Member Reviews

Natasha and Nick are a happy couple - their little girl Emily makes three. Their world is rosy pink and happy, except for the part where Nick's ex-wife Jen is obsessed with the remnants of their marriage, and can't stop trying to get her husband back into her clutches. I read this instantaneously in one day - once I started, I couldn't even try to stop. Unfortunately, this is one of those books where if I tell you much more, it'll do you a disservice - you need to read the whole thing cover to cover, no spoilers. Trust me, it's worth it.

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Loved this !!!! Natasha is married to Nick and they have a small daughter , Emily . All would be great if it wasn't for Nicks first wife Jen , She is still loved by Nicks family who care not for Natasha and blame her for wrecking their marriage . Jen and Nick are close and this is really starting to bother Natasha . We get the story from both Natasha and Jen , both now and in the past . Its a brilliant , page turning thriller of a ride . A great twist i didn't see coming early on and a satisfying conclusion . An excellent 5 stars from me !!

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Natasha has a new house, husband and child. Life is hectic, but goo, or it would be if her husband’s ex, Jen would leave them in peace. But Natasha has no choice but to turn to Jen for help when her husband and little girl disappear. She begins to wonder just who she should trust, her husband or his ex-wife. Twisted and compelling

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