Member Reviews

I owe Dr, Parham, the author, a huge apology for not reviewing this sooner. This book languages exactly what has gone through my mind over and over for years now as I have observed the shift in the tech culture and the demise of “real” critical thinking among the mass.

Dr. Parham’s writing is excellent. The author shows us how to develop a better understanding of how our mindset gets in the way of bridging into real understanding of ourselves and each other. How we randomly dismiss others simply because their point of view is different than our own. How our very being is no longer challenged because we are so quick to “be a hater” thereby losing the opportunity to engage.

In this day and age where so much has lost meaning and value, a book such as this is a must read. I simply cannot praise this book enough.

Thank you NetGalley, Dr. Parham, and BookGoSocial for the advance digitial copy!

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A couple of interesting observations and ideas, but the writing is meandering and the book reads like a dissertation. Would be great if it were more concise and had better signposting.

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This book makes an important point, but it is poorly written and the author could have made his point in 25 pages or fewer.

That said, the nature of polemic is to not be crisp, clear, and to the point, but rather to make your views known by repeating them ad nauseum. In that, the author succeeds admirably.

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One of the major problems in our world today is the unwillingness we have to expose ourselves to viewpoints and beliefs different from our own. The internet not only allows us to create these "silos ", it actually steers us into them. One must consciously work to be exposed to thoughtful and well-rounded discussions on issues. This is particularly evident with the political divisions exposed by the election of Donald Trump as President. This book is an insightful and important work on this problem.
The author writes in an approachable and engaging manner. Time reading this book is time well-spent.
My thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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After reading, Be A Hater: A Polemic on the Hater Mindset, I am left with one word…wow! Wes Parham writes with equal parts insight and knowledge, capturing the reader’s attention with his unique style of writing while commanding the reader to think a little deeper. This book is so thought provoking and its assertions are so compelling that I could not put the book down until I had finished. I am not aware of another book that perfectly and profoundly depicts the realities and implications of the seemingly innocuous societal trend of dismissing and demeaning dissimilar mindsets and viewpoints, thereby sacrificing critical thinking and relationship quality. This book is off the charts and deserves more than the five stars I am limited to giving it!

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