Member Reviews

A glorious soundtrack for the bumpy road to love. Emma Cooper writes beautifully with cleverly crafted relatable characters, gentle wit and moving journey. Highly recommend for a cosy cwtch up.

Well this book is a lot. There is so much emotion, drama and trauma in this book, how unlucky can one family be? But, it is so well told, I loved falling in love with this story and the characters. Following them as they go on a journey, literally and figuratively, they learn new things along the way and we see them bond as a family as they face the many hurdles life throws at them. I was completely taken in by this read and read it incredibly quickly as I did not want to put it down. There is a lot to this plot and I enjoyed following every strand and feeling every emotion.
The characters are very special. They each have their own trauma to live with and I took all of them to heart and wanted to keep them together and protected. There is a lot of negatives and despair in this read but there is also an abundance of hope and love which kept me and them going.
The only thing I did not overly like was the song lyrics. I liked the concept of Melody singing and the reasons why for each song but then there is a quick overview of the song lyrics which I did not find necessary and i thought it led to the book feeling disjointed. The songs are famous enough that I do not think the lyrics needed any explanation.
This aside, 'The Songs Of Us' is a unique read that broke and mended my heart all in one go.
Thank you to NetGalley and Headline for an advance copy.

I laughed so much I cried and then I got my heart-broken which left me ugly crying. I was not at all prepared for the rollercoaster of emotions this book sent me on!
The writing is absolutely brilliant and I instantly became invested in these flawed characters (we are only human after all, no one is perfect!) in a loving but dysfunctional family. Cooper has a real talent for blending humor with heartbreak and is an exciting new voice in this genre - this was my first book of hers but it certainly won't be my last.
Luckily, my heart has been put back together again by this quirky, clever, poignant and powerful read. If I can be as bold to say it's almost as good as Me Before You by Jojo Moyes (one of my favourite books of all time!). Trust me - Pick up this book and a box of tissues and you won't regret it!! It's an unforgettable read that will stay with you long after you have turned the last page.
Thanks to Netgalley and the Headline for sending me this in exchange for an open and honest review.

Having just finished reading this story, I am still reeling! The characters are so well written and human in their fallibility that you really share their emotions, feeling their humour, love & frustrations but most of all their strong family bond. Melody (a totally apt name for the singing outbursts of the mum) the rock of the family, Dev, vulnerable & lost, Flynn, troubled and aggressive & Rose, so determined & brave.

OMG, yes! This book was a marvelous surprise. I was expecting a light fun read and what the book gave me was something way better than that. It's emotional and a pure delight to read such story. Love it!

A car crash that results in a young boy been disfigured for life. His dad vanishes without a trace. A daughter that can't remember her father, and a mom whose simple slip on ice and resulting head injury causes her to act oddly in stressful situations. It doesn't sound a barrel of laughs does it? But this book is hilarious. And also so sad. I can't even begin to think of a book that made me laugh so much or cry so much. Or in fact cry laughing. Of course I did miss in the description that the moms symptoms was to burst out into a song and dance, and that her memory of lyrics isn't brilliant, there's comedy gold available right there but it never feels as if the writer is taking the pee out of her characters. I'd have to tramp into spoiler land to explain exactly what I mean by that but the closest I can get is there are characters in this book with issues. And even though they are fictional characters they feel very real and if their problems were played for laughs alone it wouldn't be a good thing. The laughs in this book feel more like the ones you might have with your own family, even in dark times. I'm waffling now but I just really loved this book. If I could give it more than 5 stars I most definitely would!

Please note that this book is not for me - I have read the book, However I had to DNF and because i do not like to give negative reviews I will not review this book fully - there is no specific reason for not liking this book. I found it a struggle to read and did not enjoy trying to force myself to read this book.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for the opportunity to read this book

The whole premise of this book is so different, so original, that I really take my hat off to the author – what an extraordinary imagination. Melody sings – and it makes you laugh at the incongruity and awkwardness that ensues, particularly for her embarrassed children. But it also touches your heart, and very deeply – this is one of the best portrayals of the relationships that make individuals into a family, bound together by love, that I’ve read in a long time. I loved too the way the song lyrics – sometimes remembered less than accurately, adding to the humour – were woven into the narrative. This is such very clever writing – although, much as I enjoyed it, I did find myself wondering at times where the story might be going.
The trip to Cornwall brings a bit of a change in tone and content – but I never expected what followed, a story that totally broke me. Now I know I often mention being moved to tears – I’m a total pushover for a sad story – but this one really had me crying helplessly, I’d grown to care so much for this family who’d triumphed over so many problems and who I’d taken so much to my heart.
It’s quite a story, so wonderfully written, achieving that difficult balance between sparkling humour and heart-breaking poignancy, every character beautifully drawn. Melody always draws your eye – even when not singing – but I loved the way the narrative was sometimes carried by others. At risk of sounding like a lightweight, this was a long book at 432 pages, and I’ll admit I thought it maybe could have been shortened just a tad – but that last third made the investment more than worthwhile. And the epilogue is absolute perfection… heavens, I’m sobbing again just thinking about it…

This book was amazing, it manages to be funny and heart wrenching all at the same time. Throughout it explores some huge themes of love, loss, personal struggle and family.
The characters were well written and made me feel every inch of there grief,joy and happiness.
This book is a massive tear jerker and makes you laugh out loud.
4/5 stars

You all know and probably used this phrase yourself – ‘I couldn’t put this book down.’ It usually makes you think of one or very few books you have read and won’t hesitate to share when someone needs new book recommendation. Well I’m about to give you one now. The Songs of Us is a real page-turner, you might have to put the book down to get some boring life tasks done but it won’t leave you. It’s in the back of your mind until you get that precious reading time again and get stuck between its pages. And how beautifully written debut novel! If you need an example of how to write a heartwarming and heartbreaking story at the same time, how to engage reader by humor situations just to deliver emotional blow that will make you choke up with empathy, you better read this book and learn!
Melody, lovable character with the biggest heart and so much care for her family, has developed a very rare and extraordinary condition after an accident at home. She sings when gets nervous or faces difficult situation. Her two children learnt to live with it and however embarrassing some situations might be for them, they always stay by her side. They are a strong family unit that is missing one piece, piece they decide to search for to feel complete again.
Story full of hilarious moments followed by emotional tearjerkers and heartwarming revelations. Characters are developed so well and are so deep. There is so much to be discovered about every each of them, plot is enthralling and won’t let you leave this book laying on side, you just have to read it right to the end, while of course, you don’t want it to end. This dilemma that only some books make you face.
I’m running out of words of praise, so will let you decide for yourself. Meanwhile I’ll be patiently waiting in my reading corner for another book by Emma Cooper.

Can someone please pass me more tissues?
I'm not even joking! Oh my god. I finished reading 'The Songs of Us' late Sunday night, and I STILL am trying to fight the urge to burst into tears when I think about this book!
Okay, okay, I'll admit that there were a lot of moments where I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud at Melody's actions, with one quote having me bent over double in hysterics; 'swerve to the left, swerve to the right'. Obviously it will make sense for those who have already read the book, but if you haven't read it yet, go.....go!!!!
Before anyone thinks that I am being a nasty moo moo by what I said above about laughing at Melody's actions, just hear me out. I wasn't laughing at the fact that Melody had a condition a bit similar to Tourette's, where she ended up singing in public spaces anytime she became stressed. Not at all, because a health condition isn't funny. However, it was the songs at the right (or wrong) moment which were cleverly written into the storyline, making Melody who she was. Of course I felt for her when she ended up doing the dance moves to a song when she was in a 'serious' situation. I can't even begin to imagine how that must have made her felt, but I thought she handled it brilliantly with great humour, which in turn made me feel as though I was allowed to laugh along with her, even though I felt bad. Does that make sense?
Whilst there was a lot of humour in the storyline, there was also a lot of heartache and devastation. I shan't go into detail as that wouldn't be fair on the author or the readers, but please do trust me when I say that 'The Songs of Us' is a tearjerker. Melody's situation does govern a lot of the book, however, her children, Flynn and Rose, also have their own fair share of turbulence as they try to combat their own teenage emotions. I love how the storyline is told from several of the characters points of view, as I felt as though I was able connect with them on a much deeper level as it was more of a 'one to one'.
'The Songs of Us' left me sobbing my heart out. I'm not going to lie, I was absolutely devastated by the concluding part of the storyline, and no I don't mean that in a negative way. It was as though I could feel my heart shattering into millions of pieces, the tears were just falling from my eyes. Emma Cooper has written an outstanding, powerful, devastatingly beautiful, heart wrenching, emotional, humorous, and utterly, utterly brilliant novel which has given me the biggest book hangover I have ever had in my life. Yes, I am exhausted from the amount of tears I shed, but holy cannoli was it worth it!
Honestly, what a diamond in a rough of a book this is and, despite having read 282 books already this year, 'The Songs of Us' has swooped into the sought after top spot of my most favourite books of 2018, and I don't think it will be leaving anytime soon! I'd even go one better and say that this book is now an all-time favourite read of mine, ever!
This book truly deserves to be turned into a movie for the big screen, and the songs covered in the book need to be brought out as a soundtrack to Melody's life, so that everyone can #beabitMelody when they feel as though their life is knocking them down.
Grab your tissues, turn off your phone and prepare yourself to be swept away by Emma Cooper's incredibly moving, beautifully written novel - this is absolutely perfection (and yes, my eyes are STILL incredibly puffy!)

What a beautiful book.
I started laughing and ended crying.
Melody is the sort of Mum I hope I am, fun, caring, strict when necessary and full of love. After a fall Melody finds that when she feels anxious she sings inappropriate songs at inappropriate moments. Bringing up her two teenage children single handidly after her husband Dev left hasn’t been easy but they have pulled through. Eventually Dev is found after being missing for 12 years, but is he the man they wish for?
A fantastic page turner of a book.

I really didn't know quite what to expect from Emma Cooper's debut novel The Songs of Us, the concept of someone singing when they're nervous or anxious sounded quirky to say the least. So to say I was unprepared for the wave of emotions that I experienced whilst reading this poignant story is a complete understatement - I think I went through every emotion imaginable alongside the characters from cringeworthy embarrassment to heartbreaking sadness.
Melody, Flynn and Rose were all characters you couldn't help but warm to and want the best for them especially when they were at their most vulnerable. I've never been a parent myself but I couldn't help but imagine what it must be like for her in her situation, you could really feel her pain, anger, frustrations as she struggles to cope with everything being thrown at them. She didn't set out to be a single parent, it was a job that she was supposed to be sharing with her loving husband Dev, so it's no wonder that she's convinced that he must be dead as surely he would have come back to them all if he was still alive.
Flynn and Rose in particular have had to endure more in their short lifetime than they should have done, their childhood has been spent worrying about both parents - the mum who struggles under extreme stress and pressure and the father who disappeared without a trace. The storyline with Rose literally broke my heart, I could understand her frustrations and totally felt her pain - it's a painful topic that is all to common a coping mechanism for many people. As for Flynn's situation he's already been through so much in his young life, and has the scars as a constant reminder, so it's little wonder that he acts the way he does as he tries to cope with everything that is being thrown at him and his family.
There were so many comic genius moments in the writing as the bizarre scenarios played out and the music literally took over Melody's mind and body, often at the most inappropriate moments despite her best attempts to try and curb the impulses. The occasional snigger might have escaped whilst reading and I might have even found myself humming along at times with Melody! It's no wonder that Flynn and Rose try to stop her in her tracks but sadly it's often too late as once the music starts, there's no stopping her even if the lyrics don't always match what she's singing in her head.
The Songs of Us was simply the perfect book for me to read this week. At first I didn't think I would be in the right headspace for what I thought was going to be an emotional read, which it is, but it's also very uplifting at the same time. If this is the standard of Emma Cooper's writing, I look forward to reading more from her in the very near future.

his book. Oh my goodness, this book. Heartbreaking, funny, witty, loving, devastating. They are the words I describe this book with.
Have you read Me Before You? Yep? You thought that no ending of a book could have you in tears like that again, even after you knew what was going to happen to Will? Right. Imagine that feeling. Now treble that feeling, but add in a dash of unexpectedness. Now imagine the tears. Still with me?? That is how I feel about the ending of this book. No book can ever make me feel the way this book has felt, from the moment I read the first page, to the moment that I stopped reading. Tears were held back, desperately trying not to cry in public. I may have failed a teeny bit…
Let me start at the beginning. This book had me gripped within moments. The writing kept me hooked all the way to the end.
I liked Melody, actually I loved Melody as a character. She’s just a regular (well, regularish) mum, trying her hardest with two teenage kids and the little problem of singing in awkward situations. She was funny, witty. A caring, loving Mum. Her condition made the book feel more fun, but at the same time you feel Rose and Flynn’s embarrassment over it. One section where Melody’s condition did make me laugh. Out loud, again in public. Sex Bomb will never seem the same again!!
Rose and Flynn. Both typical teenagers, but at the same time they’re not. Flynn has his anger issues, and of course his physical differences. He’s tough, angry, quick with his fists. But with his sister and his mum, he is tender and caring. I liked Rose. I could relate to her problems of self harm. I could relate to how it made her feel. She had the biggest development I feel. From this shy girl, to a confident young woman who can stand up to people.
I want to touch on Dev/Tom but I don’t know where to start. I liked him that little bit more for stepping up when he needed to. I liked that he stepped into the role that Flynn and Rose needed. I liked to see their family complete.
The way the book was written was great, you get to have views from Melody, Flynn and Rose separately and eventually we got Tom’s view as well. I loved that we got a look inside their own stories and how everything was to them. It was a nice touch. It made the book feel a little more personal, and you’re able to connect with the characters better.
Then we get back to where I begun. The ending. Throughout the book you are filled with hope, with promise for Melody and her family. Then, it just disappears. I can’t pinpoint that moment but it was devastating. I really wanted to get to the end of the book, but then I wanted to live in Melody’s world for a lot longer.
The epilogue makes things better slightly, but it didn’t feel right. I loved the little updates from Dev, Flynn and Rose and Melody. I’m glad that things were working out for them, and that things had got better. I don’t think it felt right because it didn’t have the fun feeling any more. Either way, I loved it.
Even with the ending, I loved this story. The characters will stick with me for a very long time. This book will also probably reach my top 10 of the year.
A massive 5 stars from me.

My review is written with thanks to Anne Cater, who invited me to take part, and Headline, who provided my copy of the book through Netgalley.
When Melody slipped and banged her head one morning, she was left with a medical condition that makes her sing when she's anxious. Although it is embarrassing, her children, Flynn and Rose, have learnt to live with it. After all, Melody has brought them up by herself since their dad left following an accident. But their lives change when Rose finds her dad, Dev, on a missing persons website, and looking for answers, they travel to Cornwall. Can they be a family again?
At first, the idea that someone could burst into song without realising when they are nervous seemed a little implausible, but I decided to run with it, and I am so glad I did. Melody's repertoire covers everything from the Birdy Song to the Beatles, and the use of such well known songs helped me to picture exactly what happened when Melody was nervous. These moments made me laugh out loud, and I loved getting to know Melody and her family. However, it also showed me how music connects people and gives us a shared understanding of the world, and I enjoyed the way that Cooper explored this.
The chapters are told from the perspective of each character, and each one has a very distinctive voice. I would have known who was narrating without the chapter headings, and reading events from their point of view allowed me to understand their thoughts and feelings and how these influenced the way they reacted to what was going on around them. By the end, I felt as if I knew them as well as my own family, and I didn't want to leave the characters behind.
Whilst there are parts of The Songs Of Us that are rooted in comedy, Cooper also explores some very serious (and sad) themes that are hugely relevant in today's world. It is difficult to go into more detail without revealing spoilers, but Cooper took me on an emotional rollercoaster and I loved every minute.

Melody King is my new heroine. Her condition may be a huge embarrassment, and at many times inappropriate, but oh my god did it make me laugh. Be warned, this book causes severe cases of snorting (and sobbing) in public!
I actually think that sometimes the books we pick up are perfectly suited for the things we are experiencing, do you ever find that? I've had this happen a few times, and this book was just ideal for me last week. It explores many issues, but the overwhelming theme I picked up on was the way we raise our children to become independent, confident, and to overcome challenges, and that this happens whether we are ready or not. Flynn and Rose go on their own individual journeys in the story, and by the end of the book you feel like they are a part of your family, and the pride that comes with that.
I don't want to say too much about the themes and events within the book because you absolutely have to read this to experience it for yourself, but if you've ever lost someone important from your life you'll connect on such a deep level with this story.
Emma Cooper's delivery of such a unique and clever plot is hilarious and heartbreaking; it is so much more than a love story, it is special. I devoured this book in 2 days and that was only because things like school runs and sleeping rudely interrupted. It really was an addictive and moving experience reading The Songs Of Us, and it is a book that will stay with me.

This book is about a lady called Melody and her children. Wow what a book! It's a rollercoaster of a ride, one minute you are laughing out loud, feeling sorry for her or crying your eyes out,! Love when she bursts into song, appropriate to the situation she is in. You can relate to her and she takes you on a journey of her life. . Didn't want the book to end. Would recommend this book every time. Thank you to netgalley for letting me review this book.

Don't judge a book by its cover applies to this book. You start out thinking its a quirky story about a woman who bursts into song and has a song for every occasion. Its so much more than that. This book will take you on such a rollercoaster. Its a beautiful book that tests all your emotions.

I have to day I struggled with The Songs of Us initially as I found the first half quite slow going. However the second half of the book is so much better.
Melody has had an accident. She’s slipped and banged her head and from that day she’s been left with a condition where she sings when she’s nervous. Belts out a tune in the most inappropriate of circumstances and sometimes there are dance moves to accompany it.
If Dev hasn’t taken the kids to the zoo the accident might not have happened and he wouldn’t have left Rose and Flynn without a dad and his wife without a husband.
A chance sighting of a missing persons report and a trip to Cornwall, can they truly discover what it means to be Us.
This book is brilliantly written. As I said I found the first half fairly slow and ok but the second half is so much better. This book is heartwarming, touching and will make you laugh and well up. Thank you to NetGalley, Headline and the author for the chance to review.

Melody King, single mother of Flynn and Rose, is trying her hardest to get through life as best she can.
Life has been unkind for the King family, each member facing obstacles they struggle to get over. Flynn, suffered facial injuries and blindness in one eye in a car accident as a young child. His father was driving the car and could not live with himself, giving him no option to abandon his family.
Melody, had to learn to be a single parent, all the while wondering if Dev (her husband) was still alive. She later suffers a head injury resulting in a condition that makes her sing whole song aloud, in public, with dance moves, when she gets anxious.
Rose was the one who found her mum with her head injury. She is the one who is also desperate to find her father and make everything better.
I am rating Emma Coopers, The Songs Of Us, four stars because although it was heartwarming and funny at times, I found it hard to get into at first. Have your tissues at the ready.