Member Reviews

I've arranged an interview arranged with Lisa Bevere for the Woman Alive book club (in the UK), later in 2018.

Bevere realizes the word adamant has special meaning. It indicates a diamond kind of stability. Jesus is our rock, our adamant. Simon had his name changed to Peter, rock. God is adamant in His love and mercy toward us. Surprisingly, God is also adamant in His hate. Bevere writes about our being adamant too, such as in our speaking.
I found much in this book that was not new to me. It is a good reminder of God's rock solid love and mercy. Bevere also encourages readers to be rock solid in our Christian life and character. I would have liked some practical tips and suggested actions to help readers put her teaching into practice. There are a couple of Appendixes filled with useful Scriptures.
My favorite part of the book was the section on the distinction between truth and what is true. I had never thought of this before. What is true could be true for the moment, such as that it is not raining right now. But truth is for all time and all people. What a great distinction.
This book is good for Christians who have difficulty believing God loves them unconditionally. Bevere shares stories from her own experiences and stories from the Bible to illustrate her teaching.
I received a complimentary egalley of this book. My comments are an independent and honest review.

I received Lisa Bevere's newest book, Adamant, as a part of the Revell Reads Blog Tour. This is actually the first of Lisa's books that I have read completely. While I've followed her on social media, listened to some of her sermons, and read articles or snippets of her books, this is the first entire book I've read of hers.
While reading the book, it was clear that Lisa is a writer (and preacher!) of great passion & vision. Her words were clearly chosen carefully and intentionally, and communicate her passion for this generation to know and encounter God. Many of her chapters read like sermons - and fiery ones - her voice as a writer is clear and distinct.
With that being said, I did struggle to get through this read. Lisa's passion is clear, but I found her content somewhat difficult to sift through! I felt like this book really could have been several, instead of just one. The book's premise, that Jesus is our adamant is powerful -and Lisa applies it to God's intimacy, constancy, love, hatred for sin & truth. She also takes the time to expound how Jesus being our adamant affects our lives - and that we must be adamant in our love for others, in truth, in word, in transformation & in holiness.
I found this a lot of content to take in - this book could have been a study over the course of a year for me. Overall, I would recommend parts of this book - I highlighted some great phrases and truths - but wouldn't recommend the book as a whole!