Member Reviews

Inspirational adventure meets real issues...
If you've never yelled at or with fictional characters, then you've been reading the wrong books!
Join this Mountain Rescue Team of heroes who place their lives on the line to save others, yet have deep-seeded pain and relationship struggles. Susan May Warren writes with such depth that you may forget that these men and women are not flesh and blood.
In this 5th edition of the series, Ty and Brette confront each other, severe weather challenges plus the aftermath as well as their own core turmoil. In fact, they are not the only ones facing intense obstacles to peace and a better life. Often, we are our own worst enemies. Several key characters come to terms with life and their Creator.

I have read the Montana Rescue series from the beginning and it was good to catch up with the team. The whole series is centered around a group of search and rescue volunteers and staff that work in Glacier National Park. I would suggest any new reader start at the beginning with the first book Wild Montana Skies. Across the series has been a overarching mystery of a missing girl and her possible killer, but this book does little to advance this plot line. Fans of the series will get to catch up with Ben and Kacey's story as well as the other romantic pairs from earlier books.
This book tells the story of team member Ty, the trust-fund kid who crashed a rescue helicopter prior to the first book, and Brette, a photographer who is traveling with tornado storm chasers for the season. The story takes the whole team out of the usual setting in Montana and places them in the upper midwest, searching for survivors from a tornado. Having experienced a tornado outbreak personally, the destruction, chaos and uncertainty of that situation comes through very well in this book.
Ty struggles with his place on the PEAK rescue team, and Brette is dealing with a year's worth of cancer treatment and surgery. Her struggle to understand the concept of why God allows suffering in this world is something we all deal with at some time in our lives and the author does not provide glib answers, although we do get a happy ending as always. A good weekend read, but maybe not during tornado season!

'I know you feel decimated, but don't let your circumstances tell you who God is. Let who God is tell you how to deal with your circumstances.'
Reading a novel written by Susan May Warren is akin to going to a powerful church service where the message speaks directly to a situation in your own life. Seriously. I don't know how she manages this; well, yes, I do. She writes under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Time and time again, I have been ministered to in my spirit by her words on the page. I thank God for this, for loving me and meeting me there in my need with this precious blessing of Warren's books.
Storm Front is Warren's 5th book in her Montana Rescue series. She ramps up the excitement in this one with a series of tornados raining down destruction on the folks we've come to know and love. Ty Remington has thought of Brette and nearly nothing else for the last year. Now she's back, taking photos of storms, blogging for Vortex Storm Chasers, and he is shocked when he sees her. What has happened to Brette? He has had some serious issues to deal with in the intervening time since he last saw her, but she shocks him with her appearance.
Brette Arnold has been through a storm of a different kind, one she anticipates will never go away and so she is intent upon pushing Ty away, even though she knows he loves her. She ran from Ty over a year ago for good reasons and she doesn't intend to let him in her life again, convinced it will only lead to heartache.
Ty Remington doesn't give up. There are students missing in the tornado that his nearly destroyed the entire town and he is determined to follow his hunch and find them. And he doesn't intend to give up on Brette, either.
I love the themes running through Warren's books. This one is a storm. We all face storms in our lives as believers in Christ. "God doesn't promise to keep the storm away, but he says he'll be with me through it. My faith won't protect me from the loss, but it will carry me and keep me from despair." The storms will come; how we react to them is our own choice. Do we give up, thinking God doesn't care, or do we run into the storm, knowing fully in our heart that He will carry us through the storm? We will most definitely be stronger when we come out of the storm.
Susan May Warren is a particular favorite author of mine and her books sit proudly on my shelves. When I crack open one of her novels, I know I am going to be blessed and I am going to grow in my walk with the Lord. THAT is why I love her books! I am not eagerly anticipating the next in her Montana Rescue series.
*My thanks to the publisher for an early copy of this book. All opinions stated here are entirely my own.

Absolutely loved this book. Susan May Warren did it again. Ty is the type of guy that most girls woukd think was too good to be true, but also one you want to be with. Brette is a complicated girl who lost her way and needed help getting back. Ben and Kacey have a story that sometimes makes you feel for them, but it was time they both realized what they wanted and made it happen. Ty gives you hope and talks about God in a way that makes you want him in your life and that He is there for you when you need Him, you just have to remember that no matter how hard or what life throws at you! Can't wait for the next story.

Ms. Warren does it again, by providing an awesome story to continue the Montana Rescue Series. This book focuses on Ty and Brette and their story. In a previous book, we learn that Brette has disappeared from Ty’s life and the reader will discover why during this book. She provides Ty’s history and what occurred during the helicopter crash. The reader will be able to catch up with their other favorite characters in the series as well. Most of the setting of this novel is in Minnesota during prime storm season. The reader will be thrown through the storms that are occurring in Brette and Ty's life. Not only do I enjoy Ms. Warren’s books, but I love the inspiration part of her stories. In this book, the reader is able to learn how to more fully rely on God to supply all of our needs during any circumstances. Throughout the book, the reader is reminded of God’s goodness and how to rely on Him. I highly recommend this book, especially if you have read the previous novels in this series or any of her other books. You will not be disappointed. The book was engaging and I did not want to put the book down at all! I am looking forward to the next book in this series!
***I was given a free electronic copy of this book from the publisher for an honest review. This is my honest opinion. Even though I received this copy free, I have purchased her books before.

I’m at a loss to have words eloquent enough to convey the depth of emotions and feelings I get each time I pick up one of Susan May Warrens’ books.
Her stories will teach you, life lessons you never thought you needed to learn and take you to places your mind could not possibly think up. Like chasing down a tornado and running for your life from storm after storm.
She does this all in such a way where you as a reader, are drawn in and can’t let go until the end. She uses action and suspense, drama and romance to woo the reader in. Her words touch the very center of your soul and hold you there. In this story, there are many beautiful quotes. One quote that touched me deeply was:
"God let his son die. Imagine the grief. And now think about the love that equals it – that’s the depth of his love for us. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. His grace – his love – is equal, no, greater, than anything we could do to push him away. Our sins. Our anger. Our despair.”
Whatever Ms. Warren writes I’ll read, because I know I’ll be captivated, and yet, blessed in a way that is life-changing. Now I can’t wait to read the next book in this series!
I was given this book by the publisher for an honest review, all opinions are my own.

Confession: I've had a soft spot for Ty since I first met him, so I had great expectations for this book, which can be dangerous. Based on my 5 stars review you can guess it was a success!
What I compleeetly adore about this series is that it's very character driven. Susan May Warren takes her time digging into each character's personality, story, fear, and dreams. And I like that we get to follow side stories in addition to the main one.
Ty Remington continued to tug at my heart with his kindness and wisdom throughout this book. Characteristics very well stamped upon Brett Arnold's mind and heart. A year and a half ago, they had formed an undeniable connection which promised more, but, when Brett found out the road she would have to go through, she ran away from the man who never hesitates to offer his entire self to help others because she knew how difficult that road could be on him. So she didn't give him the chance to chose and escaped from his life without a word, though what weighed her decision the most was fear. That blinding, gutwrenching fear that threatens to blacken our world, only promises despair and makes no room for hope.
When Ty and Brett's path cross once again, Ty sees a remnant of the vivacious woman he met over a year ago; what he sees is a woman burdened by a load with roots beyond circumstances, but a true matter of the heart.
This time, though, he's not willing to let her run away without him having a say in the matter. She might only offer her friendship or nothing at all, still, Ty knows he needs to point to her the path of hope, of endless joy and strength to overcome any situation.
The storms inside will be more scary and suffocating than the tornadoes circling the area; however to not hold on to belief and to not have faith will only lead to an outcome with more than crumbled buildings, which can be rebuilt, but to a lifeless, parched spirit, desperate for refreshment. There's a pull and push war waging within between living a sheltered life and one where you take a chance on hope, on believing in a good outcome, on opening your heart. There's always a chance you'll get hurt, but the One who truly puts us together is never failing, ever present and sees us through.

So much wreckage after too many storms. Brette comes face to face with Ty again. There was a lot more things for them to focus on then the two of them. However Ty let her get away before after only knowing her for two days. He won't make that mistake again.
Ben and Kasey work on their relationship in Stormfront, also.