Member Reviews

Second chance at romance with a more mature character than usual, well, that was right up my alley. I'd not read the first book but that wasn't a problem because I was able to hop right into the story. Faye and Dan might seem a slightly odd couple but their adventures prove that's not the case. His proposal, however, knocks her for a loop. Let go of some of the implausible things (Rosie is 3 and talking like an adult) and just enjoy. You know where this is likely going to go but Watson throws in enough twists to keep it engaging. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC.

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This was a fun, well-written book. Faye enjoys her life the way it is, and then her boyfriend, Dan asks her to get married. She was married before, and was miserable. He wants to move to Australia, and that would mean leaving her daughter and granddaughter. But Dan is the man of her dreams. I enjoyed this book and would read others by this author.

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This book is the second one in a series, but don't let this hold you back. It is perfectly readable without having read the first one and it will only give you more reason to devour the other book as well.
It a laughing out loud story, but not a foolish one because the author has managed to put a lot of depth in it as well.
Of course when you are young, you see things differently and you don't think everything through as well as you shoud. And then life happens and you try to do the right thing. Although this does not always mean that it will make you happy.
The story shows that putting yourself first sometimes is not selfish, but is essential. You can ignore your own dreams and wishes, but where does that leave you in the end?
Faye is an example of how it is possible to turn your life around and find your happy ever after.
Thank you, Sue Watson, Bookouture and Netgalley for giving me the chance to review this awesome story. It makes me even feel more inclined to visit Australia.

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Solid chick lit…doesn’t take itself too seriously! You’ll laugh, cry, and say “Oh! No!” Definitely a fun weekend read :c)

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The follow up to Love, lies and lemon cake does not disappoint. It is great to revisit Faye, Dan and their families to see what life has in store for them and there are lots of fun twists and turns as the story develops. There are lots of laugh out loud moments which normally involve Faye’s granddaughter Rosie or workmate Mandy. A highly recommended summer read.

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This is the second book in the Love, Lies series and although I haven’t read the first it didn’t stop me from enjoying this book.

Faye and her Aussie toyboy Dan like to travel and their lives are pretty easy going until Dan has to return to Australia and asks Faye to go with him. When she refuses because she doesn’t feel able to leave her daughter and granddaughter, Dan buys a one-way ticket and they break up. Fast forward a year and Faye’s daughter has married and moved away, Faye now feels the time is right to try to make up with Dan but on arrival in Australia she finds things have changed for Dan and she has to decide whether to stay in Australia or return home.

This is another excellent book by Sue Watson, it is lighthearted and funny, with great characters which I read in a day. Highly recommended.

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From the cover and synopsis, I thought this would be a fun book to get into on a lazy Saturday. The cover boasted its "bloody hilarious" contents, and I was eager to dig in.

It was slow going from the start for me. I couldn't really connect with the main character, maybe it was a "different life stages" thing, or maybe she was just unlikable. I pushed myself to give the book more of a chance, but when I got to the part where Dan is breaking the news to Faye that he has to go back to Australia and she acts so immature and juvenile over it, I just couldn't. I was over it.

I didn't find any "bloody hilarious" moments in the book. I think the author attempted humor in a few areas, but it was more like snarky pettiness than ha-ha funny. Pop culture references bombard the reader from page one, and I found it a little off-putting. And then there is the redundancy. The reader is told several times in the first few pages how much her granddaughter and daughter mean to her/need her. Frankly, it's very obvious that something will come up that questions that. Speaking of her granddaughter, she must be a prodigy because speaking in clear, concise sentences full of attitude at three years old is pretty remarkable.

All in all, it was a DNF for me at around 20%. If I cannot connect with the characters in the book, or at least find them somewhat likable, I don't really feel like wasting any more time.

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I love Sue Watson books and this one was really good. Even if it's the second instalment in a series it can be read as a standalone.
It's fun to read, well written and entertaining.
Many thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture

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The cover of this book and the description on NetGalley made me ask for it. Unfortunately, it is just not for me. Since I seem to be the only person here that rates the book just one star, I am hiding this review.


Fay married (too) young, at only 20, because she was pregnant. Appartenly she never heard of birth control, because she married someone she was very unhappy with. Strangely enough this experience didn't make her prepare her daughter Emma for the same fate, because Emma becomes pregnant at a very young age and this time the father isn't around even before the child is born. Faye left her husband and found wonderful lovely hunk Dan. In between travelling around with Dan and studying, Faye spends her entire life on taking care of her granddaughter Rosie, a 4 year old that is way to smart for her age and thinks she can talk and do whatever she wants. And then there is Mandy, owner of the hair dressing shop where Faye works, who only has one single topic of conversation: sex.
Dan wants Faye to come with him to Australia but no, she chooses to be an unpaid sitter for Rosie because Emma is so busy. Faye is only 46 but apparently she has no ambitions any more. Then Emma decides to marry a nice Scottish man and without ever talking with Faye about this, she just assumes Faye will find her way because she is no longer needed as a sitter for Rosie.
Faye is devastated but decides not to say anything.
During the wedding dinner, she even has to sit next to her ex-husband. What daughter can be so absolutely cruel as to put her parents, who cannot stand each other, next to each other during the wedding and the dinner?
Faye get her degree but instead of finding a life for herself, she suddenly decides to 'surprise' Dan. He is not at all happy and after only a few hours the truth comes out: during the year they haven't seen each other he fathered a child, Clover (a girl). Dan apparently never received any biology lessons because he only found out about his girlfriends' pregnancy when she was 7 months pregnant. The girlfriend, Saffron, is too busy with her career so Dan takes care of Clover.

And there I stopped reading. A story filled with people who are too dumb to think of birth control, who have nothing better to do than gush over every hiccup of their (grand)children, who change their mind all the time - especially Faye - is not a very interesting read.

I can see why other people like the book because it is well-written. It's just the story that, in my view, is very boring and only made me want to say to Dan, Faye, Emma and Wendy: hey, have you go nothing better to do?

I've checked the box 'hide entire review' so I hope it works.

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I absolutely adore this author. her books make me laugh out loud and cry with emotion. With all her books, this one included, she delivers a cracking story full of heart, seasoned liberally with humour. This book was an incredible, unputdownable read. There were parts where I laughed with tears rolling down my cheeks and others where I couldn't hold back my tears because the scene was so poignant and beautiful. This is one of the best books I've read this year. Sue Watson gets better with every book and I cannot wait for her next. Love this author and this book is very highly recommended to everyone.

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Yes, yes, yes! Another excellent book by Sue Watson! I hesitated before reading this book because it's the second part of a series called "Love, lies and lemon cake" and I didn't read it. But I was really tempted by reading it because I really enjoy Sue Watson's books usually so I decided to give it a go and I am so happy I did it! If you haven't read the first book in the series, don't worry, you can still read the second part and understand everything. I have been hooked by the story from first line to last line. And what I loved about this book is that I found myself laughing out loud more times than I could count. The main character, Faye is so goofy, but so lovely at the same time. I also loved the character of Rosie, Faye's granddaughter... a 5 years old who knows what she wants! so cute! so funny! And it was lovely to be able to travel to Australia with Faye and feel the ocean breeze! I enjoyed this book so much! I recommend it!

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Hilarious, delicious, inspiring are just three of the words I want to use to describe Love, Lies and Wedding Cake which is utterly brilliant!

It is the long awaited sequel to Love, Lies and Lemon Cake and despite it being a few years between reading them, I realised I remembered the basics, and especially Faye and Dan, within a few pages, which to me is the sign of an author writing memorable characters. This could be read as a standalone, but honestly why deprive yourself of the joy of reading two fabulous books?!

Full of tantalising food descriptions and gorgeous travel scenery where I felt like I was part of the action, what this really is, is the story of two people trying to work out if they can live their dreams, do what is needed of them as responsible adults and still be in each others lives.

The directions that Faye and Dan go in this book will surprise you if you had read the first book and know just how in love and perfect they seem for each other, but equally I loved seeing them both grow as people.

I also loved the way that I have suddenly twigged how some of Sue Watson's book have a small connection, and I always enjoy seeing links between an authors work, like a special nod to her fans, and the character in question is rather memorable from the books set in Appledore.

And then there is Rosie, Faye's grand daughter, who is adorable, but is 3 going on 30, with a turn of phrase best suited to the adults she is mimicking. She picks up on any bad language and it seems like her favourite word is "bruddy". Every single scene she was in had me smiling.

Oh and Faye's best friend Mandy is also a hilarious tonic, she works in a beauty spa, happens to love men, and well during Vajazzle week was wearing a t-shirt that even confused poor Rosie, as she recognised a front bottom on it!!

There is no doubt in my mind that this a perfect summer read, take it with you to the poolside or beach, and ignore the odd stares as you laugh out loud and maybe shed a few tears too!

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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Excellent light hearted read. It is the second in a series, I wish I had read the first one before this. I will definitely read more by Sue Watson.

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

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I love Sue Watson books books this is a second book in the Danny and Faye series and just as good as the first.

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It’s worth reading any Sue Watson book purely for the fun chapter titles and Love, Lies and Wedding Cake is no exception. I read this book in a couple of days and loved it from start to finish.

Faye has a gorgeous, younger Aussie boyfriend named Dan and they’ve spent a couple of years travelling around some of the most romantic places, sightseeing and enjoying cakes all over the world. They’ve been happy enough but then Dan proposes and asks her to move to Australia with him. But what about Faye’s daughter Emma and her rather brilliant and funny granddaughter Rosie? They need her too but can she leave them and move to the other side of the world?

This book is brilliantly written, fun, witty and a genuinely feel-good book. I can highly recommend it. Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for the chance to review.

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I enjoy books written by Sue Watson. This is a follow up, but can easily be read stand alone. Great read and lovely to be reunited with old characters. Can't wait for the next

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This one was a little old for me, I’m 35. I think this is probably a great series for someone in the 50-65 age group.

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I am a huge fan of this authors books. Love, Lies and Lemon Cake being my absolute favourite. Have you ever loved a book so much though and wish the author would write another one featuring the same characters? Well Sue Watson has answered my prayers! 

To be fair this book does read well as a stand alone but I beg you to read the first one as it is fabulous and you really don't want to miss the beginning of Faye and Dan's journey.

It was sooooo good to catch back up with Faye and Dan again. Sadly not everything is as rosy as we left it last time. Some big decisions need to be made and I was torn in two as to what should happen. The author seriously messed with my head as I really didn't know which way Faye was going to turn and I couldn't turn those pages fast enough to see how things were going to turn out for the pair. 

This author always manages to write a story which soaks you up body and soul. As soon as I pick one of her books up I know I won't be putting it back down until I finish it. I always get so invested in the story line that by the end I am an absolute emotional wreck and this time was no different. Don't get me wrong I was grinning like a cheshire cat whilst sobbing my heart out as I was so happy but sad as I had come to the end.

Australia is somewhere now that I want to go to even more than ever before. The sights and life there sounded so idyllic and I wanted to hop on board the next plane and find a Dan of my own. Just don't tell my husband ;). 

Love, Lies and Wedding Cake is the perfect follow on from what was an already fabulous book. This one is just as fabulous and I now have two firm favourites. It is a book that picks you right up and smothers you with the most amazing emotions. It is the perfect read to feed your mind and soul and will remind you that happiness indeed starts with you!

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​OHHH my dayzzz, was I happy to get my mitts on this book. I need to start with, if you haven't read any of Sue Watsons books, then where the hell have you been.
Her books, are awesomely funny, with amazing storylines. Sue Watson has a knack of writing books that make you feel good, once you've read some of Sue's books you'd understand what I mean when I say, just looking at the covers makes you smile. Sitting down with these books, you feel like a big fluffy duvet has been wrapped around you. (oh wait it has)
Hot Chocolate, a slice of cake, turn the phone off, lock the door. Once you start, there really is no stopping you.
The books are addictable, easy to read, and fun. I have to admit you do get some funny looks if your out in public while reading these, with a stupid grin on your face, and laughing out loud.

Anyway, back to this book. Love, Lies and Wedding Cake. The book has such a real life feel to it. You can actually picture yourself in the places described, doing the thing that the characters are doing, it really does feel like real life. It's certainly a welcome escape from my real life. lol I absolutely adored this book. There is a great mix of characters, some of them are first class. I loved Faye, I love the banter she had in the salon with Mandy and how her 4 year old granddaughter Rosie picked up on everything she shouldn't pick up on. Some of the scenes in this book had me helpless.

Faye and Dan are in love, doing the things that make both of them happy. Living life to the full. That is until Dan pops the question. It's not that Faye is against marriage, it's more that with that marriage comes the reality that for it to happen, Faye would have to move to the other side of the world. Dan wants her to move to Australia with him.
Faye can't do that, she has a course she's finishing, a job, a daughter and a granddaughter that need her. How on earth could she move to the other side of the world. It's just not going to happen.

There is so so much I want to say about this book, and I know nothing I write is ever going to do the book any justice. It's a first class, funny, in parts hilarious read. Yet it also carries an element of ' if you want it, go get it. Stop letting things get in your way. Stop making obstacles for yourself.
If you are going away this year, or just plan on sitting in your garden or even sitting in the park in your lunch break, this is the book you need with you.

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I believe this is a follow up from love lies and lemon cake. I haven't read book no1 so I don't know if I needed to have read that first.... No you don't. I was hooked from the first page and I will read plenty more hooks from thus author in the future.
If romance us what you need this is the perfect book for you. You will laugh throughout and also be sat thinking what's about yo happen so with that, it's completely thrilling. There will be a few tears too.... Tissues at the ready
A fantastic story, great characters. The plot is brilliant as it begins with Faye's life as a single mother after one failed marriage but is happy with her boyfriend Dan. He wants to get married but the twist is he's from Australia and she won't want to move over there because of her daughter and granddaughter. And she's not completed her studies... Decisions galore
With that Dan leaves and Faye tells him to stay away and get on with his life without her.. Then Emma decides to move away with her daughter... What will Faye do??? In time Faye realises she's missing.... Dan but there's something he's failed to tell her by the time they've been apart.., a whole year. Will they continue where they left off, is it too late? This is an amazing read and a total page turner.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this

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