Member Reviews

A fun thought-provoking read - The absolute perfect romantic comedy for all booklovers out there!
It will make you laugh, cry but most of all forget the world until you have reached the end. An overlooked gem.
Thanks to Simon & Schuster and Netgalley for sending me this in exchange for an open and honest review.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.
After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.
I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

This was a cute story, but I found the sentence construction to be basic. It wasn’t giving me the swoon-worthy vibes no matter how dreamy the character said her love interest was. I wish the book was a bit more descriptive and expressive.
I read the whole first part, but couldn’t stand it anymore so a DNF for me.

This a lovely romantic kind hearted romp. This follows Frankie who is fed up not finding the right guy and decides to let her favourite thing in the world help her find love - books. Frankie leaves copies of her favourite books on the subway and asks those that find them to contact her. However, as is always with love things don't go smoothly. This a nice fluffy book which can be a little frustrating at time as it usual with rom coms as the characters sometimes make stupid not quite understandable mistakes. Still, its a fun read and allows the reader to escape into a nice fun read.

This is the story of Frankie and the slump she is facing in her life. She was a published author till bad reviews have shut her into a writer's block. The personal front is not very rosy either. I started this book with high hopes but unfortunately for me, I was unable to connect to anyone in the story. None of the people's decisions or actions made any sense in the given context. I really liked the concept, the books, the connections and even the repetitive prejudices (which I am sure all people who read voraciously nurture in secret or quite openly) , preconceived notions of the kind of people who read a certain set of books. I understood the leading lady and her best friend as book lovers but everything else they said or did seemed a little sudden. It did take me a couple of tries to finish it. That said, I think it was more of a personal reaction, I may not be the right audience for the frivolous attitudes the people take in the beginning towards relationships. It gets better towards the end, therefore my three stars. My favourite part was the blog she maintains, more of that and less of the daily story and a smaller book on the whole would have tipped my rating into the higher category.
I recommend it for those people who love spotting a reference to their well-loved books in a romantic book, where all does end well in some form or the other.

I really liked the idea behind this book. It's definitely a bookworm's dream to find love through books you like. And the story started really well, I loved all the book talk and all the literary references. A lot of the scenes were silly and a bit ridiculous but they were a lot of fun.
But after a few chapters in, it all became a bit too silly and ridiculous. Plus, the final part of the book was quite a disappointment as the main characters just did so many things that made me feel uncomfortable. And, as a 30-year-old who loves YA novels, I found the position of the main character really snobby and unfair.
Unfortunately, this story as a whole did not work for me.

I just love a book that mentions other books and so a book that uses books ti find love-sign me up. This book talks about so many f the other books that I love and you can tell that these authors genuinely love books too because they talk about the intricacies of each and every one of the books mentioned in this novel like true book lovers. I may have done a little squeal every time some of the books that I loved were mentioned too.
This is a fabulously funny love story. I laughed out loud and I also 'awwed' out loud because the book is just so sweet. Frankie is looking for love and using her books to help her. She has some wonderfully disastrous dates which really made me laugh and the way this character writes about them on her blog makes it even more amusing and relatable. There are also several, wonderful, grand romantic gestures scattered throughout the novel so you don't have to wait until the end to enjoy those!
Frankie is a great character because, not only is she a fellow book lover but she is also in her early thirties with a career path she hasn't exactly chosen and facing life as a single thirty something, very easy to relate to. Best friend Cat is also wonderful because she too has faults. The fact that she is pregnant add to some funny moments and some more emotional moments too. Seb and Claud, the other people who work in the book store with Cat and Frankie are great supporting characters and contribute to many of the lol moments as well as many of the aww moments. And of course there are the men vying for Frankie's romantic attention, but no spoilers here.
One of the things that really gets explored in this book is how Young Adult fiction is viewed, particularly by fans of literary fiction, or the classics like Jane Austen. The books are very much looked down upon but a fan of Young Adult fiction does a great job of explaining just why these novels should be given so much more respect than they are in literary circles and especially just how relevant they are to the culture in which we live. I really really enjoyed this part of the book and may have done a little cheer whenever the subject was raised.
Another aspect of the book that I really liked was the structure, I loved the fact that we got to see Frankie's blogposts and the comments that were left on them. I thought this was a really great way to add another level to her character and also the over arching storyline. I think that the use of social media added a great deal to my enjoyment of this novel. I would definitely recommend giving this on a read especially if you are a fan of hilariously embarrassing situations one moment and swoon-worthy romantic situations the next!

This is the ultimate book for all of us book lovers out there, we will all be able to relate to something in this book. There are some absolutely hilarious laugh out loud moments throughout that made this book so enjoyable. I loved the close friendship between Frankie and Cat, their bond is so great. The location is mainly The Little Brunswick Bookshop and I just thought this was perfect, the staff working here get on so well and it is like the dream job. Finally the love story in this is so so beautiful I found myself smiling as I was reading it made me so happy.
I am so glad I read this book it really made me feel great and fall in love with reading all over again.

I found this novel engaging, hilarious, and captivating. But this is the perfect book for people who love books about books. It’s full of literary references (although sometimes they are a bit too much) and at the end there is a long long list of all the titles mentioned in the novel. I liked the character of Frankie. I found her a bit crazy, but in a good way, and also funny and witty. After her latest book received bad reviews, she stopped writing, but she writes again when she starts a blog that describes her adventures as a book ninja. She is looking for love and she decides to find it by leaving books on the train hoping that a man with her same taste in books will find them and will contact her. And as her blog becomes successful the perfect man walks into the bookstore where she works. He is “the perfect mix of John Knightley, Mr. Darcy, and Edmund Bertram all rolled into one.” Has Frankie found love?

Frankie Rose works at Little Brunswick Bookshop together with her best friend Cat. With her love life being totally in the dumps, she decides to try an experiment – she starts to leave some of her favourite books, with a little note with her name and phone number, on the trains. She hopes for men to read the book, see the note and contact her – well, you can already see what’s coming, right? So Frankie starts a blog, where she writes about her dates, that soon turns into a very popular one.
In the meantime, Frankie also meets a very attractive Sunny Day (I know. I KNOW), who also seems to like her. The first time they meet Frankie kisses him accidentally on his nose, but it also turns out that he reads YA fiction – he can’t be Frankie’s perfect match, can he?
The idea of finding a boyfriend through leaving books with a note in it all around Melbourne was a brilliant one. I think if the story focused on this, on the dates, and ignoring some of the other issues, it would be a much better read. It’s just, with all those things that were supposed to entertain us, to complicate the story it felt as if the authors have tried much too much and they have overdone. Some of the things were simply tasteless and I was all the time wondering why they’re there at all, what’s the point, some were bonkers, like Frankie’s parents, but this kind of bonkers, that’s just weird, just doesn’t work for me.
I think those few dates that Frankie got herself, and then the full blog posts about them were the strongest elements of this novel. Because the dates were hilarious and my favourite date was the one with people on the pictures looking like the third cousin – it was brilliant.
The problem was that I also couldn’t warm to the characters, couldn’t connect with them and, simply, probably just didn’t get them. Theirs was sadly not my kind of humour and I seem to see world in different ways to them. I don’t want to mention what it is that bothers me so much as I don’t want to spoil the reading for you but those who have read the book will certainly know what I’m talking about – I mean here especially Cat and also Frankie and her double life. I was also wondering what’s the point of some of the characters – to show how lovely and beloved Frankie was? How popular among 17 – year – old boys?
Frankie and Cat were working brilliantly together and they complemented each other. Their friendship was easy and genuine and I really appreciated it, even if they were not flawless and I didn’t understand some of their choices. Frankie was very accident prone and this feature of hers often got her into even more troubles and embarrassing situation. She also liked to jump to conclusions very much and rather be offended than simply talk. And she’s a real book snob, which didn’t sit so well with me. Do not judge a book by its cover and do not judge people on the genre they’re reading, pretty please Frankie.
Altogether “The Book Ninja” was a light – hearted read about finding love not exactly there where we’re looking for. I thought it’s going to be a kind of a bookish haven for such a bookworm like yours truly but it left me rather cold. There was a lot of banter about books, and there are many references to books – old and new ones – which was a real thrill. It was entertaining read, even if sometimes it stretched credibility, really verged on the ridiculous and too overdone. But if you’re looking for a funny and light read, then try “The Book Ninja”.

Frankie Rose is in a bit of a relationship rut. She is a bit lost for ideas as to how she can rectify this. But she comes up with a plan. She starts to plant her favourite books on trains, trams and buses in the hope that she will find her perfect man that way.
Meanwhile a YA loving man comes into the bookshop where she works and she is not sure whether to date him or not. As she isn't into YA books and can't see how it will work.
The Book Ninja is a delightful book. Definitely one of my favourite reads of 2018.

A heartwarming and hilariously funny book for book lovers. I loved this book as much I loved the characters .
It was a lot of fun to read and a very page turner as you start you cannot put it down.
Sometimes the characters act in a very silly way and it's quite frustrating but, on a general level, it was a very pleasant read.
Highly recommended to book lovers.
Many thanks to Simon and Schuster UK and Netgalley for this ARC

This is so cute. So so so fricking cute. If you're a book lover looking for a smart romance, particularly one that references so many books that literally just came out over the last few years (and also celebrates YA!), this is the book for you.
Based on a true story of an Australian duo who left books on trains and trams to find some true romance, this book follows Frankie, a young woman for someone kind, intelligent and very well read. She's an Austen fanatic, hoping for her Mr Darcy, and ironically, this story follows that pattern of the famous Pride & Prejudice romance of discovering Mr Wrong (i.e. Mr Likes Young Adult Fiction) is actually Mr Right (Young Adult Fiction isn't so bad).
This is an adorable, summery romance set in the heart of Melbourne and hugely delights in the power of books and how important bookstores are. Also it'll melt the heart of any non-believer in finding the true romantic. Look at me. I loved this book and I really hope we get more romantic books like this. I think people will love it.

A fun, frothy and very sweet read, with engaging characters and lots of fun along the way, 'The Book Ninja' guarantees some gentle escapism. The idea forming the storyline is a sound one - but will it work in practice?...our protagonist is determined to find out! For lovers of books of all kinds as well as romance.

5/5 ⭐️ rating
(Warning the review is in no way professional and basically, me ranting about how amazing it is and how devastated I am that I finished it so quickly)
I was honoured enough to receive an arc of ‘The Book Ninja’ for an honest review in return, so beforehand I just want to thank NetGalley and the publishers for granting me this opportunity.
“Breakups are like finishing a good book.” Who knew that this quote could be so true and also coming from the book that made my heart ache.
I adored this book, like, holy shit, if I was speaking this review instead of writing it down I would be clapping in between each syllable rn because omg yes, I needed to read this and everyone, especially book lovers and chicklit lovers need to read this too.
It’s such a refreshing book that you can just sit back and indulge on and not want to stop. Like honestly, the writing was perfect, the characters were so funny and unique and I could relate to each one in a certain way and I was truly devastated when the book ended! I didn’t want it to stop, I was heartbroken but probably in the best way.
I could not put the book down! All I wanted to do was read more of Frankie’s story and crazy life, which is why I finished it in less than 24hrs and regretted it because I didn’t want it to end.
I laughed, giggled and almost had my heart wrenched out of my chest but that just shows how amazing the book was and I highly recommend it to everyone looking for a rom-com with a literacy twist!
(I will also be buying two physical copies on my next book buying binge so I can hold this book in y arms and reread it and then give the other to my friend who I hope will enjoy it just as much!)

What a lovely book for book lovers - if you are a book worm you will without a doubt love this book.
There are literary references all over, although Frankie is a bit of a book snob and will barely give Sunny a chance just because he likes YA books.
Easily my favourite storyline is Frankie being a book ninja and leaving books on trams all around Melbourne, with a note in them to try to get herself a date. As a result of these book drops she sets up a blog and its these blog posts that are posted in full in the book that were amazing and need to be read for yourselves.
Frankie also works in a bookshop with her best friend Cat. Cat, Frankie and Sunny all seemed slightly nuts at times, and there are many laughs to be had. Sunny is rather impulsive and I found myself warming to him really fast, especially with the antics of their first three encounters.
This spoke to me on many levels, as someone interested in publishing, as a booklover, as a blogger, as well as a story of friendship and a fledgling romance. Add in some bonkers parents, assorted quirky dates with a whole array of people, and an unlikely friendship and you have a wonderful mix in this rather enchanting book.
It is clear the authors are huge literary fans, and this is a rather accomplished debut - highly entertaining and generally a lot of fun. It is a book that I greatly enjoyed and I'd love to see what the authors do next.
Thank you to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

*Book provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
Frankie Rose leaves books on the underground or train to meet new men. A very clever idea and since books are her life, she can find out more about a guy, by looking at their taste in books.
She starts writing a blog about her experiences, which is fab and gives the book this special touch. The idea behind this book is fantastic, I loved reading the comments after her blog posts and of course I am a bookworm myself, so the mentioned books made me happy. For someone not being that much into books and genres it could be difficult to follow though.
I felt that at times, there was also too much going on: the blog, the dates, the men, her best friend and other characters, kind of overwhelming.
Frankie starts falling for one of the guys, but keeps on dating others. He also doesn’t have the same taste in books, so it’s definitely not easy. The way certain things happened in the plot, didn’t make sense to me, but I still really enjoyed reading it.
It’s funny, fast-paced, fresh and entertaining.

Between the daily pages of life, the book ninja is like a Love Letter to all things reading and books. I loved every line of this story.

It's a delightful story of two friends Frankie and Cat as they navigate love and life. It's full escapism and the perfect beach read. Its all set in Melbourne and with lots of local references and based on the the girls running a bookshop and using books to find Frankie her new love. It has some lively side characters and the girls antics are great fun, ludicrous and what friends do.
I loved the link to all the books in the story and they way there storylines were referred to, I've added a few titles from this to my 'on the bedside to read' list.
Overall really enjoyable, escapism, sorry my only negative, the title of the book not sure it would draw me in if it was on the shelf?

**Could you find your perfect man by looking at his book shelf?**
'Frankie, think about it. Literature is your life. You've been trawling Tinder looking for well-read intellectuals, but it's not working. Let's shake things up! Just use your favourite books to find a man.'
Frankie Rose is desperate for love. Or a relationship. Or just a date with a semi-normal person. It’s not that she hasn’t tried – Frankie is the queen of online dating. But she has had enough.
With the help of her best friend and colleague Cat, Frankie decides to embark on the ultimate dating experiment. Inspired by her surroundings at The Little Brunswick Bookshop where she works, Frankie places her hope in her favourite books to find her the perfect man… Secretly planting copies on trains, trams and buses, Frankie hopes to find the man of her dreams through a mutual love of good books. The only flaw to the plan? That she may never get her books back!
But that turns out to be the least of her worries... In between crazy dates and writing them up on her blog, Frankie stumbles upon her perfect man. There's just one problem...Frankie is strictly a Jane Austen kind of woman and Sunny is really into Young Adult. Seriously, obsessively into it...
Can Frankie overcome her book snobbery for the man of her dreams? Or will she be left searching the trains for her modern-day Mr Darcy forever?
I was instantly attracted to The Book Ninja – I can’t resist a book about books! I wasn’t disappointed. I loved the whole premise, the idea of leaving favourite books on trains – to find a date, is so original and really worked. The relationships between the main characters are really believable and even though some of the minor characters are slightly OTT they fit with the quirky feel of the book. I loved all the literary references and as a fellow Jane Austen fan I was delighted to see her wisdom used throughout. I don’t think I’ve ever read a novel that has made reference to so many other books and such an eclectic variety too. I made a list of the ones I haven’t read to add to my already huge TBR list!