Member Reviews

It took a long for me to pick up and read. I guess I was right for waiting. A clean story. Girl can’t handle stress in big city. Goes home to rural town. Guy comes to town on temporary job. Never expected to meet flaky gal. Gal has overbearing mother. Add townsfolk. Not outstanding enough to recommend.

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I really enjoyed this book. I enjoyed how Lizzie stuck to her convictions even when people thought she should not. Elliot could not see himself in a rural setting, Maybe lizzie can change his mind. this was a quick and enjoyable read.

Thank you netgalley and BooksGoSocial for allowing me to read this title for an honest review.

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Cute and fun
What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Part of a series: Hometown

I look forward to reading the other books in this series.

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Hometown Girl Forever by a new to me author Kirsten Fullmer. Took me awhile to get into this book but enjoyed the storyline and it had likable characters. I look forward to checking out more books by this author.

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3.5 stars
A naïve heroine, with a hippie streak, and a conventional hero (an architect) fall for each other against the backdrop of a small town and in the midst of family drama with an overbearing mother.
I thought the romantic relationship developed too quickly and the hero lost his attractive aloofness too soon.
There was a lot going on with the heroine’s family and friends and, in my opinion, Lizzie and her mother’s problematic story was given too much attention.
This story didn’t grab me, but other readers might like it.

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I read the description of the book, which sounded reasonably engaging, but actually the word I'd use for the book is "tedious". I thought the characters were all banal, and there was no real "grey" areas in their character. Lizzie was sweet and gorgeous and torn, Elliot was handsome, sexy, and kind, the mother was overbearing (but of course, there was a good reason for this which all gets sorted out)...I knew from the very beginning what was going to happen at the end, and I felt that there was absolutely no jeopardy.

The cast of characters was too broad, with some of them playing no useful part in the story, and the sideplot of a high school musical felt very tacked on. I would have stopped reading, but for the fact I felt I owed it to Netgalley to finish the book.

Not one for me, I'm afraid. I won't give it one star, as I'm perfectly willing to accept I may read books worse than this. But it only deserves 2 stars at most. And I certainly won't bother reading any of the other books in the series....

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I was drawn to this book by the cover and plot , and I always enjoy a story with an overbearing parent, but I found this one bland and missed the mark.The heroine Lizzie has had enough of city life and men, and has given it all up for a little refuge in a small country town with quirky residents.Elliot is the architect that built the facility that Lizzie will be in charge of, but there was no meet cute happening here.The romance was yawn worthy and very bland, and the only bit of color in this book was the arrival and drunken shenanigans of Lizzie's mother.The story was crowded with too many characters from the town on practically every page and there was nothing particularly endearing about any of them.The main characters got very little alone time together and what they did get was in no way romantic. I kept grasping for the emotional connection but it was just too elusive.The subplots added nothing to the story but instead took the focus away from Lizzie and Elliot where it desperately needed to be.The ending got wrapped up quickly and nicely in a little bow and was far too unimaginable to be believable, based on what was presented in the body of the book.

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An innocent love story that seemed better suited to the 50’s. The first interactions between the main characters seemed banal and out of place. Then to have them fall for each other didn’t really suit. The mother was a nightmare and had me wondering a lot about how old Lizzie was because she was such a doormat for someone who had supposedly been so successful. I thought there would have been more about the alpacas but instead it was a cast of thousands from the small town and a boring plot line about the high school drama production.

I was given a copy of this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved reading this sweet romance that took me to Lizzie's farm, the community of friends and the desire to make her own life choices without her mother imposing so much on her.
The pace is steady and you feel the charm of the characters and how welcoming they are.
I'm grateful to NetGalley for the ARC, because this was one sweet read.

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