Member Reviews

Come Away With Me by Maddie Please is a truly entertaining romantic comedy! Maddie creates a wonderful blend of lighthearted humor, intriguing plot and lovable characters that are sure to capture your heart.
The story follows Alexa Fisher, who finds herself stuck on a twelve-day cruise with her judgmental younger sister, India. In an attempt to escape her overbearing sibling and find her own adventure, Alexa meets Gabriel Frost. This mysterious and handsome man helps Alexa find the courage to follow her heart and uncover the secret of their connection.
This story offers an exciting escape, with just enough laughter and tears to leave you wanting more. The dialogue is engaging and cleverly written, making the characters come alive. Maddie has created a delightful story of self-discovery and courage, as Alexa navigates through life and love.
Overall, Come Away With Me is a captivating and charming story. It's perfect for readers looking for a romantic escape or just a few hours of much-needed entertainment. We can’t wait for more from Maddie Please!

Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.
After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.
I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

Come Away with Me is the first book I have read by Maddie Please and I am so looking forward to reading her other books. Firstly, the cover is absolutely stunning - so bright and colourful and so inviting.
Come Away with Me was a totally enjoyable read, I loved the setting on a cruise ship, I loved the in-depth description of the characters and the relationship between the sisters, Alexa and India. You felt like you were on the cruise with them!
I loved the authors writing style and I found the book very entertaining. I highly recommend this fun enjoyable read.
This review is based on a NetGalley ARC provided in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion.

I've read Maddie's books before and enjoyed them. This one was ok but I found myself skim reading some of it. I enjoyed the story and reading about a cruise but I did get a little bored. Glad they ended up together but it was predictable they'd find each other again.
I'd look out for her next book and thank you for accepting my request.

Great easy read, two sisters go on a cruise together as a hen holiday. Although they have to learn to live together again and forget their sibling squabbles they have a great time. Bit obvious who is the love interest for the single sister but still a good read.

I was drawn to the cover of this book - bright and cheerful. As someone that likes to get away, I knew this would be ideal for me.. I have no experience of cruising though so cannot compare to that but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
I really liked the characters, as well as the relationship between sisters. If you're anything like me you will probably instantly like one sister more than the other.
This is a very enjoyable read and for people like me that may be curious about cruising it probably is a good great introduction to what life on board could be like.

Thoroughly enjoyed sailing along with sisters Alexa & India on their unexpected girly cruise. I have read previous titles by this author & this one was just as good as her others. As a first time cruiser myself I felt at home with Alexa on her travels,although the story was based mainly on the ship & her interaction with other guests, in particular a very handsome one!

This book started and I thought I was not going to get to the end of it - but then it suddenly seemed to become much more engaging and I ended up thoroughly enjoying it.

Cocktails and cruising, what's not to like? Come Away with Me charts the relationship between two sisters Alexa and India whilst on a cruise ahead of India's wedding. No cruise is complete without a romance and obligingly Gabriel floats into view. If you've ever been on a cruise, or want to go on a cruise, love cocktails and love romance this is the book for you.

At first I thought this might be a little to cliche but it turned out to be a really enjoyable read. I found the story entertaining and kept me reading even when I should have turned off the lights and gotten some sleep. The story was fast paced and funny and makes me want to take a cruise. Light hearted and recommend.

he book
When Alexa Fisher finds herself trapped on a twelve-day cruise to celebrate her younger sister’s hen-do – just the two of them – she wishes she’d jumped overboard.
Despite the age difference, India has always been the judgemental sibling, and there’s been even more friction than usual since ‘the big engagement’. With India constantly obsessing over wedding plans, Alexa has never felt more single, or more of a failure.
If only she could find a man who was funny, handsome and faithful. But when she meets the enigmatic (and *gorgeous*) Gabriel Frost on the cruise, he is as cold as his name suggests… Isn’t he?
Set sail for an adventure on the high seas, it’s time for Alexa to discover that sometimes romance can surprise you!
The opinion
Here's another thing I like: main characters that aren't 100% likeable. And, let's be real: Alexa is absolutely not perfect. She even mentions so herself - on multiple occasions. What she is, though, is trying. And sometimes? That's enough.
Let me frame that a little bit better: Alexa has been feeling like second best to her younger sister for a while now. After all, India's the one who gets all their parents' attention, what with her wedding coming up. Oh, and she's the one getting married. And the pretty one. And sometimes, she's a bit childish and mean to her sister.
But then again -childish and mean? That could be said for both of these sisters, from time to time. So, probably, they were very right to think that going on a cruise together? 12 days non-stop in each other's company? Might not be the best of ideas.
As it turns out though: "mum is always right." And in this case? Alexa and India's mum seemed to know that what they needed most was probably to have some fun together. In this case, that fun basically equated to eating and drinking their way through the cruise. They also learned how to make animals out of fruit and towels, why exactly the Titanic sunk...
If you're wondering why I haven't yet mentioned the romance part of this novel, that's because - while it's very much there - it never felt like the main focus of this book. Sure, Alexa falls for Gabriel and they connect and it's all fun and fluff. But all of that is never allowed to take too much time away from the main relationship in this book: Alexa and India. At times, that made the romance seem rather abrupt, but as the novel went on, I actually came to really appreciate that. After all: there's no relationship like the one you can have with your sister, and Maddie Please really allowed that to shine through.
The rating: 3.25/5
If you're looking for some fluffy romance, and that only, this isn't necessarily going to be the book for you. However - if you're in need of some sisterly love developing? Of a cruise right down the US-coast? Of a fun bit of romance, just prominent enough to give this book an excellent flavour? And, of course: if you want to discover a new cocktail recipe every fifth page? Then this book is exactly what you need

Das Buch ist zwar leichte Kost, aber sehr unterhaltsam mit der Botschaft, dass Blut dicker ist als Wasser. Klingt nach Klischee, ist es aber nicht - sehr lebendig geschrieben, macht Spaß. Hat nicht viel Tiefgang, aber ich habe es sehr gern gelesen.

Come Away with Me by Maddie Please is a cute, funny, and fast read romantic comedy. I found this book perfect for a nice escape from life.
I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review

In today’s day and age, information is literally available 24/7 and at the touch of a button. When I read a book that has glaring errors that could have easily been fact-checked and corrected, I get frustrated. This is one of those books. I had high hopes in the first chapter and thought that the premise was a good one (two sisters go on a cruise vacation prior to the younger sister’s wedding). Alexa and India were both well-rounded and vivid characters. However, my joy in the book came to a screeching halt in the second chapter, when Alexa wondered if a family in the departure lounge at the airport was going to Disneyland because they were getting on a flight to Miami. I mean, really, how hard would it have been to verify that DisneyWORLD is in Orlando, FL (not Miami), and that DisneyLAND is across the country in California? And then, as the sisters were landing at JFK airport, Alexa notices 12 lane highways, massive houses with pools, industrial areas and car parks. I can say with certainty that there are no 12 lane highways near JFK, and any houses with pools would be in the Hamptons, which they wouldn’t have flown near unless it was an emergency. These two things in one chapter really burned me, because I then felt like I needed to fact check everything the author cited and that took me completely out of the story. I’m not even going to get started on the cruise experience itself. As to the rest of the plot, there were good moments, and I did like Alexa’s inner-monologues. The thought of a shipboard romance is neat, but this one seemed kind of slap-dash; there wasn’t a lot of depth to it and the whole book sort of ended abruptly. All in all, what could have been a cute, light, take-your-brain out vacation read was ultimately a turn-off for me because of the lack of accuracy. Closer to 2.5 stars, but will give it 3 because Gabriel was fun to imagine. Thank you to NetGalley, HarperCollins, and the author for a digital ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Such a great read. I really enjoyed this read, Maddie Please is a fairly new author to me and I am so glad I read this book.
Full review to follow.

5☆ The Perfect Feel Good Summer Read
First off I want to start by saying what a fantastic cover! It's so bright and warm.
Secondly I want to thank Maddie for starting each chapter off with a delicious cocktail. The perfect way to get into the holiday spirit, especially If the holiday involves a cruise and a hen do!
Ok so now for the story!
Come Away With Me is a feel good, warm read with a good dash of romance and plenty of humour and sibling drama!
Alexa has been roped into going on a cruise with her sister India for her hen do.
Alexa is very much single and the idea of a hen do and wedding talk fills her with dread. But she reluctantly goes along.
Alexa is looking for love, but can she find love as she embarks on an adventure filled with cocktails gallore, drama and fun?
I adored Come Away With Me, the characters were quirky and fun, the settings were beautifully written.
I loved how Maddie made the ship come alive, I've never been on a cruise and always wondered what it would be like and Maddie made me feel a part of the cruise which I loved.
Alexa and India were great characters, so very different but I could relate to that. As me and my sister are very different. But she is my best friend!.
There was plenty of laugh out loud, giggling moments, there was a good mix romance and drama.
This truly is the perfect Summer Read!
Thank you to Avon books for this copy which I reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

As soon as I seen the cover for this I was so so excited to read this because it is right up my street and oh boy I was not disappointed! This was AMAZING! I think it has got to be one of my favourite books!
Everything from the characters, the location, the story, it was all perfect!
Alexa and her sister India's relationship is just brilliant and it is just how sister relationships are and I loved the ups and downs that they had together. I definitely laughed and cried along with them throughout.
I LOVED the whole cruise ship side of the book. Cruises are something that I am hugely interested in and would love to go on and for me this was so fun hearing about their experience on the cruise and what happens on one, all the different stops, locations, foods and COCKTAILS! Oh my mouth watered at each of the cocktail recipes at the start of each chapter - I just want to try each one!!!!
Come Away With Me is absolutely fantastic it is one of the easiest books I have ever read, I really could not put it down! I have huge amounts of love for this book! I recommend you read this honestly you will not be disappointed!
Maddie I love your books and they are getting better and better! I am so excited for your next one!

The Blurb :
When Alexa Fisher finds herself trapped on a twelve-day cruise to celebrate her younger sister’s hen-do – just the two of them – she wishes she’d jumped overboard.
Despite the age difference, India has always been the judgemental sibling, and there’s been even more friction than usual since ‘the big engagement’. With India constantly obsessing over wedding plans, Alexa has never felt more single, or more of a failure.
She longs to find a man who was funny, handsome and faithful, but when she meets the enigmatic (and gorgeous) Gabriel Frost on the cruise, he seems to be as cold as his name suggests. Or is he…?
My Thoughts :
We meet sisters Alexa and India Fisher, who both work at the family Estate Agency. Alexa seems to do it all whille India just comes and goes as she pleases. India is about to get married to Jerry and cant stop talking about the upcoming wedding. Single Alexa has had enough and wishes she wasnt going to be her bridesmaid, especially as her last relationship ended with him cheating on her.When their mum wins a cruise holiday and cant go she gives it to Alexa and India and it quickly becomes the hen do for India. Alexa cant think of anything worse than being stuck with her sister for 12 days on the sea but goes along with it anyway. I took an instant liking to Alexa and really enjoyed her as a charactor, although India is annoying she does come into her own and becomes a nicer person on the cruise. I really enjoyed all the elements and descriptions in this story, I felt I was right there with the girls. From towel folding to fruit sculptures this was one cruise id be happy to be on. As Alexa meets Gabriel Frost on the cruise, who just happens to be in the room next to the sisters he seems to good to be true, but is he?!. He is on the cruise working with famous Author and speaker Marnie Miller, who was an added bonus to the story aswell.
I loved everything about this book and Maddie Please certainly has a way to draw her readers in with delicious food descriptions, fun evening entertainment, down to earth American couples who sat on the sisters table each night and the beautiful places the ship stopped at, this makes a great holiday read and perfect taster if you have never been on a cruise.
Once again a fantastic read from Maddie Please.

I've never been on a cruise and never particularly wanted to but that didn't stop me enjoying this book. The details were incredible and it was obvious the author had definitely done their research. It was nice to see the exploration of a sibling relationship and that aspect was very enjoyable.
Definitely a feel good read. and one I enjoyed a lot.

I started Maddie Please’s latest novel Come Away With Me just before I went to bed – and before I knew it, it was way past my bedtime and the sun was coming up! A riotous romp that is breezy, hilarious and a joy from start to finish, Come Away With Me is this summer’s must-read romantic comedy!
Alexa Fisher loves her sister India – it’s just a shame that her younger sibling is also the most infuriating and aggravating human being she has ever come across. While Alexa has had to work hard for every single little thing she’s got, India has had everything handed to her on a silver platter by their overly indulgent parents. Alexa spends her days slogging her guts out at the family’s real estate business, while India swans around doing nothing more strenuous than drinking coffee and going out for never-ending lunches. With India’s wedding just around the corner, Alexa is sick and tired of hearing about the upcoming nuptials – and of having to go on a diet to fit into her bridesmaid’s dress. Alexa just want to get as far away from her sister as possible – but that will not prove possible as she finds out over Sunday lunch when their parents make an unexpected announcement.
Alexa and India’s parents seem to be spending more time in the air than on terra firma lately. With a trip to Australia in the offing, Alexa and India were just about to bid their parents bon voyage when their mother receives a phone call informing her that she has won a cruise! But unfortunately the dates clash with the Australia trip. Not about to let this trip go to waste, Alexa and India’s mother comes up with the perfect solution to ensure that this holiday does not go to waste: the girls can go and treat this cruise as India’s hen holiday! Poor Alexa is not exactly thrilled. Spending an afternoon with her sister is enough to have her climbing the walls, how on earth is she going to manage twelve days in her company in the middle of the Atlantic ocean?
It seems like gritting her teeth and bearing it is something which Alexa will be doing a lot of over the course of this holiday. As India incessantly goes on and on about her wedding plans, single Alexa begins to feel miserable and a bit of a failure. Having been on her own for ages, Alexa wonders whether she will ever find her own Prince Charming, but could things be looking up with the arrival of the enigmatic and drop dead gorgeous Gabriel Frost, who has the cabin next door to hers and India’s?
Gabriel might be the sexiest man she has ever clapped eyes on, but he is far too cold and aloof for Alexa…or is he? Will Cupid’s arrow strike on the high seas? Or is Alexa destined to spend the rest of her life being always the bridesmaid, but never the bride?
Funny, engrossing and heart-warming, I didn’t want Come Away With Me to end! Maddie Please is a wonderful writer who made me laugh out loud on many an occasion with her hilariously witty romantic tale. Engaging, enjoyable and absolutely superb, Come Away With Me is a compulsively readable novel with a lovely heroine you will cheer for, a sexy hero you will love and lashings of fun, humour and pathos to keep you entertained from start to finish.
Maddie Please has written a terrific romantic comedy that I simply adored! A fabulous book that is the next best thing to a luxurious cruise, Come Away With Me is an irresistible tale that has keeper written all over it!