Member Reviews

Disclaimer: I received an e-ARC of this book from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
First in a new fantasy series, a story of three sell-swords. Really enjoyed it - no spoilers and a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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Blodeuedd and I discussed this together over here:

**My overall conclusion**
This had a lot of hope at the beginning. I was automatically glued to the pages until about 25% if the way through. After that, I barely cared. I only wanted to see Iman's and the kid's POV. The other characters were super meh. I didn't have a chance to get to learn about them. I honestly feel there needed to be a hair more world-building and character-building. It just fell flat and I felt lost half of the time. There was hope in the ending tho! I am curious to see what will befall our poor character (I will not name names to avoid spoilers) who is in a BAD spot now. Eee!

But yes...there was hope, but it fell short for me.

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I sadly feel very meh about this one and it did not work for me at this time.

Imam was a priestess.. I was told she was pretty, she was dark, she was a priestess. That was it.

There was this demon kid, all I knew about him was that he protected them. Sad though about...

Narissa was the one with most promise. A little kid with secrets and she showed a personality, SHe will be someone not to mess with

There sell swords. Marco was pale an with secrets ;) Oremund. Dalvin, like Narissa was the most with most personality

Show, do not tell.

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This was a long book that took me a while to work my way through. While the story was interesting I just wasn't invested in the characters. I liked the writing style and the idea of the story. It felt unique and different, but I just didn't fall in love with the story itself. I'm sorry but that's how I feel.

Three stars.

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