Member Reviews

Thankyou to NetGalley, Amazon Publishing UK and David Leadbeater for the opportunity to read an advanced readers copy of The Relic Hunters.
From the very start, you are immersed in non stop action and adventure. The storyline was well thought out and fast paced. I loved reading this book. Can't wait to read more from this author.

DNF at 37%. I didn't like the writing, but I thought maybe the plot would carry me along anyway, but nope, it just didn't work for me.

My pet peeve is poor editing. I simply can't finish a book when I find grammar and spelling errors. I also didn't care about any of these characters. The plot was well thought out but it was never made clear why the groups were willing to murder so many people for a statue. Overall this book was disappointing because it had the potential to be so much better. With some good editing and some polishing this could become a better book.

This is the first book in a new series for David Leadbeater and you can tell it is trying to find it's feet so i expect book 2 will be even better once it get a good flow going. I liked the characters as you got to know the team more through out the book, there were also characters you loved to hate as well as ones you wouldn't tangle with no matter what and the story evolved and unfolded well. Bodie grew up rough but after being taken in and shown how to steal he found a direction in life and started to build a family around him of people who had skills that made them a masterful team. Now the CIA need their help tracking down a map and finding a long thought destroyed relic unfortunately Bodie nor his team can say no otherwise Bodie goes back to prison where he will likely be killed. There is plenty of action through out the book as well as riddles, twists and times where you think the team will fail which keeps you reading page after page.

An action packed, riviting roller coaster read, once you read one of Mr Leadbeaters books you really have to read them all.
A covert infiltration team of relic Hunters chasing across countries following waypoints on an ancient map, explosions, car chases, boats, planes, lots of non-stop action.
The sense of humour of this mismatch family will keep you laughing whilst you turn every pageAn action packed, riviting roller coaster read, once you read one of Mr Leadbeaters books you really have to read them all.
A covert infiltration team of relic Hunters chasing across countries following waypoints on an ancient map, explosions, car chases, boats, planes, lots of non-stop action.
The sense of humour of this mismatch family will keep you laughing whilst you turn every page

I received a complimentary ARC copy of The Relic Hunters by David Leadbeater from NetGalley in order to read and give an honest review.
Fast-paced, this book is non-stop action…
I’m new to this author and it’s a bit outside the genres I normally read but being an armchair archaeologist as well as a history student the description caught my eye. Honestly, the archaeological component, action, and mystery were fantastic, very reminiscent of the Davinci Code. However, I had a few issues with it that I will address later which knocks my rating down to about a 3.5 stars.
This story starts with our protagonist Guy Bodie, relic hunter and master thief being set-up and languishing in a Mexican prison. While his elite team of thieves tries to mastermind a breakout he is rescued by the CIA. In return for breaking him out, lead agent, Heidi Moneymaker needs him and his team to help track an important relic which would lead them to the remains of the infamous Statue of Zeus, one of the seven wonders of the world. Bodie faces betrayal at the hands of an old mentor but presses on with his team to follow clues leading them to the relic. The hunt takes them around the world, Istanbul, Bavaria, London and Greece all the while facing assassins from a centuries-old order still in existence who will stop at nothing to keep the relic hidden. It was full of intrigue, fast-paced non-stop action, very detailed fight scenes which really did keep me reading to the end. My issues don’t come from the story as much as the characters interactions. Much of the dialogue felt very YA to me, bordering on being bantering you’d hear on a schoolyard. Immature nicknames (aka Frizz-bomb), unnecessary bullying of the geek on the team and the constant allusion that anyone over 40 is old and decrepit (really????). Despite the great story, these issues were a turn off for me I’m afraid. Now reading is very subjective and although I didn’t enjoy those particular points, some readers may find it refreshing.
All in all, despite my issues mentioned above, it was entertaining to some degree and if you’re out for a quick and easy-to-read thriller this might be for you.

I'm at the start of what I hope is a new series of books by one of my favourite authors, David Leadbeater. As the title suggests the main character is a member of a team looking to retrieve relics. Guy Brodie is a professional thief who is broken out of a Mexican jail by the CIA. They want Brodie and his team to recover an object which is believed to have been stolen and destroyed. Only time will tell if this is the case, or if the team are successful..
On this occasion I have reviewed the book as 4/5 but that is no reflection on the author or the content of the book. It is because I am learning about the background of new characters and my brain is a it slower these days!
Pick up this book and enjoy. I'm sure you won't be disappointed!

A bit too manically religious for me. The author should concentrate more on the actual storyline without trying to shove religions down peoples throats. Characters were introduced then got rid of very quickly never to be seen again.

I received the free copy of this book from Netgalley. This is the first time I am reading this author and I enjoyed the fast pace of the book. Guy Bodie is the main character who escaped Mexican jail in exchange of helping CIA.
The story revolves around getting one relic from the organization called Illuminati and how the team faces danger at every turn but still come out victorious.

A thoroughly enjoyable if somewhat unbelievable story centring around a group of Relic hunters that are coerced into working for the CIA. They follow the clues from an old map to find the secret hiding place of the Illuminati.
Its the kind of book that's non stop action and wont let you put it down.

Another fast paced adventure thriller from David Leadbeater.
Having read my way through the Matt Drake series this offers a new team, led by Guy Bodie to track down a lost treasure and follow the clues. Things don't go to plans as rivals are never too far away.
The book is a real page turner and the pages just kept turning. I would of liked a little bit more character develpment in the down time sections but I'm sure that will follow in future books. The protagonists did jump from country to country a little too easily but that can be forgiven.
Thoroughly enjoyable

I finished reading the advanced reader's copy (ARC) of The Relic Hunters by David Leadbeater provided via NetGalley and Thomas & Harper and was impressed overall.
To me, it was a combination of International Intrigue, Action/Adventure, Family Drama, and Archeology genres.
Guy Bodie and his "family" may not always get along but they do agree on at least one thing, doing a job well. So when they have to adapt to a fluid situation that doesn't go according to their usual way of doing things, they get a little off-kilter. When dealing with the type of characters in this venture, that isn't a good thing.
I really enjoyed getting to know these characters and even if they were real people they would be "characters".
Warning: There is violence, sometimes graphic, as well as adult language and situations.

More of a 3.5 than 4 star.
Guy Bodie leads an elite band of art thieves. He sees them as carrying out victimless crimes, he targets only those who already stole something or who can afford to replace it. He and his merry band of crooks all have their own skills but together they're like the A-Team meets McGyver!
On their last heist things went pear-shaped and not even Guy's pearly whites can get him out of the hell-hole prison he finds himself in. Just as the team head in to bust him out, a CIA led spec-ops team swoops in and before they know it they're involved in a huge Illuminati spider web of thefts.
Just switch the brain off and enjoy the romp across the globe. Is it as intricate as Dan Brown - No. Is it as seat-of-your-pants as Matthew Reilly - No. My main gripes was constantly being told who was the muscle/planner/geek! It could be better and I'd read the 2nd in the series to see if it does.

Confusing. Boring. Characters that are supposed to be a tight group, but keep harping to each other. The umpteenth book about the Illuminati. Need I say more?

This was a real page turner. Right from the start I felt very comfortable with the storyline and I love the action and pace in David's books. This book has set the scene for a series and I look forward to reading the next one when it is available.

Have never read any of his books, but really enjoyed this one. Look forward to reading more from him.. Fast paced, easy read.

This is the first in a new series from David and follows a similar line to his Matt Drake series. Guy Bodie is a master thief, after finding himself in a Mexican prison, he is rescued by the CIA and pressed into working for them. He and his unique team are on the trial of the Statue of Zeus, which leads them into the secret world of the Illuminati. This is a good book, a bit slow to start, but then kicks into action. It has potential, the character interaction did not seem as natural as in the Matt Drake series, but this series has a lot to live up too!!

I received a free copy of the The Relic Hunters by David Leadbeater in exchange for an honest review. This book sets up a possible series. Guy Bodie and his team are thieves focused on taking things only from those who can afford the loss. Guy wakes up in a prison camp that seems to be more of a shooting gallery than an actual prison with no idea how he came to be there. When the CIA rescues Guy from imminent death, the United States government demands payment. Guy and his team must follow new information to lead the CIA to the Illuminati.
This tale consists of non-stop action. It reads like an action movie, which means all of the focus is on the chase and the fight, so minimal time is spent in character development.
#TheRelicHunters #NetGalley

Great page turner and thriller by Leadbeater! Look forward to more in the series as he’s an engaging author

The Relic Hunters starts off with a literal bang, and then it’s off to the races. It never really slows down, and it’s a binge read book if I’ve ever read one.
We first meet Guy Bodie in a Mexican prison where he’s fighting for his life while trying to figure out how exactly he ended up there. Bodie is a first rate relic hunter/thief who, along with his team, has stolen some very difficult to get to items. Bodie and his team are conscripted by the CIA to help uncover a secret society that has been manipulating the world for hundreds of years. The rest of the book is non-stop action and intrigue as Bodie and his team race across Europe trying to stay ahead of the bad guys who seem to know everything.
All in all this is a quick, action-packed, adventure that introduces us to a team of characters that we’ll hopefully see more of in the future. I recommend this first installment in this adventure series and I can’t wait for the next book!
I received this book from NetGalley for an honest review.