Member Reviews

Due to a passing in the family a few years ago and my subsequent health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for years after the bereavement. Thank you for the opportunity.

One of the best I've read out there on chakra healing! My go-to reference guide that is always on my nightstand. Easy to comprehend, arranged logically and beautiful illustrations and photographs throughout. Crystals, herbs, meditations, and more for healing!

I was not able to read this book before it was archived. However, it is a book I will either buy or get from the library.

The Ultimate Guide to Chakras is wonderfully written and incredibly informational! Whether the reader is just beginning or more advanced, something will be found for everyone. In fact, I found myself learning more than I had anticipated. There is so much in regards to resources and references all fit into this book. From aligning tarot cards, essential oils, crystals, to mantras, and so much more. Each chakra is broken down into terminology that I felt was understandable and not overwhelming. Overall, I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more about the chakras.

I was lucky enough to receive a free copy by of this book via netgalley! A very interesting read! Thank you!

I'm a huge fan of chakra work, and have undertaken it through several healing modalities over the years. This book, then, was a really exciting find. I had to jump right in!
Unfortunately, I felt this book jumped around a lot without explaining even the basics of what a chakra is, and, doing foundational work before getting into the exercises.
As an example, the first section of the book is called, "What is a Chakra?" It then explains the Sanskrit translation (wheel or disk) yet doesn't explain that there are chakras associated with different parts of our bodies. Instead, it immediately jumps to blockages, and that if a chakra is blocked, we'll have issues.
Yes, that makes sense - but really, what IS a chakra? If I were new to this concept, I'd have no idea. It's a wheel? It's a disk? Where? How? What does it do? How does it get blocked? Does it move? Stop moving? (I know the answers to these questions, but someone new to chakra work would not).
Then we go REALLY deep, very quickly, without a lot of proof, explanation or time to assimilate the information.
Another example I found on the same page, in the second section. "Quantum mechanics has proved, via zero-point theory, that particles are never at rest," and then, "... there will always be non-zero kinetic energy". Huh?
There's no explanation of the zero-point theory, or non-zero kinetic energy. There are no references for me to review or seek out on my own. It's assumed you know these things, or will go look them up. Again, as someone VERY familiar with chakras who uses them in her daily work, this seemed like a dive into a deep end that even I was left wondering where were were going.
Then the book moves right into an 'ancestral' meditation-type exercise, without really explaining why we need to connect with our ancestors, or what this has to do with our chakras. It does, however, explain that this is a source of blockages for many of us.
This is all in the first three pages!
Then we move into another mediation that asks you to visualize specific chakras - but of course, the reader has no idea what these are yet, where they are in the body, their colors, nothing. "Visualize your Solar chakra..." uh, is that the sun? In me? Where? (Again, I'm aware where and what this is, I'm just using the questions as an explanation as to the oddities in this book).
I should note that the author does go into more detail (although rarely very thoroughly or with a basic explanation), as each chapter (in the following sections) explains these things. But, how would I know them if I hadn't read those chapters out of order?
As well, the author, again, jumps right into exercises without really explaining anything to a newbie, or even a semi-professional like myself.
The artwork in this book is beautiful, it spoke to me. But the content seemed a mismash and poorly executed. I wanted to love it, I did learn quite a bit, but it's not very useful in practice. I mean, it's great that you're sharing with me essential oils and herbs to work with certain chakras. But... they're from a different lineage of healing, not Ayurvedic or Sanskrit or chakra-based... so I'm confused as to how they're connected. Why would a Native American shaman suggest to use herb XYZ for chakra work, when they don't use the term or this system of healing?
I'll stop, as I could go on for some time about this book... I'm confused as well with the other reviews on NetGalley, and I suspect few actually read the book.
Nutshell: I cannot recommend this book as a resource for chakra work, although the artwork is stunning and worth the price alone.

Gorgeous book that goes over each chakra in an in depth but easy to follow way. Taking a concept that can seem abstract and showing you how it can be incorporated into your everyday like through essential oils, crystals and rituals/meditations. Athena really knows how to connect with the reader and is a wonderful teacher. It's a book I received for review, but have already purchased for myself because I know it's one I'll want to reference again and again.

Very concise book on eveything you want to know about Chakras. Information on each chakra, how to call on them, meditations, etc. Very full of valuable information and very easy to understand and follow. There are other things written about in this book. This is a book even a beginner will find useful and informative. Very well layed out. Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the ARC of this book. Although I received the book in this manner, it did not affect my opinion of this book nor my review.

This book was great for beginners and experts alike for Chakras. I really enjoyed learning more and gaining a stronger understanding of the what and hows of Chakras.

The Ultimate Guide to Chakras by Athena Perrakis is a beautiful, in-depth guide to learning to work with your chakra system. In addition to the seven well-known physical chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, crown), Perrakis includes two others that I found fascinating- the Earth Star and Soul Star chakras. These two, serving as anchors to Earth and Spirit, are located in the etheric body below the feet and above the head. This is the first time I had come across a book working with these chakras.
Each chakra section begins with a brief introduction, followed by a list of reflective writing questions to prepare you for working with that particular chakra. After the questions comes a list of correspondences, such as deity associations, crystal and herb associations, and oracular associations. These are then discussed in greater detail. There follows a creative task and a chakra awakening meditation for the chakra in question.
This is one of the best books for working with chakras that I've come across. The information was clear and concise. I liked that the author said that each individual should tailor tasks to their need rather than insisting it be done this way or that. Great value was placed on trusting one's intuition. The addition of the Earth and Soul Star chakras really helped illustrate how energy moves between us and the universe. Going through the correspondences lists, I noticed that I have different runic associations with each chakra. I work with 32, rather than 24, runes for one. The rest of the correspondences I grok completely. I have plans to purchase a hard copy and go through the exercises thoroughly, when I can work at a slower pace. Highly recommended!
***Many thanks to Netgalley and Quarto Publishing for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

This Chakra guide is visually beautiful and loaded with information. It seems like a lot for a beginner to take in, however is presented in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming. Useful information with a positive message.

I loved learning all about chakras. If you are interested in an alternative way of viewing your body this is a very interesting read.

A fantastic book to teach you the basics and beyond of chakras, crystals, goddesses, mantras and tarot cards. I enjoyed reading the parts with historical figures and the illustrations to accompany them are beautiful.

Very informative book on the Chakras. This is a great reference book as well. It explains in depth each of the Chakras. This book is written for the beginner in mind but does not bore even the advanced person. This is kind of a text book so a little dry but still a great book.
I received this book from the Author or Publisher via Netgalley.com and chose to leave this review.

The Chakras are one of those things I always have a hard time delving into. I love that this book really laid a wonderful foundation, while delving in a bit deeper. I found myself actually learning and comprehending what was being told to me throughout this book. The pictures were a most wonderful addition. I will absolutely be picking up a copy of this one for myself and some loved ones.

I really enjoyed this book. I do not really go into the chakras but I most likely will continue to look into this book. There are some exercises in this book, so that can be helpful and not one time ones so that is helpful.

I have heard that healing as in this book works. While reading it I can understand more about it and I thank the author for her detail and full information. From the Earth Star Chakra (12" below your feet) which connects you to Mother Earth, to the Root Chakra (base of tailbone) which connects you to stability. This book goes into detail on the 9 Chakras and tells you essential oils, gem stones, tarot cards, Goddesses, herbs and runes associated with each. It also has excercises, mantras and questions. This book is also beautifully illustrated and very peaceful to look at. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to know more about Chakras.
I received this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

This is a very good beginners introduction to chakras, but also I would say it goes in depth enough to be suitable for existing practitioners. Beautiful colors and pictures throughout engage the reader.

The Ultimate Guide to Chakras goes in-depth into each Chakra explaining its purpose and matching it with its correlating stones, mantras and such. I learned so much form this book. In fact, this is the book I was looking for to explain Chakras to me. Overall I decided this wasn't something I didn't want to pursue. It's not because the book is bad but because I had enough information to make a decision for my personal life.
I love the artwork in this book. Each goddess image was beautiful and captivating.
Beautiful and informative, I would recommend The Ultimate Guide to Chakras to anyone who wants to know more about the subject.

This book is a stunning informational book with lots of soul. I love the breakdown of each chakra, and how to call on each. I love the mixture of spirituality. Like Athena, I feel all spirituality can be linked and moves toward the same goal. I've always been fascinated with mythology and the similarities from different regions. I'm definitely going to use this guide and share with my family and friends.