Member Reviews

As I am sure you're all aware of by now, this is the fourth instalment of a four-part serial, so therefore it would be beneficial to yourself if you read the previous three parts before you read this one, otherwise it won't make sense and you'll be lucking out on how Daisy got to where she is now.
Having being left dangling at the end of part three, I couldn't wait to get stuck into 'Shaken and Stirred' to find out what happened with Daisy and the boat. Was it as iffy as her gut instinct said? Or was Daisy being far too naive and letting yet another man dupe her?
I've probably said this in every review I've written of the serial so far, BUT, hand on heart, I really feel as though the fourth novella is the best one of all four. Don't get me wrong it's also bittersweet because I knew the end was nigh, but I felt that Daisy finally came into her own rather than hiding behind her past mistakes and family history. We really have seen Daisy blossom from part one until now, literally like a flower (no pun intended). Tamsyn is as hilarious as ever, but just like Daisy, she has also grown as the story went on.
I loved how intense the concluding part of the story was as it allowed the storyline to take on a different sort of depth, without overshadowing Daisy's time in Ottercombe Bay. The fact that there was a mix of everything in this book, really did make for such an enjoyable read and left me with a huge smile on my face.
I am sad that this serial has come to an end, but I am so looking forward to reading the series in its entirety when the full collection comes out at a later date.

This has been a lovely story told in 4 parts. I enjoyed getting to know the characters and their lives and imagining the idyllic scenery. I thought the ending suited the story perfectly.

Shaken and Stirred brings to a conclusion Bella Osborne's Ottercombe Bay series. It has been a roller-coaster ride of a year for Daisy Wickens and as her time in Ottercombe Bay draws to a close decisions need to be made with regard to her future. Have all the experiences, adventures and emotions that have arisen during the course of her stay made her change her mind about her long term goals and ambitions? Or is she still firmly stuck in the camp that once the year as designated by her Great Uncle Reg in his will is up, then she will flee and continue to wander aimlessly and travel the world? This is only one of the questions that needs a firm answer in part four amongst many others which have arisen over the course of the story. There are still plenty of pieces of the overall jigsaw puzzle that need slotting into place not least amongst them Daisy needs some solid confirmation surrounding her mother's death in order for her to move on emotionally and perhaps physically. I was more than keen to find out how everything would work itself out on all fronts - professional, personal and with regard to family in both the present and the past and couldn't wait to get stuck in.
We left Daisy overlooking the cliff tops at the end of part three as her former French flame Guillaume heads out to sea in a small boat.Worry, fear and apprehension abounded on Daisy's behalf. I had a bad feeling as to what Guillaume was actually up to and I think Daisy herself felt the same. I won't go into details as to what actually occurred but I did think it was a clever ploy used by the author which in turn brought about connections to Daisy's past and then allowed a certain character to open up and explain things. Said character had been keeping things quiet for far too long and in doing so caused untold stress to numerous people most noticeably Daisy. Not knowing the truth had been holding Daisy back and had caused her anxiety and needless suffering. If it had have been me and the truth finally came to the fore after so many years, I would have been bitterly angry but I think it was a sign as to how much Daisy had grown during her year in the bay that she reacted in the way she did.
Yes she has her stubborn streak and that's natural and the manner in which she treats Max does leave a lot to be desired at times but I think that's purely because she is driven by a passion that she doesn't know how to fully deal with because she has never experienced this before. Also, if one is being honest she didn't want to make life easy for anyone connected to the big reveal given something so big had been kept secret for years and a simple chat and outpouring of the truth would have saved the burden Daisy felt forced to carry around for years. Only when the past is laid to rest can everyone truly move on.
The gin bar Daisy had set up in the old railway building didn't feature as prominently in this last part of the story. It was there in the background as a place where Daisy, Max and Tamsyn worked and the author could bring the characters there to chat and to discuss some of what was ongoing. But the bar itself didn't need to be the sole focus of the conclusion as we had read enough about its inception and the opening, now was more the time to get personal and inside the characters heads and find out just what had been bothering them for the majority of the time I had spent reading about their lives and troubles in Ottercombe Bay.
I will say that Daisy's best friend Tamsyn is a very quirky character and will not be to everyone's taste. She still frustrates me just in general with her personality and the way she speaks. I understand this is the way she is meant to be portrayed but she is one character who does get on my nerves slightly but that's just my own personal opinion. Saying that I will admit Jason's romantic gesture to finally woo her was incredibly romantic and made my heart melt a little. I hoped Daisy, similarly to Tamsyn, would be able to find her happy ending both on the romantic front and also in connection with her long term plans for her life.
Shaken and Stirred was the perfect ending to a really enjoyable series, everything that had needed resolution and confirmation was provided with just that. Daisy as a character has really grown on me over the course of the series as she underwent so many changes. It wasn't in any way easy for her but I do think she rose to the challenge presented to her and gave everything 100%. Normally, I would wait until the full paperback publication of a book but there was something so charming that drew me to Ottercombe Bay that I had to keep reading each part as it was published and I was glad I did so. It's well worth your time to curl up in a chair and enjoy the wonderful writing, lovely plot and special characters. The series overall has been an uplifting, sweet cosy read based in such an idyllic setting with plenty of storylines to keep the reader entertained and gripped. Packed full of loveable characters and lots of splashes of romance you should definitely check out the Ottercombe Bay series. Hopefully Bella Osborne has something just as good next in store for her readers.

A lovely end to a charming serial.
Devon makes a colourful coastal setting for this romantic tale with a hint of mystery and lots of humorous moments. Daisy returns to her childhood home, Ottercombe bay to fulfil her great uncle's legacy. She develops a successful business but can she be lucky in love too? Daisy and Max's tumultuous relationship makes this unlikely at times.
This final part of the series solves the mystery surrounding her mother's death but is the truth worse than not knowing? The ending ties up all the loose ends and leaves you with a warm hug.
I received a copy of this book from Avon Books UK via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Did not disappoint. Loved every minute of this book and the previous parts. It had a really suspense to it which you don't often get in romantic books. I also love that the book is realised in section it adds to the suspense.

Finally- everything comes together for Daisy at last! You should read the first three installments of this series or wait until the full book come out in order to appreciate Daisy's journey. Ottercombe Bay is a lovely place I'd like to visit so that I can sit at the gin bar, meet Bug, Tamysn, and Max, and just chill. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This is nicely done chick lit.

I received an Advanced Reader Copy from NetGalley for my unbiased opinion of the book. This is the final book in the series. The year is ending soon, and Daisy decides to renovate the train station into a trendy gin bar. With the help of her family and friends, she gets it up and running. She starts digging further into the details of her mother's death and finds out some shocking revelations and thinks that finally may be ready to stay for good in Ottercombe Bay???? What a great end to the series and I flew through all four books reading them in less than twelve hours! You need to find out what happens, does she get the answers she wants, and does she fall in love in the process? You need to read to find out. You do not want to miss this great quirky, laugh out loud series!!

I would only recommend this book if it was read after the first three as they follow on from each other. They are not stand alone stories about the same people but as though it is one novel chopped into 4 equal parts.
I cannot review all 4 as the reviews would be the same for each. They were an enjoyable story if a little bit far fetched. They were very light reading without much depth but a pleasant way to wile away an afternoon. Please accept this review for book 2&3 - I have already reviewed book 1.

A very good end to the series of four books. All very enjoyable, with an unusual storyline, interesting characters and an idyllic setting. My only negative comment is the fact that the story was split into four parts. I’d much rather have read it all at once rather than having to wait for each one. A definite thumbs up for Ottercombe Bay.

Struggled with the format of four parts. Want to pick up a book and read a whole story not bits of story that seem to not always follow

This was the lovely concluding book in the Ottercombe Bay series. All the threads from the previous books come together and the unknown history is revealed. I have really enjoyed the emerging gin bar and the characters.

Ottercombe Bay: Shaken and Stirred by Bella Osborne a fantastic four-star read. This is the forth read in the Ottercombe bay series and it could be read as stand-alone but I would highly recommend you read them all, as you will find details in all the stories and they unfold into a great picture. Come find yourself in a lovely crazy part of Devon called Ottercombe bay, I’ve been to several villages in Devon that could be the setting for this magical place, watch and find out if Daisy will get her happily ever after and if Bug ever gets and special tickles I have been dying to give him as I sit and read with my own Bug curled up with me.

I just loved the Ottercombe bay books. Very relaxing read, perfect book to read on your holiday. When reading it, I just could imagine myself living there. Loved the characters.

Solid chick lit…doesn’t take itself too seriously! You’ll laugh, cry, and say “Oh! No!” Definitely a fun weekend read :c)

Not having read the other parts in this series, it was a bit tricky to get into this. A lot of information was missing.
Still, my main problem was the writing style. It felt like a lot of scenes thrown together, there were jumps from one scene to another, or even within dialogue, which I just didn't understand.
I am hoping the book/story makes more sense as a whole.

Not so much slapstick silliness in this final book, but more cringeworthy attempts at humour. Melon-cauli – is that because vegetables look sad, the dog getting the word ba$t**d mixed up with basket, Tamsyn putting eggs in her pocket, which of course smash. I did want to enjoy this series, but I just found it far too scatty, silly and predictable and I hate books that make the female characters all look stupid.

A fitting ending to the series. Nice how its all been wrapped up. Good to get answers about some of the characters

Well Bella Osborne certainly saved all the drama up for this part of the story. This suddenly spilled over into the crime genre with a little bit of mystery thrown in for good measure as it reached its crescendo! There are police and sabotage, not to mention drugs and other crimes in this finally installment. I'm sure it will make a thrilling ending when it is released as one book but was quite a dramatic change of direction when you read this as book four of four! It did make for a page turner though and you can rest assured that a lot of loose ends are tied up in this installment.
There is a lot of love in this chapter too and i defy you not to aww out loud at some of the more romantic scenes. The sense of family is also strong in this installment, including the lovely Bugsy! This series has been a really interesting read, I was worried there would be too much Gin but there is a lot of tea and hot chocolate to balance it out as well. The costal descriptions are great and the characters are easy to get along with. This has been an enjoyable read!

Back to Ottercombe Bay for part four of the book and picked up where we left off at a cliffhanger to part 3. Lovely end to the book, I'm glad her and Max got together in the end and she's staying and not selling the gin bar. Another great book by Bella Osborne. Can't wait for her next one. Thank you for accepting my requests to read and review this lovely book. Would highly recommend it.

I just loved the final book in the Ottercombe Bay series. I read it in one setting and could not put it down, another great book by Bella Osborne.
A great finale book that ties up all the loose ends. A well deserved 5 stars from me.