Member Reviews

Oh my!
A woman scorned.
This is definitely not an amicable relationship breakup!
Not at all!
The Ex a stalker.
Absolutely brilliantly plotted, I couldn’t help but root and hustle on the Ex. YES, I was on the side of the perb I just clapped my hands in glee. Whatever that says about me? Answers on a postcard please.
So entertaining.
So sucked me in.

This was a brilliant read. As soon as I started reading this book I just knew I was going to love it. Highly recommended

The best way to describe The Perfect Girlfriend is ‘a wild ride’. This adult thriller novel follows a woman called Juliette, who decides to become an air hostess. One simple thing has inspired her to begin a new career: her ex-boyfriend, Nate, is one of the pilots she’ll be working with.
Juliette knows she’s the perfect girlfriend, she just needs to remind Nate of how magical their relationship was. He accused her of being too intense, so she plays it cool and doesn’t let him know that she’s working for the airline until she’s already been employed for a few months. Surely he’ll see how easy and breezy she is if she’s been working at his airline for that long without approaching him? Nate asked for space, and Juliette is giving him that.
However, Juliette has many more tricks up her sleeve to ensure that her and Nate are together forever. Becoming an air hostess is simply step one in a much bigger plan…
The first half of The Perfect Girlfriend is slow. Because Juliette is watching Nate from a distance for so long the story meanders into ruminations on their relationship, making the pace slow and giving the plot no propulsion. It’s interesting reading more about the life of an air hostess – particularly because I’ve read a review on Goodreads from someone with knowledge of the vocation who says that it’s well-researched and highly accurate – but once you’ve read about one international flight, it gets a bit repetitive.
Things take a huge turn around the 50% mark, and the second half of the novel is impossible to put down. I went from struggling to read a chapter a day to finishing the entire book in a night, despite the fact that it meant I was up until the early hours of the morning. I just couldn’t resist finding out what happened next.
Sadly, the events that occur are a bit disappointing. There’s ‘wild’, and then there’s a thriller like this one, which is so extreme it just becomes silly. It reminded me of the Sweetpea series by C.J. Skuse, so if you loved Rhiannon’s story you’ll become obsessed with Juliette, but I found those novels a bit too bizarre at times.
I won’t go into details because I don’t want to ruin this story, but I can tell you that I didn’t guess anything that happened. Normally I struggle with thrillers because I find them too predictable, but this one was completely out of left field. If the pacing had been consistent I would have rated it a bit higher, but as it is this is a solid three stars.

Tense and unsettling, The Perfect Girlfriend is a gripping psychological thriller.
Juliette is a troubled soul, struggling to put all the different pieces of her life into order. She dotes on her ex, Nate, and is prepared to do anything to win back his heart. The story is told from Juliette's point of view, affording insights and glimpses into her actions and motivations. As the story progresses, her calmness and sense of purpose are terrifying in themselves.
This is a slow burner yet is well-paced to avoid becoming dull. It's mysterious and suspenseful, packed with twists and turns you won't see coming. Perhaps the scariest part is that the story is believable and even relatable, to a degree. Juliette and Nate's story certainly doesn't seem exaggerated and this authenticity adds to the creepy atmosphere created throughout.
Although the plot definitely held promise, I have to admit I felt let down by the ending. The entire book has been building to the conclusion, then the final part is rushed, unclear, and unsatisfying. The positive is that it leaves you wanting more; the negative is that it detracts from the entire rest of the novel.
However, with that in mind, this is still a good story worth reading. Juliette is an intriguing character and as more of her backstory gets revealed throughout the book, certain things soon slot into place and you can begin to piece together the different threads of her life.
The Perfect Girlfriend is an unnerving thriller about one woman who really is determined to do anything for love.

This novel gripped my from the first page. The main character, Juliette, immediately intrigued me, and I wanted to discover the extent of her secrets, being easily drawn into her twisted world of an alternative reality.
Juliette believes Nate and her are destined to be the perfect couple, enjoying a happy and never-ending loving relationship. Unfortunately, Nate hasn't bought into his ex-girlfriend's vision of their future together, but that matters little to Juliette who is determined to convince him how wrong he is.
The plot itself is straightforward, but delightfully written in a succinct, matter-of-fact style which belies the complexity of the unfolding story, rendering the succession of mini-twists and the deviousness of the main character all the more effective.
I won't include any spoilers, suffice to say there is more to Juliette than might initially be supposed, and the multiple characters who are introduced along the way are ultimately all seen to revolve around a shared backstory.
The pace of the narrative is maintained throughout, and I found the book hard to put down, finishing it within 3 days — which by my standards is extremely quick.
This is the best novel I've read in a long time and I look forward to reading Karen Hamilton's other novels.
A well deserved 5 stars out of 5!

My 3* review for The Perfect Girlfriend by Karen Hamilton.
"Juliette loves Nate. She will follow him anywhere. She’s even become a flight attendant for his airline so she can keep a closer eye on him. They are meant to be. The fact that Nate broke up with her six months ago means nothing. Because Juliette has a plan to win him back. She is the perfect girlfriend. And she’ll make sure no one stops her from getting exactly what she wants. True love hurts, but Juliette knows it’s worth all the pain"
This book takes being an obsessed girlfriend who turns into a psycho stalker to the next level, it is very disturbing in places and can make for uncomfortable reading. However, I was drawn into the story and enjoyed watching it slowly unfold for Juliette and unravel for Nate. I found myself feeling sympathy and understanding towards Juliette in places, which then switched to frustration and bewilderment at some of the choices she made and things she did.
My only criticism is that by the ending the reader has to suspend belief in reality and just go with the craziness of Juliette, and although I was looking forward to the ending I was slightly disappointed with the final few chapters. However, I was pleased that the Author brought the story full circle and enabled the reader to empathise with Juliette and maybe forgive her some of her obsession with Nate.
Looking forward to more from this Author.

Thoroughly interesting premise, good twists, if slightly predictable. Happy to have read and reviewed with keep an eye on the author

What a bunny boiler of a book!
Nate finished with Juliette six months ago after a whirlwind romance that she thought would be forever...but Juliette believes they are destined to be together and will go to great lengths to keep him!
Debut author Karen Hamilton creates an suitably uncomfortable atmosphere in this tale of the delusional main character Juliette whose single-minded actions become increasingly bizarre even as the rest of her life begins to crumble around her.
A sound four stars.
Also shared on Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com, but processing on these sites is unfortunately delayed.

The Perfect Girlfriend by Kate Hamilton is the story of Juliette who is still in love with her ex boyfriend Nate and will do anything to get him back. This is a scary psychological thriller about obsession.

A debut psychological chiller thriller, think Fatal Attraction and then some. A deranged Juliet is hellbent on winning back her ex-boyfriend Nate, an airline pilot. What follows is a larger than life fast paced romp that is both fun and terrifying.

I started this but just wasn't feeling it. There was nothing inherently wrong with it I just wasn't feeling it at the time, however having been really excited about this book beforehand I would like to try again another time.

Wooooooooah there Nelly, so firstly Juliette is full on nuts, secondly I loved it hahahaha
She’s the perfect girlfriend and she wants her ex back and she’s gonna get him back whatever it takes!
A story of total obsession, creepy and scary and well downright fabulous, the poor guy!!! Loved it more please!!!

Juliette is a determined character, she knows she loves Nate and a pesky little thing like him dumping her six months does not deter her from dreams of them one day being together forever. She'll do anything to get him back and no one and nothing will get in her way.
This is a disturbing and yet very enjoyable story of obsession and revenge. It's told from Juliette's point of view, so rather than seeing the victims perspective, we're in the mind of the stalker. It's a refreshing take on a well-worn genre that has a quite surprising and satisfying conclusion.

I enjoyed this - what a creepy story! The main character, Juliette, is a scary and obsessive person who cannot let go of her ex, Nate, and goes to extraordinary lengths in her attempts to get him back. While it's fascinating to look inside the mind of someone like this, it's also pretty creepy to remember that there really are people like this, and I cannot imagine how horrific it is to be the 'prey' of someone like her.
Thank you to the publisher for a review copy.

I really enjoyed this book and found it hard to put down. Juliette is a perfect girlfriend. she will do anything for Nate even though he doesn't want her. Unrequited love can be such a heartbreaker especially if you are her! She will do anything including working where he is and letting herself into his flat without him knowing to get him to love her. Some of it is a bit far-fetched and yes that can be slightly irritating but I loved the writing, I, however, didn't like the ending as it just stopped dead without finishing the story to any conclusion. I would love to read more by this author though.

Original stories are so difficult to come by, and not just in the thriller genre. THE PERFECT GIRLFRIEND turns everything on its head, as you see what it feels like to be the stalker rather than the victim, a unique twist on the crime novel that works extremely well. It illustrates the state of mind of the stalker who is obsessive and creepy. With lovers like these who needs enemies!?
A very different novel that is rather terrifying, I enjoyed it immensely. THE PERFECT GIRLFRIEND highlights the fact that there really is a fine line between love and hate. You wouldn't want the crazy Juliette in your life! The background information given about her shows why she acts the way she does, you can actually sympathise with her.
I would like to thank Karen Hamilton, Headline, and NetGalley for an opportunity to read an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

It's always nice reading a twist on the thriller genre, and in "The Perfect Girlfriend" we see what it's like to be the stalker rather than the stalked.
I'm not sure if I took away the same meaning as other readers, since I found the main character Lily/Elizabeth/Juliette highly sympathetic, given her childhood and background. An alcoholic mother, absent father, and childhood tragedy would be more than enough to make anyone a little unhinged and in desperate need of love, while also incapable of recognising what love should be and how you find it. I ended up feeling sorry for her, rather than disturbed by her, which is not perhaps the author's intent.
Still, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and was compelled enough to finish it in one sitting on a hot, sunny afternoon in the garden, so that's got to say something.

Juliette loves Nate. She knows that their love was meant to be. They are perfect for each other. They are destined to live happily ever after- the fact that he broke up with her is entirely beside the point. He WILL marry her & be happy!!!
My, my- what a woman. Juliette was a deeply disturbed lady. Being in her head as she plans her schemes to get what she wants, regardless of anyone else's feelings is not a comfortable place to be; but it it totally absorbing. I was just amazed at the lengths she would go to- she has single mindedness finessed into an art form!
This is a terrific first book from Karen Hamilton- can't wait to see wht she comes up with next! Thanks to Netgalley & the publisher for this brilliant read!

Truly compelling I really enjoyed this story! Thankyou to Karen Hamilton and Netgalley for the arc I definitely recommend!

Oh my goodness, couldn't put this down! Just when you thought Lily aka Juliette couldn't do any more to entrap the love of her life Nate- she always goes one step further. Her obsessive behaviour dates back to her experiences as a child, the author weaves this tale brilliantly, keeping you hooked and wondering what lengths Lily will go to! An excellent first novel.