to add more depth to the book. There is a lot that goes on, new skills are learnt, past loves are laid to rest, newer loves are found and at the heart of it there is the strength of family and friendship in all their forms.
This is the first Emma Davies novel I have come across and I enjoyed it. I am interested to read her other novels and see is they evoke the same strength of community and friendship in a world which at the moment seems to be lacking in it.

Another fab book from Emma Davies. Will always be picking her books up. Written well, great characters and a great storyline. Highly recommend!!!!

Review: It's no surprise that when I saw this come up I wanted to review this book. Fancy running a book shop, yes please!
This is a well written book in which we see Lucy put to off her passions into play, although not all together well at times. While trying to fix broken hearts of others Lucy finds romance. Books and romance what was not to love about this book.

Lucy is a librarian who loves books and loves being around people. Setting up a book club seemed like the perfect thing to do. Lia, Hattie, Callum and Oscar turn up at the book club driven by their love of books and also perhaps to have some time away from their lives. Each of them have a story and before long Lucy wonders if she has overstepped the mark by meddling in their lives.
I liked the characters that the author etched out. Some appealed more than the others. Although predictable, was still a lovely feel good book. A perfect light holiday read. The only thing I wished was there was more discussion around books. The book club sessions seemed to revolve entirely around the members' lives
Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for the review copy of this book

This is a charming read. I enjoyed that all the friends centered around the library. It was goid but seemed rushed at times.

Thank you for approving my request. Full review on my blog soon

A heartwarming story following the lives of library manager Lucy Picklescott and the other 4 members of her bookclub.
I really enjoyed the way that the character's stories intertwined throughout the book. I liked the author's easy style of writing and the depth to the story - this is not your average fluffy read. I found myself emotionally involved with each character and was drawn into the book quickly. I wanted a happy ending for each character. A story of friendship, love, regret, grief, family, sadness and happiness.
Lovely escapism. A feel-good novel with a lovely cast of characters. Highly recommended.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

I was given this book by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
This was a cute, but slightly predictable, story of a library book club and the connections made between the members. The writing was good, and I enjoyed the storyline. The characters were well developed, and I recommend it to fans of Debbie Macomber or Melody Carlson.

Lucy works in the local library and runs a book club. This book is about the members in that book club and how their friendships help each individual. It tackles dementia, loneliness and other issues with compassion and sympathy. This is an easy to read book which is a complete story. I have given it four stars because although it is not as meaty as some of the other books I have read, it is a well put together story that fits its genre description perfectly.

Another cute little book which I was lucky to receive from Netgalley! Being honest, I selected it purely because it has books in the title and I assumed that being about books the author would understand readers and what they like. I was right.
Lucy is an amazing character full of joy and love. Let’s just say she has plenty to be given around and it was really nice to see how the various characters came together all joined together by the Book Club at the local library.
I also loved that it was a story about books and it also heavily involved a library. Being the main reason I picked up this book. It was great fun to read. As I am sure you are aware I love books but I havn’t had the chance to visit a library in recent years, but this book took me back to one like it was yesterday. I was amongst the books, the friendly faces and it felt like home. It’s probably why I enjoyed this book so.
It was a pleasure to read and like I say the various characters gave it life. Lucy was of course the main character but everyone had a part to play and it was nice, they all had their own stories and I like it when this is the case, it adds more depth to the story.
I also have to admit that I also liked how somethings didn’t quite work out in the end (I hope you don’t class this as a spoiler) it’s just I find that all to much books are all about the hope and forget that sometimes it needs to be realistic to. It ended in a nice and realistic way and I really enjoyed it.
Was a delightful heart warming book to read.
Until next time,
George x