Member Reviews

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is the fifth book in a series (I really need to go read the other four now).

Three extremely creepy murders. I was shocked to learn who the killer was. I loved the flashbacks to show the thought process of the killer.

Characters were well done. I didn’t feel as connected as I usually do but that’s probably because I started at book 5. I will definitely be going back and reading the other 4 now. Highly recommend and looking forward to reading more by this author.

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Good interesting book with lots of mystery. Not an obvious killer and plot. Lots going on as the story unfolds.

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This is a brilliant read. I have read a few of the Robyn Carter books and they are all really worth reading. They are really well put together. Robyn is a likeable believable character who is dedicated to her job. In The Chosen Ones she is trying to link 3 murders together to find the perpetrator. This is a fascinating read. The book has obviously been well researched and that adds to the believability of the murderers story. I would definitely recommend this book and I hope that there are more books about Robyn.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.

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You know you are onto a winning book when it starts off with an OMFG prologue well I am happy to report that The Chosen Ones is just that....Yes the whole book is winner. I flipping loved it.

I have to say that I cannot believe that this is the fifth Robyn Carter book that I have read since January 2017 and the quality of the author's writing is has good, if not better than the first one that I read in the series. I don't know about you but when I follow a series I am always a little nervous has to whether the latest book is has good as the last one. But the author has totally nailed it and needs to give herself a pat on the back. You guys are going to love it.

I love the fact that this series is set local to me so knowing the setting makes it more exciting and gets me thinking what if this actually happened,the author makes it all seem so very real.

The Chosen ones is one hell of a nail biting story that is full of tension and suspense. I read this in one sitting talk about a page turner, I found myself racing to end to unravel the story.

This can be read has a standalone but is to good a series not to miss and you will get more of an idea of background information with the characters .Robyn is a character you cannot help but like.

But there is nothing not to like about this book when we follow Robyn on the hunt for a gruesome killer. Carol certainly knows how to tease the reader and keeps you guessing until the end. Building the layers up of an whodunit story.

I cannot recommend this enough giving it all the freaking stars!

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*Thanks to NetGalley and bookouture for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.* 'The Chosen Ones' is the 5th book in the DI Robyn Carter series. Like the 4 books that came before it, the novel is an action and suspense filled mystery novel. The book continues the story arc of what happened to the love of Carter's life, Davies, as well as having a new mystery to solve, in the death of the young man, Jordan Kilby. As with all of Wyer's books that I have read, it was an enjoyable read, that kept me guessing until the end. I look forward to the next book in the series.

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We meet up once again with Detective Robyn Carter in Now She’s Gone, book 5 in the series. I have been eagerly anticipating the publishing of the latest book and it certainly didn’t disappoint! Robyn and her team are called out to investigate a gruesome murder of a young man. Robyn’s tragic past regarding her fiancé’s death makes her very sympathetic to the victim’s girlfriend. Then more bodies are found and she realises that they have a serial killer on their hands. Robyn is certainly feeling the pressure to connect these killings. As new clues and information comes to light, so then all the lies and secrets from family and friends do too. Then there is still the mystery regarding Robyn’s fiancé, could he still be alive? This is a thrilling and gripping novel which draws you in from the first chapter. A tense, nail biting read. I can’t wait for book number six!
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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A new case for DI Carter and this time she might not be able to figure out what's going on in time. When the killings don't stop Robyn Carter gets under pressure and her job is on the line. The man she thinks might be the number one suspect is "untouchable" and that infuriates her. She can't make the pieces fit and then she get's a message from her frenemy Amy, the reporter - HELP.
Great new story, with twist and turns and a lot more information about Robyn Carters personal life and a shocking end. Can't wait to read more!
I chose to read this book and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased. Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture!

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In a Flutter: Tense and super fun
Fluttering Thoughts:
Worldbuilding: Stafford, Colton – UK setting. Very interesting world of connections.
Characters: Robyn is a cool character, and her cat Schrodinger is ofc adorbs. She’s kind of lonely, and job-centered which I like in the context. If there’s a good line of work for someone to be a workaholic in, it’s that of homicide detective. I mean, not good for the workaholic :)) But, you know, others. Her emotional state ends up teaching her a lesson, but I enjoyed her flawed reaction to a particular someone. I like main characters who make mistakes along the way – very authentic.
Plot: The murder mystery is gruesome and captivating. I love procedurals by and large, and UK ones have a heavier atmosphere which makes everything that bit creepier, so fun. I was surprised by who the culprit was, though it didn’t come out of left field or anything. Enjoyed the crime-solving process very much. I particularly liked the tempo, which wasn’t a constant thrill-ride but a constant buildup of tension.
Writing: Third person, past tense narrative, multi POV. I really enjoyed the writing style, though I’m so not a fan of multi.
Curb Appeal: Cool cover, hooking blurb – impulsive buy material for my ample procedural cravings.

I recommend The Chosen Ones to fans of stories about psychos, flawed main characters, and proper tense procedurals.

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<b> 4 Unforgettable Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟</4>

Three murders... one involves a cornfield... one involves a screwdriver... and one involves a car... all are pretty brutal... is there a link? And if so what is the connection?

Robin Carter is a clever, relentless, and committed Detective... this was more than just a case to her and those working with her... I found this case so intriguing and compelling and I loved the approach to solving it... and I was truly surprised by who the guilty party was....

I would give this book all the stars but for one small problem.... I didn’t feel connected to Robin throughout most of the book, although I did more towards the ending... and what an ending... don’t tell anyone this🤫 this is the first book I’ve read in the series, so perhaps I would feel more of a connection had I started with book one, but that’s just between you and me😉

Strongly recommend to fans of the police procedural with a strong female detective...

*** many thanks to Bookouture and Net Galley for a copy of this book ***

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My review is written with thanks to Kim Nash at Bookouture for my place on the tour and for my copy of the book via Netgalley.
When a young man is murdered and left in a cornfield, Detective Inspector (DI) Robyn Carter and her team are called to investigate. Before their investigations can truly get under way, another man and a local doctor are also discovered dead, and Robyn knows she is hunting a serial killer, who has the potential to kill again. Can Robyn and her team identify the killer before Robyn's own life is threatened?
If you don't know how much I love this series by now, you must have been living under a rock. I'm delighted Robyn is back. She's still determined, stubborn and passionate, and I'm very interested to see that she is thawing slightly towards her fellow inspector, Tom Shearer. I'm looking forward to seeing where this will go. As The Chosen Ones is the fifth instalment in the series, I also feel quite familiar with Robyn's team, and I love how they have grown with the series alongside Robyn.
The plot of The Chosen Ones is very complex, and for a novel set in a small village, there are a surprising number of suspects. Although this means the investigation moves relatively slowly, it allowed me to try and connect the pieces together as I tried to make guesses (usually wrong ones) about who was involved and how, making the plot utterly compelling. Wyer develops all her characters, even the relatively minor ones, really well, and this gave me a strong sense of what it was like to live within the community around the time of the murders. I also enjoyed the chapters that were written in the past, as these give a glimpse into the killer's history and an insight into their disturbed mindset.
Do not skip the epilogue! The ending of The Chosen Ones has left me picking up my jaw from the floor. In her letter to readers at the end, Wyer has promised more twists and turns and I cannot wait to see where the series goes from here.

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THE CHOSEN ONES is the fifth book in the Detective Robyn Carter series by Carol Wyer. I actually have the previous four books on my Kindle waiting to be read but, as always, there are too many great books and too little time. One thing that gets my goat on NetGalley is when a title that is number 2, 3, 4, etc in a series is not described as such. Luckily, Bookouture seem to one of the best at making this clear, so although I hadn't read number 1, 2, and 3 I still decided to grab it. I am glad I did, it's a fantastic ride and, as a consequence, I've moved the rest to closer to the top of my to be read pile.

The opening chapter had me excited about what the rest of the book had in store for me. It manages to get its claws into you and has you turning those pages swiftly. The only words I uttered from the beginning until the very end were ones that politely told the rest of my family to be quiet as I was so engrossed. I am assured by those I know who have had the pleasure of enjoying the previous books that they are all as deeply engaging, I genuinely found it impossible to put down! Robyn Carter is a likeable character who almost feels like a friend. Her tenacity, strong female traits, and the fact that she has to operate in a male dominated profession (although it is getting better than it once was) makes her a very inspiring lead. Wyer certainly knows how to hook you in with her excellent writing and an exciting story you can become invested in easily. I appreciate the unpredictability of the plot, the twists and turns are plentiful and kept me on the edge of my seat.

Bookouture are without doubt one of my favourite publishers, I am yet to find a title that is less than average from them. In my opinion, they are one of the most consistent publishers out there. I know that friends who also love crime fiction feel the same as I do, they are so reliable and I urge anyone into the genre who hasn't already, to give them a go - I'm pretty confident that you won't be disappointed.

An AMAZING foray into the world of DI Carter, make no mistake, I will be back for more!

I would like to thank Carol Wyer, Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC in exchange for an honest and impartial review.

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This is the first of this series that I've read and it was OK as a standalone police drama.

There are many twists and turns and a surprise ending. However, it didn't really hook me in and I found it to be very cliched in it's storyline and characters. For lovers of the series, I'm sure this will be another hit. For me though, it was too formulaic.

Thanks to net galley and bookouture for the opportunity to preview.

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I am a huge fan of Carol’s books. Each time she releases a book I have to put out the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign and I don’t surface until I have finished reading it. ‘The Chosen Ones’ is her latest novel and it was released on Thursday of this last week. Boy oh boy I absolutely, totally and utterly flipping well loved reading it but more about that in a bit.
I absolutely love Detective Inspector Robyn Carter. She is one feisty and determined lady. She is a career police officer. who leads from the front. She has the respect of her team and they each have each others backs. Robyn works well as part of a team but she can also work just as well on her own. She also mucks in to do her fair share of the work and she doesn’t ask anybody to do anything that she wouldn’t do herself. Robyn has experienced tragedy in that she believed her fiancé, an intelligence expert, had died on assignment overseas. However she soon learns that things regarding her fiancé’s death are not what they appeared to be at the time. That’s all I will say about that because I don’t want to give too much away. Robyn feels an enormous amount of sympathy with the girlfriend of the first victim, who now has to tell her son that her partner (& his stepfather) has passed away. I think that Robyn knows exactly how the victim’s girlfriend must be feeling and she tries to support her. I got the impression that Robyn seemed to be a little distracted at times in this book but no wonder given the office politics she has to put up with, the horrific murder that she has to try to solve before any further lives are lost and the mystery of her fiancé’s disappearance and death. Blimey oh riley this woman has a heck of a lot on her plate and I certainly don’t envy her one iota. Will Robyn be able to solve the case before any further lives are lost? Will she be able to solve the mystery of her fiancé’s disappearance? Well for the answers to those questions and more you are just going to have to read the book for yourselves to find out as I am not going to tell you.
Oh my, ‘The Chosen Ones’ was a read and a half. It certainly grabbed me by the throat so to speak and didn’t let me go. I was hooked on the story from the moment I picked it up until the moment I closed the back cover. The book wasn’t glued to my hand but it might as well have been because my Kindle came everywhere with me. The page numbers and the time flew past really quickly but because I was so ‘into’ the story and I wanted to solve the murders myself, I genuinely didn’t realise how much I had read until I looked up to see that I had cleared over half of the book. For me, ‘The Chosen Ones’ really is a ‘CPID’ (Can’t put it down) book. The characters are so well written that they almost seem real and you can’t help but like some of them, whereas others need a good slap with a wet fish or flip flop across the chops. I couldn’t help but take to Robyn and I even began to think of her as a friend and I felt very defensive and protective of her. In fact reading this book really did feel like reuniting with old colleagues, old enemies and old friends. Reading ‘The Chosen Ones’ really was like riding on an unpredictable and at times very scary rollercoaster ride. There were twists and turns galore and on more than one occasion I found myself almost reading through my fingers because I feared what was going to happen next. This is certainly one of those books, which will make your heart rate soar and will send your adrenaline levels through the roof. It is also slightly scary and after finishing reading it, I found myself feeling very nervous and I jumped at the slightest little noise. This book also kept me guessing and I smugly thought I had worked out who was killing people and why, only to discover my theory was completely wrong and the culprit was somebody else entirely.
To conclude I have to say that this is one seriously brilliant and addictive read. Just when you think that the series couldn’t possibly get any better, bam along comes the next book, which blows the previous book out of the water. I think that ‘The Chosen Ones’ is the best book of the series so far. I would heartily recommend this writer and this series to other readers. Carol Wyer is one hell of a talented author even if she does have a twisted and creepy mind at times. ‘The Chosen Ones’ has to be one of my top reads for 2018 and Carol Wyer is up there on my list of favourite and must read authors. I can’t wait to read what fate has in store for DI Robyn Carter and her team. Here’s hoping that we don’t have too long to wait. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is an easily well deserved 5* out of 5*.

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I'm a little miffed because the synopsis on the book information page is so misleading and I've found this to be a disturbing trend. I often wonder if the person who writes the descriptions has any true knowledge what the book is about.

This is the 5th in series that features DI Robyn Carter and her team out of Stafford. The investigation involves the murders of 3 different people connected to the nearby town of Coltron. Jordan Kilby, age 23, is found strung up like a scarecrow in a local farmer's field. Owen Falcon is a football buddy of Jordan's and he's found dead in his garage, the victim of a gruesome murder. The final death is Dr. Lucy Harding, a GP just starting out at the local clinic. How are these 3 linked? Who is killing them in such particularly savage ways and why? The investigation sort of plods along as Robyn, Mitz, Anna and David try to figure out if there is a message in the murders. There are many additional characters to keep track of and plenty of red herrings but most readers will figure out the "who" quickly but the "why" takes a bit longer for the reveal.

I liked this well enough but it was sort of slow. There was a narrative written in italics that hinted at the genesis of the motives for the killings, or at least an attempt to explain the psychopathology involved in the making of the murderer. This was not particularly suspenseful and not a thriller per se, mostly a standard police procedural. Again, Robyn's personal life is tangentially addressed with no resolution there either -- and this has gone on for several of the books in series. It's getting old. I just wonder why female detectives can't have normal, healthy, and dare I say it -- somewhat happy -- lives and families?

Will I read a #6? Probably, because now I'm a little invested in these people so I hope that none of the characters go the way of other stories in this genre and get killed off willy nilly. Anyway, in this outing, and this is not a spoiler, Robyn and her team catch the killer and tie up the loose ends as expected.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for this e-book ARC to read and review.

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I love the Robyn Carter series- each one just seems to get better. She gets great results from her team - investigating some horrific crimes. They have to investigate a spate of murders and find out how they are connected. Her local journalist makes things difficult when she wants to steer their questioning and in turn risks causing big problems for the team.
I love the characters and the mystery in the books. They are real page turners - as you try to guess who is responsible for the gruesome crimes.
I've read that there is a new series coming up soon- which is so exciting. I hope we still return to Robyn in the future.

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Its a massive party time, whoop whoop its Carol Wyre’s Publication Day for her newest book in the Detective Robyn Carter series #5 and am I disappointed not a chance, in fact I’m literally doing summersaults at the prospect that others are going to get their hands on The Chosen Ones today.

Okay, okay enough of my silly nonsense, you’d think I loved the Carter Series or something hahahaha, time to get back on track and down to the serious stuff.

First and foremost Happy Publication Day, Carol Wyer has really come out the box with Book 5 The Chosen Ones, I have cried, laughed and nearly lost the plot with the insane dramatics in The Chosen Ones, and boy was it worth it.

Detective Robyn Carter is thrown back into furore when a case comes up involving a young father who is found in a cornfield, all the hallmarks remind Robyn of a past case the crucifixion of another victim, a sick, dark minded killer is roaming this small village, their not finished yet, what message are they trying to divulge. As the pages turn we learn of the death of a local village doctor, what’s the connection, is there one, or is Robyn looking in all the wrong places, Carter and her team show spark, determination amidst all the gruesome findings, tackling all that is thrown at them, undaunted by the task ahead.

Will Carter be able to prevent more deaths and join the dots, piece the puzzle together and stop this psychopathic serial killer dead in their tracks, only the turning of the pages will tell.

Is there ever a possibility that you could feel a bit of empathy for a vulnerable human, even though they have committed heinous acts that have decimated another. As we get to know the killer and how there mind works, its hard not to give a tiny piece of empathy away, until that moment you snatch it all back due to scene that you can’t commit your mind to, the possibilities are endless.

Robyn faces another dilemma that unfolds and creates a gravitational pull in such a way that we don’t know if we should follow her down the path or wait at the top of the hill until its safe. The questions, the answers, the discoveries, what about Davies, some questions are answered but is there more scope for insider information, will Carol tell us more in Book 6 or tell all.

I’m truly honoured to have been part of the review team of Carols new book, I can’t praise The Chosen Ones highly enough. I’m in a special place when I read Carols books, I mean who wouldn’t be after surging on through page after page of The Chosen Ones with a gasp, then an air of austerity when the final page has run through your mind and the realisation, its over and now you have to wait……….

The Chosen Ones slides a web of suspense through every fired-up synapse, engulfing your imagination with explosive intent.

Would love to say a huge thanks to Bookouture, Carol Wyer and Kim Nash for the advanced readers copy of The Chosen Ones to read, sharing my unbiased and honest review on opening day of The Chosen Ones Blog Tour. Thanks Kim for my place, forever indebted xx

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I literally only finished (well, and started) reading 'The Chosen Ones' last night - I am still in shock!

Firstly, if you've been reading the 'Robyn Carter' series from the beginning, you'll be well aware that poor old Robyn has been in a bit of a pickle (through no fault of her own I must add) and, throughout the duration of the story, it becomes even clearer that the sticky situation isn't going to be disappearing anytime soon. Let's just say that the author has made it perfectly clear that that is the case, especially as she seems to have taken a few hints from the soap Eastenders ;).

Secondly, if you are about to settle down to read 'The Chosen Ones', I suggest you mute all phones, pop a status on Facebook telling everyone to leave you alone as they're not your chosen ones, and ensure you have absolutely NOTHING to distract you. I mean it. It's lucky that I can read fast otherwise the poor pooch would be sitting with crossed paws for a while! (reader, he didn't)

Thirdly, I am going to be mean here as I usually give my own thoughts on characters and so on, whilst reading a book and this time I am not going to. You'll just have to go and buy it!

My thoughts on the overall book are all positive. Not just positive, extremely positive (wellllll, apart from the bit where such and such happened, reminding me that I am NOT PATIENT IN THE SLIGHTEST). Vague much?

Seriously though, 'The Chosen Ones', in my eyes, is Carol Wyer's best book in the series. The level of intensity was through the roof, and the bucket of grit was just overflowing, making Carol Wyer's writing go from strength to strength as the story progressed. I really do think that Robyn Carter has come into her own in this instalment, which I absolutely loved as I got to see her in yet another light.

'The Chosen Ones' had me in its jaws from the word GO, keeping me on my toes until the very end. For once, I actually managed to work out whodunnit before I was told, but despite that, the truth still shocked me to the core as there was more to the situation that met the eye. Such a fantastic, nail-biting, and severely intense read which starved me of oxygen due to the constant shockers.

I cannot recommend 'The Chosen Ones' more if I tried, but do trust me when I say that Carol Wyer has gone above and beyond where her latest novel is concerned, and she does NOT disappoint in any way shape or form.

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Written by Carol Wyer — Can it really only be a year since we first met Carol Wyer and DI Robyn Carter? We’re now five books into the series and Carter is about to face her most confounding case yet.

The body of a young man is found tied to a post in a farmer’s field, his pose aping that of the scarecrow the used to occupy the spot. But any resemblance to Worzel Gummidge soon dissipates with a closer look – there is a belt tied around his neck, fastening him in place, and his guts are hanging out through a gaping wound to his stomach.

The victim is soon identified as Jordan Kilby, son of prominent local businessman Nathaniel Jones-Kilby. While Jordan was a young man who lived a quiet life, his father is a man who has made plenty of enemies through building new estates on former green belt land and his support for the proposed High Speed 2 railway plan, which will cut right through the Staffordshire countryside. Jordan had a spiky relationship with his father too, but the dead man clearly loved Rebecca, the young woman he was living with, and doted on her son Dylan.

As someone who lost her own true love a couple of years ago, Carter can identify with Rebecca’s grief and she resolves to do everything she can to catch Jordan’s killer. But as the murder tally starts to build up, each crime scene more twisted than the last, Carter and her team are under huge pressure to bring the perpetrator to justice. Trouble is, there is no identifiable MO, and there seems little to connect the victims. Staffordshire’s finest are stumped – is the killer targeting people at will, or is there some hidden agenda that no one can fathom out?

With little or no discernible progress, and little help from her boss, DCI Flint, Carter knows she is on a deadline to bring results or the case will be handed over to DI Tom Shearer. The relationship between these two has ebbed and flowed throughout the series – will Carter finally put the ghost of her former partner, Davies, to rest and give Shearer a chance? You’ll have to read the book, because I’m saying nothing!

Talking of Davies, the last book The Silent Children ended on something of a cliffhanger when Carter was sent a photo of her dead lover, ostensibly showing him alive and well. That plot strand moves along somewhat in The Chosen Ones, with little snippets of information dotted around throughout, tempting you into all manner of speculation, culminating in some kind of revelation. So expect some news on this front, although after all the build up over several books, I found this part of the story somewhat sketchily rendered and rushed.

Where Wyer truly excels is in portraying the procedural heart of an investigation, its excitements, disappointments, frustrations and false starts. Carter and her team are well established now and fans of the series will be delighted to follow their progress, both at work and out of it. They’re a lively, hugely believable bunch with a neat line in banter and it’s a joy to follow them as they progress through the case.

As The Chosen Ones ends, we’re rewarded with the scintillating news that Wyer is about to begin a new seres featuring DI Natalie Ward. Does that spell the end for Robyn Carter? I guess we’ll have to just wait and see…

For more serial killers in Britain’s hinterland try The Killer on the Wall by Emma Kavanagh. Or, for death in a more urban setting there’s Alex Marwood’s The Killer Next Door.


CFL Rating: 3 Stars

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This is a gripping read and my favourite in this series so far.
I know Carol is writing another series but with the cliffhanger at the end of this book, I hope it’s not too long before we get another DI Robyn Carter book.
The book starts with a gruesome murder where they leave the body trussed up to a pole in a field, like a scarecrow.
Jordan’s body is discovered by the owner of the land and soon two more murders occur, and Robyn is struggling to find the connection with the victims.
Amy is as persistent as ever and despite initially helping Robyn, the journalist soon drops her in it.
If you read the previous book you’ll know Robyn and Ross were trying to work out if the photo of Davies was genuine, and you’ll be pleased to know some parts of that mystery are solved in this book.
This is a fantastic series and I highly recommend it.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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In this firth novel of the series, DI Robyn Carter finds herself investigating three unusual murders. All different, but something tells her they are related. First there was the young delivery driver, found posed as a scarecrow in the middle of a field, then a friend of his, killed in his garage by a sharp implement inserted through his ear, and then a local doctor knocked down and run over outside her clinic. What is it that links these murders and why would someone want these three people dead?

It's always a sign of a good thriller when it takes you most of the book to work out who the murderer is and then the rest of the book to work out why. The case moves slowly for DI Carter with the clues coming slowly at first so that the links between the murders are hard to see. Several possible leads involve a drug racket, a brawl between football teams and property development and there are several twists and turns until the real underlying motive becomes apparent. DI Robyn Carter is a likeable cop, observant, gritty and very focused on her job, but making sure her team get plenty of R&R. Her private life is almost non-existent as she is still not certain whether to believe that her fiance was killed in Afghanistan or has gone into hiding. The ending suggests that we may find out more in the next instalment (which would be good so that poor Robyn can move on with her life).

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