Member Reviews

It's a great quick and easy read with light humour and lovely romance. I'd never heard of this author before seeing this on Netgalley and the cover drew me in so thought I'd give it a go. I'm glad I did because I found it entertaining and very lighthearted. The perfect summery read! The main character was relatable and was just overall a lovely, enjoyable novel to pass a few hours.
Will look out more by this author in the future.

‘The Invitation’ by Keris Stainton published by Bookoutre
Hi, mmmmmmm...took me ages to think how to review this book......anyway its very easy and quick to read and had moments of LOL humour ( but only moments) ....
Piper is fat, loves her food and runs an Insta and other social media body positive campaign(s), the book starts as she is about to go on TV to battle it out with a ‘healthy living’ svelte beautiful young thing, that is the part that had me LOL’ing the most.......It then went to more the occasional rye smile and odd chuckle as the book progressed...Piper hears from Rob,via FB,her first love,as there is a school reunion, she goes, they fall in love, they have lots of sex ( sometimes too much!! Am I turning into a prude? No, but some of it was like WOW cmon ,enough, also I thought a lot of unecassary swearing that was out of context and added nothing to the dialogue ) and thats it, the bulk of the book....there are sub stories about her BFF and an Great Aunt ( she was my fav character ) and Piper’s job in the record industry and the positive body image bit is mentioned often, also there is the area of Piper snd her sister Holly and how their ‘fraught’ relationship develops but mostly it focused on her getting back with Rob.... there are some emotinal scenes as Piper lost both of her parents when young and found it hard to accept and so there was a bit of ‘coming to terms’ which was quite moving
I kinda liked Piper and also Rob and was pleased they were reunited and it wasnt a massive slush fest as could have been
If your after a quick chick lit romancey book with a chatty, infornal style of writing then this is for you
6/10 3 stars

Piper was taking a selfie and sending it to instagram. She was so nervous as it was the first time she was on national television. There was a chef who had just done a segment on t v who told Piper not to be nervous as he had done the show several times. He said the host Susannah was warm and friendly and Piper thought that was true, Piper wasn’t worried about the host it was the woman she had been invited on the show to debate with- Naomi Jones. Then the woman herself appeared and introduced herself , she said she had been on the show about five times. Then it was time. Piper though they may have a dry run but no it was live. Before Piper knew it was over and she really couldn’t and she really couldn’t remember what she had said.. Then one of the researchers asked Piper if she was ready to go and said “well done.” Matt was Piper’s best friend. Matt and Piper were both “fat.” Piper and Matt had met at college and had gravitated together both: Northern, quiet loud, and not as confident as they appeared to be. They became inseparable in a couple of weeks. The people at work had been complimentary about the show. Piper’s boss John said she had done really well. Piper worked at Infinite Record Company. Matt met up with Piper and they went to the pub they usually went to when Matt met her after she got out of work. While with Matt Piper checked ut her facebook message amd saw one from Rob a guy she had been close to in school back home. Rob said he would like to catch up if she ever went home again. The last time she had heard from rob was after he parents had died five months after she went to London and college. Piper’s problem was she really didn’t know what she wanted to do. Connie’s was Piper’s aunt and she was back home. Piper got a call from her neighbor and he said Connie was at the Doctors as she was having problems with her memory. CPiper decided she had to go home and check on Connie.
I just couldn’t get into this book as it didn’t hold my attention and it seemed to drag for me. I tried to pick it back up at a later time with no better luck. I am sure someone else will enjoy this book it just wasn’t for me.

Happy Publication Day! I am so sorry with how late the following review is I thought it was for tomorrow! Eeek. Silly me.
This is the perfect romcom book for sunny hot days like today, I devoured this in two sittings would have been one if I didn’t have to nip out. This is the first book I have read by Keris and it was brilliant.
Parts had me laughing out loud and I fell in love with Piper from the start who is an easy character to relate to. If this book doesn’t have you smiling I don’t know what will! An uplifting, feel good story for all to enjoy. Easy to read, well written and will be finished before you know it! A well deserved 4 stars from me. Highly recommend. Cannot forget this story in a hurry. Im still giggling at parts now.
I already cannot wait to read more by this author if any of her other books are as great as this one. High expectations are set now. An author to keep your eye on and a beautiful cover too.

I have loved each and every book that Keris Stainton has released. I (im)patiently wait for her next book from the moment I finish her last book. I know that when I pick up a book written by Keris, I am in for one hell of a read. So it proved with 'The Invitation', which I absolutely loved by the way but more about that in a bit.
It was extremely easy to take to the character of Piper James. She is a blogger, who focuses on positive body image and encourages others to be positive and not negative. It's a pity that she doesn't practice what she preaches because I found that she was negative towards herself , her body shape and her size on more than one occasion. Although I couldn't see her, because obviously there were no pictures of her in the book, I thought that she was perfect just the way she was. She's chatty, she's friendly, she loves a good night out but equally she loves a night in watching movies and she loves a good bitching session. Piper is invited on to a morning television chat show to appear with somebody who has opposite views to her. Piper doesn't think that she will come across very well but judging by what people tell her, Piper absolutely smashed it!! Piper's job is in London but she is increasingly drawn back to her home town. Her parents have sadly died but she does have an auntie, who is a mother figure to her. Sadly it appears that the auntie is not very well at present and I did begin to wonder if her auntie had dementia or some other brain condition. Piper's sister is about as much use as a chocolate teapot and somehow it always seems to fall to Piper to go and check in on her auntie. It's during a visit back home that Piper bumps into Rob Kingsford, who Piper had a huge teenage crush on. Rob invites her to the school reunion, which she eventually does agree to attend. Piper and Rob become extremely close and I had my fingers crossed that they would get together as Piper deserves a happy ever after ending. Another character I loved was Piper's flatmate and BFF, Matt, who was hilarious and the kind of flatmate everybody would love to have.
I absolutely ADORED this book. It was one of those books that I became addicted to from the moment I opened the cover and began to read. The page numbers and the time flew past in a blur and before I knew what was happening I had finished the book, which I was so disappointed about. I just loved the storylines, the characters, the humour and the moments that made me realise that Piper is just like you and me. Underneath her confident exterior, Piper still has a lack of self belief and thinks badly of herself and her shape.
I picked this book up at a perfect time for me. I was feeling fed up, my back was killing me and my dogs (2 loopy but adorable Labradors) had done my head in, so as you can imagine I needed a distraction that would hopefully cheer me up. Oh my this book ticked both of those boxes and then some. I haven't laughed as much as I did with this book for a long, long time. I was giggling away throughout the book, which got me some strange looks in the bus queue. Honestly some of the situations that Piper found herself in were the sort of things that could happen and do happen to anybody on a daily basis. The writing in this book is so good that I could almost see the story acting out in front of me. The characters were so real that they just seemed to come alive and I did think of most of them as friends.
In conclusion, I think that it's fair to say that I just adored this book and I would definitely recommend this author and her books to other readers. I can't wait to see what comes next from Keris Stainton. Here's hoping that we don't have too long to wait. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a well deserved 5* out of 5*. I just wish I could have awarded it more stars because I enjoyed it so much.

This was a fun read. I really liked Piper and admired her positive outlook on life. I loved Matt, her BFF and flatmate, he was brilliant and such fantastic person to have around, encouraging her whenever she needed it.
I loved the main storyline about the school reunion. Having avoided every school reunion myself, I completely understood Piper’s reluctance to attend. Unless you were one of the popular kids, why go back and socialise with all those people you’ve managed to live without for years? I admired her decision to go and just loved how she prepared herself, I especially that ‘Power Pose’!
I also really enjoyed Piper’s work storyline with her involvement with the girl band. I especially thought the names that the company kept coming up with were eye rollingly cringey!
And what about Rob, the one that got away? Was he for real or just messing with Piper’s head? Well, you’ll have to read the book to find out what happens!

I adored this smart, funny, heart-warming book. Piper is an amazing character, her confidence and body positivity made me want to be a better version of myself. The main love interest Rob is wonderful, I loved that he was this strong character who was so caring and was allowed to show his vulnerability too. The supporting stories and characters are so richly drawn, I loved spending time in the world of this book and would have happily stayed longer.

I always look forward to reading a new novel from Keris Stainton, and her latest novel, 'The Invitation' was no different!
Meet Piper, a woman who has struggled with her body confidence for as long as she can remember, trying to promote positive attitudes towards all different weights and sizes on her blog. While it is clear that she is turning heads with her words, she also seems to be turning heads with how she looks - and not in a bad way!
Keris Stainton always has been in hysterics with her fantastically written and well-timed humour and, whilst I did find myself laughing like a hyena on more than one occasion, I found myself empathising with Piper and her situation, rather than giggling constantly like I usually would. Don't panic, that is in no way a bad thing. I think that, because I have been in a similar situation to Piper but on the other end of the scale, I was able to channel her emotions and see her side of the story a lot clearer than someone who hadn't been in the same position. The body image topic is one that is often seen as 'taboo', yet it is one of the most important hurdles for today's youth. Yes, both genders. I loved the way that Keris Stainton uplifted the situation with her humour, without belittling the cause and the message that she was trying to get across. I felt that the author understood exactly what its like to be a person who dislikes how they look, or have been called something derogatory due to their size, big or small.
'The Invitation' isn't just about Piper's journey with her blog, it is about a lot more than that. No, I cannot tell you what as that would be a spoiler, pfft! Just trust me when I say that 'The Invitation' will make you laugh, make you sit and ponder your life choices, as well as opening up the App Store on your phone to see if you can find an app to add faces to certain things....
This book sends such a positive message to every single person out there - I wish I had someone like Keris Stainton in my corner when I was growing up, but I am glad that I have her words of wisdom and hilarious one liners to get me through my nearing thirties. If that's not lucky, I don't know what is.
Keris Stainton never fails to deliver, with her voice getting stronger and stronger with every book she writes. Yes, 'The Invitation' is hilarious, but it is also a powerful and poignant read that will have you admiring fellow women for their strength and outlook, instead of whether they have 'curves in all the right places'. Thanks to Keris Stainton, the only curve I need to worry about is the one on my face - my smile.

I loved this book. I loved the fact it was a story of a normal girl Piper, blogging about being a "fat" beautiful girl and how to love yourself. It was lovely done and the subject surrounding the blogging was wonderfully done, no fat shaming here. It was a normal story, there was no far-fetched ness about it. I felt like this could happen to one of my friends! We are introduced to Piper as she is about to appear on a morning tv show to do a debate about your well-being thanks to her blogging. After the show, she receives loads of comments and praise (and some trolling!!!) but then a facebook message pops up, her old crush from school, Rob!
Piper has loved Rob ever since she was a teenager, hanging around the park, drinking in the pub. But tragedy struck and she literally ran away to London, away from her friends to start a new life. She is brought back home due to a sick family member and literally runs into Rob. Who in turn invites her to a school reunion. I loved reading about the reunion as it sounded just like a reunion should be, drunken debauchery and a really good time, the fears of being reunited were well played!!
I have not read anything by Keris before, but I have rectified this by putting other books on my TBR list. Keris' writing is like you are reading a page in someone's diary, or like talking to a friend about their weekend having a giggle and a glass of wine. So much realism, none of this crazy will she-will he, no misunderstandings. The little 'drama' that is in the book is done in a way where you think, hang on yes I would react like that too!
It is definitely a second chance at love story but not just for Piper.

4 Side Splitting Stars😂 🌟🌟🌟🌟
This book at its heart was so fun and filled with so many laugh out loud moments... I absolutely love romantic comedies... and strong sassy female characters..... and this book fit the bill for both! This was my first book from Keris Stainton, but I can guarantee it will not be my last! Adding her to my ever-growing list of must read authors...
Piper was a phenomenal character... I loved her spirit, her sass, her strength, and her positivity.... I love how she had come to terms with her weight issues and loved herself just the way she was... also loved the friendship she had with her amazing guy friend Matt...
Piper has a second chance at love in this book... A Facebook friend request from a high school crush, leads to her going home and facing her demons, and perhaps finding true love.... rob was a really good guy, but.... can Piper find her way past the doubts and the misunderstandings and the past?
Perhaps this is naïve of me or it is my desire to always see the good in everybody... but I do find it most troubling that people would actually comment about somebody’s wait on a picture on social media??? OK I think I’m probably being very unrealistic, but why would anybody ever do this? Also I would hope after you’ve been out of high school for a decade you’d be over thinking you were better than anybody, perhaps this is a small town issue? This book brought up these issues and they really quite frankly bothered me... I so want to see the good in people, but then people do really mean things? Please do not rain on my little happy bubble!
Absolutely recommend to fans of a fun romantic comedy full of sassy characters and heart💕
*** many thanks too Bookouture for my copy of this book ***

Interesting concept but I never could really get into it. I couldn’t pin point why so I may give it another try later but for now, I would give it 3 stars.

The Invitation by Keris Stainton is a second-chance romance told in third person narrative primarily following Piper James. She was seen on tv by her longtime crush, Rob Kingsford, who then messages her and eventually invites her to their school reunion. Despite being comfortable in her own skin, she is on edge near Rob because he was always the one that got away. Following an amazing night at her school, she begins to get closer and closer to Rob.
I loved the way things progressed with Piper and Rob. They were so cute and funny - I couldn't wait until that moment. Even the side characters were a great addition to the story! Matt was my favourite and I really hope there is more with his "love interest" - Holly.
My biggest problem with this novel was that I felt Piper focused too much on her negatives. She was supposed to be this confident women who writes her own positive body blog, however anytime someone made a nice comment about her looks, her weight, or even her personality at one point, she just waves it off like they are just saying that to be polite or something.
Easy 4/5 rating. (Plus the cover is really cute and definitely drew me in!!)

Piper James has never got over her childhood crush, Rob Kingsford. On a visit back home to New Brighton to visit her ill aunt, she bumps into him. This leads to a Facebook friend request, and then to Rob inviting her to their school reunion. Piper has rarely visited her home town since her parents died in an accident and she’s still not keen to be going home. This was partly due to the overwhelming memories of her parents, but also because Piper has always had an issue with her self-confidence, in particular to do with her weight. As an amateur blogger, she shares her opinions on her body confidence (or lack of it) and does she really want to face the people from her old school, including the handsome Rob!
I loved Piper’s character and instantly felt a connection with her. Piper has an issue with her weight, but she tries not to let it bother her and does her best to give off a positive attitude. The weight issue is discussed a lot throughout the book, but it needs to be to describe Piper’s character and why she’s like she is. Rob is also a great character who appears back in Piper’s life when she is visiting her ill aunt. He seems genuinely interested in Piper despite all these years where they haven’t spoken. I wanted to give Piper a good shake sometimes though as she just couldn’t see what was so obvious to everyone else, especially where Rob was concerned!
I adored the story from start to finish! Of course, it did help with the fact that Rob was completely and utterly gorgeous and I literally swooned every time he appeared on the page. But it was also a story which had so many moral stories – “You are what you are”, “love yourself” and “everyone deserves a second chance” to name but a few! This book had me laughing one minute and then crying the next! It was a clever, funny and heart-breaking read which had me hooked from the moment I started reading it. There are no big reveals in this story, and it’s obvious what would happen by the end, but it was such a fun journey with Piper getting there!
I also loved the setting when Piper went home. I’ve been to New Brighton a couple of times and could picture the promenade and waterfront as I was reading. I could even imagine the train station, as I’ve been there too!! This, for me, certainly added to the enjoyment of the story as I like to picture where a book is set!
All in all, it was a fantastic and uplifting read which I would heartily recommend! I’ve read several of this author’s books which I have enjoyed and this one certainly didn’t disappoint. I’m already looking forward to the next one!

My review has been posted to Goodreads.
Review has also been tweeted as usual.
Thank you! :c)

I think it's quite clear that nobody is perfect, but some seem to think they are and therefore are allowed to call people names. Do they ever take the time to consider how hurtful they are? No, of course not. To them it's fun and to humiliate seems to be their second nature. Sometimes I wish they could be, even only once, on the receiving end ...
It takes a strong person to stand above this all, be happy with what nature gave them and encourage people to do the same. To this, I doff my cap.
The book is about the importance of family, second chances and friends.
This story makes you smile but makes you reflect as well.
Thank you, Keris Stainton, Bookouture and Netgalley.

This was a fun, easy read. I love any story that has a feisty, fun, mischievous streak, and this was one. I was hoping that the protagonist would find romance with her best friend, as they appeared to have a solid connection, and it would be nice to see bi-representation

This novel focuses just as much on body image as it does on the romantic notion that a person can find that "one who got away." Piper James is body positive blogger. She focuses on having a healthy body image over healthy living. Yes, Piper is considered "chunky" or "fat" but she works out and maintains a healthy lifestyle. Piper works for a record label in the legal department. But that is not how she lands herself on Hey UK! morning show debating the differences between dieting and maintaining a healthy body image. After her television premier, Piper hears from her high school crush, Robbie Kingsford. She again runs into Robbie at the Starbucks in her hometown of New Brighton when she has to rush home due to her great aunt falling ill. Rob invites her to return home for their high school reunion in a few weeks.
But Piper never wants to return to her old stomping grounds. There are too many memories in New Brighton for her. She can see her parents ghosts almost everywhere in New Brighton. She also hasn't dealt with the fat shaming from her childhood either. Rob just wants a chance to be with his high school crush--Piper.

I hadn't read anything from this author before and I really enjoyed the book. Towards the beginning, I felt a slight disconnect with the characters but as the story continued, I really connected with them, Especially with Piper, I loved how confident was with her body and I really related to her. I loved the aspect of her being a blogger too! I found the body positivity aspect of the book to be very important to read about and how even if you are positive about your body, other peoples comments can still affect you.
It was a really lovely story and I loved how she got a second chance with Rob - he was my favourite character from the book and I was rooting for him and Piper. There were some hilarious moments throughout as well as some heartfelt, touching moments too.
I received an advanced copy to review from Netgalley.

Light, funny, second chance romance between Piper and Rob. Piper had a HUGE crush on Rob as a teen but now they're adults and he's sent her a Facebook invite to their reunion. Part of the sweetness of this one is that there were missed signals all those years ago. AND there's a positive message about loving yourself as you are. Piper and Rob are good characters but so are the others who pop in and out. Matt's got better advice for Piper than some others. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC= this is a quick and entertaining beach read!

This was a nice easy read and I really enjoyed it! I liked that it was based in Liverpool / Wirral as I understood a lot of the references. A great book to read on a sun lounger!