Member Reviews

I've loved every single one of Dani's books and this one doesn't disappoint. Make sure you've cleared your diary before you start because you really won't be able to put it down. It's a love story and a friendship and motherhood saga. It's got twists and turns that you won't see coming and you may need your tissues at points.

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Wow! This book had me from he very beginning. It was deeply moving and touching and a real tale of triumph and hope. Of loss and the power of love also. I was enthralled and struggled to put the book down and I thought I knew how it would end but was surprised that I had it wrong! Beautifully written and made me laugh out loud in places and sob in others. Outstanding!

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Dani Atkins is a brilliant writer I loved the compassion. This is the first book of hers I have read but have downloaded two more .

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This book has made me feel every emotion imaginable.
I am a blubbering wreck.
Most definitely one of the best books of 2018.

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The premise of this book is rather a scary one - Not unlike a recurring dream I used to have when I was little. Maddie is involved in an accident and remains in a coma for 6 years. When she wakes up she tries to piece her life back together and catch up on what she missed while she was 'sleeping'.

There's no denying this book is addictive - I wanted to pick it up at every possible opportunity. The big question was whether Maddie would get back with her boyfriend at the time of the accident (I won't give any spoilers away).

All of the characters seemed so nice - a little too nice if I'm honest. I think this was intentional so we were made to keep changing our mind how we wanted it to end. I just wondered occasionally if those characters were so pleasant, funny & gorgeous in real life, wouldn't they have had more friends and contact with other people? Chloe seemed so popular at school but surely there would be mentions of nights out, phone calls & visits throughout the book?

Its a very clever story and there are some good pieces of writing at times. I liked when the doctor was asked a question that the scenario was likened to that of getting in the air to do a sky dive and discovering you are scared of heights. Just a tiny bit that struck me as interesting.

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The premise of the novel is quite interesting, especially the POV chapters of the protagonist, Maddie. The characters are very likeable and the language is seamless. The end, though a twist in a twist, felt a little like a cop out. But it did make for very engaging reading.

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What an emotionally moving book. You really invest in the characters in this novel and there is not one person that you don't want to reach out to as a friend.
This novel is heartwarming and heartbreaking in equal measure and really makes you hug those you love a little bit tighter. We see life change for both Maddie and Chloe in ways that they could never have imagined and we travel with them on a journey of discovery and awakening whilst also sharing in their distress when that journey takes unscheduled and unwanted directions. A very powerful read.

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This was a brilliant read, devoured it in 2 days. It was both funny and heartbreaking, such an emotional story. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

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Dani Atkins always knows how to write a great story that makes the reader feel like they are there, in the moment with her. Maddie is a horrific accident that leaves her in a coma for 6 years, when she wakes her life has changed and sets about putting it back together. There are brilliant written parts of tension when the crash is about to happens and emotion galore running thought out.
Both the main characters were likeable.
I needed to read something emotion and something other than a thriller and this ticked all the boxes.

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While I was sleeping is the story of a woman who wakes after 6 years in a coma. It's a well written book that captures the emotional journeys of all involved and overall it's a good read.

The reason for the coma created the impression that there could be more to this story than the relationships and I was disappointed that this wasn't the case.

For those looking for an immersive read about love, loss, female friendship and grief, it's a strong, well written book.

3.5 stars and thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the opportunity to preview.

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*Book provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

This is going to be one of my BOOKS OF THE YEAR!!!

I know this now already, because it was absolutely BRILLIANT!!! On so many levels…

Imagine waking up from a coma six years later… Maddie was happily engaged to Ryan and four days before her wedding she is involved in a terrible accident. For the people around her everything changed, they kind of had to move on, when she wakes up again everything seems the same for her, but it’s obviously not.

Ryan is now married and has a daughter. There is actually much more behind it. Maddie slowly gets into her life again, but things are weird, especially with Ryan and his new wife.

Dani Atkins has hooked me from the start. She described the day of Maddie’s accident and I felt like standing next to her. The tension was high and I felt something bad was going to happen. Then we move six years to the future, Maddie wakes up. We read it all from Maddie’s perspective. Dani Atkins captured her feelings beautifully. It’s so emotional and touching and I just wanted to help Maddie and be there for her. After a while we also get to read Chloe’s perspective. She is Ryan’s wife and it opened a totally different side to the story. I was angry at her first, but things got clear about how she and Ryan got together. I think this is a brilliant way to tell the story and the idea behind this book is fabulous!!!

I loved reading how Maddie, Chloe and Ryan found a way to all life together. I don’t want to give away too much here, but I really adored how the storyline developed. It had a wonderful flow.

This book absolutely touched my heart. I don’t think I ever cried so much, reading a book. It’s heart-breaking, poignant, moving and tear-jerking.

The ending of the book made me speechless!!!

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ARC received from the publisher via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.
This book has made me laugh, cry, gasp and cringe. It is 100% worth every one of the 5 stars that I've given it.

Dani Atkins has a real gift for storytelling, which has been reflected in this and all of her previous books.

I am not going to talk about the plot as the blurb is very vague and this makes the discoveries all the more special. The book is predominantly written from the POV of two people and the pull to each in different ways was very strong.

I have loved all of Dani Atkins’ books and was very excited, when I realised that it was available to request on Netgalley. I couldn't wait to start it once my request was approved. My only disappointment is that I've got to wait ages for her next book, since I read this one before it's release date.

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Lovely story of love, loss and moving on. The characters were well thought out and moved me to tears many times.

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First book I have read by thus author and it did not disappoint! A real page turner!! I loved this book

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While I was sleeping is the story of Maddie, 28 years old and days from her wedding day to Ryan, when she is knocked down on a busy street and ends up in a coma. After 6 years Maddie wakes up from the coma to find her world altered beyond recognition.

This is a good read, if a little slow at times. Maddie, Ryan and Chloe are likeable well drawn out characters and you can sympathise with all parties involved. Fans of Fractured will love While I was sleeping.

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While I was sleeping is a gut wrenching emotional journey, Maddie has been in a coma for 6 years, as she slowly and unexpectedly awakes her world as she knew it has changed completely, her fiancé Ryan has remarried and other heartbreaking events have occurred, I don't think my heart stopped pounding through most of this book. Too many spoilers would be given away with a full review, this is an evolving story that each reader needs to discover for themselves.
What made it very difficult for me personally was 40 years ago as a student nurse I nursed a young girl where almost the same event caused her coma and same story as in this book (again no spoilers but she had same outcome during coma as Maddie) she never woke up after over 15 years and to be honest we were all grateful in a way as her family had completely abandoned her, all the staff that nursed her through those years became her family.
I'm afraid I felt let down by the ending, but that's because it was not the ending I personally wanted, I'm sure I'll be in the minority, but nevertheless for all the emotions it dragged out of me a well written wonderful story.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for opportunity to review this book honestly.

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My first book by Dani Atkins and I'm going out to buy the rest.
Really enjoyed this book and read it in one sitting.
Thank you to Netgalley and the author for the ARC.

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'While I Was Sleeping' is a contemporary novel about a 28 year old woman who wakes from a coma after being hit by a car to discover that 6 years have passed and life has moved on without her.

I found certain events that transpire a little far-fetched at times, but ultimately I was enthralled with this story and these characters.

I know this is cliche but it genuinely was a thought-provoking read. I am a 28 year old woman in the early stages of building a life with my partner and raising our toddler and baby together, and the experiences that were taken from Maddie are heart-breaking to consider.

I particularly liked that the POV changed after Maddie’s perspective had been established. I utterly sympathized with her up until that point but then we’re provided with an other perspective that really rounded out the complex nature of the relationships that are explored.

My biggest criticism is that I felt that the last chapter was really random and didn’t make sense in terms of the kind of future that was being established for the characters up until that point. Without giving anything away I’ll just say that I felt that Maddie deserved more than that and it wasn’t really a satisfying conclusion.

Regardless, this was a really enjoyable read, and I will definitely be seeking out more from this author in the future.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to review this title.

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Firstly a massive thank you to Netgalley, Simon & Schuster and Dani Atkins for a digital copy in exchange for a frank and honest review.
I LOVE Dani Atkins and have read all of her novels with absolute pleasure. "While I was Sleeping" is even more fabulous! I couldn't put it down, found all the characters thoroughly engaging and extremely likeable. This is intelligent, emotional fiction of the very best kind, definitely my favourite book of 2018! A must read for anyone, buy it, borrow it, read it now!!

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Review: This is a touching and thought-provoking read. I absolutely loved it. Although, I think I would love anything Dani Atkins put her name to but seriously this is a brilliant read and one I just could not stop reading once I had started.

I am not going to write here anything about the characters or story line. The reason being is I do not want to give anything away. This is one of those books that has to be read, so you can appreciate every emotion that comes from the story.

It is an amazing plot idea and beautifully written in Dani's wonderful style. Dani is able to capture the reader from the first sentence and keep them all the way through to the last sentence. Her writing makes you laugh and cry and has you right there feeling everything alongside the characters. After I stopped reading I had to take a moment and process it all. It was such an emotional read, full of hope, family, friendship and love.

Devoured in one sitting! Such amazing writing from Dani Atkins.

It is no wonder she won the award for The most Romantic Novel of the year 2018 for her book This Love.

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