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Picture yourself floating down a river...this second book in the trilogy flows around you as you renew old acquaintances and find how they have grown with time and experiences. There are some good twists as we go along and just as we are so in groove with the story...WWII whistles in. This young author knows how to get us coming back for more!

To be honest, I felt almost as lost in this book as with the first one and it was still quite annoying. Things seemed to pick up eventually but the confusion that preceded it was just so overwhelming, it marred my ability to truly appreciate this story and gave me more of a distaste for it.

I could not finish it and i rarely decide to abandon a reading. I juste did not like the writing… but the cover is amazing.

This was the perfect follow-up to the first novel, Boundary. I loved to watch Evelyn navigate this new world and try to learn how to keep her feet moving forward. in this novel we really see her learn how to open up and try to trust someone she shouldnt all so she can rescue those dear to her! This compelling novel is a must read.

Yikes. I did not find this a fun read. Unfortunately, it was very easy to tell this was written by a teenage author. There was an immaturity to the prose and an unexperienced quality to the work as a whole that did not endear itself to me, made all the worse by the fact I know MVJ can do much better.
While short, I found it hard to follow. I barely remembered what happened in the first book, so I struggled to make the connections between several major plot points until too late in the book. The world and magic was weak. There was often a disconnect between scenes and across chapters in the narratives and a lot of things weren't explained well. The main character was annoying in how naive, selfish and vain she was. And her supposed "development" was laughable.

Barrier by Mary Victoria Johnson
For this being book two I was a little lost but it slowly picked up and then it didn't matter if I was lost at the beginning or not! I have to say I really liked the characters and their stories! I can't wait to read book one and the many more to come after it! I will love to see if they go back to save Harriet before anyone else gets to her! I'm so ready for more!!
5 Stars

Barrier by Mary Victoria Johnson was a great sequel and I couldn't put this one down either. I can't say enough great things about this series and can't wait to read what she has for us next. GREAT BOOK

Continuing the mystery adventure begun in Boundary
It wasn’t supposed to be her. Of all six teenagers trapped in the Victorian Gothic world of Boundary, Evelyn had always been the one to take the path of least resistance – not liking to question the strange, sealed world around her or wanting to rock the boat. Yet it was Evelyn who escaped Boundary instead of fierce and rebellious Penny. And it is Evelyn who now finds herself on the other side, laden with guilt and loss, and with no idea how to help the friends she left behind.
Plunged into a very different and terrifying time and place, where no one believes her story and the world is engulfed in World War Two, Evelyn is initially placed in boarding school and then sent to a remote farm to help with the war effort. However, dark supernatural forces begin to close in, and her Boundary past catches up with her in the shape of Madon, the evil and sadistic Master of her childhood. Evelyn soon becomes embroiled in a malevolent battle over Boundary, multiple universes overlapping each other, and dark forces attempting to break through the barriers that lie between. Can she overcome her fears and self-doubt and do what she must rescue her friends?
In Boundary, the first book in the series, the narrator and protagonist was the dynamic and engaging Penny. The focus in Barrier now shifts to Evelyn, who in Boundary was the vain, strait-laced and prudish member of the group. At first, Evelyn is perhaps less compelling a heroine to a modern audience than Penny; however, as the plot develops, this works all to the good. Unlike Penny, who is feisty and determined throughout the first novel, in this book Evelyn goes on a journey, as a character who grows and evolves as the story unfolds. Her struggles to adapt to a new world and life are believably rendered; her fears and lack of confidence in herself ring true. Some readers may find her spoiled, weak and/or irritating, while others may sympathise – either way, she is convincing as a naïve and frightened teenager out of her depth in a scary world.
As in Boundary, the author’s skill at creating atmosphere is evident: the rural isolation of the farm, the hardship and privation of war, the sinister presence of the supernatural “Others”, a first trip to the ocean, and the gloom of city streets in wartime are all vividly depicted. The plot itself contains several twists and surprises, with interesting revelations about the villains and their motivations. At times the story can be somewhat slow and sags a little in the middle but picks up the pace towards the end with developments both dark and thrilling, cleverly setting up the cliff-hanger for the third book. A sequel recommended for Young Adult readers who have read and enjoyed the first novel in this series.
Arwen Evenstar
Breakaway Reviewers received a copy of the book to review

After Evelyn is free, she finds herself not fitting into the real world. An offer comes that offers her the chance to free the others from Boundry. This was a great book in the same tone as the first.

I received a copy of this book for a fair and honest review. I was not quite sure what to think of Evelyn. She was outside of the Boundary at the end of the last book. Now she has to figure out how to navigate this new world that she has not been apart of before. She has a few struggles, but she keeps her goal in mind. That is what is getting her through this. That goal is to see that her friends are set free. Now if you want to know if she did you are going to have to grab a copy for yourself.

This book was fantastic!!!
I read the first book of the series, Boundary, fairly recently and really enjoyed it. I thought this book was even better though!
This thrilling installment is told from the perspective of Evelyn, who found herself outside of Boundary at the end of the the first book. After being sent to a boarding school where she eventually gives up on trying to explain the wild story of where she is really from, her new "normal" comes to end as the school shuts down. Since she has nowhere left to return, she is sent to live and help on a farm. Work there is hard and unfamiliar, especially with the men away at war and limited rations to supply food. As she makes friends with the children her age there, she is confronted by both Madon and "D" as they both seek to enlist her help in their own schemes. As she finds herself on a quest to save her friends back in Boundary, a thrilling adventure comes to life and she learns about their past and the truth about Boundary.
I was pleasantly surprised at how much I like Evelyn in this book. I found her to be a bit exhausting and helpless in the first book. However, there seems to be a great deal of character development in this book. In addition to Evelyn, there are many new enticing characters that I enjoyed, as well as old ones from the first book that are equally as interesting.
The plot of this novel is engaging and the pacing is fantastic. I could not put the book down and finished it in less than a day! There were some nice plot twists that I really enjoyed and I cannot wait for the next book to come out to see what happens next!
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
I look forward to reading more from this author.

I found this slightly less compelling than Boundary. Part of the appeal of the first book was this very strictured, rigid and dystopian environment where it was part mystery and part adventure story. Barrier was a worthy follow up to that but it just didn't capture me in the same way. I didn't have a huge bond with Evelyn in book 1 but she came into her own here. The plot felt a little more predictable but I still enjoyed the journey. I'm looking forward to the next book.