Member Reviews

My first novel by Chris Merritt and didn’t originally realise it was the 2nd in the series but it worked well as a stand-alone. Interesting storyline and characters. Will look for the others in the series.

Really great debut, I wasn't expecting the end and I found the characters realistic and engaging. I suggested this book for my book club. Hoping they pick it up!

I have never read this author before.
I did enjoy this book andnit did move at a quick pace.
I did however manage to guess who the killer was. This was a bit disappointing.
But overall i did enjoy this book

This is the second book that I have read by this author and the second featuring DI Boateng and his team. I do enjoy their different personalities but I didn’t fully gel with Boateng in this book.
I enjoyed the plot, I felt that it slowed down towards the middle of the book so I was really pleased when the pace picked back up as I got past the half way stage. I enjoyed the writing style and DS Jones was really able to come out of her shell and I admired her spirit and determination to get the case solved despite the criticism and mocking from some of her male team members.
I did like that there were a number of potential suspects for me as to who was responsible and I was still guessing very near the end of the book. I liked that I got to see inside the killers mind and their thoughts – but I still couldn’t guess who it was – I did enjoy the ending and how it wrapped up all the loose ends.
Four stars from me – an enjoyable read!

Detective Zac Boateng receives and invitation to meet up with an old friend Troy McEwen to talk about the old days but when he arrives he finds his friend dead. The verdict is suicide but Zac has his doubts so he starts to delve deeper only to find that there is a link to another incident two decades ago and that more people who were there that day are now dead. In order to conduct a full investigation Zac will have to disclose everything he knows about what happened that fateful day and he never told anyone not even his wife Etta and he knows by revealing what he knows he could put everyone he cares about in danger.
Last Witness is a very intense gripping read which I have no hesitation in recommending.
Thank you to Bookouture, NetGalley and Chris Merrritt for the arc of Last Witness my review is honest and unbiased in any way.

This was an incredible book! Well written, gripping, with a strong storyline and really good characters.
Zac Boateng is back with a bang, when a good friend commits suicide. Or did he? As Zac investigates, there are lots of red herrings. And then someone else dies, someone connected to that terrible situation in 1998...
As in the first book, I really liked Zac, he is a strong, ethical man who has the respect of his team and the love of his wife and child. He isn't afraid to show weakness, and again, I LOVE the relationship he has with his wife, it is really special. The case he tackles in this book though, is a doozy and I did not see the twist coming, which is always a good thing.
This author is one to watch.
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture.
5 solid stars from me.

I went to start book 3 in this series and suddenly realised I hadn't read book 2, how bad of me is that. So over Christmas I decided while I had a little time off work, I could play catch up on some of the series I've gotten a little behind with. Starting with this bad boy.
What a brilliant read I picked. I was introduce to Zac Boateng in book one, Bring her back. That book opened with such a gripping start it was so difficult to put it down. This one was no different. Another brilliant start to a book, and a main character who is growing on me the more I read about him. What is it with Bookouture authors, they seem to crate some of the best fictional characters there is. Mainly detectives.
This book kicks off with Detective Inspector Zac Boateng receiving a call from an old friends, a long time friend, yet when he arrives at the house there is no answer. gaining entry to the house he discovers his friend, Troy McEwen is dead. It looks like suicide to anyone but Zac, Zac is convinced that his friend would not have committed suicide.
Zac has to investigate Troy's death off the record, there is no way he can leave it at a suicide verdict, he know's different. When other things start happening that seem to relate to something that had happened in Zac and Troys past, Zac knows he's on the right tracks.
But at what expense will Zac go to to prove himself right.
A brilliant nail biting read. Any crime thriller fans will enjoy this series. There is only one thing for me to do now and that is to start book 3.

This was the second book by Chris Merritt I've read this month, and they just get better and better. The book grips you from the beginning and doesn't let go until the very end. Recommended.

Case n° 2018-104
Location: Chocolat’n’Waffles precinct
Date: Monday 24th, December 2018
Time: 7:00am
Interview n°1
Witness: Meggy Roussel
Officer Review to interview Ms Roussel regarding her activity of reading Last Witness by Chris Merritt. This is a formal interview. Ms Roussel has declined the presence of a solicitor.
Police Officer
Are you comfortable?
Ms Roussel
As much as one can be when sitting in a lotus position while her mind is bursting with things to say.
Police Officer
Let’s cut to the chase then. Can you describe what you saw?
Ms Roussel
Police Officer
Be more specific.
Ms Roussel.
Okay, I’ll try. I… Saw a cover. I’ll admit I couldn’t resist. The train station image stuck with me. The darkness, the loneliness, the danger, I could feel it all. Now, I have learned to be patient, so I waited. I waited so long. Then one day I just gave in… I picked the book. I took a peak.
Police Officer
So, you admit to having read the novel?
Ms Roussel
There is no point in denying it, now. You caught me red-handed. But it’s okay. I would it again.
Police Officer.
You’re admitting you would do the exact same thing with the risk of being discovered again. Can you explain why?
Ms Roussel
Because you’d have to be crazy not to read this book!
Police Officer
Can you elaborate?
Ms Roussel
Do you know how hard it is to find a police procedural that keeps me up at night? I have insomnia, so I have a strict routine and it takes a lot. And I mean A LOT to make me forget about the rules and stay awake until two. Well, I’m usually awake but books are forbidden in case one is so good that my brain feeds off it and uses it as an excuse to get even less sleep than usual. That’s what happened with Last Witness.
Police Officer
And does it explain your erratic behaviour?
Ms Roussel
I wouldn’t call yelling ‘I knew it!!!!!!’ at 2.07am an erratic behaviour.
Police Officer
Your neighbours disagree.
Ms Roussel
Because they haven’t read what I read. And they’re no fun.
Police Officer
Can you tell us what led you to this… situation, late at night?
Ms Roussel
It is simple. I grabbed my Kindle at 4pm that day. I just wanted to chill. I wanted to tackle that frightening TBR and make a dent in this awful NetGalley backlog. The title appealed to me. I mean, witnesses, you never know if you can believe all they say, right? But also, they can be so dangerous… What can they do with the information they get? Often, they don’t ask for anything, and surely, the opening of Last Witness proved that being an unintentional witness can scar you for life. I mean. That opening? Did I tell you how good it was? How my blood went from regular to cold, to burning with adrenaline, to dead freezing?? If you start reading a book and it has this effect on you, don’t ever stop, do you hear me???
Police Officer
I’m the one asking the questions here. So, you had fun with the beginning of a book.
Ms Roussel
Fun is NOT the word I would use for this opening. I was scared, my body was shivering with trepidation, my brain was sizzling, trying to get all the details in. Okay, yes. I loved it. I was breathless and stunned by the impact of each chosen word. That’s when I knew.
Police Officer
Knew what?
Ms Roussel
That the author had won. I was hooked. His writing is razor-sharp, intense, and yet there is so much emotion coming and going, it’s bliss. Pure bliss. I know you’re gonna say everyone can write. No. No, you are so wrong. There are lots of amazing authors, I’ll give you that. But Chris Merritt? He knows how to get you hooked and unable to think of anything else than what’s awaiting you on the next page. I physically could not put the Kindle down!
Police Officer
Was there a gun pointed at you to prevent you from putting said object on a table?
Ms Roussel
You don’t get it, do you? The book was the gun! I read as if my life depended on it. Nothing else mattered.
Police Officer
What made you feel this way?
Ms Roussel
What, you’re a psychiatrist now? Sorry, officer. The plot. Obviously, it was the plot. You must be at the heart of the action on a daily basis but for my part, I get my action through books. Last Witness is taut, crazily good, mixing past and present in a way that makes your stomach churn. A sense of foreboding crept up on me. I don’t know why or how, but I cared for the characters, all of them. Zac Boaten has seen a lot during his career as a police officer. And his early days are back to haunt him. He has to deal with losing a friend, connecting dots, fighting against people who won’t listen to him, just to get to the bottom of a deadly, outstanding scheme for revenge. I loved getting to know him through the man he is now, the things eating at him, his decisions, and his family. No Super Cop, just a family guy with death at his heels. Isn’t it exciting?
Police Officer
I am getting worried about your mental state. Do all crimes have that effect on you?
Ms Roussel
Only the best ones. And I haven’t told you about the rest of the team. Well, the other characters, because the author didn’t create a perfect paper world. No, he filled his novel with likeable and unlikeable characters. People you judge based on what you’re given, before something happens and your opinion changes. Once. Twice. Thrice… You see, they all have a face and a body language in my mind. Again, that’s the writing’s fault. They are not soulless sculptures, they are real life guys and women. Some I’d like to chat to, like Jones, and others I’d avoid at all costs. But they made it so easy to imagine every interaction that I took a guilty pleasure in trying to figure out who to put in the good guys box, who to send to the bad place, whose arse to kick.
Police Officer
So, you made up for your lack of real-life friends with book characters…
Ms Roussel
You make my life sound very dull.
Police officer
Isn’t it the truth? It still doesn’t explain the sudden screams and excitement.
Ms Roussel
Have you ever played Cluedo? Don’t you throw your fist in the air and grin because you’ve found out who killed Mustard in the library? Don’t answer this, I know you’ve done it. We all have. It’s the same thing here! I was given suspects. Well, I suspected everyone. I had no choice but to follow Zac, try not to be freaked out by the weird chapters from an unknown narrator, and see evil close in on a good cop who had made a bad decision years back. Don’t you get it? How can our brain take so much tension and no release it when you think you’ve got the theory right? Because I had!!! I am a great detective, by the way. Do you take applications?
Police Officer
You don’t fit the profile. Let’s go back to the crime.
Ms Roussel
If you think waking up kids in the middle of the night is a crime, you don’t fit the profile to be a cop either! Hey, I have dealt with gruesome deaths, a million questions, and I made it out alive! I was never sure of anything until I neared the end, and even then, I was scared as hell about what was going to happen! Isn’t that brilliant??? There is a dark undertone to this series and I want more.
Police Officer
Alright. Let’s imagine your reasons are valid. What happens next? Do you know?
Ms Roussel
I know I won’t be the Last Witness.
7.49am End of interview. The witness is unstable and obviously still in shock. She keeps repeating the address of the website where you can get the book mentioned. She won’t apologize for having one of the best nights of her life. However, she doesn’t appear to be a danger to anyone except her neighbours…

Detective Inspector Zac Boateng receives a call to visit a friend, but when he arrives, Troy McEwen is dead. It looks like suicide , but Zac is convinced that this is not the case. As more of his former colleagues are discovered dead, Zac realises that their deaths are connected, and he could be next. Can Zac find the perpetrator before his own life is in danger?
Last Witness is the second book in the series featuring DI Zac Boateng. I haven't read the first book in the series, but I still enjoyed this one, so it can clearly be read as a standalone, but I will be catching up as soon as time allows! Zac is a very likeable character with a complex and interesting back story which kept me intrigued as I read. I was also pleased to learn more about his domestic life, as this gave him a more relatable edge, which helped me to understand the desperate nature of his situation as the plot escalated. As a police officer, Zac is committed and compassionate with strong leadership skills and a good relationship with his team, and I also enjoyed seeing these characters, particularly Jones, thrive.
From the beginning, it is clear that Zac has a secret. There are frequent references to "back then" and "1998" but it is not until much later that we find out what this means. By the time we do, the tension has reached the ceiling, and my heart was racing as I pieced together the different parts of the plot.
Many of the characters, including some of the police officers, are rather shady. This means the list of suspects is fairly long, and Merritt definitely keeps you guessing! There are several twists that threw me off the scent, but there was always something that kept me captivated.
Whilst I can't say too much about the ending without spoilers, it sets us up perfectly for the third book, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

What if you made a mistake and it came back to kill you?
In a clever, noir, and intriguing tale, Merritt writes about a suicide case that could have possibly been a murder. While it took me a while to get into the story, once the secrets, lurking in the shadows, came to light, I couldn't stop reading.

A brilliant continuation to a series which I look forward to reading. The author is going from strength to strength and Zac Boateng is becoming someone I want to read more about,

Second book in the series. But there's no problem reading it as a standalone. A very fast paced crime/police book. I kept turning the pages. Highly recommend it. Thanks Netgalley and Bookouture.

I hadn’t read the first book in this series featuring Detective Zak Boateng but it certainly didn’t spoil my enjoyment of this this book.
Zac has a text from an old friend Troy, who wants to see him. But when Zac arrives Troy is dead, apparently having committed suicide by shooting himself. The case is closed but Zak is convinced it is murder so he starts his own enquiries. More people that Zak now turn up dead and he realises that they are all connected to an incident in his past and believes that he will be the next victim. We learn, as the story progresses, about the incident in 1998 that went wrong and about all the lies and secrets that have been kept. This book was a gripping and tense read with a very intricate plot, plenty of twists and turns and a story full of intrigue. An excellent read.
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

I want to thank Bookouture and Netgalley for this partnership.
I was immediately attracted by the cover, we see a man walking on the platforms of a station and the catchphrase: And if you made a mistake and it came back to kill you?
It all starts when Zac's old friend Troy is found dead at home: suicide verdict. But Zac thinks of a murder made up in suicide and he is sure he will be next on the list. Investigating Zac will come across an affair more than ten years old where mistakes would have been made. Especially as the number of victims increases.
A thriller read in one go, I hooked immediately to the scenario, the story was captivating, filled with suspense and twists. The pen of the author is addictive, eager to read another of his books.

EXCERPT: I didn't know people had so much blood inside them.
Hidden in the pantry, I watch through narrow slats, holding my breath. I'm so scared, I can't move - not even a millimeter. I don't think anyone has seen me, but I can see them. I saw what they did.
ABOUT THIS BOOK: What if you made one mistake and it came back to kill you?
Detective Zac Boateng’s old friend, Troy McEwen, is found dead in his home. The official verdict is suicide. But Boateng believes it was murder. And he thinks he might be next on the killer’s list.
If Troy didn’t take his own life, then who did? As he investigates, Boateng discovers a link to an incident from decades earlier. Mistakes were made that day. Lives were lost and secrets kept. Until now…
As more people who were there on that fateful day are found dead, Boateng knows that the killer is closing in on him…
MY THOUGHTS: I enjoyed meeting up with Zac Boateng, his team and family again. And while I didn't quite like Last Witness as much as Bring Her Back, it was still a fast paced and thrilling read.
The author strikes a good balance between the structure of a police procedural and the development of the characters, both in their professional and personal lives. An effective trail is laid, hinting at something sinister in Boateng’s past. Something he shared with a fellow officer who has just been found dead. Something bad enough that, if revealed, could end his career. Merritt creates a suspenseful setting with no shortage of possible suspects. I didn't know who to trust. And I am sure that we have not seen the last of some of the characters introduced here. . .
Another thing I like about this series is that the main characters are mostly 'normal' people. Yes they have pasts, and not always squeaky clean ones, but mostly they are well adjusted and lead relatively regular lives.
Although this is the second book in a series, it is perfectly able to be read as a stand-alone. But believe me, you will be missing out on a great read if you bypass Bring Her Back.
Thank you to Bookouture via Netgalley for providing a digital ARC of Last Witness by Chris Merritt for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.
Please refer to my Goodreads.com profile page or the 'about' page on sandysbookaday.wordpress.com for an explanation of my rating system.
This review and others are also published on my blog sandysbookaday.wordpress.com

“The only mistakes you make are the opportunities you don’t react to”
Zac Boateng is back and he’s policing in his own unique way again. And it’s another personal case he’s got to solve! Old friendships die hard and Zac has to open old wounds. Painful wounds and the old friends all have something to hide….but someone wants the secrets out in the open. Who can Zac trust?!
I’m one of those people who wants to solve the case before the grand reveal. Frequently I get it wrong or I can’t settle on a suspect. But with Last Witness, just before half way through I had my suspect….and despite the author’s efforts to change my mind, I didn’t waver from my choice which does make a change. Was I right? Now that would be a spoiler and there are #nospoilers here!
I was extremely intrigued who is Jim and who he works for?? How does he fit into this complex story? He was a man I needed to keep an eye on….and I’m glad I did!
“Your sin will find you out”
This is a very tense read from Chris Merritt which I thoroughly enjoyed. And the climax!! Oh my that was brilliant! This dark crime thriller is a cracker of a read. I can’t wait for Book 3! Mr Merritt, I can’t believe you left me hanging!! I need Book 3 right now!!!!

When your past comes back to haunt you...
Crime thriller and police procedural, the second in a series featuring Detective Inspector Zac Boateng of the Lewisham Major Investigation Team. An old colleague is found dead -- a suspected suicide. Then another. And yet another. Three dead cops, all from the team that had responded to a 999 call years ago when they were all new to the police force. Obviously the deaths are murders, and Zac knows that he's next on the list because he was there that night as well. Something happened inside that house years ago and someone wants them to pay for it.
This is rather slow moving and also involves a concurrent unrelated investigation into hate crime in the area. I knew almost immediately who was behind the killing of the cops, so the reveal came as no surprise. I had enjoyed the first book in this new series, BRING HER BACK, so had wanted to follow up. I know there's a third in the works. The character of DI Boateng is rather stereotypical of male detectives -- strong silent type family man. Zac carries a lot of guilt (from events related to the first book) and with what happened to cause a killer to come after him in this book. Some interesting themes in the book include police welfare (psychological counseling and all-t00-common problem of police suicide) and the unique use of the drug, succinylcholine, a paralyzing agent.
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the e-book ARC to read and review.

Detective Inspector Zachariah Boateng gets a text from his old friend Troy McEwen wanting to talk about old times, Zac immediately goes to see him but finds him dead. It’s written off as a suicide due to Troy’s mental health issue but Zac knows the truth. There’s a secret he’s been carrying round with him for almost twenty years, a secret only a few people knew including Troy, and it looked like it was coming back to haunted him.
So this is the second in the DI Boateng series and can be easily read as a stand alone, something I can attest to having not read the first myself.
This is a really dark, fast paced and gripping read, with the tension never really lets up and will have you turning those pages!
There are two stories in the novel, the first is Troy’s suicide which leads Zac to encounter fiery journalist Faye Rix who accuses Troy of having ties to organised crime. The second and more minor of the storylines is to do with racially motivated killings which is what he’s supposed to be investigating.
Boateng is a really fascinating character to read. He’s tortured by the death of his young daughter Amelia, in a gangland shooting, he refuses to back down and will not give up which makes him bend the rules quite a bit. What was more unusual was he was happily married to Etta which frankly makes a change that the usual divorced/murdered and is looking for their killer back story you usually get.
I have to be honest I did figure out who the murderer was but Chris Merritt did have me doubting myself! There was also a little twist in the end that I would never have seen coming in a million years!
I’d recommend this to anyone who loves a police procedural with a diverse cast of characters that doesn’t let up the pace throughout. I look forward to reading more books by this author.

What Can I say..... Thank you to my favourite publishers Bookouture, Net Galley and the author for a ARC Copy for an honest review....
What a great read ! Tense, suspenseful and thoroughly gripping from first page to last!
What if you made one mistake and it came back to kill you?
Detective Zac Boateng’s old friend, Troy McEwen, is found dead in his home. The official verdict is suicide. But Boateng believes it was murder. And he thinks he might be next on the killer’s list.
If Troy didn’t take his own life, then who did? As he investigates, Boateng discovers a link to an incident from decades earlier. Mistakes were made that day. Lives were lost and secrets kept. Until now…
As more people who were there on that fateful day are found dead, Boateng knows that the killer is closing in on him…
A tense, fast paced procedural full of mystery and several very good twists. It held my attention throughout and I raced through the pages, I was desperate to know the details of the 1998 incident…and also kept guessing the killer, a compelling and gripping thriller. The story and
characters are very realistic and police procedures are skilfully accurate, the pacing excellent and the twists unexpected, although I did guess correctly near the end....’
A great collection of characters, from the police officers to all the suspects... A very intelligent story
Thank you for a great book, do I wait for number three, or read number one ?
Another great Police Inspector to follow, alongside Angela Marsons and Robert Bryndza books.