Member Reviews

I have to admit that I didn't enjoy this book at all. I was very close to DNFing a few times but felt like I needed to give it a chance, and then I had read too much and figured I may as well just skim read and finish it.
It feel quite immaturely written, particularly some of the dialogue, and I wasn't a fan of the main characters which is quite an important thing to get right. I didn't like the love interest at all. I also hadn't realised just how YOUNG they were. Sera seems to be about age 20 and Ben just a couple of years older, yet he was everyone's boss? It didn't seem right.
I did quite like how the storyline with Sera's family played out, but sadly it wasn't enough for me to say I liked the book.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.
After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.
I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

I really didn't like this. I am probably the unpopular opinion but I am so over the cringey and cliche 'hate to love' thing. If this kind of plot-driver is employed it needs to be perfect and sadly this just wasn't

Thank you NetGalley for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.
4 Stars!
You know when you go into something not really knowing too much about it, and it completely blows you away by how much you enjoy it? This is the book that did this for me, it has so much going on some parts were hilarious where I was laughing out loud and other moments were so touching it couldn’t not break my heart. I’m a sucker for this kind of book, I couldn’t tell you why… but I just enjoy it so much!
We start of seeing Sera having a one night stand in the back of a car where it’s all very hot and steamy and they are rudely interrupted by Drag Queens banging on the window. She’s mortified and runs off, the next day she’s still not sure of her actions but goes into work thinking it will all be in the past. Hold on a moment! What’s that? Oh yes… her new boss is the guy she hooked up with the night before! And from there we get the story!
I adored the dynamics in the book, Sera has two “adoptive” gay dads who are incredible and so understanding and supported her through thick and thin. I loved the back story on how the two met and I mean one of them is a Drag Queen, I couldn’t be any happier! Sera’s family life is not the easiest ride, and how she is reflects on how she was brought up. Then we have Ben who also has other things happening in his life, which I can’t really explain (but I guessed the moment something happened) and that was so interesting to see. I loved seeing him in other roles and not just cocky and arrogant. And the whole double package statement. My god. My heart! Then we have Sera who works SO hard to help provide for her sister. It was just SO much!
What did I like?
- All of Ben’s innuendos when he first joined the team, I was HOWLING with laughter.
- Choking on a blue M&M and how he always bought them for her after but took out the blue ones, I’m a sucker I know.
- Bruce and JJ, plus the Rocky Horror incident. I love them.
- The whole jogging fiasco, I was CRYING with laughter, it was just so funny and his outfit!
- When the apartments had a meeting and they wanted drama, so he spilled the tea on the laundry incident and vice versa with the decorating at early hours
- THE VIDEO… OVULATING! AHahahahahaha!
- Package Deal. Sign me up for my own Ben. I just loved how he handled things, from then on I was so sold.
- “Be the stick"
What I didn’t like?
- I found it off putting how Sera treated Cindy, and would make comments about her eating habits when she knew nothing about her.
Overall I really did enjoy this, I’d honestly recommend it to my friends who enjoy a good Chick Lit! However I need more. I NEED to know what happens, the epilogue has me needing more!

I admit, I was drawn into requesting this book on Netgalley because of the comparison to The Hating Game so it felt utterly appropriate to then review it right along with that very book (which I should have reviewed a year ago).
First off, it was utterly ridiculous but very fun. I mean, it starts with a girl having sex in the backseat of a car after going to a gay club and then runs a way after a group of drag queens knocks the car and cheers as she runs away. Like, if that doesn’t say it all with this book I don't know what does. That sort of sets the tone of the book, it’s just that step beyond and a little ridiculous. It’s a perfect light read but at times the ridiculousness took me out of the book as I went ‘really?’ which was a little annoying.
One thing I really liked is this book is set in South Africa! That is exciting for me as my uncle actually lived in South Africa before he died. It’s one place I only want to visit because of the family connection. I couldn’t immediately tell but once it clicked that the author was South African it was really obvious. It was fun to read a book set somewhere different for once.
But onto why this book was ridiculous. It was so OTT and yes it did having me laughing and smiling to myself and it did have rom-coms vibes but if I hadn't been in the mood for a light easy read I might have hated it. Luckily, I was in the mood for it so it worked but I had to say it. It took me out of the story a couple of times so it’s a love/hate thing for this style of writing.
Also, it felt like all the stereotypes were here like the gay couple who were kind and totally out there and the sexy hot stranger/boss with a heart of gold. And the MC with a troubled family who just didn't see how awesome she was. All things which meant characters felt flat at times which is why this book didn't get a higher rating. Romance is all about the characters so if you're not loving them the you're not loving the book. Sera was likeable at times but then sometimes I was rolling my eyes in a bad way at her antics, you know?
I am glad I read this though. It was very reminiscent of Sophie Kinsella and old school chick-lit of the 2000s. It had that fun vibe going for it and I know there are plenty of folks who won't even notice any issues and will love the rollercoaster ride of fun.

This book is okay, found it a bit boring in places and it didn't really grab me. which was a shame, as it sounded so good

Sera doesn't do relationships, she is too busy with her messed-up family, her job, and her friends and flatmates Bruce and JJ. And she doesn't do one-night-stands either, until one night she meets a gorgeous man in a club and she sleeps with him in his car before walking away. She wishes she could forget all about it, but it's not easy when it turns out that the gorgeous man is her new boss and he claims to be in love with her. The more she tries to avoid him, the more she spends time with him, and although Sera tries to push him away, she can't deny that she is attracted to him.
I started laughing from the very first page. This book is completely hilarious (although it gets a bit more serious towards the end). I loved the colourful cast of characters and the witty dialogues that kept me glued to the page. The plot line is captivating and thrilling and the author's writing kept me glued to the page. Full of laugh, love, and also a bit of drama, this is the perfect must-read for fans of romantic comedies.

I love when an author has the capacity to make me laugh and feel embarrassed like it's me and not the heroine in the book experiencing some peculiar and awkward situations. I love it even more when a smile is still on my face a few days after I finished the book.
As soon as I started the read, I knew I was going to enjoy this story. You can't deny the chemistry these two have—not from the very first scene—but surely enough Sera does her best not to acknowledge such a thing. However, that's not really an easy task, or an option at all, since soon enough Ben turns to be her new boss... You might think this is cliché, but with what both they are hiding from each other, the love to hate you—but not really—going on, and fabulous characters behind the scenes always more than happy to steal the spotlight a bit, you see this is not your typical 'office story'. Also, banters and innuendoes of the most pleasant and humorous way seriously make this book unputdownable!
"Love to Hate You" is more than just a rom-com, besides the inevitable plenty of laughs it will have you wonder, sigh, hope, and dream. Want a great date? Call Ben White, err, I mean grab this book!

I am so excited I recieved an arc of this from Netgalley as I'd already preordered it! Thank you Netgalley.
Hate to Love romances are my JAM. So I was super pumped for this book.. but they don't ever really hate each other... Or even really dislike each other so I felt a little let down in that area. However I did enjoy the book an it was cute and squealy.
I found this book a little uncomfortable at times though. In my opinion Ben is a bit creepy and over the top and possessive of someone he's slept with once. Like. that to me was not okay. But the parts around him telling Sera he loved her I enjoyed it.
The ending to me of this book unfortunately follows the usual issue, steamy romances often are full of suspense and longing and then the ending wraps up super quickly and I'm left disappointed.
My favourite characters in Love to Hate you had to be JJ and Bruce her "gay dads". I loved them and their back story and they felt the most real to me and I would LOVE a book about them!
Even though this book wasn't perfect to me and I had a few issues reading it do to spelling mistakes and grammar issues. The good writing parts made reading this quick and easy and I read it in a day.
Overall not bad but not perfect.
3/5 Stars

I have managed to read Love To Hate You at just the right point in my life, where I couldn't work out what I was really in the mood to read but knew I needed to get lost in a story.
Well I got utterly hooked on Sera and Ben, to the extent that I am 100% in lust with a fictional character. I would love him to be real, and I'm sure I would appreciate him far more than Sera will!
The level of heat coming off this book is insane, the chemistry between Sera and Ben is sizzling, and I was loving the double entendres, the innuendos, every single exchange between the two leads. I was sitting there as a fly on the wall as such, wishing that I was Sera. Yet there aren't a huge amount of sex scenes, its all suggestive comments, dialogue, the hints at what is possible between them, that actually makes the book feel even sexier than you would think.
Ok not her background, that sounds tough, but then again Ben hasn't been entirely upfront to start with either, and when you eventually get to know them, there is an extra dimension added to both characters.
Love to Hate You starts in hilarious fashion and doesn't let up, it is pure escapist fun and I couldn't get enough of any of the characters. I especially love Sera's pseudo family, JJ and Bruce who she lives with. They are simply fabulous.
If you are looking for a way to leave behind your troubles, delve into a potential new relationship that will have you needing a cold shower yourself, then Love To Hate You is certainly a book for you. I was already a fan of Jo Watson's writing from her previous three books and although this certainly had a slightly different feel to it, it was amazing, it was hilarious and I already know I will be first in line for future releases.
Thank you to Netgalley and Headline Eternal for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

Loved this book.
Sera meets Ben in a nightclub, and folowing a wild night in hte back of his car she turns up to work the next day to discover he is her new boss. Great chemistry between the 2 main characters, and lots of witty dialogue, but both are hiding something.
Looking forward to reading more books from this author.

Love to hate you for is a laugh out loud romantic comedy. Sera meets Ben at a nightclub and they end up having amazing sex in the back of his car, completely out of character for Sera, next day at work who ends up being her new boss, Ben, who makes no bones about wanting to continue the relationship. So far so much normal run of the mill, but what lifts this book apart from great dialogue is the background stories of both the leads.
Sera's life has been blighted by her Fathers gambling and alcohol addiction and her mothers depression, losing their home, ending up in a trailer park and now supporting her sister has left her with a deep distrust of men. Determined not to obtain help from anyone she is exhausted from balancing two jobs and being in constant debt. This adds much depth and pathos to an already great book.
Jo Watson is a new author to me so I'm delighted to see she has a few more books out, which after this one I can't wait to read.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for opportunity to review this book honestly.