Member Reviews

"The Jewelled Jaguar" is an engaging and exciting read for children but can easily be enjoyed by all ages, in my opinion. It is certainly a quirky tale with lots of strange events taking place throughout. The characters are drawn well and are difficult to forget - even long after finishing. The plot moves at a perfect pace and will entice kids to ask questions about a variety of different topics broached here.

Sharon Tregenza's writing will no doubt keep children interested in following the story through to its conclusion. This is a great little adventure with a hint of mystery thrown in for good measure. The cover is what first attracted me to the book - it's almost cartoon-like with lots of bold colours.

Many thanks to BooksGoSocial for an ARC. I was not required to post a review and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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An engaging and enjoyable read, where Griffin found himself tossed into turmoil when an unforeseen disaster occurred, he almost lost his mom and with her lying in the hospital still in a coma the possibility is still there that he could still lose her. Now he had to stay with an uncle and aunt he didn’t know and his cousin Cinnamon who he also didn’t know but after their first encounter he knew without a doubt she was a pain in the butt, heck she caused him to eat a worm for crying out loud, yuck.
Wonders never cease and as time elapsed while his mom was in the hospital still in a coma, he got to know them a little better and to his amazement, he found that he quite liked. together Griffin and his cousin Cinnamon unveiled that traitorous friend and his plans just in the nick of time. The storyline was good and the characters were great, this story would take you on an adventure you wouldn’t regret.

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