Member Reviews

This is the first book I have read by the author and certainly won't be the last. Even though it has sadly been quite a few, okay, a lot of years since my teens were babies, the book had memories flooding back of what it was like to be a new mother.

Each chapter starts off with a post by the undercover mother which had me smiling whilst nodding in agreement. Even though the story focuses on Jenny, the undercover mother, we do get to know her new friends better throughout who all held my interest and I wanted to know more about them.

All the women are very different. You can see some tension between some as they probably are not best suited as friends but that's what makes this story work so well. The relationship between the women was so interesting and I couldn't wait to find out more about them. Find out more you do and it makes for some emotional, shocking and fun reading. 

I loved the battle of Jenny trying to juggle her emotions when it comes to her work as well as that new mother guilt of not being able to bear to leave them with anyone else. For one's so little, children certainly make a huge impact and it is great to read of others going through the exact same struggles you did.

The Undercover Mother was so much more than just a story about motherhood. It deals with a lot of grown up topics as well as relationships and friendships. It will certainly hold some surprises in there for readers. An entertaining and enjoyable read by an author that I will certainly be looking out for in the future.

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Thanks a million Netgalley and Bookouture for allowing me to read this book. This was a really fun, and light hearted read. I think every woman who's had a baby will relate to it and recognise themselves in a lot of it. I highly recommend it.

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Jenny is pregnant with her first child. Everyone, including her boss is telling her life is about to change and she will need to adapt. A younger colleague has been given her column at work and in an effort to ensure she still has a column to write when the baby is born, Jenny pitches the idea of a writing about hapless new parents and the diverse people met at antenatal classes. What ensues is a light-hearted, easy to read book about the trials and tribulations of early parenthood which will resonate with many, no matter how long ago they became parents.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh my goodness this was absolutely hilarious! I just couldn't stop laughing throughout.

I think this book is a fantastic eye opener to what motherhood is really like and see that its normal to have bad days.

It was great reading the little bits from Jenny's blog where she writes about the Spice Mums this made me chuckle.

This is a fabulous read and I really hope theres another book to follow this

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Being a new mother myself, I just loved this book. I could relate to the experiences and dilemmas that Jenny as a new mother faced. This made me realise that I am not alone in this situation! It is just great that Emma Robinson wrote this book and that I stumbled across it!

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I thought I was really going to be able to relate to this book, as a working mom of three, but while it was cute, it fell a little short for me. There wasn't anything I strongly disliked, but I think my own expectations got in the way. It will definitely have it's own audience, though, and I think will appeal to many young mother's.

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This is a must read for all mothers & mums to be, it is hilarious! Heck it's even great for dads too!! I went from nodding my head in agreement to laughing out loud and back again! I appreciate the story was tied up at the end, but would've been happy to have a sequel and keep the laughs rolling. Definitely recommend!

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This book started off funny, but it soon let me down. It seemed to go no where, and fast. Not that great, I was hoping for a really funny book about mother hood.

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When Jenny's due to give birth to her first child, her boss seems to think she won't be able to work as a journalist on her column "Girl About Town" anymore. This urges Jenny to attend an antenatal class in search for ideas for a new column: The Undercover Mother. But what starts as a way to find entertaining stories from other moms, grows into something much more.

If you have young kids, you will undoubtedly be able to identify with one of the moms in this book, as well as a lot of the situations they find themselves in. It's very clear that the authors knows what it's like to be a mother and she's not afraid to show the parts no one else talks about.

Thanks to Netgalley, Bookouture and Emma Robinson for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I enjoyed reading this debut novel by Emma Robinson. It took me right back to when I was going through all those stages of late pregnancy/early motherhood, and that is saying something because that was quite some time ago now!

Jenny meets a bunch of women at antenatal classes. They have nothing much in common except having babies due around the same date, nevertheless they get on quite well and form friendships. Jenny's boss Eva doesn't have a lot of time for babies and new mums, and Jenny is forced to do a bit of lateral thinking in order to keep on doing the job that she has loved so much for so long. But is the price too high? How does motherhood change a woman?

It is not, and has never been, easy to navigate the world of work and motherhood. Motherhood changes you irrevocably, whether you like it or not.

This is a nice book that would make for lovely reading by mums, young mums in particular. This older mum enjoyed it too though.

I give this book a solid 4 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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This book was so much fun to read that I couldn't put it down and HAD to read it in one sitting. I loved the way the author weaved a tale of motherhood, how it can change you, and how to go about these changes. Ah, it was a serious breath of fresh air and I loved every minute of it.

4.5 stars

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Jenny is nine months pregnant and about to go on maternity leave. And she's really more worried about her column 'Girl About Town being given away to someone else. In a desperate attempt to find herself a new column to write about, when she gets back from maternity leave ( she has no plans to take her full maternity leave, of course), she pitches an idea for a new column for mums.

This takes her on an adventure she would have never dreamt about. A funny, light hearted read which was perfect after my previous heavy read. Perfect for curling up on the sofa on a cold winter day or on the beach on a wonder summer break. A fun, light hearted read.

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Jenny writes a “Girl About Town” column for Flair magazine. At nearly 9 months pregnant her whole world is about to change. Her job has been given to a much younger “more suitable” staff member.

Wondering where her career will go from here she joins an Antenatal class and plans to start a motherhood blog to evolve into a motherhood column when she eventually goes back to work.

Jenny meets a great bunch of ladies who she dubs “The Spice Mums” and discovers life with a baby is a bit different to what she was expecting.

Loved this book as there was so much I could relate to from my time off on maternity leave!! Great read and I would definitely recommend it for anyone who’s planning a baby, pregnant, on maternity leave or has ever been on maternity leave!

Exactly what I needed to get out of my reading rut and I will definitely be reading future books by Emma Robinson!

Thank you as always to Netgalley and Bookouture 💖

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The book is hilarious and fun. It capture perfectly the transition experience from a woman to a mom. In the middle of this book, I was afraid that it will offer a cliche conflict of chiclit, but thankfully, that predictable conflict is resolve quickly in non dramatic way.

The setting of book, which capture the life on a magazine, brings me back somewhat to Devil Wears Prada, but the story is of course glaringly different.

I would recommend this book for women who just recently become a mom. You’re not alone living the turbulence world of motherhood.

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Oh my Days. I loved this book. Every now and then you see a book and you know you just have to read it. As I mainly read crime, thriller books, every so often I like something like this to break up the blood and gore.
As soon as this was put up on Netgalley I had to request it, within an hour it was on my kindle and I was reading it.

The Undercover Mother is certainly in parts a laugh out loud read, it's also a comfort read, sometimes happy, funny and sometimes a little sad, the book has lots of emotion running through it.
Expectant mother, Jen is due to start her maternity leave. Working her 'Girl About Town' column has been great, nights out, dancing until the early hours all to write her column and she's devastated when her boss passes the column to a younger colleague.
Jen has an idea, and it seems a great idea to her. Why doesn't she blog about being a new mum. Not sure how much content she can get for this, I mean what can she write about a baby sleeping, pooing, eating. Jen joins and antenatal class, she makes a couple of friends with some of the other expectant mothers, and her ideas for her blog start coming to her. She is determined to make this work. Weather she can convince her boss that writing a blog about being a new mother will work is another story. Jen needs to go the extra mile to get content to keep it fresh and new.
There are some great laugh out loud moments, some cringeworthy moments.
Jen shares it all, no holding back.
Antenatal classes should stop giving leaflets, pamphlets, brochures out at classes, and give this book out. Told as it is. I could relate to so much of this from when I was a new mum. How can such a tiny little turd change your life so much. Winging it, thinking everyone else has their sh*t together, and there is only you in the world that isn't managing everything, only you in the world that hasn't got the energy to get out of your pj's because you are sooooooooo tired. Wondering why weeks on, everyone else is wearing great fitted clothing, yet you are still only comfortable in big knicks, and pregnancy pants because you'll never ever get back into your old clothes. Being totally tired and worn out, yet all other mums just don't look anything like you feel, why haven't they got leaky boobs, and baby milk on the shoulder of their top.
First Class read, I recommend this book to anyone who wants a fun, yet real read. Friendships, secrets, lies, revelations, laughter, tears, relationships. This book covers it all.

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Does pregnancy and having babies change you? That's what Jenny, a columnist who the definitive girls guide to being single and having fun, is determined to prove wrong. Pregnant with her first child and in her 30's, none of Jenny's friends understand what it's like to suddenly have your body turn into an alien and have to go to the bathroom every hour on the hour. When she meets s group of women at a prenatal class, she decides to write a blog about the pregnant and postpartum life, using the women as her examples - without telling them! Jenny is determined to get her old writing job back once her maternity leave is up and to so she has to prove to her editor that she's still relevant even though she's no longer out to 3 in the morning, living la vida loca.
The group of women Jenny hooks up all have their own issues and angsts about childbirth and being a mom - and as many different childrearing ideas that you can shake a stick at. Jenny nicknames them the Spice Moms and gives each one a true Spic moniker. There's Scary mom, Posh mom, even sporty mom and they all have problems denoting their nicknames.
Navigating through this new time in her life, Jenny must either make sacrifices for her baby or her job - and she's having a hard time deciding which is more important to her.
While this wasn't - for me- the laugh out loud romp it was advertised as, the book was filled with many true-to life situations that every first-time mom goes through; and some second or third time moms as well. And many of them were pretty cute and funny.
Thanks to NEtgalley for a chance to read an arc of this book in exchange for an honest opinion.

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