Member Reviews

I initially thought this book was going to be for pastors and church leaders. While it would be great for people in those positions, it is also for team leads, team members, or volunteers at a church. It could even be for church members who want to know what they can do to help their church grow and keep new people. Even just selecting a few chapters for the new volunteer or member to read could provide them with great insight about how to provide hospitality to visitors and identify their blind spots. The authors have a knack for bringing to light responses from churches and team members that on the surface seem ok, but don't take into account how a new person who is not familiar with the church culture would react. They also clearly have experience with what visitors notice and react to when they first visit a church. The authors can look from the outside in to see what's helping to bring people back to a church and what's not.

Very insightful. Though I've seen many of these concepts elsewhere, the authors give a reason for the importance of having a good plan in place for making guests feel welcome and important as a person not just a 'warm body' our a number.
It is important to see that the first fueling welcome starts with the volunteers grilling important and being given the tools necessary to strive for excellence in making the guests feel welcome. Many of the ideas and concepts that the authors share will not cost anything more than time to consider and implement. The ones that do carry a financial cost will vary depending on the ministry situation, but in light of people's eternity are infinitely minuscule.