Member Reviews
I see from other reviews that I am not the only one fed up with this book about 20% in. I kept reading because I secretly suspected that there must be one killer of an ending but then I find out that that’s not the case at all. I am sorry I wasted my time on this one but it was so predictable throughout. It might have turned into something interesting if the author had not stayed with that single plot line but unfortunately she didn’t and I cannot in good faith recommend this book. A free copy was provided by #NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.
Absolutely amazing! A very thrilling psychological thriller. Make sure you grab a copy, have a couple hours to do nothing else, because you won't want to put this book down. It keeps readers going in one direction, until it changes gears and has you shifting quickly to another. Amazing character development and even better psychological thriller!
I was a little disappointed with this book as I had been looking forward to it for a good while.
Whilst it sounded just my kind of book I felt that it was quite disappointing, a bit predictable and lacking a few good plot twists. Sometimes quite unrealistic too.
Thrilling tale that had me interested. Could tell who the villain was early, but still liked this book.
Actually 4.5 stars.
This was a bit of a strange book for me as it was pretty obvious from very early on who Jade was and the main reason why she latched on to Mark like she did. Basically, because there was no viable alternative that I saw, I don't think the author meant this as a secret. That said, there was still quite a lot to be learned about exactly how we got to where we were at the start of the main story. What had happened to shape the main characters into the people they became and what motivated them to do the things they did. It was, to me, more of a whydoneit rather than a whodoneit and the why actually turned out to be the driving point of what was actually a very character driven psychological journey.
So, we start with a fire which was attended by police officer Mark. Only one survivor, a young girl. Fast forward a bit and there's another fire, this time a little closer to home for Mark as it involves Jade, one of his neighbours, who was rendered homeless when her cottage went up in smoke. Being neighbourly and charitable people, Mark and Melissa invite Jade to stay with them and their two young children whilst she sorts a few things out. Jade becomes somewhat of a godsend to Melissa as she helps out with the children, allowing Melissa the bit of respite she so desperately needs having been a little unable to cope with things of late. But as Jade starts to cement her place within the household, things take a bit of a downturn for Melissa as she appears to start to spiral out of control and cracks (chasms) start to appear in her relationship with Mark. But is it all of her own doing or is someone else pulling the strings? As things hot up, what exactly is the endgame? And more importantly, how did we get there?
There are a few things about this book that maybe could be a little off. But, that said, everything that happens is actually justified when you think about it. Inviting a stranger into a home that is already starting to teeter may not be the brightest thing to do but the author explains this, and other salient points, very well and to my satisfaction so all was good. I mean, at the beginning there was still a level of trust between Mark and Melissa and, if she said she did something, who is Mark to query her? As things progressed, as they spiralled, as more secrets came out, there was a danger of it all degenerating into a bit of a farce along the way. But luckily the author just stayed on the right side of the line, maybe just skirting it a tad along the way though.
As the book went on it became more dark and disturbing and things started becoming more clear as to the why of it all. It also became much more of an emotional read and feelings I had about certain characters changed as I got to know more of their pasts, their secrets. Not contained just to the family and what was going on in the house I hasten to add. Poor Mark was going through it all at work too with his clashes with a colleague as well as trying to investigate the case of a missing child. Even though I knew who Jade really was, it was interesting to see when the penny finally dropped for Mark and what happened next.
There really is a lot going on in this book and it does contain at least snatches of some of the worst side of humanity and the evil things that go on so it really isn't for the faint-hearted. That said, all that is included is handled very well and very respectfully. Although at times a tad hard to read, there is nothing that was included merely for shock tactic. All has its place in either plot or character development. I guess that Mark and Melissa could have been a bit more switched on and maybe twigged that the start of the end coincided with Jade coming into their lives but sadly, they were both too wrapped up in their individual lives at the time that I guess they just couldn't see the woods for the trees and chose to go down what they though was the path of least resistance, allowing both to get on with living in their own respective bubbles. Lessons to be learned there I think.
My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.
ARC kindly received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
A really good read with great characters and an interesting storyline. Highlights how terrible someones life can be, and how this can in turn affect others.
Mark and Melissa Cain seem to have the perfect babysitter in Jade and after Jade's house is burned down in a fire they decide to move her in with them to look after the children, not realising this was Jade's plan all along. She is evil and psychotic and loathful (everything a psycho should be ) what a fantastic read and while it is easy to guess the plot line it doesn't take away from the story at all because it's written in such a way it just hooks you and you literally can't put it down!!!
I always love when I discover a brilliant new author Sheryl Browne is a new author for me and I'm delighted to discover she has lots more books.
Thank you very much to Bookouture for the opportunity to read and review The Babysitter in return for an honest unbiased review.
I’ve been patiently waiting for this since it was announced on Bookouture’s twitter and I was so happy to get my hands on an ARC so thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing me with an e-ARC copy! All opinions in this review are my own and are honest.
Wow I loved this and I’d definitely recommend this if you’re looking for a new domestic thriller to pick up! We follow DI Mark Caine and his wife Melissa and the introduction of their new babysitter Jade who arrives at their after a terrible accident causes her home to burn down.
I did feel that it was really obvious from very early on who the babysitter was meant to be, so I can only presume that who the babysitter is meant to be is meant to be that obvious? Either way, I figured it our from the start who she was, but I honestly didn’t feel like it took anything from the story or made the story lose its mystery element. Instead I spent the whole story wondering what the hell was going to happen next and I felt this suspense was enough without needing to add in the extra suspense of who the babysitter was.
I really was kept on the edge of my seat with this one and I wish I’d had the time to just devour this in one sitting, as I very easily could have. I really felt for Melissa and Mark and it was nice to have main characters who were likable and that you felt really sorry. Even when Melissa was being a bitch, I felt so sorry for her and everything that she was going through. As much as I disliked the villain in this story, I also ended up feeling quite sorry for them by the end of the book which I wasn’t expecting!
You get several POV in this story; Mark, Melissa, Jade and Lisa who is one of Marks’ work colleagues and it was obvious who POV we were hearing now through the labelling at the top of the chapters which I really appreciate. It was great to get all the different perspectives of what was going on in the story and I think this really helped add to how realistic the plot is. We get to see how each person deals with that is being thrown at them and also how they perceive the other characters in the story as they get shit thrown at them too.
The only reason this wasn’t a 5-star read for was simply because I wanted more of a complete ending. I don’t really want to say too much as I don’t want to ruin the plot but there were a few things that we saw started in the book and I just wanted more of a wrap-up as to how they were dealt with as I feel some of the things were left a bit open-ended yet I felt like they needed a wrap-up. I feel this is more of a personal preference because I like to keep track of everything in Crime and Thriller books to try and figure out who did it or what is going to happen next.
I would definitely recommend this if you’re a domestic thriller fan; this is being published on March 8th and you can pre-order the kindle e-Book from Amazon for just 99p!
Clumsy exposition, ill-timed sex scenes, and questionable character motivation made me put this one down for good 20% in.
Oh dear. This was poor. Really poor. Review will be short.
Mark and Melissa Cain are happily married with two children. They decide to employ a live in babysitter, who happenes to be their new neighbour who they didn’t know and who’s house has managed to burn down.
We know from very early on that the baby sister is a psychopath and what she is up to so we are left with the vast majority of the book for it to play out and it doesn’t read well.
A cast of characters that all seem as dim as each other, a tool used to keep the story moving is just ludicrous. There’s no surprises here (beyond everyone’s ignorance and stupidity) only a pronlonged turning of pages waiting for it to reach its inevitable conclusion. I kept going only out of a need to read the whole thing to give an honest review rather than actually wanting to continue.
“I don’t know what we would do without you Jade” has to be the most annoying and awkward phrase used throughout the book.
I honestly can’t think of anything positive to say about this book and it gives me no pleasure to say so. An utterly predicatbale story that takes forever to play out with a cast of characters that don’t seem to have a brian cell between them. It was ludicrous.
Thanks to NetGalley, Bookouture and Sheryl Browne for the ARC
When something seems too good to be true, it usually is!
Jade has been a godsend to the Cain family! After they take Jade in after an unfortunate fire destroys Jade's cottage, she becomes indispensable in her new position as babysitter to seven year old Poppy ( such a sweet character) and baby Evie. How would they cope without her, especially when Melissa starts losing the plot, constantly tired, agitated, depressed and becoming increasingly incapable of looking after her own children. Coincidence?
The reader discovers early on, that Jade has an agenda of her own and is not who she portrays herself to be. It made for riveting reading as I was shaking my head in disbelief at the sordid lengths this cunning babysitter would go to to get what she wanted...and just when you thought she had done her worst, she would stoop lower still, shocking me at how far she was willing to go. This is one twisted individual for sure!!!
Starting off slowly, building tension until it's grabbing your attention at full speed to its racy conclusion, I just had to find out how this one turned out. Though I could have done without that last paragraph, it left me feeling somewhat confused...Maybe I'm missing something?
What's disturbing to think of is how easy it can be to manipulate and mess with people's lives once you've got them eating out of your hand and they trust you implicitly. Note to self: ALWAYS DO BACKGROUND CHECKS when letting people into your home!
A twisted, thrilling, disturbing read, filled with suspense, tension and anticipation, I was thoroughly entertained.
Many thanks to Netgalley, Bookouture and the author for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion of this book. The pleasure was all mine!
I received this advanced reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review
This book is OK for what it is – the writing isn’t too bad, but there’s no twist. We know from who the bad guy (gal) is – we’re literally just waiting to see how she’s going to do the bad thing. A good amusement, nothing more.
Thank You !!#
Yes Thanks Net Galley, the publishers and the author.
What can I say... WOW.... Stunning
Sheryl Browne writes the most wonderful gripping, tense and suspenseful psychological thriller. There aren’t many thriller authors who can grip the reader so powerfully, heart in mouth and pulse racing realistic thriller.
You trust her with your family. Would you trust her with your life?
Mark and Melissa Cain are thrilled to have found Jade, a babysitter who is brilliant with their young children. Having seen her own house burn to the ground, Jade needs them as much as they need her. Moving Jade into the family home can only be a good thing, can’t it?
As Mark works long hours as a police officer and Melissa struggles with running a business, the family become ever more reliant on their babysitter, who is only too happy to help. And as Melissa begins to slip into depression, it’s Jade who is left picking up the pieces.
But Mark soon notices things aren’t quite as they seem. Things at home feel wrong, and as Mark begins to investigate their seemingly perfect sitter, what he discovers shocks him to his core. He’s met Jade before. And now he suspects he might know what she wants …
Mark is in a race against time to protect his family. But what will he find as he goes back to his family home?
Okay, you know from the start who the villain in this book, that is not a surprise, the story is what hits you, you really cannot believe what happens next and then more....
I just want to tell you more, But I cannot, all I can say is READ this book as soon as you can I loved it.
A clear five stars
Enjoyable read. No massive twists but even though you can see where its going it is still enjoyable. I would have liked to know a bit more about what happened to Jade pre arrival but I thought it did not detract from the story.
Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! What a rollercoaster of a ride that story was, bloody brilliant! The Babysitter has gone straight into my top twenty of 2018 already. Very impressed. Loved it. This story is jaw droppingly addictive, you won’t be able to put it down. Amazing.
The story is told through the main characters Jade, Mark and Melissa. Now I must admit the award for the most evil, twisted character of 2018 so far has to go to Jade. I absolutely hated this character from the get go, she had my blood boiling! But I must also admit she is a very clever and crafty character too. I felt sorry for both Mark and especially Melissa throughout! But the ending… Well you can find out about that for yourself!
The Babysitter highlights the importance and significance of bereavement, loss, mental health and abuse which may be a hard read for some readers but what I also suspect must have been hard to write too.
I would highly recommend you all go pre-order/buy The Babysitter now, one of the many thrillers of the year that you will not want to miss. A well deserved five stars from me. Brilliantly written. It had me hooked, gripped and my heart pounding throughout. I think The Babysitter would make a brilliant film too! If you enjoyed Girl On a Train and Gone Girl then this story is for you!
Read this with my heart in my mouth and a sense of dread. Captures the atmosphere perfectly and creates a good picture of how easily people can be manipulated. Couldn’t read it at bedtime for fear that I’d worry about it all night.
It’s totally different but it reminded me of another book of this type - nearest thing to crazy by Elizabeth Haynes.
Really enjoyed this book. Will look out for more from the author.
Mark and Melissa Cain are thrilled to have found Jade, a babysitter who is brilliant with their young children. Jade's house has burnt down so Jade. Needs them as much as they need her. Mark works long hours as a police officer and Melissa struggles with running her own business. But are things as perfect as they seem?
My only criticism of this book is that I found it hard to believe that Mark is a police officer and could not see what was going on in his own home. He is busy with his current case, trying to find a missing child. We know who the antagonist is right from the beginning. This book covers mental health issues in two women, and how it can effect the other members of the family. The story is told from alternating points of view from Mark, Melissa Jade and Lisa.
I would like to thank NetGalley, Bookouture and the author Sheryl Browne for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.
What a great read. As this book started and I was slowly getting into the story, I just knew something was going to happen. The anticipation of it, was a similar feeling to not wanting to look under the bed, in case the bed monster was lurking to grab you and eat you up. Great build up and suspense the story.
What a great read this was.
When Jade's cottage burns down, she is taken in by Mark and Melissa, she then becomes Mark and Melissa's babysitter.
It seems Melissa is slowly losing the plot, Mark starts to doubt her and her ability to look after the children and is so grateful that Jade is there to lend a hand. Odd things have started to happen that looks like Melissa isn't coping at all.
But it seems Jade is not at all the helpful babysitter she portrays.
This book was good, it was damn good. Guessing and thinking the whole way through it. It has you wondering if you are on the right track, have you figured it out? then you change your mind. Then you change it again. This story shows how one person can change the lives of others.
This book felt totally different from the previous books I have read by this author, A great read and her other books are well worth checking out if you haven't already read them. I look forward to reading more books by Sheryl Browne in the future.
This book was breathtaking from start to finish. A story that grabs and involves you, tense and pacy, chilling and heart pounding. The writing is fabulous and you get immersed in the story and the characters, until you are so invested that you just have to know how it's all going to pan out. A twisted, complicated story with a wow ending. I just could not put it down. An absolutely brilliant tale from an incredibly talented author. I cannot wait for her next.
You trust her with your family. Would you trust her with your life?
You know the age old saying ... when something seems too good to be true, it probably is!
The opening scene in this book is fantastic! It has everything... a whirl wind of chaos surrounding a family, a devastating fire, a survivor and a past that's unforgettable!
Fast forward to present times... Melissa and DI Mark Cain are happily married with two beautiful children. Mark works on cases involving child victims. He will never forget the little girl who survived the fire 7 years ago. Now he's working on another case involving a missing little girl, Daisy. One day a neighboring house goes up in flames and the young tenant is left homeless. Jade, a friendly, sweet, young woman seems like the nicest nigh or. It wouldn't be right not to offer her s place to stay while her situations is sorted out.
Jade quickly becomes the babysitter of the year, always seeming to be in the right place st the right time. Melissa, a busy working mom who has recovered from depression in the past, is so grateful for Jade.
After a series of weird, unpredictable events surround their family the reader is forced to think...there's something else going on here. Why do things keep going so horrible wrong! Are these things a coincidence?
Why does Jade seem connected to the disasters this family is experiencing!
We LOVED this book! Knowing the antagonist from the beginning only added to the storyline. It didn't ruin it. Awesome, twisty, fast paced read!