Member Reviews

The Day Of The Accident by Nuala Ellwood is a psychological thriller that had me hooked from the first page. I could not put it down and read it in one sitting.
Maggie wakes up in hospital after being in a coma for ten weeks to find out that she has been in an accident. She then learns that her daughter was killed in the accident and her husband has now left her and nobody can tell her where he has gone. Maggie has no memory of the accident and tries to put together the facts for her own peace of mind.
I really enjoyed this book and did not guess the ending. I will certainly be looking for more books from this author.
I would like to thank NetGalley and Penguin Books (UK) for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

The Day of the Accident is a labyrinth of twists and turns and red herrings!
It tells the story of Maggie, who wakes from a coma to discover that her beloved daughter Elspeth is dead, and her husband Sean has left her.
She’s lost all memory of the accident that’s ripped her life apart and left her destitute, her house sold, her belongings gone, and with no answers to her questions.
Short, sharp bursts of memory appear to her, and as she tries to piece together the events of that fatal day, the plot picks up pace until it arrives kicking and screaming at its resolution.
Ellwood weaves clues and hints throughout, leads us down wrong paths, and generally manages to obfuscate the ending so well, that I just didn’t see it coming.
Until we come full circle, and the beginning becomes the end.
I was gripped reading this. I cried, I laughed, and my heart broke at the events that occurred.
Ellwood makes her characters so tangible, so believable, so relatable.
Maggie is someone we could know. And the things that happen to her could happen to anyone.
Really looking forward to reading more from Ellwood, and will be recommending this to everyone!

An emotional story with lots of twists. I did guess the ending but that didn't spoil it ,I recommend this book.

Thoroughly enjoyed this book. Took a while for me to get into it, but after that, I was hooked.
Would definitely recommend this book and look forward to reading more from the author.

This was an excellent read that kept me guessing till the very end. I actually couldn't put it down and had to finish it before I went to sleep.

This book was a gripping and thrilling read. A journey of grief, growth and some breath taking twists and turns! Excellent plot twists I didn’t see coming and I can assure you his book won’t leave you disappointed!

This is a book you simply can't put down. Maggie wakes from a coma to discover her daughter is dead and her husband has disappeared. He also sold their house without her knowledge so she has nowhere to live when she leaves hospital. The story follows Maggie's attempt to remember what happened on the day of the accident. Full of twists and turns to the end. I loved it.

The Day of the Accident is a psychological thriller that wants to be read in a single sitting.
Maggie wakes up from a coma to find out her daughter is dead, she may be responsible for this and she cannot remember what happened. There are so many layers to this story, the reader is unsure which of the characters can be trusted, what is the truth and just when you think you have got it, there is another layer to unravel,
And on top of that the book is well written, tugs at the readers heartstrings with emotion and sets the pulse racing with intrigue. It is fast paced and hard to put down.
I received a copy of the novel from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

The story opens with Maggie coming round from a coma following a car accident, and discovering that her daughter Elspeth, has tragically drowned.
With her husband Neil having gone missing, Maggie desperately tries to find him, and is unable to believe that her daughter isn’t still alive.
You become absorbed in this compelling story from the very beginning as Maggie tries to come to terms with her future. Unable to believe that her daughter has gone, she begins searching for her. It is a compellingly emotional story. Maggie’s confusion and trauma graphically described, hauntingly chilling and dark in places. Part of the story is told by a child, and you are uncertain who it is, but all is revealed in a tense, dramatic and thrilling ending, which is definitely unexpected.
A book I definitely recommend, and will be watching out for more books from this author.

<B> Mood: Absorbing, emotionally draining with a huge twist in the end.
Aftereffects: Sitting in silence with your head in your hands, forcing yourself into acceptance. </B>
This book is not one you can simply put down. It's engaging and spikes your curiosity from page one. The mystery will pinch you until it's solved and you can't wait to get to the end- in a good way.
Still, what seemed to be a good build-up for about 65% of the book, suddenly sped up like crazy till the end. In the last quarter of the book, events were too past to emotionally process for me. The intense and emotionally draining pace towards the end left things feeling incomplete and ever so slightly incredulous. But, even as it felt like it, there were nothing glaringly unbelievable, just the extent to which one could go to feed their ego and subsequently to quench their guilt.
In a distorted and warped way, this story is about three generations of women, each troubled by their own demons: one to validate her standing in society, one to cope with the loss of her child and one craving for a loving home never realised.
What I love about books of this genre (part psychological thriller, part literary fiction) are that there's a foreboding mystery coupled with glimpses into the life and the emotions of the characters. You really get to know them. The book allowed us well into the minds of our protagonist Maggie and her daughter, but not "Freya" as much as I would have liked. It all ran too quickly in the end.
<B> While I was reading: </B> <I> Great way to spend an overcast weekend </I>

I got immersed in this story right away, it’s intruguing not knowing if Maggie is a reliable narrator or not- can she be trusted, is she good or bad? These questions keep you reading! It does get a little “long” mid-way through but it picks up speed at the end you you will rush to the end with baited breath!

Maggie wakes from a coma to find she has been in a terrible accident, though she has no memory of it. Much worse, her daughter, Elspeth, died at the scene. And where is her husband?
As Maggie struggles to somehow deal with what has happened to her, she begins to doubt what she has been told. Is Elspeth really dead?
This is a story with some very dark themes. What Maggie experiences in this book is horrific - it’s hard to imagine a worse situation for a parent, and I found it an often upsetting read.... though intriguing, well-written and thought-provoking. I did gallop through in desperation to find out what happened in the end.
However there were certain things which didn’t make sense to me (I can’t say more without spoilers!) and ultimately this did detract a bit from my enjoyment of the story, as I had to suspend disbelief a bit too far. While probably necessary for the plot, there were areas where I couldn’t help but think, “That wouldn’t happen that way” and this was a bit of a distraction.
All in all it was a gripping read, although with themes which were rather too distressing to make it an entirely enjoyable one.

Maggie wakes up in hospital after being in a coma. She finds out that her beloved daughter Elspeth is dead, drowned in a car accident. Her husband is missing (the police don't seem bothered by this)
Maggie remembers nothing from the day of the accident. She is released from hospital and basically told to get on with her life. She has no money, no family, no one to turn to. How will she even begin to piece together what happened. Could she be responsible for the accident that took her daughter's life?
After the accident is a fast paced thriller. The writing style of the author 'nuala Ellwood keeps you guessing with every page turned.
There are a few surprises along the way which I never saw coming and really enjoyed.
After the accident is a brilliant psychology thriller that has alot of heart pounding moments. I would totally recommend it. Nuala Ellwood knows how to keep the reader on a dollar coaster ride with this book.

When Maggie comes round after being in a coma following a serious car accident she's told the devastating news that Elspeth, her 10 year old daughter has died. She doesn't believe them, surely a mother would be able to feel the loss of a child in her heart. She then learns that her husband disappeared straight after the funeral.
Although her mind is still in a fragile state she's sure she's both seen and heard Elspeth. Is it the medication she's on that's causing her mind to play tricks on her? One thing she's sure of, there's more to what happened on that fatal day than she's been told.
Although it goes backwards and forwards from past to present it's very easy to follow with loads of shocks and surprises that will keep you on the edge of your seat. What a fabulous read and one I have no hesitation in recommending. A full five stars from me. This is my honest and unbiased review

I absolutely loved this book, I devoured it in less than a week. Completely gripped by the storyline and the twists along the way couldn't be guessed. I am sad to have finished it even though I was pleased with how it concluded to a very appropriate ending. If you like books to keep you guessing until the very end you have to read this! I'll be following this author. Thanks to netgalley for allowing me to review.

What an intriguing start!!! Maggie’s daughter has died and her husband has disappeared without a trace. Maggie who has been in a comma is trying to recuperate and deal with her grief and memory loss from the night of the accident. This book drew me in from the start and kept me hooked, it is an emotional rollercoaster of a ride and very addictive!!
The letters from a child to her mother are heartbreaking, which will tug at anybody’s heart strings.
I thought I had it all worked out where this story was going, but NO this author is way too clever for the obvious route, so I waited with baited breath to see what the ending was and all was revealed.
Will definitely be keeping an eye out for this author.
Thank you to netgalley for this book which was a pleasure to review.

brilliant book, well written and addictive, read it in a day. Gripping and emotional storyline of motherhood and loss, kept me guessing throughout.

The Day of the Accident by Nuala Ellwood
To get an understanding of what this review is based on, a little about me… I love a thriller. I thoroughly enjoy spotting the clues, looking for the hidden hint, and solving the whole thing before anyone else. Seriously, eight minutes in to The Sixth Sense, and I gave everything away to my unsuspecting, quickly annoyed, husband sat beside me. With ‘The Day of the Accident’ it took my until 82% through the book before I solved everything – then by 84% through, I’d been proven completely wrong.
I have never read Ms Ellwood’s work before, but I will be looking for her regularly now. This book is an outstanding entanglement of mystery and intrigue, with hints of a thriller placed strategically. Wonderfully written I clicked it open on my Kindle about lunch time and finished it the same day – I couldn’t put it down. The characters were written to evoke emotion, some to pull at your heart, while others needed strangling – or at least shaking. The great focus on detail, regarding the leads and background, make the story-line fully engaging.
I won’t be discussing the story itself as the book description and blurb covers the key points accurately. I would hate to give away anything, the twists and turns in the story part of the amazing creativity in Ms Ellwood’s writing.
I didn’t solve it before the end. So, I challenge you to do so…

Oh wow, what a book. I enjoyed this read.
It is a gripping thriller that will have you guessing. what the hell is going on it so good. so many twists and turns I didn't see coming.
This is my first book by this author and will not be my last.

Wonderfully descriptive and kept me guessing until the very end. Would definitely be interested in this authors future works