Member Reviews

This is engaging sci fi rebellion.

Jonah lost his favored brother to the wrong crowd in a mess that left Jonah tainted and a liability to the family. Now Jonah has been exiled to the Moon where he has no real prospects. He makes a new friend, Lucien, not realizing that he will soon be caught up in rebellion.

Yesha is the niece of the Moon’s governing authority. She doesn’t agree with his oppressive style that shows no rights or respect of the Moon folk. Yesha was born of earthers but was modified by her mother to become a child of the Moon. The head of security, Wang Mei is more than happy to brutally abuse the Moon workers. He has his own plans to enslave them even if he has to destroy their cities to beat them into submission. Wang Mei has abusive plans for Yesha too.

Yesha agrees to have dinner with Lucien and Jonah. But that night events spiral out of control putting her on the run from Wang Mei and destined for an unexpected future leading the rebellion.

There are secondary characters who are fun. The characters are nicely developed and the story is told from alternating perspectives which helped to keep it engaging. The pacing was good after a little slow start. The lunar rebellion and production line reminded me of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I enjoyed the human implants and the manipulation of the droids. I recommend this to those who enjoy sci fi colonization stories.

I received this title through NetGalley.

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This story has a bit of a slow start. It comes off as a bit generic plotwise. It isn't a terrible story but it doesn't really draw my interest.

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It was an ok story, but nothing about it really stood out to me. The pace was a little slow and the story at times a little chaotic. Overall just very mediocre.

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I received this free from NetGalley and the publisher.
I really enjoyed this book. It is reminiscent of Heinlein and Bruno. A young man, Jonah, goes to the moon to spread his brothers ashes. Meets a couple of locals from very different parts of moon society. And through no fault of his own his thrown in to a revolution. I really liked the characters of Jonah, Yesha, and Lucien. Wang is a villain you love to hate and hope he gets just what he deserves. Yesha's uncle Chen I just felt sorry for. This is full of interesting action and adventure. Both on the moons surface and underground. I hope there is a sequel.

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This was alright, but I didn't love it. Jonah goes to the moon to scatter his brothers ashes and gets involved in the local rebellion by the moon folk who are born on the moon but treated like inferiors by Earthers who came up from earth for jobs. Jonah, Lucien and Yesha have to fight to survive.
I didn't really feel much for the characters or their reasons for fighting and the battles mostly felt a bit anticlimactic. Wang was a BadGuy and a bit silly. My favourite part was Yesha in an old abandoned mine but it was fairly short lived and held no apparent relevance.
All in all it was fine to read a moon based rebellion against our oppressors kind of story but I probably won't bother reading any more.

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