Member Reviews

How we think makes a difference. There is a way to think right and this book is about developing it. Rasmussen filters our thought processes through Philippians 4:8. Learning to think the way God wants us to think is how we have peace. (Phil. 4:9)

I was struck by his exploration of semnotes, “honorable” or “dignified.” There is much more indicated by this word when one looks at its historical and biblical use. It describes “a steady person who is known for his thoughtful reflection and well-reasoned, grace-filled responses to life's difficult situations.” (718/2430) This is a person who is not easily rattled and one who thinks well before reacting. Rasmussen shares his strategy for working on this in his own life, providing practical steps.

With the same attention to the deep meaning of words, Rasmussen takes us through all of Philippians 4:8 and God's top eight ways of thinking. There were a couple of surprises, such as linking “lovely” to where we find pleasure and the identification of legitimate pleasure. Another surprise was the fall back nature of praise, something we can do when nothing else is working.

I recommend this book to Christians who desire to know how to think the way God wants. It reads well. You'll find a very good exposition of Phil. 4:8 and practical suggestions for developing right thinking.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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