Member Reviews

I blew through this over the weekend and loved it! I enjoy the character and how real they seem. I've known or heard about a few Rachels before and this story was told wonderfully. I loved the writing which in turn made the story that more enjoyable.

Book Description
You’ve only just met.
But she already knows you so well.
When Rachel moves into the spare room in Mary’s flat, everyone is quick to jump to the conclusion that there’s something strange about her. Everyone apart from Mary.
My Thoughts
There is something about the central character Mary that just isn't quite right. There are hints of things that happened in her past that continue to haunt her. She is close to her roommates Cat and Ben and they are actively seeking a fourth roommate(Rachel), though, for some reason, strangers tend to make Mary quite uncomfortable. Mary writes in a journal and mentions her therapist so we know something happened that caused her to seek professional help. The what and why are slowly exposed as The New Girl heads toward a twisty and surprising conclusion.
This wasn't a book that grabbed my attention on the first page. Once I had read about 35%, what I thought was going on and what actually occurred were polar opposites. I wasn't anywhere close in my guess on how it would end, but overall I felt there were quite a few highs and lows in the story. I would certainly try the author's next book since for me this was a good but not great read.
Thank you, Ingrid Alexandra, Avon Books UK and NetGalley for the complimentary digital ARC.

I really struggled to get into this book and eventually gave up on it. Sorry, it's not for me

Thank you to netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review, I was a little bit anxious about starting this book after reading mixed reviews, I found it a bit confusing at times sadly it wasn't for me.

Sorry but couldn't get into this book. Gave up after just 29%. I may come back to it again sometime in the future but not for me at this time.

Hmmmm not sure how I feel about this one. It wasn't in my opinion a psychological thriller but it was good.

Thank you Net Galley for a ARC
honestly I was convinced I had this figured out. I thought is was a little more of psychological thriller that I enjoyed. The ending took my breath away!

How do you know who you can trust? And who do you trust enough to share your apartment with? Mary has let Rachel move into her flat, and while others find Rachel odd, even disturbing, Mary finds herself confiding more and more to her new roommate. Her bitter break-up has destroyed her and it’s so nice to have someone to talk to. Rachel seems to know everything Mary needs, she’s always there. This book started off a little slowly and then I found it took off in a direction I never anticipated. Worth the read for the surprise you’re sure to get

Couldn't get into this storyline at all so unfortunately I gave up on it.
Based on this I don't think I would read more from this author.

Hmmmm not sure how I feel about this one. It wasn't in my option a psychological thriller but it was good. Mary lives in an apartment with two roommates Ben and Cat. While she is trying to get over her ex boyfriend and the abuse she endured from him. A new girl Rachel moves into their flat. Cat automatically distrusts her and warns her against Mary but Mary likes her. Senses a kindred spirit in her. Little does she know that trusting this new girl will change her life forever and not necessarily in a good way. Thank you to Netgalley and Avon Books for the oppurtunity to read this book.

The New Girl started of really well, it was quite a gripping read at times but towards the end it sort of lost the way and got quite confusing.

I think this book is proof that there are too many psychological horrors. Some of them are absolutely brilliant but others fall short of the mark and unfortunately this was one of them. The second half was messily written and made little sense.

This book makes you question everyone you know and meet...how well do you know your childhood friends and the lengths they will go to keep you safe? How well do you know and trust your self and your memories? definitely will keep you up at night questioning everyone in your life.

In this book a new girl name Rachel moves into a spare bedroom of the flat when Mary lives. This new girl seems strange and everyone is weary of her, except for Mary. This new girl Rachel seems to have a lot of things in common with Mary where they grew up, etc and Rachel seems to know quite a lot about Mary. Is this strange? How does this new girl know so much about Mary?
This book for me started off a bit slow but began to pick up the pace. It was interesting to read all of the twists and turns in the book, as the story unfolded and began to answer some of the questions that keep you guessing. A great psychological thriller and it has a great twist near the end, which quite what I had expected which I really enjoyed.
Exploring the depths the human mind will go to, to protect you from trauma, betrayal, and hurt.
Thank you to Netgalley and Avon Books UK for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

2.5/5 Hmm... this may be the book that represents the straw that broke the camel's back. I've read so many psychological thrillers with far too many of them containing the word "Girl" in the title. Therefore, if you're going to put yourself out there and follow that trend, you need to have an original idea- or at least make your book exciting and fun to read. In this, I got neither. Sorry to be so harsh.

I managed to fly through this book in just under a day. The main character Mary has moved across Australia with a friend to escape a violent ex. A new girl replies to their advert looking for a roommate and becomes very overfamiliar with Mary. There are some unexpected twists and while it was a bit unbelievable at times but overall enjoyable.

Pretty average. Nothing particularly bad about this, it just feels like a book trying to imitate successful thrillers and only half succeeding. It feels distinctively less sophisticated than the adult thrillers I've read recently, but , I think the writing has good qualities that could be built upon in future projects.

Instead of a review because it's impossible to describe how I felt about the book without giving anything of the plot away, I wanted to say this:<img src="https://mojaloss.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/somethingaboutmary-932x524.jpg"/(minus the dog in the picture)
I think this for me takes the cake of all the books that completely throw you off what's coming from their synopsis. To say this was nothing I'd expected would be an understatement.
It felt like a pyramid of twists build (as in written) only to be continuously explained throughout the book. And that is to say, my mind hurt trying to follow as opposed to enjoying a thrilling read.
Also, it's hard to describe this story not using the words disturbing, far-fetched and misleading. I could translate that misleading to boring if I had a bad day.
In the end, I don't know how I feel about the reveal or even the plot itself, it's just SO NOT the roommate mystery I'd expected. And, sadly, it reads more or less chick-lit style whenever any dialogue comes in.
That cover really lured me in this time!
Thank you Netgalley for the copy in exchange for my honest review.

I enjoyed this book although I did guess elements of the ending it did not detract from my enjoyment of the book, probably relates to my job! I thought the story was interesting and the characters well developed and would read future books by this author.

Thank you Net Galley and Publisher for this ARC!
The New Girl just didn't cut it for me. As an avid reader and lover of psychological suspense and thrillers, this fell short of my expectations. I found the characters very unlikable, and not even to the point where you can deal with it. Too drawn out.