Member Reviews

Love the black and white illustrations, they're so well done and detailed, I really want to colour them in.

Each cartoon is funny although some are funnier than others which is to be expected really, I really enjoyed this graphic novel and will be looking for more by this author.

*Huge thanks to John Moran, BooksGoSocial and NetGalley for this copy which I chose to read and all opinions are my own*

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I remember The Far Side fondly. This strip might just top it.
Right from the first one, Prairie Dog School, you can tell this is both going to be smart—no lowest common denominator here—yet savage.
A high proportion of these actually made me laugh out loud. From the anteater that likes spicy food to the native dancer who prefers the macarena, these humorous illustrations take some kind of anthropological viewpoint and turn it on its head, like making me feel sorry for both Bigfoot and Littlefoot.
Other favorites: Art gallery. Terminator. Big bang theory. Right to bear arms. Bad dogs. Berserk Vikings. Cowboy biologists. Spock and Picard. Quacken! Light a cottage to Freya. The Flash and bugs. Blizzard of Oz. Flamenco dancing is in your blood. Do I come here often? The fall of the Roman Empire. Prickly Pear. Mailman training. Gone with the Wind. Sniper graduation parade.
But my absolute favorite is the metal detector.
The artwork isn’t much of a much, just sketch-like, but it hardly matters. And don’t think I didn’t notice that car with the lovely UCLA logo on it. . .

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A hilarious and enjoyable collection of cheeky one panel comics

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Love it! Love it! Love it! Just what I need/want at the end of a stressful day. LOL funny....thanks for that. I' m going to get a lot of pleasure rereading this many times.

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While not every single comic was a success, most of them were. They made me laugh, or at least chuckle. I was able to read it in one afternoon, which is because I just could not stop myself from reading the entire book. I found the subject matter very light-hearted and just good fun. Read it! It will be fun for you.

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While I appreciate the simplicity of these one panel cartoons, I didn’t find myself enjoying most of them. The few I found to be funny were really cute; however, the rest fell rather flat for me.

Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for granting this review opportunity.

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A wide variety of funny, sarcastic and ironic comics. Something for everyone in here.

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These single-panel cartoons are clearly influenced by The Far Side. Like that classic, these comics are full of smart references to the animal world. Clever, funny, and completely warped in just the right way.

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The best cartoons are the subtle ones. The ones that reward looking at the details and thinking about.

The worst cartoons are the ones that read like "The Far Side" rejects. They are still enjoyable, but less original than I would like.

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3.5 stars.
Some had me laughing out loud, and some had me scratching my head. It had humour of all kinds.
Not everything was my cup of tea, but that goes for most collective works. It was very unique and I really enjoyed the drawing style and the fact that they were all one paged scenes

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Thank you to NetGalley for a free ebook in return for an honest review. A simple little comic book, it's nothing especially amazing but I doubt anyone would hate it. It didn't take me long to get through and some of the content made me laugh a little, but most of it fell flat for me sadly. Not something I would go back to.

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This was a good cartoon series, full of puns, but it just wasn't my favorite. It's not that any of the pages are bad, they're all carefully drawn with some puns that even I thought were funny, it's just that I'm not a huge fan of punny humor. They were all pretty family friendly as well which is nice. I'm giving this the rating that I am just because I'm not a huge fan of puns but I still found humor. To me, that's actually pretty impressive. If you're a fan of puns, definitely check this one out.

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A very funny book of cartoons... You will have seen similar on a myriad greetings cards! Nicely drawn and generally timeless.
A good book to have lying around just to pique your interest every now and then. Very out of the box, sideways logic.
Only real problem, I'd have liked more!

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With a creative flair for humor, John Moran presented an eclectic array of marvelously rendered cartoons. Filled with inoffensive content of both man and beast alike it spilled over with uninhibited laughter. This wonderful collection of humorous quips were delivered with superb stylistic drawings. Felt like I'd been to a comedy show without leaving home. Chortled from beginning to end. Made my day. And night. Well done.

My thanks to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for this ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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It reminded me of Gary Larson's The Far Side. Loved it and laughed a lot.
Really enjoyable and funny

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Some of these made me smile.

Several made me roll my eyes.

A few were really creative, and made me think, “That’s pretty funny.”

A couple made me almost LOL. (You know, like softly breathing out “heh”.)

But mostly they weren’t really funny. And there were some that I just didn’t get at all.

So it was an amusing collection. But not consistently funny. I bet these get compared to The Far Side quite a bit. Not because they’re that funny, but because it looks like the same style of art. And the same types of jokes. I bet that pisses the author off.

*Thanks to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for a copy in return for an honest review.*

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Predatory crocodiles get the farts... ant TV reports on the horrific attacks of children with magnifying glasses... scientists face up to their inventions and insects face up to their weird life cycle. Yes, this book has so much of the DNA of The Far Side it's hard to believe at times. but you know what? Larson was really funny, and this can be really good as well too. Yes, some pages were a miss, but not many - the puns are strong here, and the gag with The Flash is a winner in anybody's book. Worth the purchase.

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John Moran must be a strange and funny guy. His cartoon collection, Moran Cartoons, Vol. 1 is full of odd, quirky humor that strange and funny guys write and draw. I enjoyed this collection, which must mean I'm a little strange and twisted.

No disrespect to Mr. Moran, but I couldn't help thinking of Gary Larson's The Far Side. Many of Moran's cartoons look like they could have been drawn by Larson. The fat guys in lab coats, the lady with the cat-eye glasses, the deer standing on two legs are familiar to The Far Side fans. I would be very surprised if Moran did not say Larson was an inspiration and influence on his work.

Even though Larson's influence is evident, Moran has his own voice and his own humor. Moran does, at times, take things to a darker, grittier place than Larson typically did. He's willing to step on some delicate toes with his cartoons.

I must say I enjoyed every page of Moran Cartoons, Vol. 1. You can find some samples of his work at, but, of course, I'm sure he'd rather you just bought the book. I hope that his fount of off-beat humor will not run dry for a long time.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary electronic review copy!

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Fun artwork and clever, clean humor. A quick read, that delivers chuckles.

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