Member Reviews

It's been quite some time since I have read a Milly Johnson book and needed a break from the crime so picked this one up and was looking forward to it. I have to be completely honest and say I wasn't blown away by this particular book which is a shame as I have absolutely loved some of her other books.

This book is based on three women brought together by their membership of the Christmas Pudding Club (a club for women expecting a baby around Christmas). Eve Glace, Annie Pandoro and Palma Collins are the three characters who we get meet and delve into their lives. The first few chpaters for some reason felt a little hard going with the introduction of the people in these womens lives. Once I got to grips with everybody the story certainly flowed but I couldn't really get into the storyline and I actually don't know why.

The story overall was okay but for some reason I couldn't quite gel with it and didn't much care what happened to the characters. I think I may well have dulled certain senses in my brain by reading too much crime fiction. I will no doubt return to this author at a later date....

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Working my way through the back catalogue of this author (who I love!) and my Christmas themed reads, I decided to give this book a go! I've read some fabulous books by this author, so really I hoped I would love this one just as much. We meet three women - Annie, Palma and Eve - who all find themselves unexpectedly pregnant. The story follows their journey not just through their pregnancies, but also through life's trials and tribulations!

This was a lovely read! All the women are due to have their babies around Christmas time, but this isn't the only seasonal aspect of the book with Annie's Christmas Cracker business and Eve's Christmas theme park, WinterWorld taking some of the centre stage! So, whilst it does give plenty of seasonal fun, but the book does focus mainly on the women's pregnancies. I really liked the three main characters, with Palma being my favourite. I also really liked her storyline, she was on her own and probably struggled more than the other two women, and this made her more relatable. All three women though had some great storylines though and I found myself fondly looking back at my own experiences of heartburn, sickness and scans as I read!

The Christmas Pudding Club, arranged by the local GP, sounded great and it was fun to meet some of the other mums to be who were due around the same time as Annie, Palma and Eve! All the characters were so likeable and I found myself laughing along with them. Be warned though, there are some sad parts to the story regarding pregnancy and this may be a trigger for some. I have to admit to being reduced to tears at some points, but it was all written very sensitively. It doesn't necessarily have to be a Christmas read though and can easily be read at any time of year. It's filled with love, laughter, friendships and of course plenty of tiny little babies! Would recommend!

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I was sent this book by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I loved this book so much that I went and bought a physical copy of it as soon as it came out and Milly Johnson herself actually sent me a pen and bookmark not long afterwards, both of which I do still use, and the book itself is an absolute delight. Milly definitely knows how to draw her readers in and she's truly wonderful.

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What I've come to love and expect from a Milly Johnson book is a story full of characters that you take to your heart but what I didn't expect was to go through a gaunlet of emotions alongside the pregnant women who are brought together as part of the 'Christmas Pudding Club'. But don't be fooled thinking this is a Christmas story, it's not as it follows the women through the three trimesters of their pregnancies.

Although the story centres around the three main characters, Annie, Eve and Palma, there are so many more interesting and diverse characters that we are introduced to. Some of whom you might recognise although I have to confess I hadn't read A Winter Flame so this was my first introduction to Eve and her husband Jacques who run Winterworld park but I had come across a few of the women in the Christmas Pudding Club in other books but you don't need to know their back stories to enjoy this one.

Through the friendships that build between the group of women comes opportunities for them all, for Palma it's a chance for a fresh start and to move away from some bad memories, and business arrangements for others. And when Palma needs her new friends for morale support, they were all there by her side every step of the way.

Another aspect I have come to know and love through Milly Johnson's books are the snippets of articles featured in The Daily Trumpet and she didn't disappoint. There were one or two that had me howling in laughter and another that brought a lump to my throat and a tear or two in my eyes.

The Mother of All Christmases was an emotional rollercoaster of a read that deals with some serious and difficult issues with sensitivity and heart.

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Oh my goodness, what's an absolute "Cracker" of a book. I have laughed and cried big snotty weeps with this one but my heart could burst with how wonderful each story for the characters in this book is. I'm not one to spoil a review with what's Inside this little treasure but you won't be left disappointed, it's just heart warmingly wonderful!

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Milly Johnson always knows how to write a great book that just gives me the feeling of comfort. I can always so easily get lost in her writing and this book did just that. Was a perfect Christmas read beautifully written, wonderful characters and drew me in from beginning to end.

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I love all millys books and have read all so amazing the plot just pulls u into it what can i say i love all the characters so Christmas a lovely book i was hooked from the first page just fab

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Over the past month all I’ve really wanted to read are the Milly Johnson books that I hadn’t got around to yet and that’s what I’ve been doing.

In this book we follow three ladies Annie, Eve and Palma through the three trimesters of pregnancy. I loved Palma and Tommy but their part of the story pulled at my heart strings. It was also great to see the characters Eve and Jacques and also the setting of Winterworld again. Also The Daily Trumpet makes an amazing return

Although there are festive themes throughout, theme park called Winterworld and the Cracker Factory (the ones you pull, not eat) the book doesn’t take place at Christmas but the nine months leading up to it.

Reading this book, reminded me why I feel in love with Milly’s writing, her storytelling, six years ago when I read The Yorkshire Pudding Club’ as ‘The Mother of All Christmases’ follows the same premise.

Now I’m off to start another book by Milly.

I received a copy of this book via Netgalley/Simon and Schuster UK in return for an honest and fair review. Thank You!

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This is a very cute and very cosy Christmas read. It's not your typical Christmas read, with a wide range of characters and emotions throughout the book. It's one of the first Milly Johnson books I've read, and I quite like her writing style.

I loved the three different pregnancy stories in this book. It's definitely not a "one size fits all" experience, and you can tell Milly has done quite a lot of research for the respective situations.

There's definitely a Hallmark movie in this, and I would eat it up.

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This is a brilliant, funny and heart warming story. It's about three pregnant women who meet at the Christmas Pudding Club. We follow each woman's story for an enjoyable read.

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Milly Johnson is one of those author's who you know exactly what you're going to get when you read their book - I've heard her say so and I'd agree it's true. There's some difficulties and things the characters weren't expecting, some real life, a fair few laughs but always a happily ever after moment at the end. But despite knowing that she still manages to write enjoyable books and The Mother of All Christmases was no exception. And it still managed to surprise the reader at times. I loved the christmassy feel of this book but more than that I enjoyed revisiting characters from several of Milly Johnson's previous books and seeing where they are now.

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The story centres around three pregnant ladies , Eve, Annie and Palma who are all due to give birth around Christmas and have joined the Christmas Pudding Club set up by their local GP for pregnant ladies due around Christmas to support each other. Annie is in her forties and thought she couldn't have children so when she found out that what she thought was the onset of menopause was actually a pregnancy it was as a miracle! Eve and her husband Jacques own a theme park Winterworld and Palma is a surrogate employed by a wealthy couple who are now getting divorced....... so where does that leave her and the baby!

Another lovely book by this author, it is a real rollercoaster ride with lots of laughter and comedy but then sadness and tears. Great characters.... some that you recognise from previous books...... and a definite must for the bookshelves

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The Mother of All Christmas was Milly Johnson at her best.
Welcome to The Christmas Pudding Club.
Three very strong women are all pregnant but in need of support and are put in touch with The Christmas Pudding Club as we read we get to know these women and there journeys together. Milly Johnson is and amazing story teller and someone a greatly admire so this was a pleasure to read I adore the way she puts words together and creates some very funny and heartwarming reads.
Loved This!

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I laughed and cried in equal measures throughout the book. It is a thought provoking novel and even left me thinking about certain sections days later. It was well written and tackled difficult subjects with thought and consideration for the readers and anyone who might be going through a tough time.

Ive read some of Millys other books but I think is the one I have enjoyed the most so far. It took me a little while to warm to the three main characters but once I was a few chapters in I was hooked. The three charaters although they have seperate stories throughout the book they also are cleverly interwined by somrthing that brings them all together - The Christmas Pudding Club as theyre all due babies at Christmas.

Although set around the festive period dont bve fooled into thinking that this book is your average festive read its not and you will need a tissue or two by then end. Perfect to read at anytime of the year. I will certainly be making an effort to read more of Millys older books and maybe revisiting this book at a later date.

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Completely charming and captivating. Perfect for the festive period, recommended with a nice hot drink!

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What can I say? - this is another great read from Milly Johnson. It was really nice when reading the book and as characters were introduced I was thinking - I know her! I haven't yet read all Milly's back catalogue but I did recognise some of the characters from other books. I felt right at home amongst everyone. It can absolutely be read as a standalone novel, it was just fun to know the back story of some of the characters.
Milly has had a varied life and this shows in her writing; and what she doesn't know about she researches, like the cracker factory some of the girls in the book work at. It was all so realistic and down to earth and I felt like I knew people like this in real life.
As is the norm for her books there is a lot of humour, but there are also some sad and poignant parts which did bring a tear to my eye. The other thing is the excerpts from the "Daily Trumpet" the local paper that cannot report a story correctly to save its life! I even read some of these out loud to my partner as you didn't have to be reading the book to enjoy them. Right at the end of the book are loads and loads of Christmas cracker jokes - and I hadn't heard most of them either - very funny.
Although this is a Christmas book not all the story is set at Christmas and it would be a good read any time of the year. The main thing that pulls the story lines together is the pregnant ladies and their membership of the Christmas Pudding Club.
My only reservation is the title - if it hadn't been by Milly it would not have been on my radar. She does explain at the end of the book that it was going to be called The Christmas Pudding Club at one point as she had a previous novel The Yorkshire Pudding Club which was written from her own pregnancy diaries.

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I loved this book. The women in the Christmas Pudding Club, named because they are all due to give birth at Christmas, all have tales to tell and despite having different backgrounds find friendship.
It is festive, fun and heartbreaking. A pack of tissues is needed.

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I really enjoyed this book. Milly Johnson has a writing style I enjoy and this latest book didn’t disappoint.
It is a stand alone story, but reintroduced characters from previous books, It made me want to re-read her previous books!
You become drawn into the story very quickly, the three main characters are all strong women
It follows the life’s of three women, who become pregnant and meet at a doctors support group called the Christmas pudding club. The book follows their journeys.
The book has been well researched by Milly and it shows. There is lots of laughter but also tears as you follow the characters stories.
Don’t start this book if you have things to get on with in real life, you won’t want to put it down. The book leaves you wanting more........
Better get writing Milly !
A big thank you to Simon and Shuster and @netgalley for enabling me to review this book

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I read a lot of christmas books over the holidays and this was my favourite.

Its quite complex for a christmas story, there are lots of characters and places.

It starts off with a lot of different women coming together to be involved in a christmas pudding club, which was started by their gp so they could meet other pregnant women due to give birth at christmas so they can eb there to support each other.

We follow 3 women through their pregnancys and their lives and back storys.

This isnt all fluffy and light though because we deal with some severe heartbreak when Palma suffers a truly devasatating loss that had me bawling my eyes out.

Loved it.

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I am a massive Milly fan, however this book just did nothing for me. I am not sure why. There were some great characters and a good story line.
I did feel that it was rather long and a smidge predictable.
Love how women can join together to boost each other up when needed And create strong bonds. Great to hear about in a time where women constantly drag each other down..

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