Member Reviews

Honestly, in the beginning, I was not that thrilled with the plot of this book. I couldn't make sense of what it was moving toward, and I think I would have had a hard time telling anyone what it was about. But I stayed for the characters....richly drawn, quirky, sad...I loved them, so I hung around. Really glad I did. All of the "where is this going?' became, "Oh my gosh! What?!?" And it all fit perfectly. Well worth the time. Lovely story. Thank you NetGalley and publishers for providing a digital ARC for review.

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First, thanks to #NetGalley for the opportunity to read an e-galley of this book.

I loved everything about this book! I laughed, I cried, my heart was broken, my faith in human kind was restored!

I love when a story can make me feel all the emotions, feel the salt air blowing in my hair, smell the burning of a house fire, experience the thrill of watching a favorite game show on tv!

Please, if you love feel-good stories that make you feel all the different emotions, read this book!
#TheGenerationGame #NetGalley

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Entertaining, quick read. Steering a little more towards women's fiction than I life, but it is a good book.

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Copied from GoodReads and a slightly amended one at Amazon UK:

really loved this story with its unexpected twists and turns, peopled with lovely, sometimes flawed but always interesting characters that I'd happily live next door to in real life. It's also a wonderful reminder that love comes in many forms and guises.

It took me a while to finish because I've got so many other things going on at the moment, reading has had to take a back seat no matter how loathe I am to leave Torquay/London behind but I loved that each time I picked it up for a quick read I was straight back into Philippa's life, as if I'd just been away for five minutes (like you do with an old friend you don't see for months on end). That's the mark of a really good storyteller, methinks.

Having also loved Sophie Duffy's earlier novel, Bright Sparks (, I can't wait to read This Holey Life ( and anything else she writes in future, to be honest!

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I loved Phillipa and enjoyed how the book ended. That being said, I felt like some parts were too drawn out and every awful thing that could happen to this girl, did. It was extra that just wasn’t needed. It was well written and laugh out loud funny and some points.

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