Member Reviews

Oh, so not my kind of reading... I suppose readers who enjoyed 50 Shades will enjoy this. But it was way too much for me. I kept waiting for something, anything, to happen, but no, just lots of sex... I admit it's detailed good writing, but I'm just not into reading about someones sexual exploration. I am sure there are plenty of folks out there who will enjoy the book, just not me.

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Sorry not my type of memoir. This is not the memoir I was expecting. DNF

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A lyrically written and beautiful memoir, Unmitigated Gaul is a must read. Normally memoirs aren't my cup of tea, but after reading the synopsis I had to give this a try, and I'm glad I did. I love how unabashedly White addresses her sexuality even at a young age. This is the kind of book women everywhere should read.

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Sorry- I really had no interest in continuing after the sex thing with the pet. Not my thing.

Thank you anyway to Net Galley for providing me with an ARC for my honest review.

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This book is appalling. The author is completely obsessed with her genitalia and that's all she talks about in the first few chapters. I didn't bother to read past the chapter where she has sex with the family pet, because in my opinion this story has no redeeming quality. I prefer not to,waste my time reading about this prurient predilection.

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