Member Reviews

Beautifully moving...
The Hope of Azure Springs
By Rachel Fordham
When a young woman is found alone and shot she is brought to Azure Springs, Iowa. Her identity is unknown and why she was attacked is of utmost concern to Sheriff Caleb Reynolds. When Em wakes up Caleb is even more concerned to learn that Em wasn't the only victim of these men. And Caleb is sure that if these killers learn that Em survived they will come looking for her.
For the last seven years, Em has had to survive without the love and care of family, living with a guardian who seemed to care little for her day-to-day needs. The care that those in Azure Springs offer her is something she never expected.
But Em has a sister she needs to find - one that she was separated from seven years ago. She promised herself that she would go back for Lucy and her chance has finally come.
The Hope of Azure Springs is a story that offers the hope of healing after heartbreak. Healing comes not in hiding and burying the hurt but rather in remembering the joy that came before. And when we see beyond our own pain to reach out to others we allow ourselves a chance to offer comfort and to be healed. There are definitely moments when you'll want to have a tissue or two on hand while reading but it will be worth it.
Fans of Janette Oke's books will enjoy this book - Em reminds me a little of Damaris (A Woman Named Damaris) with her struggles and her efforts to overcome. Those who enjoy historical fiction that deals with the different aspects of the Orphan Trains will want to add this to their to-be-read list.
Rachel Fordham has created both likable and unlikable characters who don't always do what you expect them to do. The writing style keeps the story moving even when the action slows down and the characters have moments of contemplation. I recommend this to anyone who desires a well brought together story and this would be an excellent book club choice.
I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by Revell with no expectations of a positive review ~ all opinions expressed are my own.

The Hope Of Azure Springs is a very unique story. You have a very bad villain who kills Em's guardian who is not all that nice - actually is very abusive - and tries to kill her by shooting her - now she ends up in a town Azure Springs - where the people treat her with love and respect and tenderness. She meets up with the Sherriff who wants to help her find out who shot her and her guardian. Now where does GOD fit in? This is extremely important. How does she handle the people treating her with respect and tenderness? How would you after being treated like a dog

The Hope of Azure Springs contained all the elements of a good book in my opinion. The characters were compelling, the story drew me in and I didn’t want to put it down. I read the book in a couple days and found it to be an easy read.
I would recommend this book if you are a fellow lover of historical fiction. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.
I was blessed to receive an electronic complimentary copy from NetGalley but I wasn’t required to write a positive review.

“The Hope of Azure Springs” by Rachel Fordham is a fictional novel about one of the children on an Orphan Train. These are children from New York who have no one to care for them, no home, and most living on the street. These children are rounded up, placed on a train to the west and parceled out to families who seem to want them. Sometimes the placement is a good one, and sometimes the placement is worse than their previous life.
This is the story of Em. She was a plain girl and was taken from the train by a grizzled older man to his property, housed in the ram-shackle barn, with hardly any food, unless she scavenged it herself, or proper clothing. Although the man did not harm her physically, emotionally she was abused. Her only hope in life was to find the little sister she had to leave behind at one of the Orphan Train stops. Lucy was taken by a couple longing for a child.
When she was nineteen, her guardian was killed and she shot and left for dead. Miraculously she made her way towards a town and was found and cared for. The sheriff was worried that whoever shot her would know that she was still alive and would come for her. Thus her staying in Azure Springs was for her own safety. She kept her hope to find Lucy by finding work and saving enough money to return to the town where she knew Lucy would be living.
I found that Em’s faith and tenacity in living is harsh conditions and still remaining positive of the success of her dreams throughout her ordeals to be inspiring. The sheriff is very protective of her and although doesn’t seem to be taken with her, as she is not a great beauty, finds that inner beauty means more.
I really enjoyed reading this story and recommend it as a story that would have been a possible result of the Orphan Train sagas.

I loved this book. I will be reading more by this author. There is so much to learn from this book about the way we treat each other.
Such a beautiful story of life. Tears and laughter, rejection, acceptance, loss and redemption. All of these feelings are experienced in this book. Beautifully written.
Thankful for the opportunity to read this book

Absolutely loved this book! #TheHopeofAzureSprings was a wonderful book about finding hope, being content and happy with who you are. Will definitely be reading more by Rachel Fordham!

What a wonderful written book. It is the story of Em and her sister Lucy who were orphaned and rode the orphan train. They get separated and Em gets adopted and has a hard life. After she gets shot and found her life begins to change and she finds people who really care about her.. She always thinks about her sister and wants to earn enough money to find her. Lots of hardship in Ems life but yet she goes on. A story that keeps you interested from the first page to the last. Thank you Net Galley for the chance to read and review this book.

The Hope of Azure Springs reminds me of a western Cinderella woven with a godly teaching of inner beauty. Em is plain and ugly. Em has nothing and no family. She came west on an orphan train with her sister, that she was separated from. Years pass and an unlikely situation of almost being murdered frees Em from her foster home. Enter the Howell's who take in Em as a daughter, Eliza the prissy daughter, and Caleb the prince of Azure Springs. Em embarks on a journey of finding out who she is and how she can get back to her sister. I loved how the author wove in this book the quality of inner beauty. Someone can be beautiful on the outside but nasty and mean on the inside. Em wasn't anything to talk about on the outside but it was how the author made her heart, to be caring, nice and joyful. It lead everyone around her to start focusing on the inside qualities. I overall enjoyed this book with only some points in the novel feeling slow, but the author knows how to draw in a reader and the emotions you feel leave you sad, mad, and happy.

The Hope of Azure Springs is an EXCELLENT story. I 1000% loved every second of this book. I was astounded when I discovered that this is Mrs. Fordham’s debut novel. WHAT?! NO WAY!!! This book is so well-written. The characters are wonderful, especially Em and Caleb, the plot is thoroughly engaging, the emotional moments in this book had me sobbing and reaching for tissue, and the romance is perfect. This book feels like it is written by a pro with many, many novels under her belt. I cannot wait to see what Mrs. Fordham has in store for readers next.
My 9th grade religious studies teacher always began class with a 10-minute journal assignment. One day, the prompt asked my class to discuss one insecurity we struggled with on a regular basis. I am the short, squat daughter of a stunning mother who is a size 4. You can imagine what one of my insecurities at 14 may have been. In the middle of writing my response, I felt my teacher’s presence hovering behind me. When I looked back, I noticed my teacher reading my response over my shoulder. She came around to face me and proclaimed that I was an ugly duckling. She said not to worry though because most ugly ducklings turn to swans, so there was hope for me to feel differently about myself. My teacher’s words that day devastated me. I wish I could tell you that this was just one really bad teacher-student moment, and that my teacher was an exception. But, that would be a lie. I have a horrid memory from when I was 7 — a boy told our entire class I looked ugly like a clown. I have another terrible memory at 13 — my mother slapped me in the stomach and told me to suck it in cause no one likes a fat girl. I have many more stories just like these. I guess when you’re not “perfect” people feel like they have the right to tell you all of your flaws. Maybe it makes them feel better? I’m not sure, but I do know that all of these comments have stored up in my heart. Whenever I read a book with a plain Jane heroine, she immediately endears herself to me. I feel like plain Janes and I are kindred spirits.
Em, the heroine of this novel, is a plain Jane. By the end of chapter one, I knew she would be my second favorite heroine — second only to Jane Eyre herself. Em is an excellent heroine. In one review that I read for The Hope of Azure Springs, the reviewer calls Em “unconventional.” I’m not a fan of that word. It’s a word many people use to describe the plain girl heroine. Em is amazing. She is feisty, strong, and very brave. She has been through so much bad, but does not let any of the bad turn her negative. She doesn’t whine. She doesn’t complain. Em is good. I mean the kind of good Jesus wants us to be. I don’t think Em is “unconventional.” I think Em is exceptional. Her beauty is bigger and better than the pretty girls in the novel because her beauty isn’t skin-deep. Em’s beauty is soul-deep. I love how she treats people. I love how hard she works. When my daughter is old enough to read a novel of this length, I am without a doubt giving her The Hope of Azure Springs. Em is a great example for my daughter to emulate!
The Hope of Azure Springs is a wonderful novel. It’s highly engaging. It’s deeply meaningful and emotional. And, it’s romantic and sweet and uplifting. This story and its characters will stick with me for a long time. I highly recommend this book, and give it 5+++++ STARS.
I received a review copy of this novel in eBook form from the author via NetGalley and Just Read Tours. In no way has this influenced my review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

This is the first book that I have read by Ms. Fordham. This is a historical novel that examines Em and how she came to be in Azure Springs. The book starts out with Em recovering from a gunshot wound and is taken to Azure Springs so that she can recover. There she meets people that help her to not only survive but thrive. They provide not just what she needs, but connections that benefit her later. The sheriff is Caleb Reynolds who is trying to solve what happened to Em. Together they work to discover what occurred. This is an interesting book and I highly recommend reading it! You will not be disappointed! If you enjoy historical fiction, Ms. Fordham will take you back to discovering Em’s story and wondering what will happen next.
***I was given a free electronic copy of this book from the publisher. This is my honest opinion. Even though I received this copy free, this is my own opinion.

This debut fiction story with the lovely cover was enjoyable. The author wove minor historical caveats to this story to give you a feel of some of the lives experienced by those that road the “orphan trains” as we refer to them now.
I found the hints of suspicion and dislike from the town towards someone that was an orphan or living in a way they could not understand so relatable. It seems that often we see this with foster parents, children that have possibly been abused or even with friends that have less than ideal lives. We reject them in the name of protection of others, while at the same time losing out on wonderful relationships.
This historical tale shows how sometimes loving when someone does not look or appear lovable, can be one of the best things for all involved.
This book was obtained from NetGalley through the publisher. The opinions expressed herein are my own and no one else.

The cover is gorgeous on this book and I was so excited to have a chance to read this debut author's book. The book was an emotional one, Em has had such a struggle in life. Is getting a gunshot ever a good thing? In this young woman's case it was. The back cover with the train on it plays an important part in this story. The book comes full circle in the end. The story was good but fell a little flat in my opinion. I was especially disappointed to see after the hard life Em has that the outcome wasn't better when she searched for Lucy, her sister. Em is a very resilient young woman who has had so many hard knocks in life but warms quickly to the kindness shown to her by the family that took her in and the town's people. The town of Azure Springs will welcome you in with memorable character's . I was also disappointed to not see more of a romance here. Another disappointment was the main character didn't have much self confidence constantly calling herself plain and ugly. She was strong in other ways though to have such resilience to went she went through.
Pub Date 03 Jul 2018
I received a complimentary copy from Revell through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

Title: The Hope of Azure Springs
Author: Rachel Fordham
Chapters: 22 plus epilogue
Pages: 331
Genre: Christian Historical fiction
Rating: 4 stars
Em orphaned and alone ends being brought the Azure Springs by kind strangers after being shot and left for dead. It's Azure Spring's Sheriff Caleb Reynolds must figure out who she is and rather or not she's a danger to the town.
What Em finds in town is to hard to believe; a place to belong. But Eliza a young woman who is jealous of the attention that Em is getting from a young suitor does everything in her power to make Em feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable enough to want to leave.
The Hope of Azure Springs is a debut novel from Rachel Fordham and I hope it won't be the last. The title of the book says it when it comes to what the book is about; its about hope and learning to trust the One who can give the ultimate hope. Both Em and Caleb her two scared individuals rather physical or emotional scars running from the pains of the past.
I enjoyed that while there was a bit of a romance in the story the novel didn't give all of its focus to it, but also focused on the friendships and family relationships in the town. I enjoyed the way that the novel came full circle with the ending. I look forward to future books by Rachel Fordham.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Where do I even start with this beautiful book? It is always my goal to write a review within a couple of days, if not hours, of finishing a book, but this one has taken me a quite a bit longer. I keep starting a review and then having to go back to it, over and over.
In The Hope of Azure Springs, Em is a young woman separated from her sister while on an orphan train in rural Iowa. Her guardian doesn't seem to really want her. He's not affectionate toward her, but he's also not cruel. Em learns how to fend for herself, but not really how to care for herself. She believes that no one will ever really want her and has resigned herself to that.
Caleb Reynold's is charming, attractive, and reliable. As the sheriff of Azure Springs, he finds himself searching for the men who killed Em's guardian and attempted to kill her. They form a beautiful friendship and he finds himself drawn to Em because he can be himself with her. Their friendship is one of my favorite parts of this story!
This is Rachel Fordham's debut novel and leaves me wanting more. The idea that beauty is more than visual is a resounding theme of this book and one that almost every woman can relate to! The question is can Caleb rely on what his heart says and not only what his eyes see.
"Don't let anyone else decide which kind of beautiful is right for you. You find a girl who brings out the best in you. Who you can see a happy future with. That's your kind of beautiful." Rachel Fordham "The Hope of Azure Springs"

I’m not sure the last time I was so moved by a book that I laughed a little at times and cried! This was such a touching book. I loved the emotion and it was very well written! I will look forward to reading more books by this author! Loved it!!!!

After reading the short prologue I was glued! I hadn’t planned on reading the book at the moment—for I was in the middle of one book and had another in queue—but I just couldn’t stop. I LOVE it when a book sucks me in and won’t let me go.
The special nuances of historical fiction are what make this genre one of my favorites—especially when they have a sweet, spiritual flavor. Within the pages of a historical novel I can delve back in time, travel to places unseen, experience old customs, and see the world in a brand new light. This story does all that. It blends heartbreak and healing, tragedy and hope.
It takes a special writer—one who spends endless hours in research, who can erase the comforts and facilities of modern times with the swoop of her hand, one who educates and entertains by blending history with imagination—to create authentic, believable stories and characters of days gone by. That’s one of the reasons I was surprised to learn that The Hope of Azure Springs is Rachel Fordham’s debut novel. I’m impressed. Kudos, Ms. Forham!
I enjoyed the prairie setting, and the main characters, Em and Caleb, are relatable and sympathetic. I was quickly drawn into each of their stories and hoped for them to have a fruitful and positive outcome. This is an engrossing story told in an engaging voice, with heart tugging prose. A 2018 winner!
5 Stars
Cover: Love
Title: Love
Pages: 336
Publisher: Revell
First Lines (prologue): “She dead?” Em heard a man’s voice from somewhere above her. A strange thumping pulsed through her with each word he spoke.
Thank you to Revell, NetGalley, and ImAReaderBlogTours for my advanced copy of this book.

Caleb Reynolds, sheriff of Hope Springs, is determined to bring to justice the men who shot a woman, Em Cooper, and murdered her guardian. As he works with Em to try to determine who committed the heinous crimes, Caleb finds himself not only wanting to solve the mystery and serve justice but also to find out more about Em and how a woman is malnourished, lived in a barn, and has nothing to her name, can be so strong and determined and kind. Different from anyone he knows, Em brings peace and healing to him, even as he is trying to help her.
Em was sent on an orphan train seven years ago--and separated from her sisters. Now nineteen and free from her guardian, Em has her first chance to hope for the future--and her first chance to find her sister. She needs to heal first, and as a local family cares for her and the local sheriff becomes her friend, Em also finds that maybe she is as unwanted and unloved as she has long believed.
This book was really, really good. I loved seeing the building friendship between Caleb and Em. I also liked watching Caleb learning to see Em's true beauty and worth. It was refreshing to read a story where the heroine isn't an obvious beauty. The ending was really, really beautiful--the final chapter and the epilogue just really tugged at my heart. Great book from Rachel Fordham.
4.5 stars.
I read a copy from the publisher via #NetGalley. All opinions are my own. #HopeOfAzureSprings

5 stars
This is truly the best book I have read all year! Rachel Fordham has created a masterful tale of love, hope, second chances and new beginnings. This historical fiction book is set in the small Iowa town of Azure Springs. Em and her little sister were put on an orphan train in New York City; later they were adopted out to different homes. Em’s home was not a good one, yet after a tragedy, she finds family, love, courage and happiness. She gains the ability to finally search for her sister.
I thoroughly enjoyed the entire story. It did not end the way I thought it would, it was so much better! I am in awe that Rachel Fordham wrote such a phenomenal first book. Most new authors are unable to create such complex characters and plot lines. I cannot wait to read more from her! I highly recommend this book to everyone. I know this will go on my keeper shelf and that I will reread this book again and again.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and Net Galley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

"The Hope of Azure Springs " is an historical fiction book that shows the life of an orphan during the times of the orphan trains. Em was on the orphan train 7 years ago with her sister. She is separated from her sister on the train and since then has misses and yearned for her every day..She was picked up by George 7 ears before but neglected and abused and not given food. At the start of the book George is killed and she is shot. Caleb the town sheriff takes the case on to find who committed the crime. The Howell family kindly takes on caring for Em. Em finds it difficult to have them care for her but they become very attached her her and learn so much from her. The sheriff stays at the Howell's since He fears for Em's safety and also the Howell family's safety. Em is a beautiful character and the reader will remember how she conquerors so many challenges in such a positive way. Will Em find her sister Lucy? Will the crime be solved? What will happen to Caleb after all He sees from this case? This is a book I would highly recommend to anyone. It is so hard to put down. I was given this copy by ebook from Netgalley to review and read . I appreciate this opportunity and will post reviews on facebook, Christian book, Goodreads, Amazon, my blog, , shrre with a couple of pastors and a friend who is a church librarian.

The Hope of Azure Springs is a fabulous debut for Rachel Fordham. I found it to be beautifully written with vivid details that drew me in instantly. I could not put the book down. I felt connected to Em from the moment I was introduced to her. The story has everything I love to read, entertainment, adventure, humor, history, and moments that tugged at my heart.
I am giving The Hope of Azure Springs a well deserved five plus stars. It is among my favorites I have read this year. I can not wait to see what Rachel Fordham releases next.
Highly recommended.
I received this book from the publisher. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.