Member Reviews

I had been bought this book as a birthday present it was a good read that kept my interest, the book wasn't quite what I was expecting and I was a little disappointed with the ending but that didn't spoil my enjoyment so all in all it was a well written novel that I would recommend. My thanks to NetGalley and the publishers.

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This book is everything a psychological thriller/mystery should be! The author created characters that are well developed and a plot that moves along quickly! I found myself completely immersed in this one! Highly recommend!

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I’m sure the subject matter of sleeping with your best friend will be a familiar one to a lot of people! As to if it’s the best idea in the world? Well that is as individual as the individuals involved! Of course friendship and turn into love and im sure there are many happy couples out there that started this way, but i also imagine there to be a fair few ruined friendships or friendships that have changed out there down to that one impulsive decision!

The story centres around the love triangle between Georgie, Julian and Nikolai, a former Russian soldier who has issues of his own.

After sleeping with best friend Julian he decides to tell her that he has been in love with her for years, having never realising his feelings for her she takes a step back from their friendship having profound effects on them both.

Georgie then meets Nikolai and despite always being wary of love due to previous heartbreak falls for the russian soldier non the less, but as time goes on she begins to witness how deeply war-time incidents in Chechnya have affected Nikolai and begins to suspect that the Russian is hiding something terrible from her.

Then London gets attacked! Is she reading too much into the situation or is the situation a lot closer to home than she wants to even think about!

As for Julian, rejection hasn’t been easy for him to accept and it has turned him into her own personal stalker. Something no one needs or should have to endure. We get to see things Julian gets up to that Georgie doesn’t, emails, the middle of the night phone calls , the sitting in a tree to spy, following wherever she and Nicolai go, escalating to the point beyond unpredictability.

This book is full of twists and turns, misleading clues and the odd red herring that it makes sure it keeps you reading and guessing! And just to keep you on your mental toes even further there are more aspects to this book besides the relationships between characters. It deals in a very real sensitive way with the 7/7 London attacks as well as tackling themes such as terrorism, immigration, family, sexual relationships, trauma, secrets, guilt and regret!

I think that this will be on of those books that leaves a lasting impact on the reader by the end of the book.

Well worth a read, even if this isn’t in your normal genre of books. Very impressive debut novel and it will be very interesting with where the author takes us next!

This book can be purchased now from Amazon uk for an amazing price of 99p!

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Very fast paced and very intriguing. I enjoyed how it kept me hooked and it was an original story. Nowadays so many books read the same. Highly recommend

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Superb psychological thriller. Taut and suspenseful, keeps your interest all the way to the end. Highly recommended.

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The story starts about five months before the bombings in London, on 7/7/05. After having her heart broken, Georgie has been wary of love and putting her heart on the line by letting people get too close. Despite this, and against her better judgment, one night after indulging in too much wine, she gives in and sleeps with her longtime friend, Julian. She immediately knows that they made a mistake, which is confirmed when Julian tells Georgie that he’s been in love with her for a long time. At first, they try to carry on their friendship like nothing happened, but Julian starts becoming jealous and possessive, making this difficult. Things come to a head when Georgie meets Nikolai, a former Russian soldier whom she meets in a pub. Despite feeling some misgivings due to feeling that Nikolai may be hiding things from her, Georgie finds herself unable to fight the attraction between them and their almost instant connection. Julian’s jealousy over Nikolai continues to escalate while Georgie has to begin to face how deeply Nikolai’s war-time experiences in Chechnya may have affected him and she begins to fear that he may be keeping dangerous secrets.

Blind Side raises some serious questions about how well you can really know someone and what you should do if you have reason to suspect the unthinkable. Really, the book was action packed and thought provoking. I really wanted to enjoy it much more than I did. I found myself having a lot of trouble connecting with the characters. I felt like, maybe, Georgie was a little too willing to put herself, and by extension her loved ones, in possible harm’s way to give Nikolai the benefit of the doubt, especially after he displayed signs of ptsd and anger management issues. I’m not saying that I didn’t like him as a character, he was one of my favorite characters, actually, but I feel that she should have stood up for herself and asked for answers sooner. The book was very well thought out, there were just some minor issues that interfered with my enjoyment and kept it from being four stars, for me. I still feel that the author is incredibly talented and want to read more of her work, at some point.

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Blind side by jennifer ensor.
This was a slow starter. But after a while I couldn't put it down. Julian and georgina have been friends for years but after one night of heavy drinking she agrees to sllep with him. She realizes her mistake when he tells her he loves her. But she doesn't feel The same. The she meets Nikolai. What happens next?
I had my suspicion of how it would end. But I was wrong. I'm glad she found Nikolai. Didn't like julian from the start. 4*.

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Good book. Who can you trust and who can you believe ? Everyone has a history and some damage.

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I thoroughly enjoyed most of this story as it wove an intricate pattern of different types of love between Julian, Georgie and Nikolai. I hung on breathless through the events and drama and emotions.

Toward the end I suddenly lost sympathy with Georgie as I found her reactions very different to what I had anticipated. I read on to the very end and enjoyed the careful wrapping up of plot-lines but I felt disillusioned. It's a sign of how much I'd been in tune with the characters for most of the story that I felt almost betrayed - in just the way real life can serve up a low blow. But I suspect that was not the author's intention.

As a sign of how much I was invested, I'm hoping to find the time to go back and reread the key section to see whether I overlooked something. I would say Jennie Ensor has caught me, hook, line and sinker!

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Wow, this book totally started my new year with a bang. Not at all what I expected and the blur doesn't give it enough credit.
There are so many great strands to the book.. Georgie's mistake sleeping with her friend, turns both their lives upside down. Julian's jealously when Georgie meets Nikolai, an ex Russian soldier, is frankly creepy and sad.
This book flowed at the right speed and was very clear throughout that the author put so much effort and research into making every page feel real and completing a complex yet engaging read.
If you're looking for something a little different from your normal thrillers then please try this real. It has a little something of everything.

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This is a brilliant read it kept me guessing to the end. Who is this gorgeous mysterious Russian? Is he a good guy? Is he a bad guy?
The characters are well rounded and interesting. I read this in 2 days and was totally hooked. This book is beautifully written and flows which makes it a pleasure to read. It beautifully captures the feelings of being totally swept away by someone. I would thoroughly recommend this read.

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