Member Reviews

I do not particularly read contemporary, but this sounded really interesting. I was not disappointed! This book drew me in and did not let me go, so I was forced through a the twists and turns with the characters and oh my gosh, I could not stop thinking about it once I had finished.

This book was a fun read that really brought together mystery and romance in an unexpected way. Courtenay's voice just felt so authentic and really helped develop the amazing (and amazingly awful) characters that made me fall in love with the story.

t's not often I come across a UKYA author I haven't read before, so I like to support them when I can. To this end, when Girl at Sea came up on a browse through Netgalley I had to give it a go, and I'm glad I did. Girl at Sea is a delicious combination of mystery, thriller, and romance with a side order of comedy. I don't know what it is, but there's just something more 'real' about UKYA compared to its US counterpart that floods our British shelves. Maybe it's the difference in culture and school systems, maybe it's a language thing, or a combination or none of the above. Whatever the reas0n, every time I read UKYA it leaves me lusting for more. It's like a tasty palate cleanser after a big dish of US words. Not that there aren't some brilliant US writers out there, but it's just different. I am very happy to add Courtenay to my list of favourite UK authors, alongside the great Holly Bourne and old-school Liz Berry. Girl at Sea is a riotous page-turner that will keep you gripped and on the edge of your seat. Brilliant and brilliantly awful characters, witty dialogue and a fast-paced plot come together to form a very readable book.

Enjoyable enough romance with likeable characters & an entertaining (if rather far-fetched) plot. Won't set the world alight but has great shelf appeal.

Precious's parents got divorced or are getting divorced after pictures emerged of her dad with other women.
Harry's dad drowned at sea and his mum had a breakdown over it.
Nathan wants to be an artist but his dad doesn't approve and yet he's a drug dealer.
After their GCSE'S are over, Precious and Lotta are off on holiday with their mum's to the Algarve only Lotta wants Olivia to join them when Precious can't stand her and finds her just wanting drama and gossip.
Harry is interailling with new friend Sasha whilst he wants to avoid the sea then ends up alone travelling by it anyway.
Harry and Precious first meet at a hot dog stand when she leaves her change, they witness the bomb go off on the boat, her father's boat and later when she can't catch her flight home and has an uneasy feeling she's being watched, she tries to leave via a cab once again offering too much money, Harry strides in to help. She then follows him as he talks of loneliness and catches the train with him.
Nathan is sent after her as the hunt for her goes national, her face on billboards everywhere whilst running with Harry away from the guys following them as her father's business is in trouble...
This book was told from a three way split perspective once from each main characters point of view. They all have father issues and talk about them whilst the boys also have a jealousy and territory issue over Precious and wanting to help her. The book did have some good points but I did find it dragging in other's, the action was good but more to do with the parent's business deals would be possibly made things clearer. The characters voices were believable and I liked how headstrong Precious is.
Many thanks to the publishers for allowing me to review this book for them!