Member Reviews

A fun and fast paced YA thriller. I really enjoyed this book and couldn't stop reading until I reached the end. Nobody does these types of stories like Ally Carter. I definitely recommend!

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This is not my favourite Ally Carter book (Gallagher Girls & Heist Society will continue to reign supreme, it seems) but it was better than Carter's previous book, Take the Key and Lock Her Up, which I found to be a disappointing end to Embassy Row series.

Like Embassy Row, there was a lot of political intrigue in this book, and Maddie and Logan found themselves caught up in the middle of it all. I liked both Maddie and Logan and how they were thrown together to find out what was going on. Things were tense between them at first as they hadn't seen each other since the incident they were both involved in when they were young, but there was some humour and an element of fun to their relationship as well at times, which I appreciated.

There was however, a lot of stuff in this book, especially in regard to the politics, that was completely unrealistic. Overwhelmingly unrealistic, to the point where it was difficult to continue reading without thinking "that would quite literally never happen". I also think this book relied on its fast pace, and was less character-driven than some of Carter's other work, which was a miss for me. While Maddie and Logan were likeable enough, the book was fairly short and there wasn't really time to fully develop their characters. Carter excelled at this in the Gallagher Girls and Heist Society series, where she had time over several books to really expand on each of the characters. I'm not saying standalone novels can't have great character development - of course they can - but I think the extra focus placed on all the action and fast paced plot might have prevented this from being achieved in this particular book.

Overall, this was an enjoyable enough, though a bit middle of the road, read. If you're an Ally Carter fan, I would pick it up.

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Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.

After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.

I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

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As much as I'm a fan of Ally Carter, I'm really not a fan of nature and the wild, and stories set in nature and the wild. And this was very much a hostage story in the Alaskan wilderness. Reading the book just made me feel cold and hungry. I wanted more of 6 years ago, than right now. Although I did like the chemistry between Maddie and Logan a lot.

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I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

I simply adore all of Ally Carter's books, and Not If I Save You First is no exception. Set in Alaska, it follows Maddie, who, apart from her father, is all alone in the wilderness. Once working on the President's security detail, her ex-Secret Service dad had to leave, and the safest place for his daughter, to him, was in Alaska. Never telling her why he felt they were at risk, Maddie has only had her magazines, and the various animals that appear as company. That all changes when Logan, the First Son, is sent to Alaska as well. He's being hunted by Russian terrorists who had originally tried to kidnap his mam, and ended up shooting Maddie's dad instead. Now that he's in Alaska, the risk is even greater, as though he is hidden, he's also in the middle of nowhere, with only Maddie, and when the terrorists come to get them, that have to use every skill they have in order to survive.

I loved how Carter explained the relationship between Maddie and Logan, and how their relationship went from strained - for very good reason - to relying on each other for survival. Once best friends, Maddie and Logan did everything together, knew all the shortcuts and hiding places inside the White House, and and were simply inseparable. That all changed when they were attacked, and Maddie had to leave. It's now been 6 years later, and there's been absolutely no contact between the two, so to say when they meet again, now 16, not knowing where they stand, it's awkward. Maddie had to grow up quickly at 10, being forced into the frigid landscape that is rural Alaska, and learn survival skills, if not social skills. When Logan reappears in her life, he's a hindrance, who's brought problems that she'd rather do without. We slowly learn that though Maddie never received a reply, she'd been sending letters to Logan about life in Alaska, and the fact that he never responded aggravates her, and makes her disinclined to be welcoming. Logan, on the other hand, didn't want to reply because he felt guilty that Maddie had to leave because of his family, and who he is, and thought a clean break would be for the best.

If you've read any of Ally's other books, you'll know how good she is at writing strong characters, and that's clear in Not If I Save You First. Both Maddie and Logan are strong in their own ways, and they go through a massive amount of character growth over the course of the book. I do wish that this wasn't a standalone book, as I'm always wanting more from Ally - I'm actually re-reading her Gallagher Girls series right now, and would've loved to see how Maddie and Logan's relationship continued to grow. I think everyone needs to read Ally's books, and if you want one to start with, without the pressure of a series, this would be a good one.

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Ally Carter did it again...

This is how I sum up my experience with this book.

I have been an avid Ally Carter loyal follower and admirer ever since I read her Gallagher Girls series (which I still need to finish, but anyway), and never up 'till now has she ever failed to capture my attention and make me lover her books.

This is the case with this book, as well. I was quickly sucked into its uniqueness (because I have never before read such a capturing and adventurous novel, set in ALASKA nonetheless), and found myself enjoying every minute of it.

I loved so many things in this book. Maddie and Logan, and the weird and sudden turn of events that changed their lives forever all those years ago, the fact that this book was set in Alaska, the bad guys, the fact that our heroes were so clever and Maddie actually kicked some serious butt.
And, then I was so anxious over everything, and how they would survive and return home sound and safe, whether they would manage to salve their relationship.

So good, so good. Made me remember why I can't go without an Ally Carter novel for long. Like, seriously, it's become an addiction.

All in all, 4 stars for an amazing survival story that kept me rooted to my spot throughout the whole adventure. Oh, in Alaska, too!

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This was exactly what I always expect from Ally Carter, but also something completely new and different. It had the same strong female characters and believable romance. It had the same spotlight on teenagers who are in different situations, from spy school to children (and grandchildren) of ambassadors and now to the president's son and the daughter of a former head of the security detail.

But it also had a stronger emphasis on survival. Not just of survival against the bad guys who wanted them kidnapped (which of course there was plenty) but survival against the very environment, the empty forests of Alaska, in which everything from the bears to the berries to the abundance of snow and not a lot of food and warmth wants to kill you.

It was a perfectly combination of the things that always draw me to Ally Carter's book and this whole new story of survival.

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Not If I Save You First is the first Ally Carter book I've read but after reading it I'm quite certain it won't be my last. I genuinely can't think of anything I disliked about Not If I Save You First; Ally kicks off the action with the kidnap attempt and from then on it doesn't really stop until the last page! Ally does a fantastic job with the pacing, keeping the action ramped up all the way through the novel without it feeling like too much is being thrown at the reader.

I also really enjoyed both central character's within the book. I loved Maddie, she felt like such a well rounded character. She certainly had a slightly unique background being the daughter of a secret service agent, and perhaps had a slightly unique set of skills, but she was certainly fierce! I really loved the fact that she was the one doing the rescuing rather than being rescued! What also came across was her genuine upset and confusion at the lack of contact from Logan, and then her shock at seeing him again; I found her trying to adapt to the fact he's no longer the small 10 year old boy but a tall broad and attractive 16 year old to be particularly realistic. Logan was also a really likeable character, as the story continues their relationship slowly begins to rebuild itself, Logan is equally unsure of his feelings now he's faced with an older Maddie, but I certainly enjoyed the fact that as much as he tried to protect Maddie, it was more often than not Maddie keeping the pair of them alive. I really hope this isn't the last we'll hear about Maddie and Logan!

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Always a fan of Ally Carter and thoroughly enjoyed her latest novel. A pacy and engaging thriller.. I raced through it in one sitting,

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I had liked Ally Carter's previous books but this one just didn't work for me. The plot was dull and kind of meandering. The main character irritated me at first but I did grow to like her throughout the book, the male love interest was a little bit flat though. I would still read more from Ally Carter, even though I didn't like this book.

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Ally Carter is always a pleasure to read. Her books flow brilliantly and the story grips you from page one. My only problem is that I want a bedazzled hand axe, which I don't think will be an easy find!

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Not if I save you first, was an enjoyable holiday read and I liked the premise of the story. Maddie and Logan have been friends since they were children and circumstances force them to meet again, but things are not the way they used to be.

What I liked about the story:
-the setting is spectacular as most of the story happens in Alaska.
-Maddie actually proves that she has the skills to survive and face all the things that have been thrown at her.
-the girl saves boy premise.
-interesting and funny characters; the dialogue was well done and generally enjoyed listening to the characters talk.
-highly entertaining and unputdownable.

What I liked about the story:
-the setting is spectacular as most of the story happens in Alaska.
-Maddie actually proves that she has the skills to survive and face all the things that have been thrown at her.
-the girl saves boy premise.
-interesting and funny characters; the dialogue was well done and generally enjoyed listening to the characters talk.
-highly entertaining and unputdownable.

What it didn’t like about the book:
-the plot was overly simplistic and sometimes I doubted their ability to not die of hypothermia; at some point, it felt like the story forgot that she was injured and all of a sudden remembered about it, and she collapsed. How was she able to do all of that if injured?
-Logan and the letters… I was like WTF?!
-although it is meant as girl saves the boy, but the boy also saves girl quite a bit…
-the flashback to their lives as 10-year-olds was cute and all, but I felt that it was a bit too long for my liking and impacted on the pacing of the plot.
-I would’ve wanted to know more about teenager Logan, I didn’t feel like I knew his motivations and what happened to him besides the fact that “he stopped trying”. Why?
-the villain’s motivations were like so average, it hurt my head. It was not something that I have not read before and always thought it to be a bit lame.

However, overall, I did enjoy it. It took me two days to read it and struggled to put it down as I wanted to know what would happen next, which is why I would rate this book at 3.5 stars.

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For a standalone, this somehow managed to capture all of Ally Carter's strengths from her previous series! Political intrigue, high-stakes survival and hidden backstories, 'Not If I Save You First' would be a great starting point for people that wanted to discover Ally's books, without being intimidated by a whole series.

This felt the most real and gritty of her books, with people having guns shoved in their faces or rolling off cliffs left, right and centre. Of course, I had to suspend my disbelief that nobody died of concussion, blood loss or hypothermia, but still. Maddie and Logan wouldn't give up no matter what and they're determination to rescue each other kept me turning the pages non-stop.

A fast paced, adrenaline pumping read, perfect for fans old and new!

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After a dramatic opening, things lost their way a little. But, once we’re firmly established in Alaska and our two key characters are back together it picks up the pace...and keeps ramping it up.
The basic plot involves the President’s son, Logan, and his best friend Maddie, the daughter of the Secret Service agent who helps foil a kidnapping. Sometimes our actions don’t have consequences until many years later, and we see in this how a desperate desire for revenge can cause chaos.
Loved the characters of Logan and Maddie, and their very natural depiction. The setting of Alaska was perfect...threatening but beautiful too. A place to respect (is it going too far to say the setting was symbolic of Maddie?). My only bug was the way Maddie had to spend time swooning over the “new improved” Logan when it was taken for granted they were in love.
Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to experience a very different Ally Carter.

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Exactly what you come to expect with an Ally Carter novel.

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I had such high hopes going into Not If I Save You First, I'd adored Carter's books in the past and the absolutely amazing premise of course drew me in, so I'm kind of disappointed that I didn't end up enjoying this book more. Not If I Save You First started off wonderfully, I was drawn into Maddie's world and her friendship with Logan the president's son. I could tell that despite being just ten years old their friendship meant the world to them, so having this abruptly taken away from them, of course would be shocking to say the least. But with how important they were to each other, you would have thought that they would have stayed in touch any means possible, so what was going on with Logan? I could tell he was struggling through life without Maddie, but couldn't he even reply to a single letter? Or was he not even receiving them? All I knew that when they finally reunited, I wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on. Being reunited in Alaska, was one of the most unusual places, but it sort of felt like a backdrop to a James Bond film with the way that things down. The entire set up, the chase and the fast pace given to us by Carter was brilliant. I had no real idea why these people were after Logan, but I was eager for both of them to make it out safely. My only complaint was that when things came to ahead, the reasoning behind everything felt sort of underwhelming to me, like there was this whole build up, but for no reason. And I can't explain it, it felt as if this book was a bit too young for me, I don't know if this is because I'm sort of falling out with Young Adult books at the minute, but like I said unfortunately this book wasn't able to leave the greatest impression with me.

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Maddie's dad was a guard for Logan's father, the president of the United States and The First Lady. Until an attack leaves him with an injured leg, years later him and Maddie are living in Alaska where Maddie trains hard still to be able to protect herself and her father.

As the years passed, she wrote to Logan but never heard back until he shows up in Alaska planned by his parents with Maddie's father agreeing and thus bringing danger to Maddie and her father as Russian and corrupt agents show up just as Maddie's dad is called away on business as a storm is moving in. As the agents work to kidnap Logan, Maddie is determined to protect him as Logan is to protect Maddie. As they work apart alone and together they face many outdoor challenges relates to Alaskan weather and outdoor terrain as well as gun risks and that means getting away together, alive - if Maddie is still alive by the end of this fight...

Now, I love Ally's previous novel's about spies as I grew up watching M.I.High around the same time of the books release! I never care for survival stories but nonetheless found myself hooked needing to know if they survived not and wanted to see if the pair realized how they truly feel towards each other despite past mix up's and let down's they may be feeling. It was a gripping page turner and I loved it, a great return from Ally!

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Not If I Save You First is a cleverly written book set in the world of the Gallagher Girls and the Blackthorne Boys and it's a fast paced story that will have you flicking pages until you look up after finishing the novel and find that it's gone dark and you've read the whole thing in one sitting.

It tells the story of a President's son and a girl who used to be the best friend of said President's son, but it now living in Alaska.

There's kidnap and there's intrigue and wonderfully smart characters who connect in ways that are entirely expected, but still insanely enjoyable.

What Not If I Save You First suffers from is the nostalgia effect where you can't help, but compare the latest offering of an author to an earlier series that they wrote that has a place in your heart and takes over your mind even as you dive into a new story.

So, while we'll never say this novel was as good as the ones focusing on our nearest Gallagher Girls, it's a good book and you should read it too.

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This is my first encounter with Ally Carter. I have been meaning to read for ages, and thus preview gave me an excellent opportunity. What can I say? I thoroughly enjoyed it and couldn't put it down. Following a tragic incident in the White House, the president's 10-year-old son Logan and his best and only friend Maddie are separated and grow apart, until fate reunites them 6 yeaes later and forces them to address and reassess their relationship while their past catches up with them.

Full of suspense and adventure set in snowy Alaska, A.C. managed to create wonderful and credible characters who you cannot help but feel for: The feisty and independent girl who tries so hard to retain her femininity in a lonely life in Alaska, and the clever boy who thanks to his father cannot lead a normal life. Obviously romance is thrown into thus, but at the end of the day it's a book about friendship and that human beings are not lone wolves but social animals and need affection and reciprocation to thrive. I think this is a very enjoyable book and would be a fab acquisition for any library that supplies girls with excellent reading material.

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I've read majority of Ally Carter's books and loved them all and this was no different.
I expected it to be more about Maddie's journey to find Logan but this was still very enjoyable.
I read it within a few hours which is pretty normal for most of Ally Carter books for me.

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