Member Reviews

Maggie James has done to again!!! Deception Wears Many Faces, is an absolute brilliant read. It touches on suicide, online deception, murder and a lot more.

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My hats off to the author for writing a story line which not only raises awareness about suicide but to the darker site of dating websites also. Suicide is something that has never been really talked about, tending to be brushed under the carpet. It's great to see it brought up in television shows as well as now in books. 

Lyddie was someone I took to straight away. Even though their mother is still alive, there is still the big sister syndrome of wanting to watch out for the younger sibling as well as helping them stand on their own two feet. 

Through Lyddie wanting justice for her sister, we get to see a side of dating sites that most of us would never know about. Without a doubt there are predators of both sex that use these sites for various reasons and it's scary at how easily people can be taken in. 

Deception Wears Many Faces is a brilliantly twisted read that had more than a couple of jaw dropping moments. The author throws you off the trail with plenty of red herrings so that when the revelations come they are totally unexpected. I have read quite a few books by this author now and this has to be one of my favourites by her.

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wow. i almost gave up on Deception but i'm so happy i persevered. it's a maddening trip with one double cross after another. lyddie comes to her sister's aid after a recent suicide attempt and learns that her sister has been fleeced out of her life savings. lyddie takes it upon herself to avenge her sister, but gets WAY more than she bargained for. at times i was so irked by lyddie's cluelessness that i wanted to throw my kindle across the room! how could a woman portrayed as so strong, confident and self sufficient be taken in? yeah, i know it's JUST that easy. lust is a powerful blinder. there's one twist i didn't see coming, following by ANOTHER one! i couldn't put Deception down, and highly recommend.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This mesmerising,mind blowing thriller has more twists and turns than a roller coaster.It's a fast paced tale of lies,manipulation,deceit and betrayal that hooks the reader in from the very first page and grips you so tightly that you struggle to breath at times.By the time you reach the end of the book,your not relieved that the story is over,it's just a relief that the vice like grip has been removed and you can breath again.

Lydia has taken her younger sister Ellie to the family cottage in Devon hoping that Ellie will open up and reveal why she tried to commit suicide for the third time.Eventually Ellie reveals that she met a man on a dating website who turned out to be a con man.He stole all her savings and then disappeared.Lydia is outraged that someone would dare con her young,vulnerable sister and devises a daring plan to find him and bring him to justice.She decides to assume a false identity and hunt for the cold,manipulative man who has broken her beloved sister`s heart.But who is fooling who? And why does Lydia keep feeling like she is being watched.....

If I'm completely honest,I can be very judgemental when I read stories in magazines or watch a programme on tv about people who have handed all their money over to a con artist.I suppose if it's not something that you have experienced personally,it is easy to sit in your comfy chair,shake your head and think,how can that person be so gullible and happily hand over all their money just because someone that they have only known for a very short time insists that they love them.In this riveting story Ellie is a very vulnerable,damaged young lady so it is understandable how easily she was conned by the devious,cunning scam artist.Believe me,when the con artist`s true character emerges,their behaviour gave me goosebumps and chilled me to the bone.It's truly scary how someone can act so loving and caring whilst harbouring so much evil and hatred within themselves..Although the lengths that Lydia was prepared to go to in her quest to get revenge for Ellie were admirable.I didn't like Lydia very much throughout most of the book.I thought she came across as rather smug,controlling and self righteous at times. Ellie was very self centred,selfish and not very likeable either.The twists and turns caused me to suspect that a number of the vivid secondary characters were not as reliable and trustworthy as they seemed.

I absolutely loved this twisty psychological thriller and would have given it far more than five stars if I could.This is the first book that I have read by this author and it most definitely will not be my last.

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This book was made for me! I’ve gotta tell you, I loved everything about this story! Very fast paced, interesting characters, fantastic plot twists and OMG moments. Exactly what I love in a book!

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Ellie has brain damage from a car accident when she was eighteen years old. Since then she has attempted suicide three times. Or has she? Lydia her big sister has always kept her promise to their father. Keep her close and look after her. After her last suicide attempt Ellie confesses to her sister that she been conned out of her life savings. 20 thousand pounds. Her sister promises REVENGE on this con artist and begins to track him down, but not everything is at seems. Good book I read it in one sitting.
I would like to thank the author Maggie James,Bloodhound books and Net.galley for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for giving an honest review.

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Lyddie is devastated. Her sister, Ellie has tried to commit suicide for the third time. In this psychological thriller Lyddie is trying to find the con artist who portrayed himself to love her sister, only to rob her of her money. As she trolls the on line dating sites trying to find this man, she looses herself in a different persona. Soon she is entangled in a web of deceit. She no longer knows who is supporting her or against her. Her mother, best friend, ex fiance, her new love, or even herself. Who is wearing the mask of deception. Time is running out.
Very well executed read. Good characterization, the storyline was intetesting and you can't wait to read the next page.
5 Stars

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Loved it!

A high paced psychological thriller that was full of tense moments! A great read and story.

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Brilliant,had me hooked from start to finish,would recommend this book !! Fantastic!!Take on holiday sit back and enjoy.

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Thanks to Netgalley for my copy.

Lyddie is living her dream in Spain, running a gallery and painting after giving up her accountancy career. Unfortunately this dream is interrupted with the news that her sister Ellie has attempted suicide. Lyddie flies home immediately to support her mother and sister.

Lyddie discovers Ellie has been swindled out of her inheritance by a man she met on a dating website. Lyddie is furious and sets out to discover who the perpetrator is and to get revenge for her vulnerable sister.

We read weekly media reports about both men and women who have handed over their life savings to unscrupulous con artists. This is a very realistic portrayal of how easy it is to be consumed with love or lust even and be completely taken in and relieved of their possessions. We all read and think oh they are so gullible but these people are clever and prey on the vulnerable.

I enjoyed this book and thought it was well written with rounded characters and a convincing plot.

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Lydia left Spain for her home in England when she found out that her sister,Ellie, had attempted suicide. Years earlier, Ellie had been the driver in a crash that killed her best friend. Also, Ellie had been dating someone who had apparently broken off with her. Lydia, a former accountant, now is an artist in Spain due to her dad's inheritance. Ellie had the same inheritance but was bilked out of it by her former boyfriend who is in construction. Eventually, Ellie had lost a total of 50,000 pounds to Steven. Lydia begins to play cat and mouse games on internet dating sites to trap this Steven. Lydia also becomes involved with an internet site " Love Rats Exposed" to talk with others who have been scammed. This, in order to "con a con". She finds Liam on a dating site and decides to go out with him in order to see if he is the scammer. Could he be Steven? Lydia gets a text when conveniently Liam is in the men's room. His online profile is close to what Lydia knows about Steven. Soon, Lydia texts back and forth with Scott - he is PERFECT! She is totally smitten with Scott. Caroline, Lydia's best friend is let in on all of this. Caroline's brother (whom Lydia used to date) shows up and it is obvious they still have feelings for one another. After a few dates with Scott, Lydia is invited to his house for dinner. He tells Lydia about his last girlfriend being a "gold digger". Now that he is with Lydia, Scott mumbles
" I can put Ellie behind me". Eventually, they find out that Lydia's sister, Ellie, and Scott's ex are one and the same!!! Turns out that Ellie is in a financial hole due to HER business. Ellie happens by (?) and declares that Scott is Steven. Steven denies it all. "...I'm Scott Champion". Scott is fed up with Ellie's accusations and leaves, Lydia throws hateful sentiments at Ellie who finally leaves. Scott does take Lydia back; who is really lying here?
Tired of it all, when Richie (Lydia's ex) calls and comes over. Lydia tells him that she has moved on. Now, Lydia meets Darcy, Scott's sister who is ravaged with leukemia. She has gone through chemotherapy and wants an alternative medicine type of approach. But this is expensive... Lydia decides to make an unexpected visit to Scott. An older man, answers the door and tells her that HE is Scott Champion! Oh, boy!!! He tells her that the
place is an Airbnb. When she describes Scott to the man he tells her "That sounds like Steve Simmons".
The rest of the stunning twists and turns that take place will have you guessing right up to the end!!!
Revenge, love and game-playing all interact to make a truly FANTASTIC read!!! Many thanks to Bloodhound Books and NetGalley for a truly entertaining read!

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Another brilliant book from Maggie James. Deception Wears Many Faces has twists and turns throughout. You think you know whats going on - you are wrong! This was unputdownable, had me totally engrossed in the story & desperate to find out what was going on. A great plot and well written. I would highly recommend this book

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Lyddie is the older of two sisters. The younger sister Ellie is fragile after the death of her best friend and also because of brain damage that occurred when they were together in her car in the fatal accident that killed her friend. Lyddie has always looked out for her younger sister. At the start of the story, guilt ridden Ellie has attempted suicide for the third time as the anniversary of the accident looms on the horizon.
Together they visit the family holiday home in Devon. It has always been a favourite holiday spot for the sisters. It always reminded the girls of their father who had sadly passed away. Their memories were of happy family times spent together creating lovely memories and Lyddie is sure that this visit will put a smile on Ellie’s face. When she and Ellie talk together Ellie confesses that she has been taken in by a con artist. She met him online and fell deeply in love with him but he had abused her trust and disappeared with all of her savings. Lyddie is furious that her vulnerable sister has been mercilessly preyed upon and decides to track down the con man and teach him a lesson, exacting just revenge for her sister.
She joins some prestigious online dating sites assuming a fake identity and this is how she plans to entrap the vile predator. She investigates each forum thoroughly and finds more victims who have been duped into parting with their money. As prospective requests for dates arrive on her laptop she carefully vets each man until she has only likely suspects on her list. That’s when the dates begin and Lyddie eventually believes she has identified the fraudster. Then the threats begin to appear on her mobile. Has Lyddie bitten off more that she can handle or will she exact the revenge she so ardently desires on behalf of her sister?
With issues of rivalry, deception, love, loyalty and grief, this is a pacey page turner that will set your heart racing. It is full of exciting plot twists and unreliable characters bent on keeping you guessing what will happen next. I sped through it, enjoying the vivid storytelling and the intricacy of the story. I didn’t really like either of the sisters very much at all. Lyddie was bossy and judgemental whilst Ellie was two faced and unpredictable. All the same their characters were involving because both had their strong points as well as their weaknesses and I felt intrigued by their relationship.
Thank you for my copy of 'Deception Wears Many Faces' received through my membership of NetGalley and from publisher Bloodhound Books, all in return for an honest unbiased review. It is a very good read and is sure to fuel the debate about the wisdom of online dating.

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Lyddie has given up accountancy and Bristol for a life in Andalucia painting, thanks to an inheritance from her father. She flies home when her sister Ellie has tried to take her own life, again. When Lyddie finds out why and having had enough of issues with men herself, she realises that it is time that something was done about it. She takes on a new persona to try and snare the man who has caused so much anguish to Ellie. I took to Lydia from the start and felt for Ellie and what she had gone through. Maggie has such a talent with words that you are drawn in from the beginning and just want to keep reading whilst at the same time not wanting the story to end as you are enthralled in the pages. I thought I knew where this was going but with twists and turns along the way it kept me enveloped. I read it in one day so great was the pull of finding out the ending. An interesting premise, a clever plot brilliantly written. A captivating read.

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Sisters will do just about anything for each other and when Lyddie learns her sister Ellie has fallen prey to a con man who stole not just her heart, but her money, she vows revenge. Lyddie, no stranger to bad relationships herself, takes her sister to Devon where she weaves an intricate plot to bring down the can man, but finds herself drawn into a dangerous dance that will leave readers gasping

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