Member Reviews

It was a bitter sweet read. This book is the last book of pia and dragos's POV. I'm gonna miss them. Ofcourse we will see them again but it is saddening anyway . I hope we will read more about liam, and Niall gets his own book as well. There's so many possibilities , I'm crazy to find out what's next .
This book was awesome as always. Heavily pregnant Pia kidnapped by a crazy elven women. And dragos lost his shit as expected. Azrael got involved in and things are getting more and more interesting by the end of the book. I don't wanna spoil it for you the rest of it. You must read , it's crazy , exciting and funny as hell. I WANT A FULL BOOK ABOUT AZRAEL THEA!! HEAR ME OUT :D

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Planet Dragos is a novella that is sure to pack a punch to any Elder Races fan.

Pia is very pregnant when she and Dragos head to Rune’s and Carling’s wedding in Vegas. Both Pia and Carling are kidnapped by someone with extremely nefarious plans. The “Great Beast” will stop at nothing to secure Pia’s safety, even if it means the totally destruction of this world.

We are introduced to new familiar relations and discover new possibilities.

It was inevitable that Pia’s and Dragos’ would eventually be moving on to bigger and better things. Planet Dragos laid the groundwork for marvelous new Elder Race adventures and still left them, Pia and/or Dragos, the possibility of appearances in further Elder Race installments.

I received this ARC copy of Planet Dragos from Teddy Harrison LLC. This is my honest and voluntary review. Planet Dragos is set for publication May 14, 2018.

My rating: 4.5 stars
Written by: Thea Harrison
Print Length: 130 pages
Publisher: Teddy Harrison LLC
Publication Date: May 14, 2018
Genre: Urban Fantasy

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I have been a huge fan of this family from the start. I can understand why this story happened and it was a good wrap. I'm. Miss these guys though

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I was not sure what to expect from this story except I had read it would be the last Dragos/Pia story which seemed a bit sad since they are one of my favorite couples in this genre.

When I finished I had to wrestle with giving this 4 or 5 stars and decided on 5 because it was done almost perfectly, threw in some stuff I never saw and in what I considered a huge leap in creativity figured out a way to make this work without killing off the series.

Since Pia spends most of the story kidnapped we get a glimpse of Dragos unleashed and it could be dangerous for all of humanity. We get a bit more appreciation of Carling who I have to admit was one of my least favorite charters in all these stories.

Bottom Line: Love that the series is not ending, can see a lot of great options ahead, author did great on winding this part of the series up and so 5 Star reading and a bit sad at the same time.

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This is not a standalone novella, so I'd never recommend it for anyone who hadn't read any of Thea Harrison's Elder Races books already - Books 1 and 3 at the bare minimum - but as someone who has read (honestly, *devoured*) the entire series, including every single one of the tie-in novellas, this new novella was an absolute delight. It was one of my favorites of all of her novellas, actually (which is saying a lot - her novellas are always comfort-reads for me), and it provides a perfect ending to Pia and Dragos's dramatic arc that includes a lot of other wonderful series characters in a way that feels completely natural and satisfying. It also sets up some really intriguing new opportunities for the next books in this series through the large-scale world-building changes that occur by the end of this story.

Also? Speaking as a parent, the description of a particular, wonderful and beloved child as "a disastrous miracle" resonated SO MUCH for me that I laughed out loud and highlighted it as I read. ;)

This whole series is full of great magical action and adventure as well as strong (and steamy, adult) romance (with heroines who include wicked sorceresses, dark fae queens, and more), and I'm very excited that Thea Harrison has recently announced the publication of three new books in this world. I will be preordering every one of them!

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This was a super quick read, I finished within an hour, I think? I love shifter books, this book did not wait to get good! We jumped right into the action with Dargos and Pia who is pregnant with their second child. Pia is one sassy, grumpy, pregnant mama! Who isn't very comfortable with this pregnancy, I truly did like this book but I haven't read any of the other books in the series. This book did good job of keeping you in the loop, so you weren't too behind. But there was scenes that I didn't understand, as to when, where, wnd how Dargos meet Pia? Would have love more information about Liam! Also why how is it possible that their children tell you their names...There were a lot of supernatural elements that I did not understand. I also loved Death, he was sweet, needy, and missed his brother. Loved how Pia and Dargos were a real couple who argued, and made-up, it was nice. I also loved that Pia had a personality, and didn't live in Dargos shadow.

Things learned:
Never mess with someones mate especially Dargos.
"He punched the Call button, but all it did was ring. His hands shook and talons sprang out, and his heartbeat thundered in his ears so that he had difficultly typing out another text when all he wanted to do was crush the phone into powder, but his phone might be the only link he had to Pia."

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Wow. Dragos and Pia are still my favorite couple of this series. And they do not disappoint in this book. With the authors usual riveting style I could not put this book down. There are many changes in this book that are going to take this series in a completely different path. I can not wait to see what happens next. I hope in the future we see more about Liam and the baby. I am eagerly awaiting the next book.

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This is the last book about Pia and Dragos I suppose, and in a way this makes me sad as Dragos Cuelebre was my first dragon crush and Book with dragons involved and I will never forget ; ) The story is packed and an easy read, but most of all open the stories to new developments that seem interesting enough, let's wait and see.

Questo é l'ultimo libro che vede coinvolti Pia e Dragos in prima persona e in qualche modo la cosa mi rattrista perché lui é stata la mia prima cotta libresca in termini di draghi e non lo dimenticheró. La storia é piena di azione e una rapida lettura, ma soprattutto apre la strada a nuovi sviluppi che sembrano abbastanza interessanti, staremo a vedere.


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Four and a half
Eleven fabulous chapters of the swan song I feared but honestly it's setting up for more amazing goodness as like death and taxes change is inevitable.
The author has stated this will be the last adventure for Dragos and Pia although they might pop up occasionally as supporting characters. So she really had to pull something out of her literary bag that is action packed and fulfilling to make her readers happy. Well as Pia is heavily pregnant and very grumpy to boot you would think that Dragos would tread warily but obviously he’s a mere male and bound to make mistakes. The problem is Pia might feel she’s lumbering about like a cart horse but if Dragos won’t answer her questions then Pia will just have to find out what’s going on herself.
I love how real the couple feel with Pia struggling with feeling obviously less than attractive and Dragos trying to be protective and yet at the same time totally oblivious to what Pia really needs to hear. Everything is happening so quickly and whilst it was lovely to see old friends in this story it’s the future of this series that I’m most excited for. Yes I will miss these romantic vignettes with this couple but as I think about it I understand the authors feelings that their part of this world should now evolve and that leaves the way open for new characters and of course Liam !
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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