Member Reviews

This is the third book in a series. It is about Rose. She lives on a hippie commune with her mothers and her two sisters. I read book one and loved it. I also love this one! It makes me want to go back and read book two. Rose falls in love with lawyer Greg. They must work through a lot of issues to see if they are able to make a life together. The problem is that Greg lives in Manhattan and Rose lives in Maine. Long distance will not work, but will these two make the decision that need to be made to be together? I definitely recommend this book.

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I like that the whole gang ended up on the farm together. Rose and Greg are a cute couple, and I really enjoyed their story.

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Rose’s dog’s name was Banana as he was always crazy, excited, and going,,,, bananas. Bana’s communicative skills are the stuff of legend. Rose runs a non-profit animal shelter. She used the family’s former barn as a clinic. Betty Beland was on the town council and often called to complain but Rose had the law on her side. Rose cures their sick pets at discount prices and local wildlife for free. After leaving Betty her ex husband asked Rose out even though Rose said no Betty hated Rose and caused her as many problems as she could. All Rose cares about are the animals that need her and her family that loves her. Rose lives in a hippie community and has three mothers who loved the members of the band Red Hot and when they got pregnant they left the band and moved to the farm and had their three daughters but each mom claimed the other two girls as her own also. Red Hot was currently living with them working on a new music. There had been a break in worse than that Banana had been hurt and had a broken leg and he only had three legs as it was and he needed surgery. Rose called John who she had on contract to do any procedure or surgery on the animals in her care and aso gave her a plan of care for her parents if she needed it. After the surgery John told Rose he couldn’t work with her anymore obviously the council got to him. Then Rose found out she was being sued once again and her lawyer tha handed her legal problems had passed away and she didn’t have the money for someone else. Greg Lister stopped at the clinic and asked if she needed help . Rose os attracted to Greg. Greg is the lawyer for the band and they are his only clients. Rose always seems to end up embarrassing situations with Greg. Greg Asked if she needed help with her legal problems. Greh kissed Rose and she wanted to see where that would go to. Smitty was someone Rose and her family had known a long time and he helped out at the farm for a long time. He had even dated Rose’s sister for a little while then all of a sudden Smitty asks Rose out but they have a sister agreement never to date a sister’s ex. tHen one day Smitty shows up with a new computer for Rose.
I truly loved this book. I loved the pace and plot. I loved Rose and Greg together. I also loved how close Rose and her family were especially her sisters and Rose. This was a sweet, easy emotional, and romantic read. I truly loved how Rose loved animals so much especially Bannan. I felt Banana added a lot to this book and I loved him. I happily couldn’t find anything to criticize in this book. I didn't want to put this book down. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend.

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DNF at 30 percent.

This is a classic case of, "it's not you; it's me." Premise has a lot of potential. I love Banana, the three-legged dog. Diction, construction, and punctuation are excellent. I even like the characters. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy reading about them.

In some books, the main characters' awkwardness is endearing, and it helps build the sexual tension between them. In this book, Greg and Rose's awkward encounters just made me cringe. I felt embarrassed on their behalf. The hardest thing was that I sensed zero chemistry between the leads. Having forced my way through the first third and finding no connection to the characters or their story, I have put it aside in favor of other things.

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Thanks to the publisher for an ARC to read and give my honest opinion.

This book is the last book in a trilogy, and I strongly suggest reading them in order as they don't quite fit as a stand alone. Loved the cover...but the blurb is what caught my eye.
Rose is the last of the three sisters to find a guy. Of course she doesn't seem like she's trying since she lives in the middle of no where and keeps a non profit animal shelter going. Greg comes to town with some legal stuff for the band and suddenly Rose could use his services since the town is trying to get rid of her shelter.
This is a fence book for me...took awhile to get into since I hadn't read the first two but a few things kept me from enjoying this novel. One... the use of our mothers.... I guess I'm not up on my hippy commune wording but only one mother per child...right? I started off thinking this was a homosexual mothers relationship. Just because they don't know who the dad is doesn't mean the mother isn't known....right? Second..when Rose goes on a tangent about all the things she could have..... didn't the lawyer just say she had ten million dollars? Then the relationship with Greg started out tepid...I like to see a real good attraction. So fence booking it. Three stars.

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This is the final story in this Red Hot Love series and true to her name, Rose blossoms when she falls for Greg.

Rose has watched both of her sisters fall in love over a short space of time but didn’t think it would happen to her. She gave up her dreams of being a vet and runs an animal shelter on the family farm. She dedicates her life to helping injured animals and often spends the night at the clinic where she can monitor them 24/7 if needed.

She is surprised to know that Greg Lister, lawyer for Red Hot, also shares a love of animals. He has a dog that he dotes on and he also grew up on a rural property, like Rose. She just assumed that the Manhattan man was a city guy born and bred. His visits from the city to Rose’s farm seem to be more frequent these days and Rose begins to look forward to him visiting.

There is definitely a simmering attraction building between them and her sisters have noticed it too. Running a clinic comes with it’s own set of issues though, the local town council seem hell bent on finding reasons to shut her down and some other enemies are making their intentions known in some pretty nasty ways.

Rose would love to realise her dream of being a vet, expanding the shelter and being able to gainfully employ people to help but Greg delivers news that could change everything. It may also mean saying goodbye to a possible future with him. Everything seems to be falling apart and when tragedy strikes one night it feels like nothing will ever be right again.

I really enjoyed this final instalment in the Red Hot series. There is an epilogue that gives an insight into each of the sisters a wee bit into the future but that big gaping question from the very beginning is never really answered. I think that’s a good thing though because their definition of family is really what matters most in the end.

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Rose, Red Hot Love series by Elle Casey

This was my first venture into the Red Hot Love trilogy, so I can accurately state that the books can be read out of order without losing anything from the storyline. The book’s description is accurate in outlining the content, but leaves out how realistically written the characters are. The peeks you get into the lead’s lives, along with the background band practices, is wonderfully addictive. This book has an intriguing story, with danger and suspense throughout – A romance novel with more going on than a few kisses.

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Rose by Elle CaseyRose Lancaster is running her animal clinic in Maine on a wing and a prayer. She doesn't have a lot (or any) funding and the only veterinarian who was willing to help her has just bowed out. Now her clinic has been robbed. It is NOT the time for a new romance. Too bad her fathers' lawyer, Greg Lister, is so dang cute.

Greg doesn't plan on falling in love with Rose, especially since he can't give her anything but bad news (at least he feels like it.) But their chemistry is just too strong (and her sisters are just too eager to put them together.

This book was not as disjointed as the previous book but still didn't flow smoothly. It felt like the ending didn't wrap up the loose ends (maybe there'll be a book for Smitty? But he wasn't portrayed well in this book).

Three stars
This book comes out today
ARC kindly provided by NetGalley

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This is the 3rd book in the series and is about the last sister ... Rose. Rose has always wanted to be a vet, but when hurt or abandoned animals kept showing up to her house, she opened their barn to them and became a rescue instead. The sisters find out about their fathers when a lawyer (Greg) comes to tell them they will each receive a bundle of cash and all they have to do is acknowledge their fathers ... who are legendary rock stars. Greg's only client is the Red Hot rock group and when he goes to rural Maine to tell the sisters of their fortune, he can't help but notice the beautiful Rose. When Rose's shelter gets broken into and she starts getting prank phone calls, she doesn't know what she did wrong and can't believe that anyone would target a dog rescue and shelter. Greg helps Rose with a legal matter and when he becomes aware of Rose's problems, he can't help but get involved.

I know that Rose and Greg are into each other and I just wanted to tell them to get on with it already, but I guess that's what happens when 2 sky people like each other ... they do a lot of tip toeing around each other. This is a cute romantic comedy with a little bit of steam. I would advise to read the first two book before this so you get a better sense of what's going on. This last book ties everything up, nice and neat.

I received an ARC courtesy of Montlake Romance and Amazon Publishing UK through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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Elle Casey put all of her quirky thoughts down and made a series which covered 3 sisters born from their mothers loving a rock band. Each sister was unique and as we read the series, we grew to love them all. Rose is the last in the series and she finally found a man worthy of her.

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Sweet Rose with her kind heart and love of animals finds love of her own. Greg Lister, the band's lawyer and resident stick in the mud, has a soft spot for Rose. The two find companionship and get Rose through a rough patch. There's a bit of mischievous behavior at the farm and Greg tries to help. I loved the scenes with animals, especially Banana. A heartwarming story of three sisters comes to a close. I read the entire series and wrote each review voluntarily, copy given through Netgalley.

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Having not read the previous 2 books in this series but knowing I enjoy Elle Casey's books I was was very much looking forward to reading this book. I found it a bit hard to get into to begin with, maybe as I hadnt read the previous Books, but once I got into it I couldn't put it down. Off to read the previous ones now! I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I didn't read the first two books in the series and felt a little like I missed something reading this one. The tie between these books is that they are the kids of famous rockers from a band called Red Hot. I feel like there was a lot of backstory that I missed.

Rose has retreated to Maine to run an animal sanctuary and, for reasons I didn't quite follow, Greg, a Manhattan attorney, shows up to help her with her legal issues.

Elle Casey is a competent writer and I enjoyed the banter between Rose and Greg as their relationship develop. I think I would have liked it more if I'd red Rose in order.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was my favorite in this trilogy so far! And Rose is by far my favorite of the 3 “sisters”....definitely worth the read!

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This is the last book from the series and the story finishes with HEA for all the sisters. I got the feeling that from all the sisters it seems that Rose is the one that sufferers the most at least in silence. She has dedicated her whole life, time for the wounded animals and she cannot ever take a break from them. So it is really sweet that we see how she falls in love and at the same time I fell really sorry for her when it all falls apart. In the book, there is just POV from Rose so for me most of the time Greg remains a mystery although when they are together they decided to always tell the truth. It was like Rose had described that he was with her different than when they were with the others. The story from the start is really unique we see the characters from previous books and how are they doing. I loved the dogs in the book. Rose was a good person, likable the end version of Greg when we figure out why had he acted the way he did. The story has also a mystery, suspense element and it is great that is not predictable.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly.

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I was lucky enough to get an ARC for this book and to be able to read it back to back with Emerald, book 2 in the series. I really love Elle's books they are so beautifully written. Rose is the third sister who has to deal with the sudden appearance in their lives of the wealthy rockstars who are their fathers.

Like second sister Emerald she has no desire to collect her inheritance nor have a relationship with the band, she just wants to run her animal clinic and live a quiet life.

Unfortunately fate has other ideas when she meets Greg Lister the band's lawyer. Greg is a hotshot who lives and works in Manhattan and seems so far out of Rose's league, so why does he keep coming around to see her?

The local council is trying to close down her clinic, and to make matters worse someone breaks in and finally burns it down. Greg and Rose get closer as he tries to help her, but he is keeping a big secret that could affect her future. Rose is unable to see a possible life together with him, but fate has other ideas!

This book was a fitting conclusion to the series as the three sisters deal with their new lives and loves while still remaining true to their roots. A great read as always from Elle.

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Wow, I was surprised how into this book I became and quickly. The story was phenomenal and the world building was outstanding. I decided to try a few pages and before I knew it I had devoured the entire book. This book flowed so easily I didn't realise I had read the entire thing until I had turned the last page. Wow!! Will definitely be following this author from now on.

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Having not realised this was the 3rd in a series, (my fault) It took me a while to work out the characters, bit of a slow burner for my liking, but, overall well written and a nice story

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It was an interesting premise however I was not able to get engaged in the story so I ended up zipping through the chapters.

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This is the third in Casey’s series about three young women brought up by three former groupies on their hippy-like farm in rural Maine. In earlier books, we learned that the three girls are the daughters of a classical rock group that their mothers were groupies following, but left when they all got pregnant. And no mother knows which group member is the father of her daughter. Ugh. The band has finally found out about their daughters and wanted to give each of them $10 million. In this story, Rose, has decided to refuse the money because she is angry that the members of the band never searched for the women who suddenly left them. She has a habitat for animals that she cares for. However, she’s facing threats to her shelter as members of the city council are trying to shut it down and someone is tormenting her by trashing her shelter.

The one consolation is the growing affection between Rose and the band’s lawyer Greg Lister. It is very sweet how they start to fall for each other through their conversations while cleaning out the kennels in her shelter.

I am not a big fan of the whole former groupies’ love affair with band members who never forgot them. And Rose’s attitude to all the stuff in her life is to play like an ostrich. She has a lawyer who keeps offering to help her with the city council’s lawsuit. But she’s such a stubborn ostrich that she keeps turning him down. When he eventually does convince her to let him help her, that whole plot basically disappears. Later on when there is a terrible complication thrown into the plot that would make a relationship between Greg and Rose, that is also brushed away and wrapped up in just a sentence or two.

If you enjoyed the first two books, you’ll like this one. There were parts I enjoyed and other parts that got on my nerves. I guess I just found it hard to relate to the women of this series.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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