Member Reviews

This book was utterly amazing, funny, heartwarming and got me right in the feels numerous times. We all could use a friend in our lives like Georgie Henderson. She’s a career driven professional, though she is behind the eight-ball when it comes to staying on top of the technological advances in the world and especially digital publishing. The thing I loved about Georgie is she doesn’t make any apologies for who she is and that kind of person is who we all need in our lives. She is open, honest, blunt and would bend over backwards for her friends.
Georgie doesn’t want children, the jury is out whether she wants marriage as well, but when her best friend Nina suffers another failure with fertility, Nina asks Georgie to be a surrogate. Not having children, myself, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that asking someone to carry a baby for you is a BIG deal and the decision should not be taken lightly. Surprising herself, Nina, and everyone around her, me included, Georgie agrees. She doesn’t bother to tell her live-in boyfriend, however so you know there’s a huge can of worms just waiting to open here.
Life has a way of throwing curve balls at us, especially when we think we are in control of our collective fates and destiny and Georgie is no exception. When she goes in for the embryo implantation, the doctor tells her it cannot be done because she is already pregnant! Yes, the woman who has no interest in having children of her own has a bun in the oven and it’s a huge understatement to say neither Georgie nor Nina respond well to the news.
What I absolutely loved about this story is we get to join Georgie on this detour that life has thrown her. Without adding any personal beliefs or preferences, the author gives Georgie the freedom to explore all her options. Georgie is in a state of shock and is newly single since the above mentioned can of worms was opened and the live-in boyfriend doesn’t respond well to Georgie’s decision to carry someone’s baby without telling him. Georgie is struggling with whether or not she wants the baby and, more importantly, can she do this? Can she be who this baby will need her to be? Can she love this baby enough? Can she manage the responsibility of another person depending on her 24 / 7 / 365 for their very survival? I honestly was on pins and needles wondering what Georgie would do.
My Final Verdict: The story was hilarious and the author was amazing. I absolutely loved Lauren Sams’s voice and look forward to reading more from her. I highly recommend this book to readers who love stories that make them laugh and that feature characters that are easy to relate to and empathize with.
Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of She’s Having Her Baby from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was a fun, quick read with plenty of laugh out loud moments but still a tender storyline between dear friends. Thank you, NetGalley for the ARC!

I received the ARC of Lauren Sams She’s Having Her Baby recently and just finished this week. I was pleasantly surprised by how many times I laughed out loud during this year and I definitely recommend for a quick fun read. The story is about two best friends, one of whom doesn’t want children and one who is struggling with infertility. The anti-children friend agrees to be the surrogate for the friend who desperately wants them but there are several twists that make this an interesting read!

This book was a quick easy read, but I really enjoyed this story and would love to read more from this author.

She's Having Her Baby is a novel about friendship, relationships, infertility problems, surrogacy, motherhood and pregnancy.

This book was cute, funny, and chock full of interesting characters! I really enjoyed this new take on an old storyline!

I originally requested this book because I have a close friend going through a surrogacy. I thought it would help me to understand the struggles with some humor added in as the title and the cover hinted at some light-heartedness. Luckily, I was right! In my opinion, there are not enough books out there that tackle fertility issues in this way; there are many that paint dark and depressing pictures of characters going through tremendously hard times and most of the time there's not a happy ending. This was exactly the opposite of that and definitely what I was hoping for! The story is of the friendship between Georgie and Nina - two friends with totally opposite family goals and the hilarity that ensues. It was an easy, light read that left me feeling happy and not plagued with the challenge that faces 1 in 8 families today. Definitely recommend!
Thanks to NetGalley and Legend Press for an ARC copy of this title in exchange for an honest review!

A cute, lighthearted tale ..... nothing that’ll keep you up all night with, but definitely worth the read! Thanks to netgalley for the opportunity!

I loved this book! It's a light read, with likable characters and something that is sure to touch readers. It's a feel good book that will leave anyone warm and fuzzy! Five stars!

This book was amazing! Surrogacy is a special thing! Thank you netgalley for the free arc in exchange for an honest review!

***I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for this opportunity.***
This was a great book. The story was captivating and kept me interested throughout. Can’t wait for more from this author.

This is my kind of book. I really enjoyed it. My hat goes off to the main character Georgia for helping her friend Nina when she couldn't have a baby. Even though I'm not a mother myself, I always scope out books about parenthood especially motherhood. I like to hear about the trials and tribulations. I enjoy it in both genres of fiction and non fiction. I hope Lauren writes more in the future especially about motherhood. maybe even a sequel?
Thanks goes to net galley & the publishers for providing me with a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

Wow, was I disappointed in this book. I thought the book would be about a child-free woman who becomes a surrogate mother for her best friend. I kept reading even though the main character is willfully stupid about her job. Every time she protested against doing anything forward thinking about her magazine she's the editor of, I want to know how a character this dumb is my age. Magazines are dying. People are reading more on their e-readers. Stop pretending that you are living in the '90s. Print was dying when you were in college.
Then halfway through the book the main character accidentally got pregnant by her ex-boyfriend and this book went from having a unique plot to the extremely familiar one of a child-free woman finding out she wants a child all along. And when she worried that she was going to be a horrible mother, I agreed with her.
My favorite parts were when people were yelling at the main character for being stupid and selfish. Not that she does any growing or learning.
And her poor best friend deserved so much better than what this book gave her.

I really liked this book. She's Having Her Baby is a heart wrenching, funny, heartwarming, messy, wonderful story. I liked the telling of parenting in all its glory. Thanks to netgalley for the gift of the ARC in exchange for this honest review

This was a fast read, and as a Mom to young kids, I found all the baby/parenting-talk very relatable, and somewhat entertaining. It had me reminiscing on my own pregnancies, which I enjoyed. However, there was just something lacking that I can’t quite articulate to bump this up to a higher rating. Plus, the ending was predictable and yet flawed in its realness. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

I really enjoyed She’s Having Her Baby by Lauren Sams. I went through a real rollercoaster of emotions when reading the book, and just didn’t want it to end.
Georgie is a brilliant character and by the end of the story, you really feel like you have got to know her really well. I really empathised and sympathised with her situation and all of the very difficult life choices she had to make, that would not only affect her but affect others in her life too.
Please see my published Blog post for my review of She's Having Her Baby.

I really enjoyed this book. It deals with friendship, families, fertility, the messiness of life, the human body and other people. It’s fun and funny, heart warming and a little bit heart wrenching too. This is what could happen when a best friend offers to carry the other best friends baby for nine months. This is the fallout
It’s sassy, silly, believable and enjoyable.

This was a wonderful read about infertility and the lengths friends will go to help out their childless friends.
Nina and her husband desperately want s baby and have gone to all lengths to make this happen.
Their last resort is surrogacy from Nina’s best friend Georgie.
The book was very emotional. Having gone through infertility myself I wasn’t sure I would be able to read it.
I would recommend. It’s a lovely read for such a sensitive subject.

She’s Having Her Baby brings equal parts of serious and fun to the table. Whilst the novel can be light hearted and full of laugh out loud moments, there is an honest undertone conveyed that i’m sure many people – myself included – can deeply relate to.
I was instantly drawn to this book by the description – “Georgie Henderson doesn’t want to have kids, but her best friend, Nina, has wanted to have a baby for as long as she can remember. Sadly, Nina’s uterus refuses to cooperate. One drunken evening, Nina asks Georgie for the ultimate favour: would she carry a baby for her? Georgie says yes and spends the next nine months wondering why.” As an individual that suffers from, and has experienced first hand, infertility, I was excited to go on this journey with our main characters Georgie and Nina. I was especially excited to read about an individual who suffers from infertility as I have not found this a common theme in most popular ‘women’s fiction’
Immediately, I deeply connected with the character of Nina and her deep yearning for a child as soon as she was introduced into the plot. Whilst Nina’s struggles can be difficult to read, they parallel the unfortunate circumstances that so many of us must live and deal with on a day to day basis. Her undeniable heartache at not being able to give herself or her husband the one thing they had so desperately wanted was portrayed so heartfelt and genuine I can only applaud Lauren for her depiction of a woman battling infertility, I felt as though I was given a voice within the first few chapters and I think that is a testament to her writing.
Whilst I was intrinsically connected to the character of Nina, it is important for me to reiterate that she is not the focal point of the story and it is in-fact Georgie’s journey that we are taken on.
Georgie is a smart, confident and stubborn 34 year old who is utterly and irrevocably convinced that she does not want children. Georgie is career driven and is downright good at what she does, making her a strong role model and female lead. Whilst she believes she is untouchable at times, there are some key scenes in the novel where reality truly catches up with her and we see behind the wall she has built, we get to see a fragile and emotional person. These scenes were some of my favourites as Georgie became more relatable.
Georgie is Nina’s polar opposite and yet the two are intensely and passionately connected. The pair are lifelong best friends and I think Lauren does an incredible job at building a realistic, engaging and genuinely funny relationship between them, which again is a testament to Lauren’s writing. Nina & Georgie definitely remind me of myself and my best friend from school which is why I think I enjoyed their banter so much!
Whilst Georgie can come across as a selfish/close minded person at times (with her adverse views on children and on mothers whose lives revolve around their kids) she agrees to a selfless act of ‘renting her womb’ to Nina. Georgie agrees to surrogate for her best friend despite not understanding Nina’s need for a child or understanding the depths of Nina and Matt’s pain over the years – all Georgie knows is that her friend is deeply hurting and she will do anything she can to heal this wound for her, even if that means putting herself through something unimaginable by her standards. This act truly highlights what an incredible and compassionate individual Georgie is.
Unfortunately, as with all journeys, there are bumps along the road and things are never quite as they seem. Georgie is left questioning everything she has ever believed and is faced with life changing choices that will no longer only affect her but everybody around her.
She’s Having Her Baby is moving, funny but most of all real. Lauren handles such difficult issues eloquently and with great care, which makes this novel a standout for me. There were twists that I genuinely did not see coming which kept the book fresh and thoroughly enjoyable. If I were to criticise anything, it would be that there was not enough! (What happened with Colin???) Luckily there is a sequel (Crazy, Busy, Guilty) and I am undoubtedly looking forward to reading it!
I would definitely recommend this read to anyone, whether you are looking for fun and laughter or something a little serious. This book has it all! Great twists and a mesmerising set of characters that it is a pleasure getting to know.

I loved this book-until the end. I thought that the struggles that George, Ellie, and Nina were going through were a very accurate portrayal of what it is to deal with infertility, pregnancy, and motherhood today. The writing was great-the book was easy to read and humorous, especially for tackling such difficult issues. However, I just really didn't get the end. I don't want to give anything away, but I am not sure how it would be a satisfactory conclusion for anyone in real life. It seemed like a great way to end a book, but not a realistic scenario for the characters' that were dealt with so realistically throughout the rest of the book.
I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.