Member Reviews

One night can change everything...
And one book can out mystify them all! I couldn’t help but exclaim holy s$&? every other page especially near the end. This is a well thought out and developed story that is just so damn fun to read! Your mind will be thrown around like your first time on a roller coaster and at the end you’re ready to go again!! Grabbing up all the past titles and eagerly awaiting the next! READ THIS BOOK!

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Another twisty turner thriller from the brilliant Louise Jensen. I have devoured her previous books and The Date is no exception.

She has the ability to draw you in with characters that seem sympathetic but in reality are unreliable, and have a little quirk or backstory that packs a punch.

From the outset, I didn’t know where this book was going. I sort of worked it out but several of my assumptions were very wrong...

It’s a cracking read, a real can’t put it down

5* from me!!

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Imagine waking up, looking in the mirror and not recognising your own face! 

Ali Taylor wakes up on Sunday morning after going on a blind date the night before, which was instigated by her friends, knowing that something is not right.  She is hurt, covered in blood and when she gets to the mirror she doesn't recognise herself, where did she go last night and what has happened to her?  Worse is to come when she doesn't recognise anyone she knows.   Things begin to happen and Ali is convinced someone is out to get her, she needs to work out what happened on her date and who is her enemy?

This is the 3rd book I've read by Louise Jensen and they just keep getting better,  this book has been so cleverly written and is awesome and terrifying in equal measures.  The very idea of not being able to recognise the faces of the people you know and love is a haunting thought on its own but couple that with the knowledge that someone is appearing to exact revenge on you for something you have no clue about is creepy, it freaked me out so much I was scared to put my recycling bin out last night!! 

This author really knows how to write a great thriller and this one is pure genius, just when you think you've figured it all out, she chucks in another twist which throws you completely off balance and back to square one, absolutely brilliant.  If I could give this more than 5 stars I would!

I would like to thank Bookouture for the auto approval, I will post my review on Goodreads now and Amazon on publication day.

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Thanks to Netgalley for my copy.

Ali has recently separated from her husband and is persuaded by her friends to dip her toe into on-line dating. After meeting her date she wakes up with blood under her fingernails and having suffered a blow to her head. Ali is diagnosed with facial blindness and struggles to adjust to this new life. This is such a unique and clever storyline and had me transfixed.

Ali starts to receive threats and if you don't recognize your family and friends how do you know who is your friend or foe? We also hear from the stalker in an alternative voice who is out for vengeance for a previous event in Ali's life.

This is a tension filled, fast paced novel but it does expect you to suspend belief and go with the flow.

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Recently separated from her husband, Ali reluctanly agrees to go on a blind date. The next morning she wakes up covered in bruises and with no memory of the night before. But the worst is yet to come: having suffered a blown to the head, Ali now has prosopagnosia: she can't recognize the faces of those around her, not even her own. And then someone starts tormenting her and hinting at something terrible which happened on her date...

The premise of this book sounded great. I've been eyeing Louise Jensen's novels for a while, and I was super excited to get an ARC of her latest release. And yet, I wasn't expecting to love it as much as I did!

The Date was suspenseful, involving and creepy, and it grabbed me from the start. I was able to identify a lot with Ali, and felt all the horror of her situation. I was constantly anxious and scared for her.
The use of prosopagnosia was a very original idea, and it worked well with this type of story. The fact that Ali couldn't recognize faces made me question everyone and everything that happened, and it was so much fun! There were lots of suspects and motives, and Jensen handled them all masterfully.

The plot was full of twists and turns and my interest never wavered. For the majority of the book I was confident I knew who was tormenting Ali and why, but then the story took a turn and caught me completely off guard. I would have enjoyed the book a lot even if I had guessed the culprit, but this final twist made me love it even more!

A wonderful thriller, and without a doubt one of my favourites of this year. Can't recommend it enough!

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Oh my goodness! This book was unbelievably good! It’s so different from other books. The writing is superb.Louise Jensen is a master storyteller. From the first page I was enthralled.the book flows beautifully. The storyline is gripping. As the story unfolds my heart just breaks for Ali. She’s had such a heartbreaking life. Everyone is lying to her. She recognizes no one but pictures of her late mother. If you read no other book this year you need to read this book. I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Oh so tense, so very, very tense! This truly is a gripping read from start to finish, the sort of book that makes you look over your shoulder and close the curtains when it's getting dark.

The pace of this was excellent, the writing flowed and the emotions were palpable. The idea of face blindness is something I've come across before, but the way it is described in this book, and the situation that our protagonist finds herself in were genius. What if you didn't even recognise your husband, or family or friends? How on earth would you function and who would you be able to trust?

I loved the way the story unfolded and the ending was just right. A really excellent read and I'll definitely be reading more by this author!

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A compelling psychological thriller. It starts off quite simply but the tension creeps up and up as layer upon layer of intrigue is added. It's clear from the start when Alison wakes up the morning after her date that something has gone horribly wrong. She has no recollection of the evening, has a head injury and has developed face blindness - she's unable to recognise even the people she knows well which makes her very vulnerable. As threatening messages appear and her best friend goes missing it's clear someone wants her to suffer for something she's done in the past.
The story's told in two viewpoints - the victim and the stalker whose identity isn't revealed until the end. The stalker knows a lot about the victim including her real name. I had to keep turning the pages to find out what she'd done and why the stalker was out for vengeance. I wasn't convinced by everything that happened but I think you have to be prepared to suspend some disbelief and just go with it in order to enjoy this story to the max. Can't wait to see what Louise Jensen comes up with next!
Reviewed on Amazon and Goodreads as katyj and my blog

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This week’s eARC comes from Louise Jensen, author of The Sister, The Surrogate, and The Gift. Her new novel, The Date, is available for pre-order and will be released on June 21–only a week away! The cover says The Date is an “unputdownable psychological thriller with a breathtaking twist”–and I would agree! I read this in less than 48 hours! In The Date, Allison Taylor, who is recently (and begrudgingly) separated from her husband, wakes up after a blind date covered in blood, with a nasty head injury, missing her phone…and her memories of the night before. Ali then starts receiving mysterious and threatening messages–but she still can’t remember what happened that night and who her date was!

Thriller and suspense novels are overwhelming popular these days. And, unfortunately, with that level of over-saturation, it is incredibly easy to feel start falling into common tropes of the genre. If you are an avid suspense-reader, you also start developing a sixth sense for figuring out the ending before it happens. With The Date, none of this happens. I was genuinely shocked by the ending! It’s always a pleasure to have “figured it out” in your head and then be decidedly wrong. Much like other novels of the genre, The Date is told in a split-narrative from Ali and the antagonist’s perspectives. However, the side we see from the novel’s antagonist are brief–but actively chilling, threatening, and add to the level of suspense throughout the novel. A fast-paced and quick read, The Date makes a great thriller and you should pre-order it today!

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Ali wakes up after a date with a man off a dating app with a big lump on her head and blood on her hands. She has no memory of what happened the night before and after a visit to the hospital finds that she has developed a condition called Prosopagnosia - facial blindness. The man she met for the date has deleted his online profile and she has no way of contacting him. Her house mate goes missing and she is being stalked. What happened that night? Is she responsible for killing her housemate?
With so many twists and turns this book kept me guessing until the reveal at the end. If you are looking for a well written compelling page turner then look no further.

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I love Louise Jensen's books and this one is no exception. Ok, with this one you do have to suspend some disbelief but the subject matter of facial blindness is intriguing. I would recommend this book.

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I would like to thank Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘The Date’ written by Louise Jensen in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Ali, separated from husband Matt, is persuaded by her friends Chrissy and Jules to go on a blind date. The following day Ali wakes up in her bed battered and bruised, her car is damaged and there’s blood on the bumper. She soon realises she’s unable to recognise anyone and the doctors tell her she’s suffering from Prosopagnosia due to a severe head injury, but who could hate her enough to want to cause her harm?
‘The Date’ is a sinister and intense psychological thriller, it’s absorbing, dramatic and full of action. It’s well-written, has a complex plot with twists and turns, and it kept me gripped until the last page. As I got further into the story I felt the tension building up until it was impossible to stop reading. This is an excellent novel and one I can thoroughly recommend.

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Very well done page turner! Ali has had it rough lately so she's reluctant to go on a blind date but.... well she does. She should not have. Jensen very effectively uses the real condition of face blindness to ramp up the tension in this thriller. What happened? Who is her friend and who is trying to kill her? Each chapter leaves you hanging just a little bit, which makes this a fast read because you want to know what's going on. So hard to review because of spoilers but suffice it to say you will be sympathetic to and root for Ali. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

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Okay, I am jealous. Jealous of people who can write like this. From the first page you know you can better fasten your seatbelts and check that your airbags are in mint condition, because I can assure you that you will need them in good working order!
Your brain will have a hell of a job keeping up with what your eyes are registering. Once the plot is being unraveled you realize what emotions can do to people.
This book is a rollercoaster where psychological twists keep piling up, just the way I like it.
Last night I had about an hour to read but I wanted to put it on hold until this morning so I could finish it with my mind still fresh. Once I dropped my son at the bus stop, I sat down to pick it up again. Everything else had to wait.
Overall the story was gripping and unputdownable. It gave me the creeps and it touched my heart.
Thank you Louise Jensen, Bookouture and Netgalley.

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Well, this book took me all around the houses and back again! Yes there are a few thing that made me take a bit of a leap of faith, suspend disbelief, but you know what, with the rest of what was going on being so well plotted I was more than happy to just accept, draw a line under and move on.
Ali has not long split up from her husband and hasn't really embraced the new single life. She is staying with a friend and, one night, she is persuaded to try internet dating. Well, she matches someone and, again with a nudge from her friends, they arrange to meet.
Next morning, Ali wakes in a bit of a state both physically and emotionally. Her flatmate has also not yet returned from the previous evening but that, in itself, isn't too worrying but it means she has no one to initially talk to. But there is worse to come, she also doesn't recognise herself in the mirror. What happened last night? Desperately trying to put the pieces together, Ali's world falls apart even more as it soon becomes obvious that there is someone out there trying to hurt her further.
I have read three of this author's previous books and loved every single one of them. Her characterisation is always spot on and, small niggles apart, her storylines are quite plausible - making the whole reading experience a bit more scary! She also has a lovely familiar way of writing that suits me as a reader completely. This means that once I open a new book from her, I know that I am lost to real life for pretty much the duration as she draws me into the world she has created and holds me there until she has done. It's all thing gripping and has a dark atmosphere around the action that unfolds with every page. Obviously we have the necessary secrets, lies and duplicitous behaviour that you would expect from a book of this genre but, along with this, we have emotions that go along with every one of them. I really did feel for Ali as she was going through all the things the author subjected her to. Remind me never to cross this author, she has a very evil mind!
The ending when it eventually came and put me out of my misery was sublime. I had no idea where on earth we were going. Well, actually I had more than a few ideas, all of which were rubbish! It's been quite a while since an author has managed to completely bamboozle me like this. Kudos indeed.
All in all another addition to an already impressive back catalogue. My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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Ali has just separated from her husband Matt and is living with her friend. She is persuaded to go on a blind date but wakes up the morning after battered and bruised with no memory of what has happened. She has a head injury that results in prosopagnosia, the inability to recognise people’s faces. Suddenly someone is after Ali and she doesn’t know why or who. Ali starts to investigate what happened on her date and why she is now in fear of her life.
I thought this was really well written and every time you think you know where the story is going it changes.
This is my first Louise Jensen but will not be my last.

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I am so surprised that I found this book to be so disappointing! I loved Louise Jensen's previous three books and was so excited for this but found it to be completely cliche, predictable, cheesy and boring. The writing was so forced and the clues so blatant. It felt like a rushed book and this makes me so sad to write!

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This really is a psychological thriller that will keep you guessing right until the end.

Ali has recently seperated from her husband, Matt and reluctantly agrees to go on a date with a man she has been talking to via a dating app. The day after the date Ali wakes up battered and bruised with a pounding headache. To make matters worse she can’t remember anything from the date plus she soon realises that something is wrong when she doesn’t recognise herself in the mirror as well as all her relatives and friends. What happened on her date ? Who did she meet ? Will she ever discover the truth ?

The story builds and builds as Ali goes on a mission to find out what happened to her on her date. During the story we discover about Ali’s past, could the recent events be linked to her past ?

This is a really great psychological thriller that is made even more terrifying by the fact that The main character has a medical condition where she can’t recognise people’s facial details, so is unable to recognise anyone that she comes accross.

A great read that I am sure will be one of the summers must reads

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for a digital copy of this book to read.

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Ali wakes up the morning after her first date after separating from her husband, with a head injury, no memory of what happened, and a new, likely permanent, face blindness. She doesn't recognize anyone, even her own face in the mirror. She doesn't remember her date or what he may have had to do with her injuries, but she wouldn't recognize him anyway and he could be anyone. While I normally avoid any book described as "unputdownable" on principal, this one was a page-turner and I actually stayed up late to finish it. I was convinced I knew what was going to happen for most of the book but then realized I had it all wrong and I did guess the "who" in the end but not the "why." I enjoyed this and would give it 4 stars. I will definitely check out some more of this author's books.

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After reading the first few pages I was a bit worried that this was going to be one of those books, were the main character magnified every little thing for drama but thankfully that wasnt the case. When things happened, the fear and paranoia felt real and justified. The reveals are well spaced and interesting. I could have done with less talks about the characters childhood and mother.Other than that, it was a well paced entangled thriller that I am delighted to say, I did not guess the ending of.

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