Member Reviews

Unfortunately this book was not for me, it was a bit slower than I would like and it just didn't hold my attention. I am sure other people will love it!

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I've had this book for years, I still haven't, unfortunately, got to it, so this is a placeholder review to reduce my shelf for my own sanity, but will replace this if I ever get to the book

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Absolutely enjoyed from start to finish, u didn't want the book to end. Highly recommended, if you like books that keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat.

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What a good book full of so many twists and shocking moments!
i absolutely loved it! brilliant!!
thank you for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a good solid read from beginning to end. I enjoyed the book and will without a doubt read some more by Ms James in future. Recommended.

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A deceptively dark, dangerous and deadly game!

I absolutely love psychological thrillers, and Maggie James has delivered in this deceptively dark, dangerous and deadly game!

It certainly is very topical as it features the relationship of two completely different sisters ...Ellie and Lyddie...and their involvement in online dating sites.

Ellie is certainly a rather fragile person with mental health issues, while Lyddie is a confident and successful business lady, who has generally succeeded in life. However, both sisters have not necessarily had the best of luck in their relationships, particularly Ellie. She is feeling very crushed and insecure after a disastrous liaison with a conniving con man who has groomed her with shocking consequences. Lyddie feels so enraged that she plunges headlong into seeking revenge for her sister.

Suffice it to say that this storyline gripped me from the beginning and had me on the edge of my seat until the finale. Thank you, Maggie James, for this rollercoaster ride... I’ll look out for more from you in the future!


Breakaway Reviewers received a copy of this book to review.

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When Lyddie takes her sister to Devon to recover after a recent suicide attempt, it starts a train of events that will put their lives in grave danger.

Ellie has been the victim of a professional con artist, one who stole her savings, then disappeared from her life.
Driven by her own history of failed relationships, Lyddie vows revenge on the man who broke her sister’s heart.

Soon she assumes a false identity and begins her hunt for a man she knows to be cold, calculating and ruthless. But who is fooling whom? And can Lyddie find the justice she seeks and heal her damaged sister?

Wow, wow, wow what a book! I loved it. I really didn’t see the twists coming and was left gasping for breath! This book is brilliant! 5*

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Gripped from the start! Laddie is concerned for her sister Ellie and attempts to seek revenge for events leading up to Ellie's suicide attempt. So, so many deceptions this plot weaved an intriguing , gripping plot. This is one of those books that has you shouting at the pages at the characters. This is a thrilling , engrossing and "gasp out loud" psychological thriller.

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One of the most deceptive reads which had me wondering who was telling me the truth. This was one of those book which had me wondering how many twists and turns author Maggie James could write in a plot.
Lyddie as the main character was wonderful, I loved how she looks after her sister and wants to protect her always. The book had me reading all through the afternoon, wanting to get to the end. I could predict some twists, but in the whole an enjoyable read.

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Oh my! This book will have you sitting on the edge of your seat and wondering who is telling the truth. There is a lot of twists and turns and deception reigns supreme as you go speeding through the pages! The reader will have his/her doubts as to whether the characters are who they claim to be. And how many people can actually be hurt emotionally throughout the book?!

Lyddie's initial effort to protect her sister is admirable. But how can things get so turned around and their relationship be hanging on by a thin thread.

I just can't describe how shocking the twists and turns are as you are drawn into Lyddie's story. And there are shocking events all the way through to the end! You wont' be disappointed if you are into psychological thrillers!

Thanks to NetGalley and Bloodhound Books for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This was my first book by Maggie James and it won't be my last. Sure I saw some of the twists coming but I didn't feel that detracted from the book. A good fast read that kept my attention...

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Excellent read for my summer holiday,twists and turns at every turn.have passed onto my sister ,five stars

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As usual, a gripping read by this author. The story kept me interested throughout. Possibly not my fave from this author, but definitely worth the read

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Lydia has to come home to Bristol from her life in Spain after her sister’s attempted suicide. It all comes out that Ellie was duped by a man on a dating site and has lost all her money. Lydia decides to track this con man down and get even for her sister.

This was a good read and a little predictable but I enjoyed it nevertheless. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Difficult to review this book without spoilers but what a page turner. Why would anyone join a dating site after reading this tale. The twists and turns had me wanting to shake Lyddie, she was playing with fire and would surely get burnt. Quite a believable tale well told with good pace. Just when you thought you had solved the plot off it went again in another direction.
Many thanks to Netgalley/Maggie James/Bloodhound Books for a digital copy of this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

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OH WOW, THIS BOOK!!! From the opening pages, I could not put this down!! I’ve been a fan of Maggie James’ book, but this one is by far her best.
The story centers around sisters Ellie and Lyddie. When Lyddie returns home to Bristol after Ellie’s third suicide attempt, Lyddie vows to find the man who drove her sister to that low point.
Unfortunately, in today’s online dating world there is a new kind of danger besides just meeting a complete stranger. It’s manipulation and theft. Ellie confides in Lyddie that a man named Steven was able to convince her to give him her whole savings. Lyddie soon joins the online dating world to find “Steven” and pay him back for what he did.
This is a very fast page-turner. The author keeps you guessing who the real victim and perpetrator are until the very end. There are so many twists and turns, going back and forth, it’ll make your head spin and leave chills up and down your spine!!
Terrific book! Very highly recommended!

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The premise of this book called out to me as I’ve lived through a family member of mine who was caught up in a romance scam that cost her both financially and emotionally. And it left me unbelievably stressed as well since it took over a year to convince her the whole thing WAS a scam.

So, how does the book handle something I’m intimately familiar with? Very well. James not only gets the con right, especially the emotional manipulation and the culling away of the victim from friends and family, she also gets the anger and frustration of those who’ve witnessed their loved ones get conned. I would have given anything to be able to extract some vengeance.

The book starts off as I expected but then takes a mad veer off the course I was anticipating. I can’t say too much without giving away spoilers, but Lyddie makes some really stupid mistakes. In fact, they were so basic in this age of internet searches and iPhones that the plot lost a little of its luster for me. And maybe because I’ve learned way more than I wish I had about cons, while James gets how it all works very well, I knew where things were going.

Final tally? This is a well done book and she truly gets how these cons work. In order to move the plot along, the heroine was purposely obtuse. But the point she makes is a good one. We all think we’d be immune to the charms of a con but it’s easier than you think to be sucked in. And the book is fast paced and keeps your interest. A sold four stars.

My thanks to netgalley and Bookouture for an advance copy of this book. I’m late in reading this book, so it has already been published.

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Gosh what a read Deception Wears Many Faces by Maggie James was. I found this book extremely fast-paced it had me totally engrossed in the story & I read it in one sitting!
Lyddie takes her sister Ellie to Devon after a recent suicide attempt to try and get her better. Ellie has been a victim of a professional con artist from a premium dating site, who stole Ellie's life savings. Ellie was ashamed of telling her sister but finally opens her heart to her. Lyddie vows revenge on the man who broke her sister’s heart.
Lyddie opens an dating account with a false identity and begins her hunt for a man she knows to be cold, calculating and ruthless. But who is fooling whom? is he too clever for her?
Can Lyddie find the justice she seeks and heal her damaged sister? Is Ellie going to try and take her life again?
Lyddie starts a train of events that will put both of their lives in grave danger.

Its a chilling book but a clever read with lots of twists and turns. The characters were excellent to the story line.

A great plot and well written. I would highly recommend this book

Thank you to Netgalley & Bloodhound Books for allowing me to read this book for free in exchange for an honest review

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Numerous twists and tons of deception! Although I had most of the twists figured out before they happened, the book still kept my attention. It was fast paced and exciting...after a certain point, it was hard to put down!

Ellie tries to commit suicide after she’s dumped by the boyfriend she met on a dating site, right after he cons her out of all of her savings. When her sister, Lyddie, finds out she joins a dating site to try to find the ex-boyfriend/con man, to turn him over to the authorities. She dates several guys, and has to try to figure out which man might be the con man that broke her sister’s heart and stole her money.

Thank you NetGalley, Maggie James and Bloodhound Books for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review!

#DeceptionWearsManyFaces #NetGalley #Amazon

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Great read. When I started reading this book I got hooked and couldn’t put it down until it was finished. It was brilliant. For a change I didn't see the twist at the end coming at all. Really did enjoy and would recommend to all psychological thriller fans.

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