Member Reviews

I love a good romance novel...normally the predicability of it makes it a good and easy read between heavier thrillers but this is not your average romance novel. So many twists and turns...endless moments with tears running down my face. When I started reading it and I wondered how the author would get these together. I never saw the authors solution coming. I absolutely loved the book and I whizzed through in two days. My only criticism would be the long prayer parts and religious talk can be off putting. I have to be honest I skipped the cursive written prayers, I don't think it helped the novel at all or enhanced it in any way.

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I received an arc from Netgalley. This was a lovely Christian Romance. In the first half of the book Rachel marries David the love of her life while Beau watches someone he believes could have been his life get married. Through tradgedy and heartache these two eventually find a love worth fighting for and have hope for new beginnings.

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When I first decided to choose this book I was expected the main character (Rachel) to be a grieving widow who eventually finds love. What I didn't expect was for her to be widowed near the middle of the book. I was seriously asking myself... man, when's this guy gonna die already? There was very little in the way of romance and I felt like the story should have been split into two books. The part where the girl marries the man of her dreams and the part where she ends up finding love after losing her husband.

This is appropriate for all ages but not one I would recommend picking up.

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This book based on the title 'don't ask me to leave' has a subtle reminded of Ruth and Naomi. It was so refreshing especially today as so many women have a poor relationship with their mother-in-law. I have the most amazing mother-in-law and it was such a reminder of how special those relationships are in my life.

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This is an inspirational modern day take on Ruth from the Bible.
I loved the characters and how each had a role to play in what they were experiencing. The story covers pain, loss, grief, love, family, resilience and faith and it's written in such an easy and beautiful way to read. I received an eARC from NetGalley and couldn't wait to share this view with you.
I'd recommend it to anyone who's looking for comfort especially when grieving and also a reader who loves women's fiction.

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Although the book title and illustration were eye-catching and held the promise of being a very good read, the story fell flat for me.The central theme on christianity was an appreciable and welcome relief, but the dialog was too banal for most of the book until around the last 6% of the story when Beau made his declarations to Rachel.The story dragged on and so did my reading while thinking it has to get better soon.Don't get me wrong, the love, heartbreak,loyalty and faith along with biblical references depicted could have made for an engaging read but the execution was subpar.I gave this ARC 3 stars based on those story qualities.

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This was a very good present day Christian fiction book. I felt so sad for the hardships the characters went through but God was there leading them through it to find joy. It teaches that life hard and faith is important.

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I really enjoyed reading this book very much. It occurred to me early on that this was a modern retelling of the story of Ruth from the Bible. They story was tender and emotional and sweet. Beau was an amazing man who had strength of character and strong moral fiber who supported those he cared for without asking for anything in return. Even though he had tragedies of his own to cope with, he was a steady force to be counted on.

Nadine, the mother-in-law, was also an amazing character. She weathered the storm with grace and love. Rachel struggling with her grief was like watching a ping-pong match at times, but as she coped with the grief and tragedy she had experienced in her life, she began to see God's hand in her life.

This was a beautiful Christian story. I very much like reading romances that are clean and sweet but don't always like the preachiness of some Christian authors. While there was a great deal of religious inference in this book, it didn't completely overwhelm the story. It seemed appropriate to what each character was facing.

I was given an arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Rachel marries a twin named David and he has a twin, named Daniel. The book starts out at their double wedding through the POV of the best man, Beau.
You learn Beau has been secretly in love with Rachel, but of course she was already taken by his best friend so he kept it a secret. Im not sure when they actually met or for how long Beau and Rachel have known eachother. She acts likes shes hardly ever spoken to him before. He is a "cattle farmer." Yes, you read that right. Farm= agriculture, Ranch= animals. Throughout the whole book though it is refered to as the farm.
The story seems very rushed to get through every event that the author wants to happen, although there were some really random things added.
I did like Naomi and Beau's characters. Some things in the story didnt make sense, For instance, Rachel mentions several times she had a bad childhood living with a grumpy aunt. She doesnt even know what a crockpot is. Yet, later you find out her parents didnt die until she was a junior in High School??
Too many things bothered me with this book to give it a good recommendation. It was however clean (a little too preachy), sweet and short read. Beau seems like a good guy.

I was given a copy of this book by the publisher through Net Gallery.

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Don’t Ask Me to Leave is just a good inspirational romance. Loved the plot and the characters. The author is new to me and I really enjoyed her writing. I recommend to readers who enjoy a good inspirational romance.

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You'd think if he's the best friend of one of the grooms, someone would have warned him about the flowers.

Uh-oh. Not good when you're in love with your best friend's wife.

Oh, I like those vows. Rachel did good.

You've never seen a Coke bottle, honey?

As someone who loved history class, I really dislike you, Emily.

Sister-in-law from hell. I would have taken my food to-go.

David's kind of preachy. I'd need a lot more patience to marry him.

I take back everything I said about those boys. Both died? Poor Nadine!

This is one great mother-in-law. You missed out, Olivia.

"Criss cross applesauce"? Really?

At some point, I just wanted to shake Rachel for being childish. She's lucky Beau didn't give up on her.

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