Member Reviews

Haley is a courier who hand delivers personal and precious items. Her latest job involves her flying to Sweden to hand over two handmade wedding rings. There is a mix up at the airport which ends up with her taking someone else’s bag. After looking through the bag she works out that she has Michelin star chef Daniel’s bag and she needs to find him ASAP!!
The book is about her search for Daniel. She travels with Bjorn who promises to take her to Daniel, if she help him cross the frozen Lapland countryside with his reindeer.
It is beautifully written, the descriptions so vivid and lifelike, I felt like the frozen grip of winter was seeping from the book!!!
A heartwarming story about Haley’s personal journey as well as her physical journey, throw in some romance and you have the perfect book to snuggle down with, in front of a real fire with a glass of wine!!

Bit late reading this one. But in usual Jo Thomas way she blows your mind.
Draws you in makes you invest in the characters and the story. But also provides such a vivid image of the landscapes as well.
Perfect for this cold we are still having.

Jo Thomas is back and better than ever. I was very excited to get the opportunity to read this book.
A brilliant story set in Sweden that has amazing characters that created so many emotions for me as I read.
Another great read from Jo.

What an absolute treat to have two books from Jo Thomas published this year. She is the queen of Summer reads and has never disappointed with any of her books instead they just get better and better. Now she has given us a Christmas book, A Winter Beneath the Stars, and it turned out to be as delightful and wonderful as all her other books. If she could provide her readers with two books every year I for sure amongst many others would be very happy indeed. Jo takes us on a magical if somewhat Wintry journey through the Swedish countryside, more specifically Tallfours in Lapland, as Halley who works as a courier delivering precious and unusual items all around Europe has an important delivery to complete before a wedding can take place.
Right from the outset this story was so vibrant and descriptive that even though you may never get to visit the area you feel like you have been there thanks to such beautiful writing from Jo. It was filled with stunning imagery so easy to conjure up in ones mind and what's better is you are curled up in a warm cosy house whilst reading yet you can sense the cold, the snow, the isolation of the journey Halley undertakes but it still inspires warm and feel good emotions inside you. Combined with such a fantastic storyline it certainly is a Christmas read that you will want to read in as few sittings as possible.
Halley Hopkins is a seasoned traveller thanks to her job and she carefully plans for every eventuality. She loves what she does but from the beginning I could sense that she was a person who always wanted to be on the go in the sense that she was fleeing or maybe even avoiding someone or something. The reasons behind this did become clear much later on in the story but I had guessed this fairly early on. That said knowing what was going on in Halley's mind didn't detract in any way my overall enjoyment of the story instead it only enhanced it and made me understand what was motivating Halley to act and express her emotions in the way she did.
No doubt about it Halley is efficient and reliable so when a mix up occurs with her baggage, and the precious cargo she is transporting gets lost somewhere, she doesn't stop and all out panic instead she thinks how can I resolve this problem. Little does she realise locating the person who has her bag will provide her with a very special and unique journey of her own. One which will test her to her limits but yet allow her to see a different side to the world. A world where rushing from one job to another is not ones sole purpose. It's a different way of life where you go back to nature and stop and assess everything and literally go back to basics.
As the reader could see Halley was hiding something and hurting also, I did hope that this journey she was embarking on to find a man called Daniel who had her suitcase would prove to be pivotal in changing her mindset both in terms of Christmas and her general life and work attitude. Was she ready to open up and let warmth and love find its way into her heart and mind in order to change her whole outlook on life, only time would tell.
I loved the descriptions of the hotel where Halley was staying. It was like it was cocooned in the wilderness and cut off from everything and really anything could have happened there. It had the ability for magical and surprising things to happen but where the true magic occurred was out on the tundra as Halley takes a major step outside of her comfort zone to find Daniel. This showed her complete dedication to her job that she would literally do anything to be reunited with the bag but really all this was meant to happen. It was Halley's fate written in the stars and although she writes of such wonderful adventures and trips in her travel journal that's all well and good but it is a front and one she cannot keep portraying for much longer.
As she finds a man called Bjorn, deep in the countryside who can reunite her with Daniel she thinks an easy swap will occur. One bag for another, job done, deliver the contents and she is out of here. But Bjorn has other plans as he runs a reindeer herd which must be brought back to local pastures for winter feeding and he cannot bring her to Daniel before the migration is complete. The reader is privy to a little more information regarding Bjorn that is kept secret from Halley and I did question several times why hasn't she realised certain things but I think she was so caught up in the experience and just getting through herding a group of reindeer that she literally took things one hour at a time.
Halley agrees to accompany Bjorn dog sledging and herding the reindeer across the tundra. Initially I thought are you out of your mind? Would you not just go back to the hotel and stay warm by the fire and even be entertained by Lars, the concierge and tour guide, who has an eye for the girls and wait to meet this elusive Daniel? But then I began to understand that deep down Halley wanted to challenge herself, to step out of her comfort zone but also to stay in the good books of her employers in the hopes of gaining a promotion. What followed was simply a brilliant and emotive journey.
A transformation of sorts began to occur as Halley and Bjorn were alone in the wilderness. There was little choice but to keep on going, to march on and deal with her fears as she learns all about the reindeer and how to manage the sled dogs. Such research must have been undertaken into this aspect of Arctic life, even the Northern Lights make an appearance. The descriptions of the tundra were simply breathtaking and all the little details regarding the caring of and transport of the herd were fascinating and so interesting and they really added such depth to my overall reading experience. Halley does find the experience strange, tough and exhausting but I did think this was going to make her a better person in the end. That it would help attempt to get over the hurt she had been harbouring deep inside her. The forest gives both Bjorn and Halley time to think due to the freedom and silence.
Bjorn was an unusual character given that we are privy to more about him than Halley and knew why he acted the way he did. He came across as cold and aloof but I desperately wanted him to open to Halley and for her to do the same with him. Both have their guard up and are lonely and hurt for different reasons but life has thrown this pair together and maybe they should grab the opportunity with both hands and see what path is in store for them. The characters involved in this book have built up defences around themselves and enshrouded themselves in an invisible armour and, yes they're reasons are justified, but sometimes you have to let love and others in to help to comfort, advise and to offer love and support.
Witnessing Bjorn and Halley together was such a joy to read but at times it was frustrating because I wanted to be able to tap one or the other on the shoulder and let a few home truths come out into the open. Saying that this did add to the tension and the sense of urgency and the many surprises that were present in the book and really Halley's story is one you will love from start to finish. So may questions arise the further we race towards the conclusion. Will they reach the new pastures safely and on time? Will Halley get the bag back she so desperately needs to make a wedding a happy and joyful occasion? Will she finally get to meet Daniel? Will either Halley or Bjorn find happiness? Make sure you pick up a copy of A Winter Beneath the Stars to discover the answers and so much more. It's a beautifully crafted festive treat that was enjoyable from the first word to the last.

A Winter Beneath The Stars is a wonderful Christmas read that would be perfect to enjoy under a warm blanket with a hot chocolate.
The author does a fantastic job of setting the scene for this book so the reader can really picture it in their mind. I loved the snowy imagery which seemed almost magical at times. I felt that I could almost feel the cold and had to snuggle under my blanket to keep warm. I would love to visit Sweden in the near future and I’d especially like to go on a sleigh ride with some reindeers as that sounded lots of fun.
The main character, Halley grew on me throughout the book as she seemed quite smug at the beginning which I found a bit annoying. As the story continues and she finds herself out of her comfort zone she grew on me as I felt she let everyone see who she really was. I loved the descriptions of her job though which sounded very exciting and one IdI loveto have.
This is a book that is very easy to lose yourself in for hours as you soon get caught up in the story and the wonderful snowy world the author has created. I absolutely adored the wonderful characters and wanted to keep reading to find out more about them. The author injects a lot of humour into the story which made me laugh out loud at times. I really enjoyed her fabulous descriptions of Halley trying to cope in the snow especially as they seemed very real and things I’d probably do in the same situation.
This is the second book that I’ve read by this author and I can’t wait to read more from her as her books are great escapism! If you like absorbing, magical books that you can cuddle up with this Christmas then you’ll love this book.
Huge thanks to Anne Cater for inviting me onto the blog tour and to Becky from Headline for my copy of this book.

Being a huge crime fan, I've told people for ages that I "don't usually read chick lit" but something has softened in me this year, and I'm finding I am often going in search of something lighter when the blood and guts gets too much. A Winter Beneath The Stars is by far the best "chick lit" book I have read this year. It was lovely to sit in a warm cafe drinking hot chocolate whilst immersing myself in the beautifully described landscape of Sweden. I could feel the cold running through my bones; I salivated at Bjorn's cooking and I relished the warm fires just as much as Halley did.
A Winter Beneath The Stars is a twist on the usual romance formula, as I did not immediately see where the plot would go. Halley has a complex back story, and I loved getting to know her as she opened up both to Bjorn and through her journal. Thomas explores the idea of grief with amazing sensitivity, and this really helped me to find her character likeable and sympathise with her.
Throughout her journey, Halley learns from Bjorn about the Sami way of life. I found this fascinating, and I began to share the respect that Bjorn has for the animals in his care, and at times, I read with trepidation wanting to know that they, as well as Halley and Bjorn were safe.

Oh I do love me a good winter romance novel, and A Winter Beneath the Stars is a very good winter romance novel. In this wonderful new story from Jo Thomas we meet Halley, an international courier whose job it is to escort high value items around Europe until they find their new owner. Her dream is to bag one of the long haul runs and she wants to use this latest trip to Lapland to secure her place. The intended owners are personal family friends of her boss - the job a sure fire hit. Until there is a big baggage mix up and her bag ends up in the hands of a complete stranger.
What follows is Halley's attempt to reunite herself with her bag, and the all important cargo, and get them to their final destination. This takes Halley on an unexpected trip across Sweden, accompanying a strange and gruff man she knows only as Bjorn, a trip which sees her learn many new things - mostly about herself.
Now there is a touch of inevitability about the course plotted in this book - and I don't just mean the course that Bjorn and Halley take to get Bjorn's reindeer safely back to his family farm from their grazing grounds in the north. This is a romantic novel after all and the instant crossed purposes between the pair we know hides a certain amount of attraction. There is just one slight problem. Well two actually. Halley is married although she is somewhat reticent to share the full details of her personal life, and Bjorn isn't being entirely honest about who he is either. We, as readers, know more about Bjorn than Halley, making his deception intriguingly tempting as we are privy to both this thoughts and Halley's throughout the book. Halley's story takes a little longer to come to light and it drip few to readers with each new chapter. They do make a delicious couple though and the more they appear to disagree, the more you can see the chemistry developing.
What I loved about this book is that it takes both the protagonists and the reader on a journey - physical and metaphysical - as we all experience the changing landscape of Sweden and the highs and lows of their travels. Halley has to learn quickly as she tries to lead first a pack of dogs and then a surly old reindeer, Rocky, over snow fields, through woodland and across a frozen lake in order to reach their destination. She experiences things she never expected and comes to learn the importance of living off the land and respecting both the environment and those who live in it. I loved the descriptions of not only the landscape but the animals, each dog and reindeer with their own personality and some very cool names. I mean - who can resist a Husky called Lucas?
Bjorn may come across as a gruff character but he is wounded himself, uncertain and lost after his whole life has changed. Halley is in a similar boat (or sled to be more precise) and needs Bjorn's guidance and understanding in order to finally be free of her own demons. They are two very likeable characters and their stories draw you in. Then you have the slightly nuts concierge, Lars who has taken a shine to Halley and declared her his fate, and even the Bride, Pru's, Nan who shows how important it is to live life to the full no matter what your age. She seems to take a shine to Bjorn, showing Halley a bit if what she is missing by being so aloof and reluctant.
This book is fun, romantic and poignant, full of moments of comedy, moments that will move you and even a few moments that will have you holding your breath as the trip across Sweden takes a dangerous turn. It is littered with misunderstandings and missed opportunities. Most of all, it is a story that reminds us that sometimes it pays to let go of the past and just take a few risks. Sometimes they work out far better than we could have ever dreamed. A fabulously romantic read. With Reindeer. And Huskies! I loved it.

While set in freezing temperatures, this book is a warm romantic read. I definitely want to visit Sweden now, and do my share of reindeer herding! This is a touching story of finding love again, and living life to the fullest instead of just standing on the sidelines.
I guessed Halley’s secret early on, but it was still heartbreaking moment when she finally confessed all to Bjorn. I liked Halley. She felt real, honest, and vulnerable. Her development throughout the book is spectacular and I’m pleased she ended up where she did. I would love to read her travel log, to read about her experiences.
I like Bjorn as well. I liked teh way he felt at peace with the countryside, the way he spoke, the wisdom I felt he had. The way he had patience to teach Halley what she needed to know was a nice touch as well. I’d also love to read Bjorn’s recipe journal. His secret about his identity is obvious at the beginning of him and Halley meeting, but it works well for it to be hidden. I’m a little bit in love with his lifestyle, the dogs and the reindeer. Even all that snow and extremely low temperatures.
As always, Jo Thomas has written a book that instantly transports you to a magical place. She makes you connect with the characters, to feel deeply for them and this book was no different. I love her writing style, and how easily everything flows together.

I found this a truly addictive Christmas read. From page one I was compelled by Halley and her travels across Swedish Lapland.
Of course, things don’t go to plan for courier Halley and she finds herself with all sorts of problems. However, she meets Lars and Bjorn who help her in her quest to return and retrieve some very special lost luggage.
Bjorn introduces her to the life of the Sami, reindeer herders who spend days in the sub-zero temperatures, sleeping under the stars. I wasn’t keen on Bjorn at first but warmed to him completely when I saw what great care he took of his pack of sled dogs. Halley seemed vulnerable and naive for such a seasoned traveller, but as the story unfolds, you begin to see why.
Lars and the other characters back at the hotel bring a cheery humour to the storyline and the stunning location gives the reader a feel for the ‘true’ Lapland.
The message from this book is really profound. I’m not going to take the risk of saying too much in this review, a slight slip would ruin the magic! You will just have to trust me on this one!

Halley is a courier personally delivering precious items. A mix up at an airport results in her bag being switched and to her horror she’s lost some precious wedding rings she’s supposed to be delivering for a wedding in Tallfors in Sweden. She works out from items in the bag she has that her own bag is probably with enigmatic Michelin chef Daniel Nuhtte. The only way to reach him, is to go with the equally enigmatic Bjorn as he herds his reindeer across the frozen Lapland countryside.
Jo Thomas is so brilliant at transporting you to a different place. Whether it’s the wet and windy West Coast of Ireland in The Oyster Catcher, the sunnier climes of Italy in The Olive Branch or snowy Sweden in this book, her attention to detail just makes it so easy to visualise the world her characters inhabit. In A Winter Beneath the Stars there was lots about the frozen landscape which she depicts as beautiful, of course, but also as a place where it can be difficult to survive. Halley learned about the importance of creating warmth with fire and a warm glow with candles. She learned too about not taking more than you need to survive from the natural environment. Although she was quite squeamish (as I would be!) about slaughtering reindeer, she understood the respect shown to the animals by using every part of them when they are killed. Traditions passed on through the generations meant wisdom from the past was not lost.
I loved this book and was with Halley and Bjorn every snowy step of the way. They were such strong and interesting characters. The book was as much about their own personal journeys of self-discovery as it was about the physical journey they were undertaking in real life. Halley in particular was strong, brave and determined even though she perhaps felt as though she was running from her past and not fully facing up to what had happened in her life. I was so happy for her when she realised that the best way to honour her past was to start really living in the present.
For me, the author has captured perfectly the importance of hanging onto love when you find it, as love is so precious. As Halley says, “we don’t know when we’re going to find love or lose it. But I do know that if we find it, we should make the most of it while we can.”

You’ll feel a chill in the air in this atmospheric and powerful mix of adventure and romance set in the icy wastes of the tundra. Great Christmas reading.
Full review to appear in the Sunday Express S magazine in mid December.

Jo Thomas won me over with her debut novel The Oyster Catcher four years ago and I have loved each of her novels that she has released since then. The author has such a unique descriptive writing style that manages to create such vivid settings that transport me to places I could only ever dream of visiting. What I was looking forward to most when I saw the cover and title of her new release A Winter Beneath the Stars was seeing the author step away from the warmth of her summer settings and submerge us in the chilliest of climates setting the idyllic scene in a true winter wonderland.
Our main character in A Winter Beneath the Stars is Halley who is on her way to deliver a special package to the couple due to be wed in Tallfors in North Sweden but luck is against her when she arrives to find she has the wrong case! Desperate to relocate her bag containing the special package as well as her travel journal she embarks on the trip of a life time that will put her to the test when she helps the gorgeous but ill-tempered Bjorn to move his reindeers down from the hills.
This was such an adventurous storyline that made me feel so envious of the journey Halley was undertaking and the experiences she faced in the wild. Discovering the traditions and the way of life of the Sami families was a real pleasure and interest to me.
Halley was an instantly likeable character but it didn’t take long to figure out that she had a heartbreaking secret that she keeps buried from anyone not that she lets anyone close enough to risk exposing her secret. I did know from the very early start what the secret she was hiding was but I have spoken to someone else who read the book who didn’t realise what it was until it was exposed so I won’t say anymore incase I give away and spoilers!
Although there was no decorations, celebrations or appearances from the big man in red I still thought this was a beautiful read perfect for this time of year as the setting was representative of a Christmas card scene and the inclusion of the reindeer and the snow with added helping of the Northern Lights which I have always dreamed of seeing all comes together to make a winter novel perfect.
I did find the storyline very predictable but this didn’t stop my enjoyment as there was so much more to discover in the storyline that held my interest the whole way through. There was some tender moments which were portrayed well and a dashing of romance that warmed the heart. This will definitely be making its way into a number of Christmas present packages from me this year

Halley goes to Sweden to deliver 2 wedding rings, ends up herding reindeer with Bjorn. Both have their own problems, will they help each other sort their lives out? Interesting story line about herding reindeer, brilliantly written, an engrossing. book. Loved it.

Loved this escapist romance set in Lapland. This is a novel that catches you up in a different world and draws you in to it. Well drawn characters and an interesting plot. Highly recommended.

A wonderful read, about coming to terms with loss and living life to the full
This book caught me by surprise.
As is the trend with Scandinavian romances of late I was anticipating a warm snuggly read with lots of Hygge references.
This is not that.
There is romance but it is a slow burn, this book is more about the main characters discovering themselves in a world that has changed around them, be that through loss, a betrayal or just the passage of time.
I did laugh, cry and make several awwww's (blame the reindeers) whilst reading this book, the people on my daily commute must think I'm nuts but as an avid reader, they are all signs of a very good book.
My thanks to #Netgalley and @HeadlineBooks for the opportunity to read this wonderful book. It's five stars from me.
Check out my blog review of A Winter Beneath the Stars by @jo_thomas01 at https://sloantate-mckate.blogspot.com/2018/11/a-winter-beneath-stars-by-jo-thomas.html It's ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ from me. My thanks to #Netgalley and @HeadlineBooks for the opportunity to read this wonderful book.

This is my second book of this authors and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
On a courier trip to Tallfors, deep in Swedish Lapland, everything is going to plan. Halley has her bag, with two precious wedding rings inside for delivery... until she doesn't.
The only way to save the wedding is to team up with mysterious reindeer herder Bjorn, the one person who can lead her across the snowy tundra to be reunited with her bag.
On a journey of a lifetime beneath the stars, with only the reindeer and a bad-tempered stranger for company beside the fire, Halley realises that she will need to confront her past heartaches in order to let the warmth of love in once more...
A unusual festive read with lots of Christmas sparkle... great characters and a lovely storyline.
I enjoyed the dual perspectives... reading from two characters frames of mind helps you understand what is going on with them.
The setting was described so beautifully that it makes you feel like you're there and definitely makes you want to go visit one day.
The Cover is what drew me in to request this story, but when you add in some reindeer and snow... it's definitely the perfect novel to cosy up with a cup of hot chocolate.
A quick, easy, heart-warming novel that I would definitely recommend for a cold chilly evening.
Thank-You Netgalley for my ARC.

I have to be honest when I first started reading this book. I felt a little bit of trepidation. Just because of the silliness of it all. But by the end of page one I was swept away and that was it, I read will into the early hours of the morning. A sign of a cracking book.
There are some wondrous moments in this book as we see the relationship between Halley and Bjorn grow, surrounded by some fabulous wildlife and incredible moments. There was also Lars who provided some light relief throughout.
This is Jo Thomas's first wintery novel and it is clear that a lot of research has gone into this book - from the description of the reindeer to how the Sami herd, to everything else. This created a much more real and atmospheric read that pulled me in.
Both Halley and Bjorn are hiding secrets from each other. And while I did guess early on what those secrets were, there were still a couple of reveals that took me by surprise.
I really enjoyed reading this book, and I was so sad when it came the end. If fact I kept swiping at my kindle in the hope that an extra page or two would appear. I do hope that Jo comes back to this story as I could have kept reading forever!

An unusual festive romance, with the main characters herding reindeer back to their winter pasture. I really enjoyed the descriptions of the snowy scenery and the way that Halley worked through her grief by getting in touch with nature. Her personalisation of some of the reindeer was amusing and the story is hopeful and touching. Definitely good for getting you in a festive, cosy groove!

I usually like Jo Thomas books, but this is my least favourite. This book is described as a romantic comedy - I don't think there was much humour in it. Halley came across as too serious, despondent, whiny even. I know she was still grieving, but there was nothing likeable about her. As for Daniel, well, he was a bit of a misery as well! What a pair. I did like the descriptive elements, the scenery, herding the reindeers, and so on. The ending seemed appropriate, but the bit in the middle, when they try to move the reindeer, goes on for far too long. I kept thinking 'get a move on'.

Absolutely loved this book. This is the first book i have read from this author and I can't wait to read more. I really felt like I was there and was taking part in everything going on!