Member Reviews

The book opens with Erin digging a grave, a shallow one but did you realize how difficult this is? Read on. Clearly everything was rosy before this point until it all went wrong.
OK, so long story short: Erin (our beautiful heroine – ‘natch) is living the dream. Handsome, sexy fiancée something big in finance in the City; beautiful £1.5 million house in North London; wedding and honeymoon planned (Bora Bora no less) and to top it all, she works as a free-lance film-maker with her current project witnessing the imminent release of 3 criminals. Then, of course, it all goes wrong. There, you have it.
Oh yes. On the way though… Erin’s new husband has been made redundant (without any payment) and they find themselves in a precarious position – down to their last £80,000. Well cuts will have to be made, big change to the wedding reception, but hey ho. Off on honeymoon, first class flights to a tropical paradise. Without belabouring the point, something happens whilst they are on honeymoon; something momentous that will see them through. Enter devious thoughts, plots and plans and secrets, oh and of course trust. Whilst all this is going on, Erin occasionally deals with issues arising from her film project; in particular from one of the criminals, who is a seriously dangerous guy. I’m not saying another word about the plot. Except, ‘Erin, wake up and smell the coffee’.
Written through Erin’s inner dialogue this is action packed. I loved Erin and despite myself the criminal (on hand to help Erin) – well, I didn’t see him do anything wrong!
Loved it. Recommend it, strongly. Enjoy, I did.
Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for providing an ARC via my Kindle in return for an honest review.

Really enjoyed reading this book as I’ve never read a book that is so different to what I usually read.
I loved the whole suspense of the book and really wasn’t expecting the complete 180 twist towards the end, really compelling read!!

Thanks for the opportunity to read this book. Addictive. Full of twists. Excellent novel

I liked this book, but I did not love it.. I struggled a bit in the beginning but after about 1/3 of it I slowly started to get more interested!

I really enjoyed reading this book! I was a bit sceptical at first, as Im not normally keen on novels where the ending is given away in the first chapter, however as I read more I was instantly hooked! Although I knew the how it ended, the twists along the way kept me intrigued and unable to put the book down.
I will look forward to hopefully reading some more books by Catherine!
P. S I'm going on my honeymoon in a couple of months and definitely glad to have read this now rather than when I was there!

Addictive is not the word. Don't read it in public otherwise you'll frighten people with your noooooo! s aaahs and punches in the air. Haha best have some oxygen to hand as well to refuel. There's a lot to love in this novel. Crazy messed up characters, the honeymoon from hell, the treasure hunt aspect of it all. Oh my goodness.
IT's fast paced and draws you along like the most dangerous ocean current, before sucking you in then letting you gasp out loud at the next chapter. It was thrilling waiting to see what Erin would do next. What would I have done? Would I have done that? It really tests you and more and that's what makes it so compelling. There's also a bit of a moral lesson or dilemna in this book. I've never been quite so excited about a thriller before. Would I pass the test...would you?
Brilliantly entertaining and devilously dark. The thrill of this will stay with me for a while. But I still really really want to go to Bora Bora...is that weird after reading this? The setting is so lusciously described I could smell the aroma of the flowers and see the sparkling sea. Not sure I'd go diving though.
Highly recommended!
I had a great time with this one! Bora Bora eh? You might think it sounds like paradise but it's not!
Recommended with bells on.

I wasn't sure about this book at the beginning. I'm not that keen on books that give you the ending in the beginning as I find myself just waiting for it to happen rather than enjoying the thrill of getting there! However, as I got deeper into the book I was hooked and carried along with all the twists and turns in the plot. Erin was a really well developed character and I loved riding along with her as she made decision after decision - sometimes good but usually bad! The twist in the ending wasn't guessed until near the end which kept me on my toes. I loved the thread elating to Erin's job and the documentary she was making. The only thing stopping me giving the full five stars is the ending at the beginning. Otherwise a thoroughly compelling read.

I LOVED this. It was so addictive and I loved how the main character, Erin, just seemed actually to have a death wish the entire time.
When she and her husband discover "something in the water" while they are on their honeymoon, lots of decisions lie ahead about what they should do about it. What follows is a twisty adventure that is a whole lot of fun and does actually beg the question "what would YOU do?" Well I asked myself this but certainly I don't think I'd have gone down exactly the path that was chosen...
This was beautifully done to maximum effect - you rock along with Erin as she makes one good or bad choice after another, the supporting characters are all highly intriguing and the plotting is so so cool, you just don't know what the outcome will be but you are hoping that it won't mean curtains for Erin - one of those characters you shout at while reading, forgetting entirely for a moment that they are fictional and certainly can't hear you...
I liked the side story of the documentary being made which tied in beautifully to the moral lesson in this tale, overall it was just a great great read, which I shall shout much more about nearer to publication date.
Highly Recommended.

The title and the synopsis caught my eye for “something in the water”. When I started reading, I wasn’t sure if it was for me.....
A number of reasons, the book starts with Erin burying her husband. I thought hmm... so he dies surely that’s the twist before the book starts. And secondly, the early chapters flick back and forth between current and past timeline. I found this took awhile for me to settle into the pattern.
But, and it’s a big BUT(!) I am so glad I continued reading and got beyond the first 35% because once you do (and the honeymoon dives commence) it becomes an intense compulsive read. I couldn’t put it down, reading at every possible opportunity (sat in a car park, at checkouts). I read the last 50% in less than a day.
Starts on a slow confusing burn and then builds to compulsive, edge of seat reading with a very unexpected twist (that’s not the opening chapter).
4* here. It will make for a good summer holiday read.