Member Reviews

One of the best books I’ve read this year!!! There were equal parts giggles and teary-eyes. This debut author has amazing talent to tell a story. I love the approach of this story and how the characters each had flaws and things to overcome but they relied on each other and friendships to grow and learn. Exceptional debut!!!
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The Hope of Azure Springs
Em has been orphaned for half her life. When the man who "adopted" her died in a gunfight that wounded her, the sheriff of Azure Springs found her and brought her into town and a family took her in. What the people of Azure Springs don't know is that George had a stash of money from several bank robberies that his other foster son participated in.
When Arlo, the other foster child of George's, comes back into town looking for the money, Caleb wants to protect Em with all he's got. Em has made a name with the Howell family she's staying with. She can tell stories to keep the children quiet so their mother can do her housework. Em wants a job to go find her sister, Lucy, who got separated from her on the Orphan Train. Everything Em does is with the aim of finding Lucy.
The Hope of Azure Springs moves along like a Concorde Jet from Paris to New York. The pacing of the plot is rather fast and sometimes a reader will go back and reread a small section to be sure he/she has the story straight. I haven't read Rachel Fordham's books before, but I certainly will again.
This is a five-star book with two thumbs up, and a happily ever after story.
Revell provided the galley I read through NetGalley.com. The opinions expressed here are totally my own.

I think every young girl needs to read this book. Wait. Every female needs to read this book. Who doesn't suffer from some sort self image issues?! This book is beautifully written and has such Biblical truth in it. It even has a fairy tale quality to it as well. The heroine, Em looks like a little girl, but she is actually twenty years old. She is tiny and malnourished and is plain. She knows she will never marry. The hero, Caleb is the handsome sheriff, who has all of the ladies swooning. He finds Em to be different. She has an attitude of gratefulness. She is hard working, and cares for others more than for herself. She also likes to have fun and doesn't seem to care about lady like manners. This speaks volumes because of her childhood. Needless to say, her beauty is revealed through her sweet spirit and soul. This makes me think of the scripture in Proverbs that says that "Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be praised." This book made me think and ponder way into the night. Should I be worried about my outward appearance or my inward beauty. Which is going to last? I can tell you at my age, it's what's on the inside that matters and lasts.
*I was given a copy of this book by Revell publishers via Netgalley and was under no obligation to leave a review. This is my honest opinion.

Rachel Fordham takes us back in history to Azure Springs, a small town in Iowa, in 1881. The Sheriff Caleb Reynolds has Hollywood good looks without the pride or attitude. When Em our leading lady, is shot and left for dead our hero Caleb has to solve the mystery of who Em is and where did she come from. Seven years ago she came across on an orphan train from New York. Like many siblings on the trains, she and her sister were separated. Finding Lucy again and reuniting with her is the one thing that keeps Em going. When her guardian is shot and killed, Em at 19 thinks this will be her opportunity to pursue finding Lucy. She is finally free. Losing a lot of blood and fighting for her life, Em is bound and determined not to give up. Rachel Fordham will take you on an unforgettable journey. Congratulations Rachel on your debut novel, I truly enjoyed it. I received this book from Revell Publishing through Net Galleys. The opinion expressed in this review is completely my own.

"The Hope of Azure Springs" is a Christian romance set in 1881 in Iowa. Many of the characters dealt with grief over losing loved ones. Em was separated from her sister when they rode the Orphan Train, and she has endured 7 years of poverty and loneliness. Many of the locals lost children in a sickness that swept the area. Caleb lost his brothers in the Civil War. Throughout the story, they learned from each other how to grieve and find joy again.
Caleb initially thinks Em is very plain and treats her like a sister, but he finds healing as he tries to bring joy and playfulness back into her life. The story was basically about the characters getting to know each other and learning to care about each other.
Sheriff Caleb had a deputy but did everything by himself, like search for a missing person whose life was in danger. I found that odd. I was also surprised that the sheriff kept riding off with Em in the saddle in front of him. Mainly because that's hard on the horse, but also because they were alone. Then he takes a girl he's courting out alone on a picnic with her riding in front of him. Are there no other horses in that town or public places to picnic? There were several minor things like this that didn't seem accurate to the historical period. Still, the realistic, caring characters made for an enjoyable story. There was no sex or bad language. Overall, I'd recommend this enjoyable romance.

Rachel Fordham's debut novel is one that will definitely delight fans of either historical fiction or westerns. While I went into it expecting to really like it, I ended up being quite surprised with just how much I enjoyed this tender story about overcoming past hurts in order to truly let yourself live, and be able to enjoy every moment.
The romance was tenderhearted, sweet and clean; all of which made it a winner in my eyes, and I really appreciated the way that Caleb and Em's relationship starts out as a strong friendship first before turning into anything else. In the beginning Caleb is driven to try and be the best at everything he can, in order to make his parent's proud of him, and part of this is finding a worthy bride who'll be beautiful, and someone he can be proud of bringing home to meet his family. Em is definitely not what he had in mind, but in the process of becoming her close friend, Caleb learns there's much more to beauty than initial physical attraction, and the author did a beautiful job of depicting this.
With so many twists and turns happening throughout the story that I never saw coming, I had a really hard time wanting to put this one down. And even in the moments where the action wasn't the focus, I found myself really invested into the story, especially during the many tender moments featured between Abigail and Em, or Margaret and Em. It was also an eye opener to see a more realistic and negative portrayal of the orphan trains and the havoc they wrecked on so many families and children along their way.
You could really tell throughout reading The Hope of Azure Springs that Rachel Fordham poured her heart and soul into this beautiful novel, and her thorough research definitely shines through. I expect to see amazing things from her in the future if her debut novel is any indication, and I highly recommend picking this one up when it releases on July 3rd. She's definitely mastered the art of keeping a novel clean while still action packed and compelling to the reader, and I highly enjoyed it. In this case, the gorgeous cover definitely matches the fantastic story enfolded within its pages, and I'm so thankful to Revell and NetGalley to have had the opportunity to advance read this!
Final Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I received a complimentary advance readers copy of this novel from the publisher (Revell) via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to give a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

It has taken me a few days to clear the book euphoria in order to write this review. From the very first page, until the very last words at the end of the story, I found myself blissfully swept away on a current of words. Poignant and filled with emotion, this story is one that is sure to linger with you long after you’ve put the story down.
From a young age, Em has felt that she didn’t measure up, that she lacked in beauty and worthiness. She has been passed over, and flat-out ignored for so long that she doesn’t even realize her own worth. Em is an excellent story-teller and has a big heart for children. She likes to help others, she sees a need and she seeks to fill it. She doesn’t hold a grudge and is quick to forgive. Only by accepting who she is in God will she begin to find her own inner beauty.
Sheriff Caleb Reynolds is charming and outgoing. He’s your typical youngest child, seeking to please others. Caleb more than any other character in this story grows the most. It is fun to watch his progression as he realizes that all he had thought as truth was sorely lacking. But will he realize what true beauty is before its too late?
This story has multiple layers to enjoy. Moments of laughter, and moments that will have you holding your breath and wondering what will happen next. Have a few tissues ready also, because, like me, your emotions might just overflow.
I recommend this fantastic story to one and all, especially if you enjoy mid-western prairie, early American, historical romance. I give this wonderful story 5 enthusiastic stars and encourage you to pick-up a copy to enjoy!
(I receive complimentary books for review from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including Netgalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own.)

Author Rachel Fordham’s debut novel is incredible; it will tug at your heartstrings as you’re drawn into the lives of Em and Caleb. Loss through death due to the war and sickness was common but with perseverance healing can be reached. The characters come through as true to life and Fordham has me wanting to visit Azure Springs.
So many unexpected happenings had me turning the pages quickly. Hope for the future kept popping up, even though the main characters tried to squelch it. And we were reminded that beauty is not just outward. A good heart that cares about people has the most beauty.
The orphan trains are often romanticized but due to Fordham’s thorough research, we see that things didn’t always go well. I won’t say more as I don’t want to spoil anything, but it’s obvious the author has a heart for orphans, and this story often had me fighting tears. If you enjoy historical fiction, this book is a must read!
I received a complimentary copy of this book but was not required to leave a review.

For a debut author, Rachel Fordham did an awesome job! This was such an endearing story that it is hard not to be touched. Em's story is heartbreaking but she had such strength and character. This is one orphan train story that will be hard to forget. Highly recommended!

The Hope of Azure Springs is a endearing story of life, loss, love, the value of character and most of all the power of hope.
Em is a survivor and she has been living for one thing, to find her sister. Caleb survived where his brother’s didn’t and he feels he must prove himself worthy. Every person featured in this story has a past. A love. A loss. A wish. A hope.
Drawing on the beauty of sacrificial love, the knowledge of the value of character and the understanding of how the ways that we relate have profound impact on others this heart-wrenching and heart-warming tale kept me turning the pages. It is a book worth reading.
– – –
I received a free digital galley of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

The best way to describe this book "warm". You know, that comfortable feeling you get when a book draws you in and you just enjoy it. That was how this book felt for me. It felt like a season of "Little House on the prairie."
I was excited to read from a new author, and I can say her writting draws you in. She even moved me to teary eyes at one point. I enjoyed watching Em grow and develop as a character. The author included several great secondary characters that came along side Em and helped her in her struggles. I enjoyed the element of mystery in the story and I wish it had lasted longer.
So why only three stars? In my mind as I was reading the book I bounced from 4-3 stars. The main reason I settled on 3 was the hero. I never really connected to him, he was the type of hero that was just.... there. I can't quite put my finger on why he bothered me.tha being said, I enjoyed this author's fresh voice, and I will be looking for more of her stories in the future!
I received this book through Netgalley for my honest opinion

Rachel Forham has written a wonderful debut novel, The Hope of Azure Springs! Tragedy and danger has come to Em, an orphan. Sheriff Reynolds tries to help her after she is discovered along the side of a road outside Azure Springs. She is in pour health and no one knows who she is or where she came from. Very enjoyable story line, characters and writing style. Hoping to read much more from Rachel Fordham in the future!
I received this book from NetGalley and all opinions are my own.

First off, I loved the mystery in this book. I think that out of everything, it was what got me hooked. It kept me guessing all the way to the ending; which by the way, held a few surprises (happy and sad).
The characters were so sweet!
Of course, there was a villain and a mean girl, but the others were kind and caring just totally loveable. They made me want to visit Azure Springs. :) Specifically, Em was selfless, hardworking, and tender-hearted. Fordham also made a point of describing her as plain and this was great! Not every heroine is stunningly beautiful. This also led to the discovery, (by other characters) that you should not let others define beautiful for you. “Don’t let anyone else decide which kind of beautiful is right for you. You find a girl who brings out the best in you. Who you can see a happy future with. That’s your kind of beautiful.” What a profound statement! I had to read that twice because honestly, I couldn’t agree more.
Over all, the writing was okay. It was a bit cliché in places and didn’t bear too many colorful flourishes. One thing which bothered me, was the number of times Em was described as being very thin. I got the picture after it was mentioned only twice… No need to repeat. Also, I found that the dialogue didn’t always flow super well. The characters said things which came across as random and created some awkward bumps in the narrative.
Lastly, this was a clean read. There was no profanity and immorality and I definitely enjoyed this.
Altogether “The Hope of Azure Springs,” was a heartwarming story about facing the past and learning to trust others.

Rachel Fordham’s début novel, The Hope of Azure Springs, is a very tender story about an abused woman and the sheriff who becomes enamored of her.
Nineteen-year-old Em Cooper has had a difficult life. Ending up on the Orphan Train and sent west from New York with her sister, they were separated when they reached their destination in Iowa. All of the other children brought to Beckford were adopted, but plain Em was rejected by everyone except an indifferent but not unkind trapper named George, who took her to his claim on the edge of neighboring Azure Springs. His neglectful guardianship came with requirements like living in his barn in all types of weather and bathing in an ice-cold spring, and Em was forced to trap small animals for sustenance. Caught up in the middle of a robbery, she is shot by a group of bandits who murdered George; wounded and in desperation, she rides into town alone in search of help and is found passed-out in the mud. Alone in Azure Springs, she requires medical care and the kindness of strangers until she regains consciousness, and Sherriff Caleb Reynolds is determined to make sure justice is served in her name.
Caleb knows how fragile the trail back to Em’s attackers is – the men are long gone by the time she rides into Azure Springs. Researching the mystery while Em regains her strength, he discovers that the bandits who killed George have returned to hang his body a tree as a warning. Em eventually provides him with a few more physical clues, but much of that night remains a self-protected mystery for her.
Em doesn’t understand why the people of Azure Springs - especially Caleb and the Howell family, who have taken her in during her travail - are suddenly treating her so nicely. But she begins to make friends and become something of a sister to the Howell’s children, taking a job in a boarding house with an eye to tracking down her now-teenage sister Lucy in the neighboring town of Beckford. Caleb begins to broaden her horizons – teaching her how to shoot while she teaches herself how to read in the hope of understanding her mother’s personal papers, and in the process the couple grows closer. Meanwhile, Caleb is caught between the eldest Howell child, Eliza, whom he’d been loosely courting, and his new feelings for Em.
While Caleb chases the bad guys, Em keeps dreaming of Beckford; but will her developing feelings for Caleb change everything? And what will happen when those bandits come back?
The Hope of Azure Springs is quite a touching piece of work, though it does have some research and characterization failures that keep it from reaching a perfect grade.
Em will likely reach a reader’s soft spot, even though her obsession with her own plainness increases to a degree that’s quite neurotic and unhealthy; it’s understandable because of the scarring experience she went through at the orphan train, but sometimes she feels a bit too skittish to be an adult woman. It’s something she does shake off with time, and she grows into a woman with grit and toughness.
Caleb has his own scars; brothers that passed away while he was very young, leaving him an orphan and feeling rootless. He is roundly human, making mistakes while being properly dashing and wonderful. They have a romance built from understanding and kindness as well as shared principles and discussions. There are a lot of sometimes too-saccharine fairytale tropes bouncing between them, but they add to the sweet and mild nature of the novel.
In general, this is a cast haunted by the bittersweet memory of those who have died before, and while there is loss there is a delicate balance of hope under the story’s skin. I liked Margaret, the woman who employs Em, the most, but even the hard-to-like character in the story (the sometimes one-note Eliza, for instance) ends up developing layers.
The book uses religion as a means for the characters to both commune with the dead and hope for the best. Its Christian characters are not perfect saints; the book’s biggest villains - like the gossips who attend the church social and hurt Em’s feelings by gossiping about her – are held up as examples of the wrong way to practice faith.
I only have two problems with the story, besides Em’s intense focus on her own plainness. Some of them are the research failures sprinkled throughout the book, such as when Em calls an 1800s New York City “The City That Never Sleeps”, a term that didn’t come into common parlance until the 1920s. The other is the way the author chooses to end the Lucy storyline. As realistic as it is, it doesn’t really inform the plot – and almost feels unnecessarily cruel.
But even with that fact in mind, The Hope of Azure Springs is still a worthy way to spend your time.
Buy it at: Amazon/Barnes & Noble/iBooks/Kobo

A good book from a new-to-me author. It held my interest as the story line moved along. I would read another book by this author.

What a fantastic debut novel for Rachel Fordham! This novel takes place in a small Iowa town in 1881 where we find a wounded girl who is nearly dead. Her name is Em and as her story unravels, we learn about how she came to be in Iowa on the orphan train several years earlier. Through a series of losses, each seeming greater than the last, she finds herself in Azure Springs, where she learns how to live and love again. The town sheriff, Caleb, sees Em as a case to solve, but as he digs deeper into the her past to catch the criminals who left her for dead, he learns that there is much more to Em than meets the eye.
The story line itself is fantastic - holding to a bit of romance and a bit of mystery, some drama and a lot of character growth and development. While Em is the focal point of the story and her growth and healing are central, she also brings hope and healing to several others in the town of Azure Springs and beyond. Her sweet and humble spirit, strong work ethic and ability to be honest and put people at ease in her presence allow her to bring that same healing to others around her. The focus of the book itself is about this healing and growth and learning the meaning of true beauty.
I loved the characters and enjoyed the subtle twists and turns - this wasn't a run-of-the-mill romance story. The story had great depth itself. I had laugh out loud moments and several tear-jerking moments. The ending was such a beautiful turn of events and I just loved how it turned out. I hope the author offers some spin-off prequels to go into further depth on some of the minor characters of this book as I want to learn more about them as well. Overall, kudos to Mrs. Fordham on an excellent debut. I would highly recommend!
Special thanks to NetGalley and Revell publishers for an advance e-copy of this book. The thoughts and opinions contained in this review are my own and I was under no obligation to provide it.

The best book ever! If I could give this book 10 stars I would. The book drew me in from page one, I was so caught up in it I was talking to the characters out loud. I love the characters especially Margaret. She reminded me so much of a loving aunt. I fell in love with Em and her stories and love for others. There are so many wonderful things going on in the story. This book had me laughing and crying, I did not want it to end. You must read, you too will being saying the best book ever!

Em was separated from her little sister Lucy during an orphan train adoption. It’s been seven long years and she finally escapes the skinflint who barely cared for her. She is accustomed to scratching out a living while this man is away frequently and she lives in his dilapidated falling down barn. There is a shootout and her guardian is killed, and Em is shot and plays dead until she’s rescued by the sheriff. The skin and bones feisty little waif is invited to convalesce in a kind family’s home. As she recovers, she begins to find her way in life. She has comfortable surroundings for the first time in seven years, as well as the time to mull over her purpose in life before searching for her missing baby sister. Her goal is to find her, but the road she travels to get there is fraught with danger and is not the path of least resistance.
This story is mostly about hope. Hope of finding her little sister and hope for building a better life. Em had a good life until her parents died, so her life has run the gamut from good, horrible, and to recovery mode. The last seven years have worn on her and she has little hope in herself as a person. As she washes away the dirt and grime of her former life and puts on a bit of weight, it’s easy to see that she is a joy to be around. The journey to find her sister is not what one might expect but this journey is as much of a self-discovery as it is a search to find her sister.
As a debut novel for this author, Rachel Fordham writes a story that is well written and flows very well. I was hooked after the first chapter and found it very hard to put down. Her words craft her story very beautifully and you can easily visualize the countryside, the danger, and the kind people who take Em in. This story was exceptional and I cannot wait to see what she writes next!
This book is available for purchase on July 3rd.
I received a complimentary advanced e-copy of the book from NetGalley. The review is completely my own and in no way swayed by the free e-copy of the book.

When an unknown young woman is shot and left for dead, Sheriff Caleb Reynolds is tasked with solving the mystery surrounding her appearance in town. No one in Azure Springs has ever seen her before, although she claims she has lived in the nearby hills for the past seven years. Thanks to the kindness of strangers, Em recovers and begins to make a new life in town, though many secrets shroud her past and rumors swirl about her. As she begins to hope for "happily ever after," Em must decide whom she can trust and where she truly belongs.
When I began reading "The Hope of Azure Springs," I was initially underwhelmed. The characters seemed to fit their stereotypes too neatly, and the plot seemed destined to meander until it reached its inevitable conclusion. About halfway through the book, however, the story took an unexpected turn, and for the better. I couldn’t identify an exact point in the story where my perspective changed, but my attitude gradually shifted from trudging through the book out of obligation to genuine interest and a reluctance to put the book down. The characters’ personalities suddenly took on more flesh and bone. The storytelling went from predictable and prosaic to a deeper and more thoughtful exploration of the characters' struggles.
“The Hope of Azure Springs” is Rachel Fordham‘s debut novel and gives readers hope for a promising new author in the Christian historical fiction genre. The characters grew in breadth as the story rolled along, and I found myself yearning for Em to have her heart’s deepest longings fulfilled. Ms. Fordham explores the concepts of true and lasting beauty, family, and grief. She touches on the truth that sometimes “happily ever after” looks different than we imagined, but her sweet and satisfying resolution is still sure to please readers.
This novel is currently set to release in early July, 2018. Readers who prefer tender tales set in the American West and enjoy the works of authors like Lauraine Snelling and Tracie Peterson will likely find both this novel and new author charming.
I requested and received a free Advanced Reader Copy e-book from the publisher, Revell, through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

An enjoyable read from start to finish! A western style tale set in 1880's Iowa, with a very likable heroine whose tragic backstory will instantly make readers want her to get a happy ending. A bit of action, adventure and a tender romance round out the plot with a satisfying finish.
"Let them say what they would, she knew her own story and they would not steal the measure of joy she’d found."
Em was a character that I grew fond of quickly and enjoyed watching her bloom where she was planted. Her sweet, gentle, selfless, hardworking ways quickly spread a positive influence on others, but without them realizing it. Loved how Caleb began to see it and appreciate her friendship, encouraging her and learning how beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.
The history of the Orphan Trains was interesting. I would like to read more on this topic. The writing seemed to flow better as the story went on, feeling like a two part tale. I would have liked a little more inspiration infused dialogue, maybe coming from side characters like Abigail or Margaret. Em could have used the scriptural based encouragement.
Fans of clean historical romances will enjoy this lovely debut novel. Look forward to reading more from this promising author.