Member Reviews

Short on time? Want something to read that only takes a few moments per story? This is your book! It's certainly one of mine! I love these little works of art, such genius! From the first thought provoking story (Star Bright) to the last (The Signing), this was one fabulous book. Ashmawey is a very talented wordsmith I look forward to reading more of his stories in the future. I look forward to reading more works by Mr. Ashmawey!

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This is a collection of short stories that come with the concept of picking it up and reading one before you turn on the TV. While I completely agree with that concept and often practice it myself, I wasn't particularly impressed with this collection of stories.

The one glaring issue with this collection is that close to ninety percent of the stories are in the speculative fiction genre, though this isn't known until you dive in (it would be beneficial to those who enjoy this genre to know about it in the synopsis). The rest range from historical and fable types to even a few middle grade selections. Not all of the stories are bad, but they do leave something to be desired. The stories don't necessarily give you that visceral reaction at the end like some of the best short stories do. None of the work gives you a last-sentence plot twist that leaves you burning to turn the page, begging to see a chapter 2. While it would cure boredom to read it, it's not something that I would be excited to keep picking up over and over again.

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I felt this collection was very hit or miss. There were a few that stood out for me but even the short length of about 2/3rds of them did not keep my attention. I wish i had enjoyed more of them but it was something about the source behind the writing which made it difficult to want to finish them.

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Fun and thought provoking. I would buy the collection for my classroom!

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I enjoyed these 5 minute short stories! They were the perfect bite sized amount of fun. I would recommend to individuals who like to read nice short stories and have something to fill in the day with or someone who isn't much of a reader but needs to start somewhere!😍💙📚

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4 Shining Stars.

Thanks for Netgalley and respective publisher for sending copy for me.

Exquisite stories.
Many of them comprises a keen and gratefulness of fiction and moral too.
Some has deep Philosophy about few recommended virtues.
It's highly recommended book, Any one can read 2,3 stories over their bedtime.
You would find alot of variation including different ventures among stories.

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I adore short stories, their format allows me to drop into a different world quickly, and in today busy world, for me to consume a world other than my own and experience life from a different point of view. The first story in the collection of "5 Minute" reads encourages the reader to do precisely this, to put yourself in the place of a mouse and have your curiosity peeked by that small hole in the roof of your box, a story told by Dr, Casswell but viewed from an everyday person's viewpoint these three characters are only ever leading in one direction. And once you've read it, you also will be, and that journey is further on in this imagination filling thought-provoking short stories.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book in return for an honest review.

The author introduces this book as something to be picked up when you have a few minutes, and savor a story. Take time to disconnect! I love that idea, and this is a book chockfull of different stories to help you do just that. Overall this is an enjoyable book to pick up now and then when you have a few minutes to spare and need a quick break.

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I have so much admiration for authors who can write short stories. Somehow they manage to bring together engaging characters, good plots, and vivid settings all with a limited number of words. Every word in every sentence has to either develop a character or the setting or move the plot forward. No time for a reader to say they didn't really “ get into the story” until the 30th or 100th page. If you can't grab my attention in the first paragraph, the story is often unsuccessful to me.
I was therefore quite intrigued when I saw Stories That Are Short Vol 1 since it contained 40 stories to read, each in 5 minutes or less. Wow, an author would need to be very talented to write that many good short, short stories and Ibrahim Ashmawey delivered. Each story was unique and I found myself reading one or two at a time while waiting on line, waiting on hold, on my lunch break, and on the train. A perfect way to enjoy some otherwise boring time without risking having to cease reading at a critical what happens next moment. I've been reading a lot of can't put down books lately, and this was a nice change of pace. Like having breakfast for dinner or just ordering appetizers instead of entrees, it was a great way to shake up my reading routine, enjoy terrific stories, and discover a new author. If super short stories appeal to you, I would recommend this book.
Thank you Ibrahim Ashmawey, Books Go Social and NetGalley for the digital edition to read and review.

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I like reading very much, but I often push this activity to the end of the day or weekends because if the book is good, I just find it very difficult to put it down. This book is great because I love the idea of reading the beginning and end of a story during a break at work or while riding the bus home. As for the stories, readers will find a wide selection to choose from; some stories make you think about one’s place in this world like For the Infinitesimal Affair; others are more edgy and a bit scary like The Unconditional Soldier. This is an excellent book for book clubs as readers will find something relatable in most of the stories. I received a free copy via NetGalley.

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A fab little book, with stories just long enough to fill those odd moments of time. Would definitely recommend this.

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Take a short coffee break and read a couple of stories. Average time, maybe five minutes each. Doable. The author creatively sandwiched together dozens of delectable mini tales that fell into my lap. No two storylines were the same. Without breaking a sweat, it was entertaining to jump from one plot to the next. Like playing hopscotch. If you're on the lookout for a break from a typical 80,000 word novel, this'll do the trick.

My thanks to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for this ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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I can read one story during a commercial break of my favorite show, and I really like that. Take this book a look for appointments and not have to worry about being called in right in the middle of a paragraph.
I don't think this book was meant to be read from cover to cover in on sitting, which is what I did, and found myself getting frustrated with starting on a new subject over and over so quickly.
Some of these stories have lessons in them. Some are just stories, almost like fairytales or folktales. Some funny, some a bit spooky. I'd bet there's a short story for everyone on this book.

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